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Chapter 8: Guests

a knock came on the door, and Sora went on to open only to see 9 of the top heroes standing there. Sora opened and closed his mouth slightly, he was sure he said about 6, right? ignoring Kara, there was 8. but being the respectful man he was, he stepped aside, allowing them in. once they all entered, he quickly looked around to see if people were watching, but luckily no one seemed to have seen them.

"Welcome to my house...." Sora said with a smile, but before he could speak, even more, Iron Bat who was among the view people here cut him off,

"Nice computer." Iron Bat said calmly, his eyes locked onto the Pc, he could instantly tell this thing was high-tech, and the fact he had a hard time scanning showed that it might be of a higher grade than his creation.

"Oh yes, it's a PC I created. Justice Girl said in rivals the one on the watch tower... but I'm planning on bidding away. you interested." Sora asked with a smile,

"What makes you think I have the money?" Iron Bat asked calmly as he turned to look at Sora, Sora laughed slightly at his words.

"You are a person who can create stuff years beyond his time, so you have to be rich. most likely a billionaire. you are dark, cold, and avoid people, so you're most likely a billionaire who has a dark past. you spend most of your time in Gotham... I need not say anymore." Sora said with a smile as he walked into the kitchen, leaving everyone frozen in shock.

Justice Girl palmed slightly, at first, she was displeased with Iron bat being disrespectful, and now she was speechless at the fact Sora outright came and dropped the boom like that without any wronging.

Iron Bat didn't say anything, as if he didn't care about any of this. soon Sora came back with a tone of food. the living room was instantly filled with a smell with made most of them close their eyes, lost in the smell.

"Well, luckily I cooked extra expecting heroes to eat more than the arranged person," Sora said with a welcoming smile. everyone blushed slightly, 6 was the limit, yet they pretty much forced Sora to have them come. but they sat down, they were now more curious to try the cooking of Justice Girl's boyfriend.

"By the way, my name is the Amazonian woman... but you can call me Diana." The Amazonian woman said with a smile, she was a beautiful woman he had on the crown of the Amazonian, she looked like a princess who walked out painting. she had long black hair, and her costume looked similar to what the spartan would have had on. with a spear and shield on her back, but she put them aside when she sat down.

Sora nodded slightly, before realizing he didn't introduce himself. Iron Bat suddenly spoke, catching him off guard

"My name is Sora, it's a pleasure to meet earth's mightiest hero," Sora said with a smile, everyone seeing this Sora introduce himself. they of course went on to introduce themselves.

"I'm the Fire Empresses, it's a pleasure to meet you." The Fire Empress said with a smile. as the name says, she was like an empress to fire. she had almost seemly unlimited control over fire, allowing her to do many things, from summoning flames, having flames take shape, and even becoming a solid, fly, and so on. She was the strongest hero with the power of fire,

to say the least, she was a hot beauty. she had long red hair, unknown if it was fake or real, and she had cherry red lips which made people have all types of days, her costume was of red armor, covering her body. she still human, so she needed to create not just armor, but a layer of protection against any attack.

under that armor was skin-tight clothing, which rarely shows itself. the armor and the skin-tight clothing were created with her power, so they would heal themselves if damaged. if she is knocked out, they would not disappear.

"I'm Justice Man, please look after my cousin." Justice Man said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly at him, but he got a strange feeling from that smile. as if a warning if he dares hurt her in any way, he will make sure Sora regrets it.

everyone else went on to introduce themselves, The Racer the fastest human alive.

there was Mermaid man, the ruler Bikini Bottom. a place where all sea life live, along with many Mermaids. he was powerful, to say the least, being the grandson of someone like Poseidon, he had the strength to rival the likes of Superman within the water. if there is enough water, then Superman would not be his match.

with the trident of Poseidon, his control of water was no less than the likes of the Fire empress's control over fire. He also can call upon any sea creature, having them do as he wishes. they can't refuse, so even the strongest of sea monsters were under his control

Captain Universe was also here, she was one of the earth's strongest Heroes, but she is usually off planet as she did more than protect Earth. She went by many names, the Hero of Hope, the green Warrior, and many others.

with a unique ring that gives her powers, it allowed her to turn willpower into physical form, so long as her mind remained strong, she could even defeat the likes of Justice Man. she along with the guardian of the Universe flew all over the Universe, keeping it safe.

There was Iron Bat, but he looks looked at Sora to say his greeting. to say the least, the fact Sora so only found out who he had annoyed him. now he had to come up with a whole thing to prove Sora wrong,

"Ok let's eat, it's getting cold." Justice Girl said seeing everyone still wanting to talk, these people haven't tested Sora's cooking, so they wouldn't understand. everyone nodded as the smell of the food made them hungry. so, they bit in, and they were instantly amazed by the cooking.

"Do you have some ability that makes your cooking skills so good... this is beyond normal, it's superhuman." The racer said in shock, to which everyone nodded slightly as this was too good.

"You guys are too nice, I edge might skyrocket with such a compliment," Sora said with a smile, but the same told everyone just how much pride he had with his food.

"So, who do you plan on selling that PC to? not many people in the world can use it to its fullest capability." The Racer said after a moment of seeing Sora's cocky smile which he didn't bother to hide.

"I already bid it off. and by the looks of it, some guy named Lex would buy it," Sora said lazily as he took out his phone and saw the person with the highest bid. everyone froze slightly hearing sora's words.

"First Techno and now Lex? and why would you even sell it?" Justice Girl said with a frown, Sora blink his eyes slightly as if he truly didn't understand what was wrong with his action

"I bought better parts, I built that using parts from different types of PC, but now I plan to build a PC from nothing, since the parts used to create it was cheap, I want to create one with better parts, processes, and chips I create. I also want to buy a house; a basement would be nice as office space for my creation and stuff. so, the money is needed" Sora said with a smile,

"But you can't sell such a powerful Pc to Lex, who knows what he could do with something so high-tech." The Racer said with a frown,

"I don't seem right, it bought it fair and swear. as bids go, the highest bid takes it comes," Sora said with a shake of his head, and everyone's eyes twitch. they couldn't tell if Sora was too kind, or greedy for the money.

"Oh, someone outbid Lex... sure, I guess I can end things here... what's this? it wasn't Lex, but someone else?" Sora said as he threw a smile at the Iron Bat and ended the bid there. everyone looked towards the Iron Bat, how could he be so easily played? they didn't need to see the screen to know that Iron Bat was the one who made his move. The iron bat was the richest person on the planet, having hundreds of billions of dollars, at least that is what he allowed the people to know

"Haha... this was the best meal of my life, testing the best food, along with seeing Iron Bat take an L. I couldn't think of something else to make this better." The Racer laughed making everyone else who was holding back laugh let out small laughs

The iron bat was always the guy 10 steps ahead of everyone else, going up and above to show others he was above the game for being a normal human. to say the least, many so-called smart people had stepped forward to challenge Iron bat in many things, but Iron Bat always come on top, but today they saw him take an L. friend or not, this was something they always wanted to see

"Oh, desert." Justice Girl's eyes brightened as he saw through the walls, seeing a bunch of sweets, Sora rolled her eyes slightly, but he went to get the cookies, and cake he made. but as he got them, he was crying, he missed going to Kara's house to eat her food, but now he had to go out and buy his food. but he needed to get close to these heroes, he liked having friends. fight him.

"So... oh? beam Master posted another video, the world Vs Thanos part 2." Sora placed the plates down before sitting down, only to get a notification from his phone. when he checked he saw a new watch tube video was online.

everyone hearing his words was stunned, seeing this Sora cast the video to the Tv, and so everyone watched the battle. it already had thousands of views, and the hero's current eyes twitched seeing the whole video

what made them more annoyed is how they saw the person with Beam master defeating Thanos, taking the gauntlet and daring to show it before the video, mocking pretty much the whole universe.

"Damn, you guys got played," Sora said softly, making all of them throw sharp looks toward him, making Sora shut his mouth. Just when Sora was about to close the tv, he froze as he saw another video, which was from the beam master.

"Another one, Thanos Vs the universe... outcome? " Sora read softly, before looking at everyone and seeing them wanting to see the video. and so, Sora played it. everyone watched it, how all of the Abstract Existence suddenly appeared around Thanos before everything went dark

"How did Thanos lose? such a badass... I mean villain, scares me." Sora quickly watched his mouth, seeing how everyone was looking at him. shaking their head, they had to leave, they had to find this person as soon as they can

The racer flashed, and the next moment all of the plates were cleaned. they all left, with Justice Girl remaining, it's not like she would be needed for such a task. Iron Bat didn't bother to hide who he was, and took the Pc with him, and left.

"What are you doing," Sora asked lazily seeing Justice's girl walking around the house, feeling stuff under pretty much everything.

"Iron Bat doesn't trust many people..." She said calmly as he pulled out a small device that was under Iron Bat's chair. Sora quickly stopped her from destroying it, he could break this thing down and study it,

"let's see... then there should be more. under the chair was too simple. I would place some all over the house, I guess I can use this to find the others." Sora said with a smile,

"shouldn't you be displeased about all of this?" Justice Girl said with a frown, how was she more displeased than Sora?

"Why would I? Iron Bat of all people is on guard against me, this makes me wonder if I can become the next Iron bat." Sora said with a smile, making Justice Girl quickly reject the idea. although she knew Sora for a small amount of time, she didn't want him to put himself in harm's way.

"Wow, I don't reject you being Justice Girl, yet you wouldn't even give me the chance," Sora said with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm experienced, and you're not. cough, let's go to my place, and talk." She said calmly not feeling comfortable as Iron Bat might be listening in on them. Sora smiled slightly, as he knew what she left, but as they left, Sora's window was opened.

a woman slowly entered the house through the window, she had a mask that fully covered her place, a black armor, with a symbol on her back that looked like the one of a black window hourglass. she slowly walked around Sora's apartment, checking everything within, before leaving a few small devices behind. but she quickly found a few of Iron Bats' devices, forcing her to keep hers away from his

as for how it was so easy to feel it was a woman, her chest could be seen to be bigger than a man clearly it was she unless her chest was fake to throw people off.

she left Sora's apartment through the window once again, leaving through the window and walking on the wall like she was spiderman or something. she jumped onto the ground, before getting into a van that was waiting for her.

Sora went on to remove her armor suit, revealing Ashly, who went on to put normal clothing on, before he opened a door, reach to let her go seat in the front of the van, where a black man with an eye patch was driving the van.

"Are you sure that he is subspecies?" He asked calmly to which Ashly nodded slightly,

"I think even Iron Bat is on guard against him... he seems too perfect. too good to be true." She said calmly, to which the black man just nodded without saying anything else. soon they arrived a few blocks away, she got out before walking towards her apartment.

but as she entered, she froze upon hearing kara's loud moans, her eyes twitched hearing Kara begging for more, telling Sora that he was hitting the right spot. to keep going, calling Sora none stop, even calling him daddy.

Ashly hesitated not knowing whether to leave or act like she was listening to nothing, walking towards her which was opposite Kara's room, she froze seeing the slight crack in the door, allowing her to see the two people rolling around on the bed. she froze slightly, seeing how Kara was hugging Sora.

her eyes narrowed, such a tight hug could have broken the ribs of any normal human, maybe Kara was holding back? so, she kept looking, when they moved to do the doggy style, which allowed her to get the full body image of Kara, she swallowed her Sliva slightly.

it was a bit hot, so she loosened her clothing while getting closer to the bed, with her hands without her knowledge moved, stretching something below. she covered her mouth, preventing any moans that might leave her mouth.

but soon, Kara begs to stop sounded, she wanted to rest. Sora stopped before he suddenly turned towards the door, his eyes and Ashly's eyes meant, the gap through the door had gotten much deeper, allowing Sora to see Ashly's breasts which were out in the opening.

Ashly quickly turned and ran away, entering her door and closing it behind her. she remained in her room for hours, but when she left her room, she froze seeing Sora mopping the spot was sitting, her face turned red. why mop now of all time? and why be so quiet why doing this?

She quickly closed the door, forgetting the reason she left her room, and she returned to her room, too embarrassed to leave.

"you're leaving?" Sora asked seeing Kara getting ready to leave, Kara nodded slightly as she put on her superhero costume, sleep after sex was the best. she slept like a child.

"Did you spill something?" Kara asked calmly seeing Sora copping the ground, Ashly who was listening from within her room panicked hearing this question

"Yeah, something like that," Sora said with a smile, Kara didn't put too much thought into the answer, and simply said her goodbye, and flew off through the window at a speed she was sure no one could keep up with, and without damaging the window. her room would have become a mess, but there was nothing to blow all over the place from her speed, only Sora's hair.

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