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Chapter 32: 33. An Informative Conversation

Seren POV

As I turned to the two Jedi, I spoke to them, in a tone as full of respect as our Translation drones can manage. "What would you like to know? Please be aware, Mother has stated information regarding our Creation, and how we were made, is Forbidden. It is... too dark. Even we do not speak of it."

That got a reaction, Miss Nu Raised an eyebrow as if to challenge my statement. Then she spoke. "What are your views on the force?"

"If Mother is Queen, the Force is Father, and is King. It is to be heeded, it's Will taken into consideration. Mother will give the order to act if she deems it necessary, to ensure our survival as well as the continued existence of the Force."

The Jedi seemed... unnerved, by this response. As if to them, we were an illness, a cancer in the Force. Something to be hunted down and exterminated. They seemed hesitant to trust my words, but I knew the Force itself was supporting us. It whispered to them, telling them that what I had said was true.

"Are you and your species a threat to the Jedi Order or The Republic?"

"This question is more difficult." I said, noting several other Masters had entered and took up strategic positions around the Archives. They attempted to blend in, but I knew they were there as witnesses at best, executioners at worst. "Neither the Order or The Republic is currently a threat to our Hive, or to the Force as a whole. Therefore, we have no reason to engage in hostilities."

Again, the Force whispered to them, telling them the truth of my words, though the unspoken threat had several of the Masters on edge.

"And if we did become a threat?"

"That would depend. A threat to our Hive? We would not hesitate to defend ourselves. A threat to the Force itself? You would either be absorbed into the Hive, or hunted down and killed on sight. In other words, I would strongly suggest you obey the will of the Force, so that the latter does not happen. The former is entirely up to your own prejudices."

The Force, this time both Light and Dark, in perfect balance and synchronicity, revolved around me, roaring. The Jedi recognized this phenomenon, it was when the Force itself agreed, demanding Obedience.

Only a fool would defy the will of the Force now.

"When you say absorbed into the Hive..."

"I am being literal. We have several ways of bringing outsiders into the Hive, and the amount of 'personality' that is left by each method differs."

"How much does it differ?"

"The first would simply make you absolutely loyal to the Hive as a whole. The second would remove your inhibitions, making you completely obedient. The third would involve becoming host to a parasite that completely dominates your mind, making you completely obedient, loyal, and submissive. It grows, gradually, until removal is no longer possible."

I could feel the horror the Jedi were giving off. The Force whispered, advising against hostile action. One of the Jedi, this one blind, approaches slowly. I recall Maul having blinded a Jedi by the name of Qui Gon Jinn, and everything clicked. This was him, then he spoke.

"I was one of the first to find your people on Endor. The Ewoks had Paintings depicting a six winged member of your species with blood red lightsabers. Is this your Mother? The Queen?"

"I recognize you now. You are lucky I got to you before Mother did. And yes, the one shown in the paintings is indeed Mother."

"That was you? You saved our lives! I can't thank you enough."

Again, the Jedi gave off a sense of animosity. They were not sure how to react to the fact one of their own in essence owed a Sith-Spawn a life debt.

"You must understand, the last Force-War was not kind to the Vespid."

A human looking Jedi, with a short white beard and an abnormally tall head, approached and began to speak.

"How exactly is your society structured? What of your culture?"

"We are insectoid, so we are primarily fruit eaters. We have many Servants, who are subdued using Option 3, scouring various slave markets and such to locate any overlooked Force Sensitives and bring them to our Hive. They are then told they will have their own lives, if they agree to tend our orchards and farms. We primarily eat fruit, but also enjoy meat, especially eggs. Anyone found harming our trees or chickens is severely punished. If it happens three times, the individual is subjected to assimilation method three."

"And the Ewoks? How do they factor in?"

"Mother likes them. Small, cute, and fluffy. The sounds they make are also quite calming."

"And those who don't agree?"


Yasha200215 Yasha200215

Any other questions the Jedi might ask? feel free to leave them in the comments!

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