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Chapter 15: Aftermath

Standing there I am thinking about what just had happened.

I had gained yet another enemy that I would have to protect my loved ones from.

Lost in thought I spot in my peripheral view how my cloak is sneaking up to the fainted muggle.

Yeah, it was like that it would take any opportunity to consume magic adapted people that where fainted or sleeping if I did not forbid it for that person in particular.

Luckily I had seen it this time. I cast a charm and the Cloak floats back to its place on my shoulders, and again I am wondering about this fabric.

Nothing else was weightless and yet so smooth like the cloak I now am wrapping around me.

"Take him with you." I ordered Salazar while pointing at the fainted old man.

"He is in need of proper education, if not he would die within the next year. The muggles would kill him as he is now, he can't control the magic inside him and the breakouts would be easy to spot."

"But what would he do at our school ? We can't put him in classes with the other students the age gap is too wide, and he could not learn properly there."

"Well in that you are right you could give him some strength potion and then offer him to work as a caretaker or librarian. Everywhere else is better than here. As his magic is now i wouldn't be surprised if he would cause major eruptions just because of his inability. He needs to be guided properly."

"Ok I admit to that but why don't you take him back it was your proposal after all."

"Well I would if I could, but I have a date with Rowena today and I don't want to miss that, but if you are willing to argue with her over this then I am more than willing to bring this poor soul to our school."

"Ok, ok I will bring him back."

Smiling about the won argument I stroll outside the small store wave my hand and give Rowena the signal, so she could pick me up for our date. The moment my hand came down I already heard a plop.

Standing on my left side in a beautiful blue dress was Rowena she had a beaming smile on her face as she came near me and proceeded to kiss me.

After that however she squinted her eyes and stared me down. What happened she asked, well I knew I couldn't keep it a secret for long but i at least hoped that she would know of it after our date.

I did not want to put a strain on the thing she had planned out for us today.

But she knew me to well, she didn't need long to find out what was wrong so I gave in before she would start to interrogate me in open street and told her about the events that had happened toady.

She gripped me by the collar and apparated.

The scenery where she took me to is beautiful she had prepared everything, from the blanket on the floor to the birds singing their song in the beautiful sunlight.

I think she had prepared everything beforehand. She is like that after all she would not take any chances if she could be prepared for something beforehand she would be prepared, but that also meant she had something big to tell me.

What could it be ? Maybe she would ask me again if we could finally marry. I had always denied because of the age difference, but I had promised her that I would propose to her before the end of the next decade, so I should have had enough time. But what else could it be ?

With these thoughts in my head I got really nervous fidgeting around I am awaiting the news she would bring me. What was so important that she would go to such length to tell me something. There wasn't even any other person near us, I wasn't even sure if we didn't swap the continent.

I had developed a habit where I would always cast detecting charms if I was with her after the last time she had gotten attacked, but I could sense no one in the range of a hundred kilometers. What was so important that she did not want others to know.

" William, calm down" she said in a soothing voice. Looking around me, I could see the cracks in the ground. She had that effect on me if the problem was about her, I couldn't reign myself I would go frantic, but she was there calming me as always.

Her smile made me calm she was here with me there was nothing bad that could happen. " William, I want to tell something wonderful to you."

"What is it Rowena ? " Now even more nervous than before.

"William I am pregnant."

"NO no no no, that cant be real, you are joking right you have to joke." I said as I started crying.

"Yes, William, I am pregnant. I think she is going to be a cute girl."

Closing the distance I embrace her in a hug. Getting more said as I am thinking about it, I am the reason she is dying, I killed her.

I thought she had used protection charms otherwise I wouldn't sleep with her in the first place.

It was nearly impossible for her to get through the pregnancy. The worst thing was that she knew of all of this, but she did not tell me.

We had talked about children before, and I said to her that I did not want any and if she had the need of a child we could maybe adopt a child, but she stood on her point saying that the child had to be from the person she loved.

But this person was me and this had a very tragic site to it. When a wizard is born the balance between the parents is important. Her body would try to match the same magical energy that was contained in my seed.

Her body would cannibalize itself in order to match the strength that I had. Even if she was able to bore the child she would suffer after that, she would be living in constant pain if she did manage to live on.

All of this was known to her, and yet she did not protect herself. Looking at her, I hugged her closer crying till sleep dimmed the pain I was feeling.

Waking up i could see the chaos I had caused the before beautiful scene was now a barren land that looked like a bomb had exploded before, the only untouched spot was a small circle around me and Rowena who still lied next to me with an angelic smile on her face.

Looking at her, I still felt pain, I had killed my most loved person. Thinking about it my being in this world had not impacted the future yet and at that thought I got even more scared. Would I lose my child to some stabbing baron? Just the thought of it let my emotion rise again and with it my magic that hailed down upon this once so beautiful scenery.

Picking my beloved up I apparated back to the school, Helga looked at me and could discern what had happened walking over to me, she hugged me and told me it would be alright. I know better than just hoping it would turn out ok. "Helga keep her safe for me." While Rowena floating into the caring arms of her best friend.

With that i apparate once again. I have a plan I could make a ritual that at least would bring her through the pregnancy. I have thought of that plan before but back then it looked too cruel to me, but desperate times lead to desperate means.

The dragon rituals of old could maybe help her through the labor. But the number of dragon I would have to slay in order to achieve that was ridicules. I wasn't even sure if their where enough dragons alive to fulfill the ritual but I still had to try.

I apparated into the first layer and the dragons started to flee I did not know how they knew it, but it had to be some kind of special spell. Furthermore, I had not leaked any magic. My apparations where silent I had placed an invisibility charm on my self, and yet they started to flee.

Normally I would try to get on the ground of this, but I now had another mission. They had to die so she could live. I just killed the adults, the small dragons could still grow and wouldn't die while their parents are dead. The first five dragons didn't put up much of a fight I just slaughtered them while they were still trying to flee or protecting their children.

The last one of this group however let out a raging fire breath that would have collapsed the cave we were standing in if I had not reacted in time and put a protecting barrier in place. One severing charm to the neck however was enough to cut the head of from the creature.

The next layers were not much different I still hadn't figured it out why the dragons could sense me, but it never made a difference. A month had passed now, and I had raided hundreds of dragon lairs the only damage i took was the mental strain of continuous slaughter. I knew i couldn't go back now, if I told her what I was doing she would tell me to stop but otherwise she wouldn't even be able to get through the pregnancy so I had no other choice. I had to let my pregnant wife alone, i couldn't be with her. But there was light at the end of the tunnel I would need just two more months of raiding before I had everything collected.

Nycs Nycs

Hello everyone I am sorry for the long wait, but I am currently writing on my thesis so i don't have that much spare time. I still hope you enjoy my chapter. Thank you ones again for all the donated stones.

Have a great day and stay healthy.

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