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Chapter 41: Ch.41 The Bigger...The Harder...

"The worst mistake you can make in any situation is attacking without a plan." - The Rise of Khan

Currently Kris was sitting cross leg on top of a building; adjacent to the hotel, Zheng and the rest were staying at.

A couple hours after, Kris's declaration. He laid out the plan to the group, it was established that; he will be the bait, and also be the one; facing Kayako.

But, he didn't mention how he will lure Kayako, and keep its attention on him.(in gaming terms, he has to lure and maintain aggro.)

For Kayako to ignore Zheng's group, or disrupt there attacks and cause Kayako to change targets, Kris asked them to sit around in a circle and place the scriptures in the middle.

This would be enough to hide them from the ju-on's influence and allow Zheng and Zero to snipe from the side of the roof top.

Thanks to the final transmition sent by Xuan thru the communication devices, Kris didn't need to elaborate the reasons for such tactics, and the group followed his instructions.

While everyone have effectively been hidden, from the ju-on. The only target left would be Kris, and he would be able to set the battlefield to his advantage.

Using some of his fore knowledge and some other fictional inspiration.

The one major thing he did was to create a network of ropes like a web. Tied from pole to pole on top of the roof top area. And hanging down from those are sealed packs of consecrated salt and some were filled with holy water.

Zheng and Zero's task at the start is to shoot the stratigically placed packs of salt to trap Kayako in a salt circle of sort.

After that, they would shoot the ones inside the trap to damage and hinder Kayako from over taking Kris, while also using the opportunity to shoot Kayako with the magic bullets.

[Scene Break]

It was just after half past twelve, when Kris heard the familiar kakaka sounds that sends shivers to his spine.

While still sitting crossed leg Kris used the communicator he had taken from Jie to signal Zheng's group. Not 3 seconds after he sent the signal, he got an "affirmative" as a response in Zero's voice.

Standing to his feet and facing Kayako in all her pale skinned and drenched glory, Kris thought back to the strategy he came up with based on Xuan's fight.

Killing Kayako means fighting her head-on, through both speed and deadly blows. Its attacks, don't change until the new phase of the fight, which is when you manage to kill her.

Though repeating the feat 7 times maybe a hard task. So just keeping the attacks, and avoiding her cold touch won't insure victory. It's also very crucial, to keep a close eye on your body, the terror, of Kayako entering it; may be enough to kill, even before the fight begins.

So Kris came up with the idea of drinking holy water every now and then, thus he brought a water bottle and strapped it on his left wrist with a durable cord.

His general strategy is to slow down his perception around him with the help of his Newtype abilities.

While this may seem like it would just make avoiding Kayako's attack easier, it actually does the opposite. His dodges may rarely work and jumping is basically out of the question. As his mind maybe top notch at the moment. His body was barely as strong as Jie but, with the help of the brew. He could make do for a short time.

As stamina is his current weakness, thus his persona, Prometheus will help him decide which are the most efficient strikes.(A/N this is like Minute Subtlety)

Luckily, Kayako has only one attack pattern per phase. his strategy is mainly revolves in Attack-Dodge-Create some distance then Repeat.This strategy does two things.

First, to focus on attacking while trying to keep the fight short.

Second, it gives Kris the space and the time to heal and manage Kayako's attemps to affect his body.

A gun shot, and a scattered bag of salt; marked the start of battle.

Kris lit his now magically converted lightsaber, and it glowed a toxic green. Taking a sprinting start he lunge and swiped at Kayako's head drawing a diagonal line from the edge of her mouth to the tip of her ear.

Phase 1 End! Phase 2 Begin!

Using the momentum from his earlier sprint, Kris slid down one of the bags that was filled with holy water, slicing it in half, which drenched Kris in the process.

Raising his lightsaber to the first stance of the Flowing Lotus Style, he waited for Kayako's next move.

Using his spacial awareness bubble, Kris felt a hand thrust like a spear towards his back. Crushing the persona card he was clutching in his left hand the whole time, Prometheus showed him the best courese of action. Which was to do a frontal flip, while performing a downward strike. Fulfilling the conditions for a Buzzsaw strike, which split the pouncing Kayako in half.

As he landed, the consecutive gunshot rang as bags of salt and holy water burst.

The split halves of Kayako was peppered with the mixture and started releasing black smoke, and vanished.

Phase 2 End! Phase 3 Begin!

A pale hand appeared next to Kris's leg. As the hand was going to touch him, he suddenly rolled to the side while delivering a slash at the hand. By the time he landed, only the hand was left behind. The rest of the body is nowhere to be found.

But, with a quick and wide horizontal swipe. The figure of the woman slowly rising from the ground was bisected a cross her eyes. The top part of her head slid off and as if made of glass her body shattered.

Phase 3 End! Phase 4 Begins!

Kris took this time to drink a sip of holy water, and stood in the 2nd stance of the Flowing Lotus Style.

From the shadows around the roof top, multiple figures rose from the ground, and made a kakaka sound.

Kris seeing this, started to spin his lightsaber into a basic staff flow and as the multiple copies of Kayako surge forward like a human tide.

Kris twisted his body, and transitioned his spinning flow into a High/Low whip. (A/N: It's The OBI ANI move!) Slicing and dicing the copies that enter his zone of whirling death.

In concert to Kris's performance was Zheng and Zero shooting the strugglers.

Upon seeing that the wave was thinning, Kris once again changed his flow into a windmill spin combo and proceded to run down the remaining copies of Kayako.

Like water going down the drain the dead copies of Kayako sank to the floor.

Phase 4 End! Phase 5 Begin!

As he stood there panting, while still maintaining vigilant of the situation...

A series of shoji suddenly appeared on this roof. The shoji slowly opened up and behind them was a regular bedroom. A man and woman were having a heated debate.

The man then started hitting the woman. He took a knife from a table and stabbed her. She fell to the ground with her eyes wide open in disbelief. Yet that man didnt stop there. He started dissecting the womans body.

The body was twitching nonstop, but Kris didn't let this little play continue.

With a lunging thrust Kris pierced the man's head from ear to ear.

But his effort was for naught as his lightsaber pass thru he felt no substance in the man, as if he was a projection.

Quickly realizing that the holy water on his body already dried due to his intense movement.

Which was somehow used by Kayako to attack towards his body. Sure enought the amulet around his neck started to vibrate like crazy.

Taking this as a warning he quickly downed the content of his water bottle in big gulps, and dash forward towards a pool of holy water on the floor.

With a splash holy water a scream echoed in the roof top as a figure became visible. At the corner of Kris's vision.

The figure was then pelleted by bullet holes and scattered to the winds, as if made of sand.

Phase 5 End, and Phase 6 End! Phase 7 Begin!

Nodding towards the direction of Zheng and Zero...

Kris centered himself again, earlier's carelessness almost made him vomit his innards, and this shooked him greatly.

Taking a breath and exhailing slowly, He found his center and calm once again.

Just in time for the next attack.

A giant pale hand came out of the shadows, and slapped him to the edge of roof.

'Left arm dislocated, 3 ribs broken and a bleeding forehead.' Kris thought to him self.

"Good thing, I saw the attack; at the last second, and guarded my vitals, and my right arm, or I'll be a sitting, duck right now." said Kris to no one.

While the lumbering figure finally got out of the shadows, it stood ten meters, effectively breaking the rope web Kris prepared.

But he was not shaken and stayed calm. Kris took out the communicator and said, "Zero, do as we planned!"

It wasn't Zero that replied but Zheng saying, "Are you sure, you might get swept away as well."

Kris replied, "Don't worry I still have a trump card."

[Scene Break]

Well, when Kris was looking for the spot for the battlefield. He didn't have an actual solution for the final phase of Kayako.

That's until he found this 8 floors apartment complex south east of the Sunlight hotel, That He finally got his answer.

This apartment complex is fairly old and have old style pumping, which uses gravity and thus have a big water tower in its rooftop.

Using the time he was evading the constant attemps to his life. He managed to procure the materials and a priest, to turn all the water in the water tower into holy water.

[Scene Break]

A zipping bullet left the gausse rifle and hit the water tower, creating a tsunami which surge towards the giant form of Kayako.

When the wave hit Kayako; it burned her skin like acid, and made her stumble.

By the precised calculation of Kris, When the downed Kayako fell face first, He was right at the exact spot to stab his lightsaber between her eyes...

Only to be followed by 2 loud bangs that made Kayako's giant head burst like a water melon.

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