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Chapter 2: Meditation

We arrive at the little zoo in the backyard.

"ughhh, how many time I see that thing it's still creepy for me to see it"

Said Andrian while he making a face of disgust, if I not wrong Andrian has said that he didn't like reptile so I know why he didn't like a snake.

"that's not a thing! he has a proper name. His name is Red, you don't like snakes don't you?"

while I explain to Andrian the snake in my hand was Kalimantan Boa this animal can grow really big but right now this one length is just as big as my hand. Teacher Wessel said he found Red when he is on vacation and he brought it here.

"gehhh I don't like an animal who 'creeping up', I more prefer this Koi Fish or Sugar glider"

"well that's one is cute too. the koi name is Ying yang the sugar glider name ….. monke"

"... really???"

He made a facepalm gesture. Upon hearing a ridiculous name I can understand why he put a facepalm expression. Ying yang got his name because the color of his scale is half white and half black. It resembles of ying-yang logo in Chinese philosophy. As for the sugar glider, the teacher wessel only thought that the sugar glider is similar to the monkey so he just abruptly name it like that. The two of them were bought by teacher Wessel as his collection for this little zoo.

"don't ask me, that was teach the one who gave his name. Oops wait a second this one gonna coming down"

I lift and prepared my right hand who is using the gloves.


a sound of an eagle can be heard. The eagle maneuvering from the sky and landing at my hand.

"yoshh, time to go to the cage Albert"

It was the eagle. The eagle's name is Albert, the species of this eagle was a bald eagle. This species was one of the biggest eagles in the world they hunt a lizard, rat, squirrel, and fish for only two years he is here, he has already grown so big and heavy. When Albert opened his wing and try to fly, the sound of Albert flapping his wing can be heard. Even though Albert softly and soundly flapping his wing we can still hear it. His wing is so big it as big as my hand. Teacher Wessel said he got this eagle from his friend because his friend can't take care of him properly. So he buys Albert and makes him a part of this zoo.

I'm really happy that the teacher wants to buy Albert because that was so cool! Why did I say it is so cool? Have you ever imagine when you're still a child you have a big pet and gallant as an eagle? Or something like t-rex and dinosaur? Well, I'm sure almost all the boys around the world have imagined they have some sort of pet like that. And as a boy, this is a reason why some part of me is happy having an eagle. while patting the head of the eagle I preparing and cleaning the cage.

"you really like animals huh,"

said Andrian while he smiles looking upon me.

"Yes, I really like them"

Answers me. This little zoo was one of the facilities this dorm has. This zoo is also useful for reducing depression. The reason is, according to a published study, just 10 minutes of stroking a pet can reduce stress hormones in significant amounts. Some of the people in this dorm maybe like an animal. Sometimes someone relieves their stress by playing with an animal.

After the whole thing is clear in the little zoo, we plan to go to the canteen first, we think maybe this is the last time we saw it before we leave this dorm. Because of all the rehabilitation, the task, and the other thing is already done. it so sad to leave this dorm but we can't live in here forever we must go on and face the Future. We order some fried rice at the canteen when suddenly someone poking my back.

"eyyy Andrian, len"

someone poking and calling us from our back, the owner of the voice was the girl. We know who's voice is, it was Evie.

"yo, you two"

and there is this man who always going around with Evie it was Rein. Since two years ago he already changes, he someone who doesn't like to talk now he talks a lot with everyone.

"yo Rein, Evie"

"well it's Evie and Rein you two really inseparable aren't you? by the way why are you two still in here? I thought you're didn't waiting for Galen because you're going out from the dorm yesterday with your bag?"

ask Andrian. indeed, the two of them was always together since the first time we met. And it looks like Andrian seeing the two of them going out from this place with a bag yesterday.

"ahh that one, we just go to the village downhill to inform them we gonna leave today. they got a gift for us, well a little parting gift from them they said. And you two also got the gift but they said the two of you must go to the village yourself"

"is that so? Well maybe after we meet with that old man we gonna go round to the village"

it looks like the village is still energetic even though there are only elderly people in there

"you two got the call from the teach too?"

Rein asking us with a surprised face.

"too? That means you too got a call from him huh?"

looks like Evie and Rein is been called by teacher Wessel too.

"hahhhh, I hope this is not some prank from him like that time"

while making a sigh face Andrian remembering our time 2 years ago when we throw at the village for 3 months of free work. That's was harsh but at least it was meaningful.

"ahhhh that time huh? well let's end this chit chat and go to him together if it's like that time we can run away already"

said me while making a suggestion. Well, we're officially already graduate from this dorm so of course, we can ignore the call from the teacher this time.

"ooo you're right"

"Let's do it"

Evie and Rein in agreement with me.

The old man is sometimes giving us a joke like two years ago. But turn out all of his jokes to be not useless, it was before we have the last test from here we realized why he gave us a task like that or sometimes he gives us unreasonable rehabilitation. He always taught us about the cause and effect of the choice we make. Teacher Wessel's goal was to make us understand the importance of the choice. we're thank you from the bottom of our heart. So to pay respect to him the four of us going together meet the old man in the backyard of the dorm, while we chatting about the past 3 years here

"hahaha hahaha, it's that true"

ask Rein with a satisfied face from laugh. He laughs very loudly.

"pfffff, Andrian the chicken thief"

while Evie hold back her laugh

"STOP IT, don't bring the old wound like that"

Andrian desperate to stop me from blabbering about his past. He tries to close my mouth with his hand but I skillfully dodge it.

"well is true, isn't it? the first time I meet with Andrian is 2 half years ago and the first word he said to me is he asking me to borrow my bag. At first, I don't know why he wants to borrow my bag I just guess he needs it to bring his stuff so I'm borrowing it from him. And after 4 or 5 hours he gives it back to me but my bag is smelly, smell like a chicken shit. At first, I don't suspect anything at him. Maybe he has a bad day or what so that's why my bag the one who got the unlucky part. But that night at the hall when the old man gather us and said there is someone from here who stole the chicken from village people, I instantly know that it was him, my thought at that time was...

'that little shit using my bag for that kind of thing'

I want to rattle him to the old man but before I can do it, he rattled me first and said I was the one who stole the chicken using the bag after that we had a heated argument and a big fight. That's why after that incident we forced to become a roommate"


Rein is laughing while making a satisfied face. It was the first time for me seeing him laughing like that.

"sorry… sorry…sorry Andrian I can't hold back my laugh hahahahahhaha"

Said Evie Because she holds her laugh since the first time I tell the story there is tears come from her.

"khhhhhhh, you two are really happy if it's about bullying me aren't you?"

His face is red, red from embarrassment.

"no there is no way you know, pffff"

said Evie while still trying her best to hold back her laughter.

"of course I'm, you little chicken thief"

Meanwhile, Rein mocking him and act mighty because he already knows one of his embarrassing past.

"khhhhh someday I will repay you!! look we already got in the backyard"

We have arrived at the backyard in there the old... I mean teacher Wessel waiting for us, there is a table and a box in front of him.

"you guys are late, but this time I will forgive you since it was the last time for you"

"Please, don't phrase it like that..."

said Evie.

"we're not gonna die we just go out from this dorm teacher. And can you just get it to the point why you ask the four of us to come here?"

ask me. I just want to confirm his intention that's why I ask him.

"sorry sorry oh right let's get it clear, I'm gonna give you the last task"

"man, another task? Should not we already finished all the task"

our expression and voice are in one unison this time we make an exhausting face because our guess was right. The reason the teacher call us because there is another task from him.

"well sorry about that but this is my last task and rehabilitation after that you will be free from all of this"

he is making a serious face, for some reason I felt like I can hear a passion from his voice, looking at his face the four of us known that this time the teacher is serious he's not making a joke from this.

"Okay, we will listen to it,"

said me while making a serious face at him too.

He takes a letter from the box that was already prepared on the table and gives it to the four of us. There is a name written in there when we receive the letter.

"in this letter, there is the last task you should do. You can't speak it to each other and until the job finish I will tell you why I give the job to you"

And so each other of us took the letter and read but without we read it loudly. When I open the letter I expect maybe I have a hard task like maybe we must give a villager contribution that the village will never forget or what. But I was wrong the content of the letter was

"meditate in the little middle island on the lake beside this building for the three hours"

for the moment I think it was a joke. Well, it's understandable if it was the joke he usually does, because in this time who else would give a task for meditation like this? If it's from somewhere around 1000 years ago and I have this task I will not asking him a question. Instead, I will follow this task without asking it but is different for this modern Era that's why I thought that this was a joke from him. I took a glance at his face, he still making a serious face, and explain it to us.

"I know, the content may be ridiculous, but there is meaning in it. I will give you the answer after you finish it"

That's what he said. I can choose to abandon this task, but I choose to trust him, and he gives me his little smile. The four of us then prepare without talking to one another and going to the place that already gives it to us in the letter. It looks like their task was different from mine. After we separated our ways in front of the gate of the dorm, I waved my hand to the three of them the three waved me back and smile at me.

The Island in the middle of the lake is just a small island with 100 X 200 Square. There is one big sakura tree in there. In the meantime, before I got to the middle island I rode a boat with a paddle for the 3 minutes, I paddled the boat,

already got on the island, and secure the place. I make a place for me to comfortably meditate for the next 3 hours. to be honest, I don't know what I must think or do when I'm going to meditate, so I guess maybe the teacher give me this task to make me get more focus that I'm not gonna "lost" like that time, that's what I think.

After the preparation is done. I sit in the place that I'm already prepared. In the beginning, I'm trying to make my mind blank and focus to meditate. on my thought at that time is.

"3 hours it's short it's okay even if it turned to be the joke from the teacher I'm still forgiving him for he already gives me all his support this kind of joke is easy to me."

But I was wrong. I never imagined that this meditation was gonna turned out to changed my whole life. No, to be precise, it turned out to change the Fate of The whole World.

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