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Creatures & Lore

It goes without saying, but there can be hybrids & variations of all species, except Seraphs. If the creature is common enough or well known.



Normal humans. Blue & green have become the dominant eye colors, so dominant that brown eyes are considered a rarity and are stunningly beautiful. Blonde and red hair has become increasingly more common. Average height has increased considerably, with natural selection having tried to ensure humanity's survival, the average height for humans has become 5'8" and up. Anything under 5'6" is short and highly uncommon.


Synthetic Humans:

Humans that are created, not born. Generally genetically engineered, experimented on & genetically enhanced.



Blood suckers, identified most notably by their deathly sharp fangs & horrifying demonic aura. With supernatural strength & inhuman speed. All vampires have a common ancestor, Vlad III Dracula, known as Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler). The Tepes last name, is carried by the highest Ruling Class of the vampires. Three known Rulers carry the name, they have the purest vampire blood coursing through their veins: Vladimir Tepes, Krul Tepes, and Wilhelmina Vlad "Mina" Tepes. Vampires are Immortal, they will only die if their head is chopped off & their body is burned.



Humans with ancestral ties to gods. With the blood of gods coursing through their veins & powers of their ancestors, demi-gods are highly worshipped & truly powerful beings, with a radiance unlike any other. They range from living 10,000 years - 100,000 years, some are blessed with Immortality.



Beings with the blood of Fae, the Wolf Goddess. They have the ability to transform from wolf to human. Graced with super speed, even faster than that of the vampire & undeniable loyalty. Heightened sense of smell, heightened hearing & regenerative abilities. Their packs and their mate are both very important to the werewolf.



A celestial race blessed by God and Satan themselves. Bestowed with the power of creation & devastating destruction, they are the most ferocious race to walk the Earth. Duality plagued their existence. Cursed to walk the Earth for eternity, nothing can kill them, even being torn to nothingness won't truly destroy them.. So powerful that God and the Devil were nearly destroyed by them, so all the angels and all the devils had to unify to seal the Seraphs away. Eradicating the Seraphs was seemingly impossible. All Seraphs became sealed away in a singular vessel. The Original Legion Cursed Seraph. The first thing to ever be created. Way more powerful than every Seraph combined. She is the only thing that can contain them. She was the first and now she is the last. They are Emmortals.



A being with the torso of a fish, and the upper body of a human. They can unhinge their jaw, like a snake and when catching prey or fighting can reveal several rows of razor sharp teeth. They roam the sea, often living in solitude. Much like Sirens, they lure people, notably men to their deaths, dragging them and their ships to the bottom of the sea.



A being much like a mermaid, however, unlike the mermaid, they have the natural ability to transfer between tail fin and feet. Their song is said to be the most beautiful thing on Earth. Their beauty is truly a sight to behold. They lure people in with their appearance & voice. Their enchanting voice will cause people to jump over board and swim toward the Sirens, only to be eaten by the beauties, then getting their stuff taken by the Siren. They are said to be descended from Poseidon & Aphrodite. Sirens are Immortal, however, it is speculated they are Emmortals as nothing thus far has been able to kill them.


Legion Cursed Seraph:

She was the first thing ever to be created. She was a celestial being blessed by God and Satan themselves, as well as being created by them. Bestowed with the power of creation & devastating destruction, she is the most ferocious thing to roam the Earth. Duality plagues her existence. Cursed to walk the Earth for eternity, nothing can kill her, even being torn to nothingness won't truly destroy her.. The race that came after her, were all sealed into her body, after trying to destroy God and the Devil and nearly succeeding. So all the angels and all the devils had to unify to seal the Seraphs away. Eradicating the Seraphs was seemingly impossible. All Seraphs became sealed away in a singular vessel. The Original Legion Cursed Seraph. The first thing to ever be created. Way more powerful than every Seraph combined. She is the only thing that can contain them. She was the first and now she is the last. She is Emmortal, which means for eternity, can't die no matter what.



Males that can use magic & cast spells, enchantments, hexes and curses. Generally they are bonded with a familar. Descendents of the Witch Queen.



Females that can use magic & cast spells, enchantments, hexes and curses. Generally they are bonded with a familar. Descendents of the Witch Queen.



People blessed by the ancient Druids. Ability to create magic circles, create & utilize powerful elemental magic. The Divine art of healing is well within the realm of the possible for mages.



A half devil, comes into existence with the crossing of any variation of devil and mage, devil and witch, & devil and wizard. They have the ability to manifest deadly magic and horrifying enchantments, some have the natural ability to heal and some don't. They can steal & copy most powers & abilities.



Beings with a knack for curses. Uses talismans to create magic. Most notably their slit pupils & dagger-like fangs. Serpentines are known for communication with & manipulation of snakes.



The Vancai, much like the werewolf, are beings with ancestral ties to Khanoa (Khan-Oh-ah), the Cat Goddess. They can transform from human to the cat of their birth. True stealth and very agile. They are very graceful & independent. Powerful claws. Pronounced: (Vaugn-kai).



Beings with beautiful wings & halo, however, they are warriors, frightening in power and stature. They range from 10 to 20 feet tall when in their truest form. Some are even taller. They generally remain in Heaven, coming to Earth to perform the work of God. Graced with Divine Healing & persuasion. Their wings are strong and stunning. Angels wings are valuable for their durability and beauty.



Beings with bat-like wings. They generally do as they wish, always waiting for Satan's command. Many of them remain in Hell. Armed with powerful flames that scorch the Earth & the ability to manipulate.



Demons are extremely rare cases. They are the result of angels and devils interbreeding. Neither the angels nor the devils will accept them, so they teeter between the two worlds in an unforgiving limbo. They possess Blue Hellfire & the ability to bring back the dead & create life. They are highly sought after for their power and immortality.



A being able to grow to human size and shrink to as small as a single inch. They have beautiful wings with veins that sparkle like a moissanite (a shinier version of the diamond). They live anywhere from 500 years to 1,000 years.



Pixies are considered to be evil fairies.



The powerful ancestors of the mages. Able to create terrifying magic without the use of magic circles. They uses magic circles to summon things that were taken to the grave of the Druids, however this art was lost with the supposed Extinction of their race. Rumors still linger that the Druids were really exterminated. They could use a variety of elemental magic, not just fire, water, wind, and earth. They could utilize elements such as lightening, electricity, metal, and wood to name a few. For all their incredible power, they lived relatively short lives. However some found the Fountain of Youth & others created the Potion of Immortality, that many think both were given to one male Druid and one female Druid, as they knew they would be erradicated, so that one day, they could be revived. As the potions still haven't been recovered. Whispers in the wind suggest a Potion of Emmortality was created by the Druids to share.



Novas, once scattered the Earth, today there are less than 30 cities where Novas can be found. They have the power to manipulate the stars. Usually mini planets, mini stars and mini supernovas surround them, constantly circling their body, ready to be used at a moment's notice. Novas can manipulate gravity, by destroying the gravity, most all of them can use this ability to fly. And by destroying the gravity, and creating heavier gravity this ability also gives them an off-brand half version of telekinesis. Novas can create black holes, powerful enough to swallow a 110 mile long city.(The size of Orlando, FL).



Oracles have the ability to develope the power to see the future. Most can predict the future. Some can see the different paths, possibilities of the future. Some can see the future from birth. But many go mad upon the realization of the vast universe. Most commit suicide, kill after going insane. So tradition has it that when an oracle is born outside of Oracle covens or Oracle cities, that they be killed immediately.



Nymphs are the result of a Fairy and Siren. Much like Sirens and Fairies, Nymphs are know for their undeniable beauty. Nymphs are known for being nymphomaniacs. Most are not picky. But there are a few that know that deep, deep down Nymphs are very, very romantic. However, their libidos usually get the best of them, as they are highly sexually motivated, they would rather keep their guard up and get a good fuck out of it, than take a chance of getting hurt by showing their vunerability and secure themselves a life-long partner (which they do desperately crave).



Witchers are the result of a Fairy & a Warlock, etc



Things that have died, they appear transparent, but can make themselves completely visible. Rey have the ability to attach themselves to someone and haunt them.



Sprits are the souls of things.



Beings with long pointed ears, they are amazing crafters. Males stand at 6'4" and are swol. Being very well built and quite muscular with a lean frame. Male elves are usually hired as body guards for their strength, which allows them to keep up with that of vampiric strength. The female elves are generally slender and lean, and thought to be beautiful. The females stand at 5'11. They have enchanting voices and are amazing with instruments and flowers.



Beings who are generally remembered to be short. Males usually stand at 5'0" and females stand at a frightening 4'5". Other than their height, they have short pointed ears. They make excellent blacksmiths and are a tiny force of nature to be reckoned with, most have burning elemental magic. Don't height their height fool you, their rage is incredible.



Reapers are direct descendents of Grimm Reaper & Grimory, they have the ability to trap souls & collect them. They all have a bone mask that dilutes the toxins Reapers can emit to neutralize an aggressive, distressed, or otherwise uncooperative soul. As well as being highly skilled with a traditional scythe, they have a vibrantly nasty aura. Those who can sense auras will generally become fear strickened and feel nauseatingly sick. And without proper training, when they are close with or close to a human, they will involuntarily consume their soul. Being in a relationship with a human will drive the human to commit suicide. There is a hierarchy of Reapers.



(incomplete) Zombies are beings that eat flesh.



(incomplete) Unlike what most stories would have you believe, when gods and goddesses force themselves upon humans, a breed different than Demi-gods are born. Rape is a painful thing, they are the product of it. Demi-gods are those born of love & consent. Demi-Humans are born out of lust and there is no consent involved, usually. They



Iwans are people from Iwani. They are very strong. Super human people who excel at fighting. They are so powerful these humans became their own species.


Synthetic Angels:




But'A'ya'la's are butterfly people. Their wings are beautiful. (incomplete)

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