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Chapter 9: Apparently 'Blanche' come visit First High.

Let's we talk about Blanche a little.

Blanche is an International Anti-Magic Political Organization which manifesto called for an end to political systems that treated Magicians as superior, and eliminating the difference in treatment caused by the presence of magical abilities-- in short, they where a terrorist organisation.

In the original, it treated like small fry opponent but.. Blanche is properly an International level organisation-- well, in term of resource at last.

And apparently- same as the original, Egalite-Blanche's Subordinate Organisation- come to invade first high.

Well I'm intentionally make it happen though~

Egalite from the start already plan to steal research data in the first high. So I though it's better to leave it to Tatsuya as in the original. I don't really like surprise(Trouble) after all.

Ehh~ I skip to much you say? I properly explaining so it's okay right?

ugh... it was hard at that time...

Many mob(senpai) try to invite(force) me to their respective club, they where really persistence. And then I meet Tatsuya when I already at my limit and cornered. Is this also happen to Honoka? I see.... certainly, normally 'suspension bridge effect' will happen in situation like this.

After that, I accompany Tatsuya patrolling around. And it seems that I successfully make Tatsuya involved with Mibu Sayaka senior. It was really a coinci-- ahem..! I mean all according to my plan!

Now that Tatsuya already show his jamming magic, Blanche will targeting him and Tatsuya will be dragged as the center of this time turmoil~

Currently Saegusa-senpai in the middle of debate with second course student- alone. Well if it Saegusa-senpai, she will be alright.

Because I plan to going with this scenario, I have to take responsibility and take care of the invasion problem. Ahh I see some of the second course student coming from school direction, is they 'Aspirant alliance'? is they going to meet blanche member?

Well I will just knock them out first and ask later.

But... I'm unsure to what magic should I use to incapable all the blanche member.

I decide..! I chose you..! Clarent!

Even if I call it Clarent, It just sword I created imitating Clarent from fate series. Well- even if I say it an imitation, my Clarent can properly fire plasma beam, so it's okay.

By the way- I take it out from-using?- the Hairpin I always use, The flower pattern one. Hairpin composed from 6 different part. 5 crystal imitating petal and one big crystal as the core.

It's actually Store an Aidos information of inanimate object- my weapon(Toy).

I got the idea from Tatsuya magic(rebirth). I mean, Tatsuya repair his lost limb using rebirth in the original. Seeing that I though that- as long as there is blueprint and an anchor, you can bring thing out from information dimension. And I success in creating my own storage magic.

Set that aside. I 'sight' blanche bunch coming this way. Finally they coming at last. I been tired waiting.

"Blanche mina-san, Good afternoon~ Nice to meet you~ and good bye."

No, I did not kill them. What kind of people do you see me as? I'm good japanese that always follow the rule.

I just use Clarent as a CAD to assist me casting electrical discharge to incapable them but not strong enough to kill them. I already get rid of invasion problem but.. now what?


Currently I been interrogated by Juumonji-senpai and Saegusa-senpai about the matter of me fighting Blanche group. Sigh... as expected it really become troublesome.

Watanabe-senpai not present because she have to interrogating Blanche member and collecting proof.

"Kaneko Megumi."

Juumonji-senpai voice bring me back from my pondering. Ops I have to focus.

"First, thank you for preventing the terrorist and solving it alone yourself."

I just smile in response.

"But please explain of what happen."

"Today when I listening the debate. I have some bad hunch that something bad will happen. When I'm going out of the room- I plan to go to the gate of the school following my 'instinct', 'Coincidentally' I meet with Blanche group and some second course student in their group so I knock all them out because they are armed with gun. That all."


"Then, what did you do to knock them out?"

"By doing my best?"


"By the way Juumonji-senpai can I join the assault to Blanche hideout?"


"Pretty please?"

"Megumi-chan.. I though you were more serious character... but is you are this kind of character originally?"

"What are you talking about~ Saegusa-senpai. I just mimicking you."


"But I'm surprise that Juumonji-senpai forgive this kind of answer."

"Because I see that you already answer it as serious as you can. It mean there some secret you can't say and I will respect that. It's also as 'Thank you' for solving Blanche problem."

"Thank you very much, Juumonji-senpai."

"I just need to confirm something. Are you hostile force, an enemy?

"No, I'm not."

"Then it all that matter."

Ohh~ what a cool person. But Juumonji-senpai is really big and I actually pretty nervous. I'm glad hes understanding people.

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