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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

"I'm so sorry Jocelyn"The nurse trying to console her after delivering the news of the death of her parents in quick succession. It's my fault, I'm the reason my parents are dead she sobbed in obvious discomfort, she was so saddened by the news it began to hurt. "Are you sure you're going to be okay? Is there somebody I can call?" the nurse asked Jocelyn

"I want to keep my babies, I don't have anybody else, I need them she responded, hearing those words felt like a cold breeze passed through her body," the nurse felt for her but she knew that possession of the babies was not her decision to make. Jocelyn was eighteen years old, an orphan without a job and no support, her life was hard enough without having to take care of two infants. Besides her deceased father had already informed social services of his desire for his grandchildren to be put in foster care so that a family who is comfortable enough to raise and care for them will adopt them. He had no intention for them to suffer.


"You're getting discharged today, I'm going to go get you the files to sign, also the social services are waiting in the lobby, its time to say goodbye sweetheart. I'm really sorry it worked out this way but everything happens for a reason, eventually you'll understand why it worked out like this." The nurse didn't expect a response from Jocelyn and Jocelyn was not going to give her one so she walked away to get the paperwork.

She had been awfully quiet this few days, one would worry for her mental state but her babies were her anchor to sanity, looking at them so free and full of life, it broke her heart that they were going to be taken away from her, something she had no say on and the reality was driving her crazy. She was truly and utterly alone in this world.

She came into the hospital a sad eighteen year old wanting a seemingly endless nightmarish pregnancy to be done with and now she is leaving a heart broken orphan wanting all that bad stuff back so that she could have the good.

It's been a few days since Jocelyn was discharged from the hospital, her parents passing and having to give up her babies. It's all happening a bit too fast, so much has changed in her world in a short period of time and theres only so much hurt a person can take.

How poetic they would die on same day Jocelyn mumbled out loud, standing in the yard beside her familys house. She held in her hands two urns where her parents ashes were kept. Having their bodies cremated was a lot cheaper than holding a funeral because she didn't have to pay anything, the government would always offer to cremate a dead body and it was quite convenient for Jocelyn because she didn't have that much to spend. There was no will from her father because there was nothing for her to inherit. Just the house, at least she had the house. The ancient house that was built only God knows when.

They always loved this house, it's only fitting I lay them to rest here she said to herself.

Jocelyn had Schizotypal personality disorder so she talked to herself quite a lot, she was a loner in school, and everywhere she went basically. She was quite beautiful with exceptional features but she struggled socially, No one understood her, no one ever tried. Then she met a boy, Khalil, her first love. It was going to be the ultimate love story. Girl meets boy, they fall in love and live happily ever after like in all the fairytales but thats just what it is. Fairytales

In her case, it was girl meets boy, girl falls in love then gets pregnant and boy skips town. He and his family moved without a trace. Just gone and if not for the pains she still felt from the pregnancy, the added weight and the emptiness from giving up her kids, she wouldn't believe he was even real because right now, it was like he did not exist, their epic romance never happened. She was a tool and he used her. That is what it was and all what it will ever be.

"I guess they took the till death do us part literally." Jocelyn said referring to her parents with a fake smile on her face trying to escape her thoughts that were drowning her. This was no time to think about how her ex-boyfriend ripped her heart out of her chest. For now, she had her parents to mourn, one heart break after the other.

Taking a long bath in the tub is always a source of relief, there's just something about being in the water, when you're weightless you don't seem to remember all the actual weights in your life and it was just one of many coping mechanisms for Jocelyn, spending hours in the bathtub, mostly napping and almost hoping shell pass out underwater and drown. You can't feel weights when you're not breathing. She had been in the tub for a couple hours since spreading her parents ashes in the garden, maybe somehow hoping she could wash away the guilt and heartbreak she was feeling. Then she fell asleep, only to be awaken by something she couldn't run from. Her last grip on sanity will soon be loosened and she will fall to a grievous end.

Glass Shattering

A window in Jocelyn's house was just broken by an apparent intruder but she was deaf to the obvious noise the intruder made. She is still fast asleep in her bathtub while an intruder rummages around the house looking for obvious signs of life.

He then makes his way upstairs, walking like he knows the place, like he's been here a bunch times before. He headed straight for Jocelyn's room, her door was wide open, she lived alone, the need for privacy was lacking in her life at the moment.

Seeing through to her bathroom where she laid so peacefully fast asleep in her tub, seemingly forgetting life's worries and unaware of the intruder that had made his way to her.

"Wake up Jocelyn" he called out

"Oh my God! " She screamed, almost jumping out of the tub before realizing she had nothing on.

"What are you doing in my house Tyrell?" She inquired still in shock over the presence that stood before her.

"Word on the street is that you came back, I had to see for myself " he answered unfazed at her presence state, he was almost relishing how vulnerable she was, he had never her like this before.

"So you broke into my house? Are you crazy nigga?" she was getting agitated and began to regret leaving her towel on her bed.

"I couldn't wait no more Jocelyn, I waited for you for years to get over your disorder then I had to wait for you again when that bitch ass nigga Khalil had you, I fucking waited nine months for you get rid of those little monster that were growing inside of you, I've waited for you Josey. I'm not waiting no more. It's my turn!. I deserve you and I'm going to have you.

He must have been on some drugs because in a blink of an eye, Tyrell had pulled a gun on her, motioning her to get out of the tub and to the bedroom and once again the walls of Jocelyn's sanity came crashing down. She couldn't fathom what was happening right before her. She had always known Tyrell, they grew up in the same hood but that was it. They weren't friends, never had an actual conversation so for him to appear at her house tonight of all nights was prove that things could indeed get worse for her.

"Do you hear me? " he yelled bringing her back from her thoughts. Now scared for her life if she didn't cooperate, a naked Jocelyn got out of the tub and headed for her bedroom grabbing her towel as soon as it was at arms length.

"What you need that shit for? Put it down" he ordered referring to her towel

"Get on the bed, I'll be with you in sec" he said as he attempted to take off his clothes while still pointing a gun at her. But Alas he wasn't skilled in the art of multi-tasking, he couldn't keep hes eyes of Jocelyn while he undressed and let the gun slip as he took off his shirt and in a flash, Jocelyn was quick to pounce on his mistake.

She grabbed the gun and a struggle of life and death ensued, both of them trying to take control of the gun and in turn control of the situation.


A shot was fired and both bodies were lifeless, one out of shock while the other was dead. It took a few moments for Jocelyn to realize and actually process the event that just transpired. She just murdered someone, still lying in the pool of Tyrells blood. Only one word was going through her mind. MURDERER

In her mind, she was the reason her parents are dead and now she had just actually murdered someone, an actual person, it's all happening too fast again, her world is spinning it's all going to pieces, crumbling before her very eyes, she was young but she had seen the worst life had to offer and she can't take it anymore, it's too much for her, it hurts, everything hurts, she just wants her suffering to end. She just wants everything to end.

A second shot was fired and Jocelyn was dead. In the end she could not handle it; she couldn't escape her pain so she put an end to it and to herself. She was gone.

Victory_5336 Victory_5336

This was a very crazy chapter. Filled with lot of emotion. Rest In Peace Jocelyn. All she wanted was peace and I hope she gets it but the story isn't about her and it's time we focus on the real story here. I apologize for killing off characters, I learnt from the best (GOT).

If you're in any way enjoying the book, please let me know by voting for it. Tell me your views, how you felt, how you are still feeling. I wanna know everything.

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