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Chapter 6: First Battle 2 | Resolve


The rabbit cut into two parts from it torso and fall down in my back. The blood splattered around and the feeling start to emerge again in my mind.

"Come on Arla... Get yourself together"

After regaining my composure, I proceed to the next test. If I need to click on the icon every time I want to use skill, it will be disadvantage for me, especially in the battle.

"Let's try it... This rabbit will not give any damage to me anyway"

The last Red Claws Rabbit also start to run toward me to attack. And the pattern is same, jump and attack.

"Are all monsters in this world also keep using the same pattern just like the game?"

I concentrate and start remembering the stance, the sword position and the timing of my last Light Slash. The Light Slash and all the physical attack in Commander Online only have 1 second waiting time for each use, and the physical skill have two type, pure physical and fusion skill, pure physical skill will only consume stamina while fusion skill, like my Light Slash, use stamina and also mana because it have Light Att that need mana to be called.

Different from magic skill that have longer cooldown and huge mana to use, the magic attack also have longer cast time, but with advantage for huge damage it have.


I dashed forward, slide and slash the rabbit in the midair again, and this time, I don't click the skill icon. So this world have this feature, non-click, and this true, then the magic skill also don't need it too.

So much to call this my first battle, but it does feels like my first time. This world is not Commander Online as a game, but the real world by itself. These rabbits, they alive, it have real live and I just kill them.

I close my eyes as I try to overcome the psychological effect of this many information and situation that happen to me in the pass few hours.

"I should fully accept it now, the safety protocol do not show up neither, that my last way to disbelieve this situation, and it not coming after all"

"Ok.. This prove my assumption. Next it to test the companion feature"

Companion in COMMANDER ONLINE is an NPC that will fight with you, they be use for many purpose, they can be ordered to attack or defense certain area. Companion can be also assigned to different role the in the players mercenary, just like trainer, assistant, treasurer, captain and many more, they will give different buff to the mercenary group.

Not like players that fixed with commander class, companion have many different role, class, job, race, specialty, skill and status. It is really crucial to put one companion in the right position that fir their ability. Companion have 5 level of Rank, they are COMMON, RARE, SUPER RARE, EPIC and LEGENDARY. These Rank will affect the quality of their skill level and ability, for example, all Assassin Class will have Stealth Skill, but a Common Rank and Rare Rank will have different in the level of that skill, and Rare Rank above will also have special ability that Common Rank mostly don't have.

"But I know. In Commander Online, high level or rank of player companion doesn't always guarantee a victory, it is about to put the right companion in the right place and time. For 1 VS 1, of course low rank will lose, but in group battle, it's a different play"

I start to recall the battle in CO where I use many Rare and Common companion to battle some dude with their high class companion.

"Well... I lose in the few skirmishes, but in the end and total score, I still win after all, and it cost me a loss of few companion, but I win in the end"

"Mmm... wait a sec, are the companion in this world will also same as the game. If it is, it will also be troublesome and I must reevaluate my battle standards"

Not like other MMORPG game, where if your companion die, they will resurrected or at least will have cooldown to be used again. Commander Online is pretty cruel in this feature, no matter how high the rank or level of your companion, if they died in anyway, they will really die and players must get them again with a new contract or at very least way, must buy an incredibly expensive premium item, TEARS OF ANGEL. This item will resurrect the selected companion, but with penalty of reset of level, affection and loyalty.

"And right now.. I don't have that kind of item, so even I get Common Rank, I must keep them really good"

"Mmm.. All of the companion that I sacrifice to earn victory, I don't even thank them all these years, maybe this is also a redemption for them..."

"Of course I understand..."

It feels strange, suddenly I realize my whole action these time is not the act of an Commander, a Commander should be not sacrifice their soldiers just to achieve victory. It's not the dream I was looking for, It's not the way I looking for. I always dream to become someone that can lead something, to show hope, courage and many possibility to others, and that feeling I can only find in Commander Online. But, I just play it like other players, to only seek fun, level and position in global rank.

"This time.. It will be different. I will use all my strength to protect you all"

I start to remember all my favorite companion that always welcome me when I log in and return to my mercenary headquarters.

"I don't to say it.. But, I miss you guys. I will not disappoint you guys"

A little smile in my lips and I take one deep breath while keep this memories and feeling, to make sure I remember it.

After that, I sheath my sword and start to take a look the Red Claws Rabbits that I just kill.

"Whoa... The blood is everywhere. But it is different from the game, I don't get anything, not even a gold coin drop, every monsters usually have coin drop after killing them"

"How about experience point?"

I say status to check are these rabbit have enough experience point to get me leveled up.



[Arland Liberi'ares]

[Level 2]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Commander]

[Tittle: The Returner, The Heir of Ancient Fallen Empire]

[HP 210/210]

[MP 105/105]

[STA 99/100]

[ATK 20+100 (Increase DMG > Dark Att)]

[DEF 10+50]


- +5% HP Recovery Speed

- Light Att Efficiency Lv.1

- Dark Att Resist Lv.1

- Sword Mastery Lv.1


- Light Slash Lv.1

- Quick Snipe Lv.1


- Commanding Lv.1 (Companion Limit 0/3, Soldier Limit 0/50)

- Def. Stance Lv.1

- Charge Lv.1

- Valor Lv.1 (Automatically ON When Player Engage Enemy)

- Rally Lv.1 (Automatically ON When Player Health Below 20%)

- Organization Lv.1

- Group Aura Lv.1 (Automatically ON When Player Engage Enemy)



- Tittle Returner (Receive Gift From God Every Leveling Up Certain Level)

- The Heir of Ancient Fallen Empire (Justification of All, Increase Companion Loyalty and Affection to 100%)

"Yeah.. I get me leveled up. So it does give me a experience points. My HP and MP are increased a bit"

"Ok move on to the next part... Companion Contract. It kind tricky one, because the companion contract is just a common gacha mechanic like other game. It is purely random and luck base feature.... God damn you developers and game company, and Kami-sama, if you give me a suck rate gacha even in the Isekai, I will kill myself and just hope to get a new game."

I clench my fist remembering the painful days of my gacha carrier.

adimaaa0001 adimaaa0001

Just finishing a pile of report today and finally Im free!!!!


Ok now... Lets dig some sweets. Gonna get that coffee flavoured cake!!!!

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