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'Feeling such relief that Maria know, now she have someone that she could confide in, not having to carry this heavy burden all by herself.'

"Why didn't you tell me Dee?"

"I am sorry, I was so ashamed and thought that what I did, will be a disappointment to the both of you."

"Honey, you are our child and we love you very much do you think we will allow such minor thing to brake the bond we have for each other?"

"Maria, if you suspected, why don't you want to know who the father is? And if I had committed adultery or fornication?"

"My child, we all make mistakes and have flaws, honey no one is perfect."

"Maria, don't you care if I have sinned and what will the people in church say?"

"Look honey, if we study what people will say, then we will continue to live in our sinful ways, when we make our mistakes.

Now that you know all you need to do is ask God's forgiveness, and try not to repeat the same mistake over again.

What did Jesus told the woman they wanted to stone to death. He said go and sin no more.

Do you know Jesus is willing to forgive this hunk of mud we call a body? It is weak and will continue to falter, but the Lord knows and understand our shortcoming, and our weakness.

We will always fall short of His grace and he knows that. That is why he give his life so we can go to Him. He said He is faithful and just to forgive us of all our sins and unrighteousness.

Sweetheart all we have to do is confess our faults and shortcoming before Jesus and He will forgive us."

"Maria, I had confessed so many times, but I feels so guilty and ashamed."

"Then tell me why are you feeling guilty and ashamed, and is that why you are not attending church?"

Seeing the nod as she looks so downcast. "Oh honey, don't you know Jesus love covers a multitude of sins. Now will you relax, if we go judging everyone then what will become of us.

I love you, so do you think because you made a mistake I will discard you. No, my precious one, you and this precious child give Sam and I the will to live."

"Maria, are you not angry with me?"

"I am angry, not because you are pregnant, but because you didn't trust me enough to come and relate your heartache. Sweetheart, don't you know when you are hurting, I am also hurting."

Seeing the tears Maria reaches out and hug her. "Maria, I have misjudged you so many times, I am so sorry."

"There is no need for that, now my dear will you tell me what is staying in your stomach?"

"Only cheese and milk so if it is not too much trouble can you make me a cheese sandwich and bring me a glass of milk and Maria, I will wear the stupid dress Saturday."

When Maria returns with the sandwich and milk, she waited until Diandra eat then she holds Champ hand, "Now my dear you look so tired, try and get some rest and forget about everything else."

"Maria, thank you, and I don't need to visit the doctor again."

"Dee, have you visited the doctor already?"

"Yes, I also joined the Pre-Natal clinic."

"Okay, tell me what you feeling to eat and when I return with Joash I will get it for you, and what does the father like?"

"I don't really know but I just have this craving for vanilla ice cream?"

Hearing Maria laughing, "Are you laughing at me?"

"No, my dear girl I am laughing because we crave for the weirdest thing during the pregnancy."

"I know, and I never really liked vanilla ice-cream but now I feels like I can't have enough of it."

"Then vanilla ice-cream it shall be."

"Now let me go to Sam and later I will bring you ice cream."

"Thank you, I am going to lie down."

Waving as she leave ensuring Diandra lock the door.

Holding Champ hand Maria looks at him thinking, 'Will Diandra and Alex be more than friends?

Knowing now he is this unborn baby father, but my concern is now, how will he treat Champ, is he aware that Diandra have a child already?

Sam is not saying anything much but I suspected he has discover quite a lot from their conversation.

I don't want to be selfish but Sam is right it is time she fine a good home. Who knows when the Lord will requires of us and she still have her whole life ahead of her?

I know it will be hard for us to accept her leaving us, because she and this child gives Sam the will and encouragement to live.

If she finds love, then we cannot stand in her way, if Alex is that person, then that is good and it seem she has revealed a lot to him.

In fact, he knows so much more than us about her life. I am sure he must be a good listener or has asked the right questions while conversing with her, for her to reveal so much about herself.

Sam always warns me not to pry into her life, he said she will talk about her life when she is good and ready.

It been four years and not once we had the opportunity to celebrate her birthday, and she only spend two weeks with him, and seeing that cake he gets for her birthday says a lot.

It could only mean she feels free to speak about her life with him, and secondly he loves her a lot and he was willing to spend any amount of money on her.

Sam says Alex knew she is married, but he didn't say who is the husband.

Is Alex Diandra husband, because she will not allow anyone to touch her. All the years in church so many became her friend with the expectation that their friendship will move to another level, but no one seems to get her full attention.

Yet within two weeks she allowed Alex to influence her, Oh Lord this is so confusing, Alex seems crazy about her from the way he keep speaking about her, he speaks so highly of her but why is it Diandra keep hiding from him?'

As Marie continues to walks slowly the thought struck her mind, as she recalling his name Alexander Mellford, 'My goodness he is Champ dad.'

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