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Chapter 9: 9. Injured Professor

" Hahahaha" Dean laughed after seeing the beard taken out by Tangela. He gave Tangela a pat saying

Dean: " Good job Tangela" Tangela didn't know what it had done but was happy to receive a pat and went back to inspect the fake beard.

Old man: " Haha When did you figure it out?" he also chuckled asking curiously.

Dean: "From the start Professor" professor just raised eyebrows. " Why didn't you ask jenny's help in finding sandshrew, I'm sure she would have loved to help the famous professor Oak"

Prof.Oak: " I'm sure she would come running if I call her, but last time she assigned security detail even though I said I am capable of protecting myself besides that I met Kelly half an hour before you " he gave a helpless sigh while thinking of those few days. ' So that's the reason for the disguise' Dean thought

Dean knew he was perfectly capable of fending off any attackers as he was a former champion 'I guess most of them doesn't even know'

Dean: " Why are you here professor?, I mean in the city"

Prof. Oak: " I'm here to relax, My granddaughter thought I was spending too much time in the lab and kicked me out, besides that interacting with the kids also gives me kind of joy " Dean smiled after hearing this. "Enough about me Tell me about yourself, How long have you been a pokemon trainer?"

Dean: "One Day" simply said

Prof. Oak: " What!!" Now prof. Oak was incredibly surprised "Quick question, How long have you had machop?"

Dean: " I caught him yesterday " Professor stared at him with a stupefied expression. Dean who was watching the professor was loving his reaction, it's not every day you get to see this type of reaction from him.

" Oh professor I don't have trainers licence I was hoping to get one from you" professor came out from his reaction and said

Prof.Oak: " Of course Dean, I can't refuse such a talented individual " Professor saw that the sky had become dark so he said, " Why don't we go to my lab tomorrow?"

Dean: " Sounds good" he and the professor both left.

Dean thought about the events that happened today. 'Jesus! Why can't I get any rest? I've been here for little more than a day and already involved in a few incidents even became somewhat famous' he released a sigh. he looked at the ankle weights in his hands and thought 'Do I have to carry all these weights and all the items I buy in future, Why can't they disappear and re-appear whenever I wish' suddenly the weights in his hands disappeared right in front of his eyes.

Dean: 'What the hell? Where is it?' he checked his surroundings but didn't find it. 'Wait! This feels like a Deja vu, I wished it and it happened.' he wished for his weights suddenly weights appeared in front of him. 'Can I wish for anything? Let's try. I want 100k pokedollars.' he looked around and saw nothing. ' Another one, I want a beautiful girlfriend' even then nothing' Why did I even wish for the last one'. He sighed and thought of weights disappearing then the same thing occurred. He then experimented with stones and pokeballs it also vanished and appeared on his will. 'So I've got some sort of storage facility but the question is where is it?'

•••••••••••••••Somewhere in space ••••••••••••••••••••••

A large, bipedal pokemon, majority of its body had a light pink-grey-white colouring with linear sections on its body being purple. Its arms and shoulders are covered by large, armoured plates, and each hand holds five nails. The round plates on its shoulders each had a large pearl in the centre. It was sleeping peacefully suddenly the small cubical box beside it glowed white. It opened its eyes and saw the glowing and became alert. It started to poke with its fingers, saw no reaction it started to scratch still seeing no reaction it started to use every type of attack it knew but the box didn't even have a scratch on it.

???: 'What the hell is this box thing? It appeared yesterday out of nowhere and disturbed my sleep. Now it's glowing, I can't even push it outside this place with my spatial powers, it also seems indestructible. Whoever playing games with me using this box will have their heads ripped off one day I swear'

It went back to sleep huffing in anger ignoring the box.


Dean who was already near the pokemon centre suddenly got a chill down his spine. He didn't know why but shrugged it off as some crazy girls from earlier fantasizing. He went to Nurse joy and gave three pokeballs she simply smiled while taking

Dean: "Beautiful" he mumbled but nurse joy who was going inside heard as she looked back to see that Dean was looking at her, she blushed and walked hurriedly. Dean smiled at the reaction, he then heard a peculiar rumour that two perverts only in their underwear tried to enter the city this morning but were caught. 'It must be those two, they even caused two young teenage girls to be traumatized' He shook his head as he went back to his room to get some sleep.

The next morning he woke up early and freshened up before he walked out of the room. The lobby was empty not a single soul was there, he just shrugged and went for a morning jog. Only a few people were awake mostly local market store owners getting their daily supplies. He jogged for an hour and went back, he saw nurse joy was awake and smiling at him with a little blush on her face.

Dean: " Good morning"

Nurse joy: " Good morning, Your pokemon are already healed " he thanked her while taking pokeballs and went back to his room. He took a quick shower, sat on the bed and released his pokemon.


<poli> <poliwag>


Dean: " Good morning guys" they greeted back and looked at each other. He introduced each other, looking at them interacting with each other. 'I guess they will get along fine' he observed that tangela's aura is already a faint blue colour ' So Tangela is the strongest in the group but experience also matters' he thought while looking at Tangela who was slowly covering machop with its vines. He chuckled at this "Machop take these ankle weights, put them on" he threw them at machop. Machop was a bit excited after receiving weights as he put them on quickly, poliwag and Tangela were also curious about it

Dean: " You guys will get different training regime" they became happy after hearing this. He returned them and went to the place where he battled yesterday. He was greeted by the sight of a few people battling, other few training on their own at the side. Seeing that Dean had entered a few of them greeted him, even though he didn't know them he just smiled at them. Some of them challenged him for 1 vs 1 battle, needless to say, he defeated them all, this time he didn't make the earlier mistake and put a wager on their fight.

In the afternoon after having lunch, he checked out of his room and went shopping and bought the weight set for machop. he also bought pokemon food, few clothes and necessities for the journey. He walked towards the water fountain at the centre of the city thinking about training schedules for poliwag and Tangela. He stood in the agreed spot and waited for the professor, he didn't see Prof. oak but he heard the sound of a bike so he looked towards the sound to find the bike was speeding crazily towards his direction. He jumped out of the way, the bike hit the fountain and the driver dived into the water fountain. He decided to help the wet driver as he took out the helmet to see the professor. He was surprised

Dean: "Professor why were you riding a bike that too like a crazy person?"

Professor: " Oh Dean You are here I didn't see you there" he chuckled.

Dean: 'You didn't see me but you still rammed in my direction, Were you trying to kill someone' He thought with twitching lips.

" Ow ow " Dean saw that the professor's leg was injured so he helped professor to sit.

Dean: " Why were you even riding the bike?" he asked while checking his leg.

Professor: " I rented it for you to ride me back to the pallet town, I thought I could safely ride it till here clearly I was wrong". he gave an embarrassed laugh. Dean seeing this sighed and picked up the bike to see that aside from scratches there was no problem with the bike. "Let's go young man lets not waste any more time here"

Dean: 'I guess he already misses the laboratory' he helped professor to the bike. He started the bike

* Vroom* *Vroom*

Dean: " I have to take you to the hospital"

Prof.Oak: " No need, you can take me home"

Dean: ' Either he is acting tough or he doesn't like the city that much. I guess its the latter' Just as he was about to reply he heard someone calling, he turned to see officer jenny running along with her growlithe.

Prof.Oak: " Go go Dean" he panicked

Dean: "Hold on tight professor" he sped towards the entrance while driving he thought. ' We are acting like criminals escaping from police'

Professor: " Go slow after reaching the forest Dean, there might be wild pokemon in the path" muffled sound came from the professor as the wind brushed his face. Dean just gave him a thumbs-up, after a few minutes they were out of the city and entered the forest. They were going slow in the forest but the sun was setting so Dean started going faster.

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