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16.3% The Meme Train / Chapter 52: Get This

Chapter 52: Get This

/Tione POV/



Captain wanted to come into our room! I waited for so long for him to finally see me as someone worthy enough for him! He knocked on our door and wanted to come inside, I just had a bath but that didn't matter. He was going to *censored due extreme amounts of expletives* and then he grab my hair and *censorship is getting harder and harder every time with this girl* and once he's finished, he'll lay down with me and whisper into my ear that he can't live without me! It was a perfect thought! I opened the door and saw our captain.

I grabbed him inside and mounted him in an instant! I was going to be his first and there was nobody who was going to stop me, until my stupid sister whacked me on the head and said (Bad sister! You shouldn't be assaulting our Captain just because you like him!). I swear to my blood that one day if she pulls something like this again, I'll beat her to a pulp, blood-related sister or not.



/Finn POV/



I expected for her to pull something worse, strangely enough this isn't the worst thing she's done in order to get me to *Clears out throat* mate with her. But still, I really can't see her as anything except for a comrade and a friend. (Thanks for getting me out of that Tiona.) I thanked the flatter version of my stalker/admirer and started my training plan for beating Frank once and for all. (Now, fist things first, I want to ask as to whether or not the damage that He left still hasn't gone yet. If it hasn't, then please go and take time to heal up. If you're all good, then meet me up in the training grounds, we're going to beat that guy once and for all!) I spoke with enough fervor that the girls were all pumped, now all I have to do is get their reaction times up. He was strong since he was faster and more precise than us.

If we can train against his strengths, then we can beat him. I know this for a fact, now to have them dodge my spear.



/Frank POV/



It appears that all the things were going well so far for the Xenos, they had a somewhat decent food supply. They didn't have much entertainment though, I'll say that, but considering that they get to live, I'd call that a win-win scenario. After chatting for a bit, I then left the Village, planning for something else, you see, this world is fucked beyond help. Reason One: There's an island controlled by a goddess of death and she reigns supreme there. Reason Two: A city controlled by a god of war, but he's an idiot. Reason Three: I'm here. Like really, me just being on this planet means that either I change reality so bad that it gets done in, or this world, or even this universe goes bye bye. That is not something that I wanna deal with.

I then had the dungeon pass me the amount of souls that I needed, okay it may not be needed but still, it's better to be overkill than underkill. And now my Status looks pretty fucking good in my eyes.


Titles: Transmigrator, Straightforward Loser, Lucky Guy, The Stupid Genius, Domain Master, He Who Controls The Beasts, The Master of the Blind Idiot, The Necessary Evil


[Health]: ∞/∞ (Will Of the HellWalker: Passive [Immortality])


[Luck]: +2,149,832,307


[Stands]: [Silver Chariot: Act II]


[Energy]: [Chakra Manipulation]


[Cards]: [Will Of the HellWalker], [Power of the Pink Omega] , [The Joestar Family Secret Technique: Running the Fuck Away], [Full Control], [Full Transformation], [Master of the Blind Idiot], [Will of the Radio Demon]


[Miscellaneous]: [Phone] [9,990 Rounds (9 mm FMJ)] [Stand Arrow]



That right there, is quite big, and goddamnit if that isn't enough to help me in my plans, then I must need more of it. (System, I want you to roll one normal. And could you open up the exchange for anything special?) I asked the system as two different prompts then appear right in from of me, one for the roll, the other a list with so many different tags for listing.



[Rolling Normal [Ticket]. . . . .


[Congratulations Hots, you have obtained:

[Pet] Summon

- a chance to get yourself a companion! Use now to get a good friend, and maybe even a battle ally! (Disclaimer: Pets will not be stronger than a crocodile, just no, the reason, fuck you is the reason.)



(Okay that was just rude. Fuck you too System.) I spoke out to the prompt as I flipped it the bird. [Host, it was merely the description of the creator Host, not my own, I sincerely apologize if you felt offended.] the system replied to me as I then sighed. This was getting some where that I don't think I'd enjoy all that well.

Anyways though, I have an idea as to what to make, you see, there's this stuff called Promethium. And let me tell you guys, this shit is deadly as fuck. Usable for flamethrowers if you mix it with the right compounds, and it's an amazing ingredient for explosives, the chances of anyone surviving it is very unlikely.

It came from the Warhammer 40K universe and boy oh boy is that place a fucking nightmare. I don't even know if the Slayer is strong enough to go there. I mean, the Psykers are already a fucking walking catastrophe, add the beyond-seven foot tall hyper soldiers, the Four different Roid Satans, and a bunch of other shit from that place.

It'd be a fucking blessing for me to be able to survive there, let alone kill anything. But then again, I might head there once I've gathered the sufficient amounts of resources. (A/N: Please note, this is Frank talking, not me, I have no clue about anything from the W40K universe, so that's a big no.) But first, to deal with the present. It appears that I am in luck, since there was Promethium on sale in the Exchange. And every kilogram costed me 50 Luck. FIFTY fucking luck.

That's already a questionably high amount needed. Sure it may seem small compared to my ungodly large amount of Luck just sitting in my Status, but know this, everything that I've bought in the last week costed a little less than one hundred Luck, excluding the ammo. This shit right here, is half a hundred just for a kilo tub of it. And I just bought five kilos just so that I could play around with it.

I do not regret my decision, at all. This shit was dangerous man, I grabbed a tiny amount of it and it seems normal at first, but when I put it near heat, it was beyond napalm hot. And it started to burn a hole into the floor of the dungeon. Now this was something that I expected from OP af realities. Not some bullshit Skill about your emotions, I'm more on the "bigger boom than you ". I'd do absolutely great as a Hufflepuff. I'm not that smart, but holy shit am I the guy who gets things chugging along.

I then thought what could I do with the Promethium, aside from making my own Bolter. I don't have the blueprints and I sure as hell don't know if my Luck is good enough for that. But hey, time to take a look at that ticket that I got for a pet. I grabbed the paper and tore it, and the particles went away and the system rang it's voice in my head.

[Summoning. . . . .]

[Congratulations Host, you have received the [Pet]:


[Baby Crab with a Top hat]

- he's a good little fella, and he lies to greet people with a howdy! (Note: All pets are immortal, no takebacksies.)



(. . . . . . . . He's so fucking adorable, I can't say anything else.) Frank spoke to himself as he saw the red baby Crab raise both of it's pincers up and readjust it's top hat to make sure that it does not fall off. (Hi there little buddy. You're so cute, yes you are, yes you are!) Frank spoke in a babyish tone since the pet crab was just small. It then slowly clacker it's pincers and walked sideways to get to Frank's shoulder.He then grabbed the baby Crab and put him on his shoulder.

{I feel as if I've gotten stronger than before.} he thought to himself as he then walked away while the baby Crab was still on his shoulder, readjusting it's top hat from time to time. Frank then walked back into his sleeping quarters when all of a sudden, he heard something strange happening in his room. His eyes squinted as he the readied his claws as he slowly opened the door. He jumped inside and saw something that he would never forget. He saw Haruhime touching herself, and boy was she aggressive.



/Haruhime POV/



{Franku-sama, no matter what, I'll always be on your side, and you will always be my hero. And nothing will ever change that about you and me.} Haruhime thought to herself as she then walked. into Frank's room, looking around to do something. She then sighed, as she remembered that she had cleaned Frank's room two minutes ago. And four minutes ago. And six minutes ago. And so on and so forth. She felt as if she was going to go mad without his affection.

{No! Bad Haruhime! You should be ashamed of yourself think that he would sully himself to just be with you!} she thought to herself as she lightly slapped both of her cheeks. She then looked around and saw Frank's bed. She then blushed and walked closer to it, she then took a sniff and relished the scent of the man who had saved her. {Franku-sama~ Please accept me, even if it's just a fantasy of mine.} she thought as she then started to strip herself to "calm" herself down, but as she was taking her clothes off. The door opened and in came Frank seeing her everything. Her head went blank as her face started to heat up as she knew that Frank saw her completely naked. She then screamed cutely as Frank ean out of the room while saying (NOPE, FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT. MMMMM, FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT.) over and over again.



/Return to Monk- I meant Frank sorry about that/



Frank was getting more and more shocked as time went by, first he met a goddess that was supposed to be in Fate. Then the MC of the world, Bell Cranel, is now Belle Cranel. After that the girl that he saved fell for him and was now getting off to his scent. {I am not harem protagonist material. Fuck, I'm not even a good guy! So why the fuck am I getting into these situations? Even Hermes, who was supposed to be a guy is now female!} Frank's thoughts were going around his head as he then decided to calm down for a minute, by bashing his head against the wall to get the thought of Haruhime's naked, sweaty, hormonally crazy body. {Oh my fucking god, I'm still a virgin for shit's sake! I don't even know the first thing when it comes to relationships!} he thought to himself as he slumped down, the wound that he gave himself slowly going away.

{Alright think you fucking retard. You have two girls falling for you and you're a virgin who died in another reality. What the fuck are you going to do?} he questioned himself as he then took about fifty minutes to think up a good answer. {I have morals despite going off and brutally assaulting children. But holy shit the idea of a harem is not so simple for my mind. Sure the harem protagonists make it look easy but I'm not an idiot. Ah fuck, I'm gonna need some consultation with a professional, hmm, she might actually be useful aside from her soul! That's good! Very good thinking Frank!} he congratulated himself for the idea he just made up. Now, he may have gotten another problem, but then again, things would be boring without them.

AntiLoliLewding AntiLoliLewding

2053 words, I have no words. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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