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Chapter 71: Chapter 69: Loki (Ai)


'Conflicts are inevitable, no matter what world we live in. War, that word always exists in any world I had been to. As long as we live, desire and greed wouldn't stop burning within the heart of people.'

I was born between a giant by the name of Farbauti and Laufey, a giantess*, that was what people assumed. When there was warring against Gods (Aesir) for a long extended time, there will be a chance an enemy could be allied in amidst life and death. In other words, my mother was a valkyrie; she lost her memories when her life was at death's door but unbeknownst to her, she was saved by her enemy.

My mother retained her memories of when she had given birth to me amid the battlefields. She abandoned me to return to Valhalla. With valkyrie blood in me, I had taken the characteristic trait of my mother, that was why, to not shame themselves, Odin adopted me as one of his sons.*

To be clear, we giants (Demons) were born genderless until we had a coming of age to choose which one that best fit our personality. I was raised in Valhalla, even though I was considered Odin's son, everyone still treated me differently. The father-figure I assumed didn't give me the attention I craved when I was younger... It's always Balder that, Balder this; it drove me into misbehaving just to get a little recognition from my father.

War with the Demons didn't cease, as one of the Aesir, I had to fight against the demon who was also my other kins that had their blood ran within me.

One day, I stumbled upon my real father while fighting with the Demons, I was able to figure out who I was when he infused me with his power, and legacy before he passed away.

"Lopt, my daughter, your destiny lies within the temple of Odin..."

I shed the blood of my father with my own hands, even though he tried to talk with me, I believed in the teaching of Aesir that all demons were evil beings.

Afterward, I didn't know who to trust anymore, whether what my father said was the truth or the people who raised me.

I was lost.

Since then, I didn't care anymore. Instead of participating in their war, I played pranks with them to release my boredom, whether they were Aesirs, Giants, or humans.

I even stole Freya's Brísingamen, a necklace made up of her tears she shed for her lost husband. Well, I hated her for the fact that she was able to flash her beauty in front of others while I had to pretend to be a man.


One day, I tricked Odin to get out of his temple to descend to Midgards (Human world). In his absence, I sneaked into his temple to find out what my father told me was the truth. Within the large temples full of pillars, which I only allowed setting feet in when I had to greet Odin; above Odin's throne, there was a scroll that I had been searching for.

I unsealed the scroll and read through the content, the secrecy of Aesirs. Just like my father, the god also believed in the destiny of the world they lived in, Ragnarok.

Within the story, they portrayed me as evil while my children will be the ones to end the world.

'It was no wonder, Odin keeps me by his side all this time...'

"Loki, what are you doing on father's throne!"

Unbeknownst to my surroundings while I was reading, Thor who came back from his mission caught me in my act.

"Haha, brother. What's so serious?... Are you looking for a father? He descended to Midgard to take care of the giant that had fallen there..."

Of course, the giant that appeared in the human world was me who caused chaos there to draw Odin out of his temple.

"I'm asking why you are sitting on father's throne!"

'It seemed like I couldn't trick him...'

"Loki, there you are! Where is Freya's necklace?!"

Heimdall showed the right timing to garner Thor's attention. With my arms still behind my back, I burned the scroll into ashes before it scattered onto the floor.


Thor had long black hair down to his neck with a full of facial hair. Since he just came back from his mission, he was still in his battle armor that covered only his chest and body. On his arms, the black runes that I usually see turned light blue as every time he breathes, lightning flashed within.

On the other hand, Heimdall was a blonde man with short hair and white skin like he never sees the sun in his life. Unlike Thor, he didn't have any facial hair, wore a helmet similar to Sparta with wings on both sides.

I knew that I was in deep trouble when I heard Thor shouted at me. Moreover, I have to face both Thor and Heimdall at the same time.

'If only that idiot Thor, it wouldn't be a problem to fake my death!'

Since I knew I would go back to that dungeon, I decided to take my chance to break the destiny that I was bound by the prophecy that I just read.

With both of my hands spread in opposite directions, I created another reflection of myself while dividing it into male and female, then sealed them within the beans of Brísingamen, the necklace of Freya.

"Loki, what are you attempting to do!!!"

While Thor was shouting, he threw Mjollnir, his hammer at me. On the other hand, Heimdall blew Gjallarhorn, "ringing horn" to summon the other gods to capture me.

"Hahaha, it's too late brother!"

I broke the Freya necklace as the 24 beans flew out in all directions through portals that I created and sent my son and daughter to the different worlds along with twenty-two million fake beans that I augmented.

'With this, they wouldn't be able to track them.'

The moment I broke the necklace and created copies of the beans, Thor's hammer sent me flying back and hit Odin's throne. Of course, I wasn't foolish enough to take his hammer head-on, that was my copy.

I suddenly appeared behind Thor and slammed his head through the concrete floor while Heimdall tried to attack me from behind. Then, I used my transformation skill to turn myself into Odin.


When he heard me shouting his name in Odin's voice, he ceased his movement, but it wasn't the same for Thor who slammed me with his hammer that came back into his arm.

I created another visual image of myself while dodging his attack. Even though I was known as the God of Trickster, I still had the strength of a giant. I coated my arms around with Dark-Flame* (Combine of Darkness & Flame) sent Thor flying away as he blasted through the temple roof when he was about to stand up. Heimdall released his divine power causing the whole temple to be covered in bright light, but I multiplied myself into a hundred and filled the temple with my copies.

Even though I wasn't able to see him, he wasn't able to take out a hundred of me before I got to him. I flung him to the floor and the next thing I knew, I was kicked by Thor in the belly as I hit against the wall on the opposite side.

We fought back and forth until other gods arrived along with Odin who came back from Midgard when he found out it was me who fake the giant and attacked the human world. Afterward, I was sentenced to million-years imprisonment within the Dungeon.

My only hope was for the children to grow up safe and sound and defied the destiny that was placed upon them. During those million years imprisoned within the Dungeon, I created the forbidden magic that my father infused with me and conjured monsters and demons within the dungeon to fight against humans and gods.

As more and more demons and monsters reached the surface world, Gods from multiple worlds noticed the threat of what I was causing and came together to seal the dungeon, and build the tower of Babel upon it. While they were busy themselves sealing the dungeon, I took my chance to escape back to Valhalla.

When I arrived there, I impersonated myself as Thor who I deceived the blind god Hod to hauled him with Mistletoe. To other gods, they like to play throwing things at Balder because they knew Bald was almost invincible toward physical attack, but what they didn't know was he was weak against Mistletoe. After Hod killed him, I impersonated myself as Balder and was able to move around Valhalla without anybody noticing.

My plan was perfect that even Odin didn't know I had already escaped from the dungeon. As a Balder, Odin placed his trust in him the most, that was why it was easy for me to get what I wanted.

There were two ravens by Odin's side, Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory). According to the Legend, when both of the ravens combined, they turned into a three legs crow that defies destiny and that was my goal.

I reported to Odin as a Blader, told him that there were multiple giant sights within Midgard; Of course, same old trick, but it worked well. This time, instead of leaving his throne, as I expected, he sends both his ravens to check on the mortal world.

While he was busy searching for giants through his ravens' eyes, I trapped both of them and tried to combine the raven by force. It wasn't easy, I used all my strength to fuse them while killing the soul of Three legs crow.

The moment I completed, the gods surrounded me, but it was too late for them. I fused my body with the three crow legs and transported myself to a different world to meet with my children.


Lee, who passed out when he found out that Ai was his mother, finally woke up after filtering all the memories given to him by Ai. Above him, he was looking at a white ceiling, it seemed like he was sleeping in a kingsize bed, but the room was only colored in black, white and gray. Beside him, there was a woman who rested her head on the bed while sitting on the chair.

"Son, you awake!"

With a cheerful expression, Ai who noticed Lee's movement leaped into his chest and embraced him.

"... That was..."

"Hehe... For you to believe me, I opened my memory sea for you to look at my chronicle... Can you call me Mama now?... How about Mommy? Mother? No, Mom?"

Ai who was in all black from hair to her dress, even her eyes which blended with the room said one thing after another. She was very excited to see her son alive and well again.

"Ai, why?..."

Lee was still confused about the fact that she locked him in that dark place for over two decades. Moreover, she controlled him when he first arrived in the world of One piece and lied to him. Not only that, she took away his power.

"You know, I am Loki, the God of Trickster right? Hehe... It was part of me..."

She laughed while snuggling up to his chest as if it was her favorite spot. Lee, who received her memories, was able to understand their whole situation, but what he didn't get was the fact that she lied to him and also locked him up because he only saw things that she wanted to show him.


Lee grabbed both her shoulders and tugged her to look at him straight in the eyes. Ai was shocked because she never saw her son being as serious as he was now.

"Ah, you are so cute!!!"

She pushed him down and tried to kiss him, but Lee blocked her mouth with his hand.


Note: This one took forever. Enjoy!

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