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Chapter 2: >>> Chapter 2 <<<

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"Where were you last night? It was around 2 am when I called you." Jimin asked as they enter the cafeteria for lunch.

"I found a place that's open until 4 am." Taehyung proudly tells Jimin who in turn raised his brow.

"Is it a cafe?" Jimin asked as they settled down.

"No, it's a bar." Taehyung casually answered as he began unwrapping his sandwich, trying to ignore the inevitable reaction from his best friend.

He didn't want to lie to Jimin and he knows he'll be freaking out so beforehand, Taehyung prepared himself.

"A BAR?" Jimin's eyes widen at his best friend's revelation.

"Hmm." Taehyung hummed in response, mouth full of sandwich, Taehyung chewed as his best friend remained shocked.

After swallowing his food, Taehyung continues, "They have pretty fast wifi." Taehyung compliments, driving Jimin even crazier.

"God help me" Jimin mumbled looking up as he took a deep breath trying to calm down.

"It's okay Jiminie, the bartender I met is nice he let me use the wifi as much as I want to," Taehyung tells him.

"Bartender? " Jimin rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Yeah! His name is Jungkook." Taehyung continued.

"You got his name too? Why just why?" Jimin shaking his head in disbelief.

"Jin hyung's going to kill you" Jimin exasperatedly closed his eyes as he sighed.

"I need the wifi Jiminie, I don't want to worry hyung. Please don't tell him." Taehyung begs.

"I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do with you anymore," Jimin responds in disapproval, face-palming himself at his best friend's actions.


Jungkook woke up to the feeling of someone caressing his arms, with one eye open he looked at the lady that he hooked up with last night.

"What are you still doing here?" Jungkook asked brushing away the lady's hand from him.

"Wow rude much?" the lady shot back obviously offended by Jungkook's question.

Jungkook doesn't want to be rude but he really expects all of his hookups to be gone as soon as they wake up, even he leaves as soon as he wakes up from another person's bed.

He considers it a nice gesture that he is letting them rest, to say the least.

Jungkook sat up in the search for his shirt and sweats not caring about walking around naked.

Jungkook knows how well he is built, he works out and takes care of his body, he's confident in his skin.

What he doesn't like is the fact that the lady is still there on his bed as if he's waiting for Jungkook for something else.

"I stayed because I thought maybe we can go for breakfast?" she asked Jungkook who in returned snickered.

"I'm sorry but I don't do breakfast." Jungkook smirking, tells the lady who looked extremely hurt.

You see, Jungkook is not the relationship type of guy, the last time he was in a relationship was in high school.

First was his first girlfriend which only lasted for a few months, followed by a guy who Jungkook dated only for a month. After those two experiences, he decided that relationships are simply just not his thing.

It was not because of heartbreak or what, Jungkook thinks that's too cheesy. He just decided that he's better off with friends and occasional hookups.

"Jerk!" the lady yelled at him as she got dressed and began to leave.

Jungkook just smirked shaking his head as the door to his apartment slammed close. He's used to this as well, but luckily most of his hookups are on the same page.

There are however some, like this lady, who gets the wrong idea.


It was 7 pm when Jungkook's smile replaced the blank expression he had on. It was when a certain college boy with round glasses walked inside the bar.

"Hi, Jungkookie!" Taehyung greets waving at the bartender behind the counter.

Jungkookie? Cute. He thought.

"Nice to see you're back Taehyung." Jungkook greets back with a smile on his face.

"I'll go find a seat now," Taehyung tells the Jungkook who simply nodded in response.

As soon as Taehyung turned around to find a seat, Jungkook couldn't help but notice Taehyung's perky ass in that dark jeans he is wearing.

"DAMN" Jungkook mumbled to himself, not even a second later he felt a hard slap on his shoulder.

"Stop checking out the kid!" Hoseok playfully scolds Jungkook who in turn glared at him nudging him off.

Hoseok left him alone disappearing to the staff room, Jungkook continued watching Taehyung from afar as the college student gets settled in his seat.

"2 Whiskey on the rocks." a man in a business suit orders for him and his friend taking Jungkook away from the trance he is in.

"Hi there," a waiter in the said bar greets making Taehyung lookup.

"Hello!" Taehyung cheerfully greets back.

"You were here last night, right? You were talking to my friend." the waiter tries to make a small conversation before asking for the boy's order.

"Oh, you're friends with Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked.

"Jungkookie?" the waiter chuckled at the nickname Taehyung gave the bartender.

"Yeah, the bartender with the dark hair," Taehyung tells the waiter who looks back at Jungkook who is now busy preparing drinks.

"Yeah, I am friends with Jungkookie. My name is Mingyu, and I'm here to take your order." the waiter answered still amused.

"Mingyu-sshi, I'll have wings and fries? Also a coke." Taehyung tells Mingyu who nodded writing down Taehyung's order.

"Will that be all...?" Mingyu trails off not knowing his name.

"Taehyung," Taehyung answered realizing that he hasn't properly introduced himself yet.

Mingyu walked away from Taehyung's table passing the order to the kitchen.

"He already ordered?" Jungkook tried to subtly ask as Mingyu works on the cash register.

"Yes, he did Jungkookie." Mingyu teased, Jungkook's eyes widening at Mingyu's words.

"Don't ever call me that again," Jungkook warns narrowing his eyes on the other.

"Jungkookie?" Hoseok asked tilting his head as a smirk slowly formed on his face realizing what Mingyu was implying as Mingyu point to Taehyung by tilting his head.

"Awww that's so cute Jungkookie." Hoseok continued teasing, Mingyu is now a laughing mess.

"Fuck You." Jungkook spats out at the two guys laughing at his expense.

Taehyung's order is now made ready, Jungkook took this as an excuse to leave the two, he grabbed the tray as he pushed the door up from the other side of the counter.

"So he's a waiter now too? Am I gonna lose my job?" Mingyu teased in a fake worried tone.

"He's only waiting for one boy so don't worry." Hoseok played along with Mingyu.

"You both will lose your job and your heads if you keep this up," Jungkook said in annoyance.

Leaving his two "friends", the bartender brings Taehyung the food he ordered.

"Here you go." Jungkook slowly puts the food on the table.

"Thanks, Jungkookie." Taehyung thanks Jungkook, who upon hearing the nickname again, felt a weird tickle in his chest.

It wasn't a big deal, his friends just decided to make it seem like it is.

Taehyung reached for his wallet to pull out bills when Jungkook stopped him.

"It's on the house," Jungkook tells Taehyung who immediately shook his head pushing the bills to Jungkook's hands.

"No, no, I have to pay." Taehyung insists.

"It's okay Taehyung, I told you it's on the house." Jungkook refused to take the payment.

"I don't want you to get in trouble, the owner might get mad." Taehyung worriedly said as he looked around searching for the possible owner if he's even here.

"I assure you the owner won't get mad," Jungkook answered smirking.

"Really? How are you sure, is he here?" Taehyung continues to look around still worried for his newly made friend.

"Yes, he's here. You're talking to him right now." Jungkook proudly states as he waits for Taehyun to catch up with what he is implying.

It took Taehyung a while before he realized what Jungkook is saying.

"You own this place?" Taehyung's eyes widened behind his glasses, his mouth hanging open in surprise.

"Yeah, I do so don't worry about it okay?" Jungkook assures the other before leaving.

"Thank you Jungkookie." Taehyung thanks Jungkook for finally accepting the free dinner.

"Enjoy your dinner okay? I'll talk to you later." Jungkook said before finally walking away from Taehyung's table.

It's a Thursday night so the bar is pretty chill with not many people around, the bar is far from empty but it's not full as well.

Jungkook took this opportunity to spend his time studying the cute college boy who kept his eyes on the laptop the entire time.

It's almost 3 am and since the bar is not busy they decided that they should close soon.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung is still working on his laptop so focused on his headphones.

Jungkook grabbed the chair across Taehyung turning it around as he sat on the chair in a straddling position.

He placed his chin on top of the back of the chair, he smiled watching Taehyung and how cute the boy is as he focused on his work.

"One more minute promise." Taehyung cutely pleaded as he removed his headphones.

"I didn't say anything," Jungkook replies still smiling.

"I can see all of you are done cleaning up," Taehyung answered as he finally shut his laptop off.

"Thank you again Jungkookie, I'll be leaving now." Taehyung began putting his things in his bag, Jungkook doesn't answer he simply watched as Taehyung zip his bag closed.

"Let me walk you home." Jungkook offers.

"Are you sure you're not tired yet? You don't have to my dorm is just a couple of minutes away." Taehyung asked full of worry.

"Come on." Jungkook took Taehyung's bag pack hanging it on his shoulder walking out of the bar.

"Wait!" Taehyung called catching up to Jungkook.

Despite it being almost May, it is still cold, however, it is a comfortable kind of cold.

"How old are you Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked as they began walking.

"24 and you?" Jungkook answered followed by a question.

"I'm 22, should I call you hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"Jungkookie is fine," Jungkook answered with a smile.

"How did you start a business so young Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity.

"It was my father who funded the place, I run it, been running it for a couple of months now," Jungkook tells Taehyung.

Jungkook doesn't know why he's letting Taehyung to this information when only his closest friends asked things about him beyond his name and age.

"Enough about me. How about you? You're going to SNU I assume." Jungkook attempts to stir the conversation away from him.

"Yeah, I'm on my second year, after this semester, I will be on my third year then fourth then I'm done!" Taehyung excitedly squealed.

"That's still a long time you know." Jungkook chuckled watching Taehyung's cute cheeks plum up as he smiled imagining his future graduation.

"It'll be fast, I can't wait until I can finally pay my Hyung back for all his hard work." Taehyung heavily sighed as they make a left turn.

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, he graduated about a year and a half ago. He's working now." Taehyung answered Jungkook with a tight-lipped smile.

"Really? Where is he? You don't live with him?" Jungkook further asked.

Why is he so interested in these little facts about Taehyung? Jungkook wonders.

Taehyung shook his head no before answering, "He's in Japan, as soon as he graduated the company he interned for his final year offered him a spot, but it's in Japan." Taehyung paused as he adjusted his glasses,

"He didn't want to at first but we needed the money, and the company offered to give me a full scholarship because they're one of the sponsors of SNU." Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a sad smile on his face.

This smile is different from the ones that Jungkook was lucky enough to see.

Still, a beautiful smile but it is full of sadness, of longing, of hope, hope most tragically.

"That's why I can't wait to graduate, my hyung sacrificed so much for me and I can't wait to give him back everything and more," Taehyung explained further.

"Wow" Jungkook mumbles as nodding as he observed the information from the younger boy.

Jungkook is truly amazed as he thought most college students just get wasted not caring about academics. This just made Jungkook even more fond of the cute college student.

They finally reached the buildings which Jungkook assumed is the dorms for SNU.

"Thanks for walking me home Jungkookie, you're too kind." Taehyung bowed politely.

"You're the only one who thinks that," Jungkook replied.

"I'm sure a lot of people think you're kind Jungkookie, and I'm glad you're my friend now." Taehyung blurts out, suddenly blushing at the fact that he just self-proclaimed their friendship.

"I mean we can be friends, right? " Taehyung shyly asked making the bartender giggle at Taehyung's cuteness.

Yes giggled, Jungkook just giggled. Jungkook shook his head at the thought.

"Yes, of course," Jungkook answered taking Taehyung out of his misery.

Taehyung took his bag from Jungkook's hold thanking him once again for the kind gesture.

When Taehyung began walking away, Jungkook remained standing as he watched Taehyung slowly disappear from his sight.

When Taehyung is already inside the building, Jungkook turned on his heel to start walking back to his apartment.

That night, as Jungkook laid down on his bed, facing the ceiling, he knew he felt something different with Taehyung.

He is not sure what it is, but he knows that he has never felt like this with anyone else in his life. It may sound cheesy or exaggerated but Jungkook truly felt something different.

He thought maybe he is comfortable with the boy, but he is comfortable with Hoseok and Mingyu yet he doesn't feel this way with them, not even towards his family.

He couldn't pinpoint what the feeling is exactly, he just knows it's different.

That night, Jungkook went to sleep thinking that Taehyung's just a cute college boy who became his friend, that all this is probably nothing.

What Jungkook doesn't know is that cute innocent looking college student will be the one who will turn his life around.


  (End of Chapter 2)

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