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Chapter 7: Humans Are..............Interesting

Ainz resisted the urge to sigh and walked toward the villagers. Albedo followed behind him, Along with both Shiro and Sif following them as well. As Ainz and friends drew closer to them, Shiro could more clearly see the confusion and unease on the villagers' faces but most of all fear. Granted Shiro did slaughter the knights with no mercy. Maybe it was because of their power.

Ainz: It's fine you have been saved

Villager: You, You are?

One of the villagers was saying that, but even in the middle of speaking to Ainz, his eyes never left Shiro and Sif

"We saw someone attacking this village, so we came here to help."

Villager: Oh

The villager gained looks of relief however they could not be completely at ease. Ainz decided to handle this in a way he did not like much. Shiro thought of the same way, But Shiro didn't care if Ainz took money from them, Shiro was more focused on surviving in this new world that they know nothing about.

Ainz: That said, this was not for free. I expect a reward commensurate with the number of villagers whom I saved.

The villagers looked at each other. It would seem that they were worried about money. However, their doubtful looks faded away. This crass demand for money in exchange for salvation seemed to be believable.

Chief: With, with the village in its present state…

Ainz raised his hand to silence the other man before continuing.

Ainz: We'll discuss that later. I rescued a pair of sisters before I came here. I will go bring them over now. Can you wait here for me?

He had to make sure those sisters did not talk and give away his true identity. Without waiting for them to reply, Ainz slowly headed off. At the same time, he thought about using magic to alter memories. Shiro was lifted with Sif and Albedo, Neither really wanted to leave his side, Ainz knew he was powerful enough so he let Albedo stay with Shiro.

Shiro walked near a house and sat on the ground, Albedo was going to say something to the villagers but Shiro stopped her and motioned her over to him.

"Come on, Sit down with me"

Albedo: I would be honored to My lord

She sat next to Shiro and Shiro leaned on Albedo's shoulder and he relaxed. Albedo was so happy, Sif also came over and put his head into Shiro's lap and Shiro started to pet him. It was calm for a few minutes and then Ainz came back with the two girls. He looked at Shiro and saw how relaxed all three of them were

Ainz: 'I wish you guys wouldn't be so relaxed as those knights could come back with an ambush, Granted Artorais could easily kill them, and same for Sif and Albedo but still. I'll just leave them there and I'll tell him the information later'

Ainz was guided to The Village Chief had a house near the village square. He, The Village Chief, and The Chief's wife, all walked into the house. Shiro wonders if gold is a current here, More than likely as almost every fantasy world uses gold as currents, It was abundant in his world around A.D. 98-160 If Shiro had to guess this is around the same time period.


A burial ceremony was held for the dead in a nearby communal graveyard. There were several circular stone slabs inscribed with people's names. The Village Chief recited the verses to ease the spirits of the dead, and the words from his mouth appealed to a god that neither Ainz nor Shiro had heard of, Shiro has heard of a similar god Hades the Greek god of the dead and the king of the underworld.

'This world is new, They very well may be actual gods here, how else would I and Momo get here. We need more information about their religions, That god sounds a lot like Hades, from being the king of the underworld, and being the son of time and earth (Cronus and Rhea).'

It appeared that there were not enough hands to bury all the bodies at once, so they chose to bury some of the first. Ainz, Shiro, and even Albedo thought that burying the dead on the day they died was too hasty, but perhaps this was normal practice for the faiths in this world. Soon Ainz's eyes wander and he spotted the sisters he and Shiro saved among the other villagers, Enri Emmott and Nemu Emmott. Their parents' bodies were among those that would be buried today.

As he watched the villagers from close by, he idly stroked a thirty-centimeter-long wand under his robe. The wand was made of ivory and capped with gold. There were runes over the grip and it radiated an aura of holiness.

It was a Wand of Resurrection.

It was a magic item that could return the dead to life. Of course, Ainz did not possess just one of these wands. He had enough to resurrect all the dead in the village, with room to spare. Ainz was going to say something to Shiro.

"No, don't do what I Think you about to do Ainz. That's a bad idea for many reasons"

"1.)Who to say that god their praying to is not real, We could very well be angering a god, gods of death hate it when a soul escapes their hands, we could very well be starting a war like that. That and that god is very similar to Hades"

Ainz: That's a little too paranoid, But continue

"I'm Batman."

"2.) Wouldn't you be scared shit-less, of somebody walked into your village and slaughter an army worth of knights, and then bought the dead back to life?"

"3.) If what the Chief said is true then you shouldn't use resurrection magic as it's not really in this world"

"4.) There isn't any benefit in doing that, like saving the village. We got information from the villagers, and sources of money"

Ainz: I see your point. They should be content with the fact that the village was saved, I guess

Albedo: They should be worshiping you, My lords.


In order not to interrupt the burial, Ainz and Shiro took a stroll toward one of the roads leading to the village, Both Albedo and Sif came along as well

Soon it was sundown, It would seem Shiro's plan to gather information had taken more time than expected. However, the time spent here had not been wasted. In particular, he learned they had very that the "gods" really did exist in this world at one point, but the age of "gods" died out 600 hundred years ago, only their history and teaching were left.

Ainz thought about how the more he learned about this world, the more he realized he did not know. It was enough that he was aware of his ignorance. It was dangerous to move around in this world when he did not understand anything about it. Aniz wanted to keep hidden and watch from the shadows and act when needed, but after saving this village, hiding his identity was impossible.

Even if the knights were exterminated, their parent country would learn the truth. Much like in the previous world where forensic science was well-developed, this new world might have its own ways of finding out the truth, and they might be very efficient in doing so.

Also, even if they made no investigation, as long as the villagers survived, someone would eventually follow the trail back to Ainz. To prevent a leak, he could take them all into the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. However, the country that these villagers belonged to would not take that lying down, and they might even treat it as a kidnapping. Therefore, he had stated his name, and let the knights flee and there were two reasons for that.

The first reason was that news about Ainz would get around as long as he did not hole up in Nazarick. Therefore, it would be better if he controlled how the information got out.

The second was because he wanted to spread the word that Ainz Ooal Gown saved a village and slay the knights. In particular, he wanted to let any players from YGGDRASIL hear about it. He also decided to keep Artorias hidden, as he is a World Champion. He doesn't want their trump card to be revealed just yet.

Shiro also pointed out that, If there were other players in these countries, there should be some trace of them. In contrast, if they used Nazarick's personnel to gather this information, it would not only be troublesome, but very risky. For instance, given Albedo's personality, giving her the wrong kind of orders would end up making him unnecessary enemies. So he suggested his Abyss watchers and Abyss assassins. and another way to gather information is by joining one of the countries. However, an Abyss watcher is easy to spot, and recognized.

It would also be good to have one of them as back in order to ensure the autonomy of Nazarick. After all, Ainz could not take these countries lightly while he was not aware of their power. In addition, he could not lower his guard as long as he did not know who was the most powerful person in this new world. For all Ainz knew, there might be someone stronger than him among these three nations. While there were a lot of drawbacks to becoming part of one of these kingdoms, there were many advantages as well. The question was which he would join one of these countries.

He nor Shiro would have any interest in being a slave for a kingdom. Neither was they interested in becoming part of a black-hearted enterprise like the one Herohero-san was in and how Shiro used to before he created Yggdrasill. Therefore, he needed to make his and Shiro's existence known to these factions. After having a closer look at their respective situations and how they treated him, he would move toward the most ideal of the factions.

These were the basics of job-hopping.

Both he and Shiro would go under new identities and disguises. So they can personally learn what those factions are and what they stand for. From what he learned from the chief the Re-Estize kingdom might be the best place to start. Ainz nor Shiro saw that they had been talking and coming up with plans for an hour.

Ainz: Ah, Is getting late, let's leave it at this. We've finished everything we need to do here. Shiro, Albedo. Let's go back.


Albedo: Understood

Albedo's reply sounded very tense. There should be no reason for her to be so on edge in a harmless place like the village. In that case, there was only one reason that Shiro could think of for Albedo to be like this. So he asked Albedo:

"…Do you hate humans?"

Albedo: I detest them. Humans are weak and inferior lifeforms. They would look so pretty if I squashed them like bugs… besides that girl.

Albedo's words were as sweet as honey, yet their meaning was terribly cruel.

"I think their, Interesting."

Albedo: What's so interesting about them my lord?

Albedo voiced her confusion, she always thought of them as weak beings. Yet they think their superior to other races, when in fact at least some races could outclass their best as a child. They live for maybe 80 on average, they claim to be better than demons and other monsters when in fact they're the monsters.

"Albedo, When you're at the top, who do you fear?

Albedo: If you're at the top, then no one. Your strength would be absolute, Wouldn't it?

"Not quite. See when you're at the top you fear the weakest, you fear the ones at the bottom, Why? Well, where do you go when you hit rock bottom? Nowhere as there is nowhere to go, you hit the bottom so the only thing you could do is climb and learn from your mistakes. Humans don't have a knack for anything like magic or strength, but they are equal in all regions. Demons are weak to holy magic, Angels are weak to demonic magic, Dagons are weak to dragon slaying magic. Human? Well, they're weak to all magic, but they can build an immunity to some. A human can evolve over their weaknesses, while monsters can't as their weaknesses are carved into their very being, their very existence as monsters. Humans have infinite potential, I don't like humanity its self as they are the most selfish beings, but I like to potential of humanity."

Albedo looks to be deep in thought, and she started to rethink her opinion on humans, She still hates them. Ainz deadpans at Shiro, he sees this and smirks under his hood, at Ainz and puts his hand over his mouth

Ainz: 'H-he just meshed anime quotes about humans, and their potential, god the level of bullshit he just pulled'

Albedo: I-I never thought of them that way, My lords.

"Of course you wouldn't, I didn't think of them that either, but that's what makes them special. Everyone underestimates the smaller dog until he barks"

Ainz: 'At least that was original I think' Well, we should bid the village farewell, as it is a good manner.

They found the Chief almost immediately, talking to some of the villagers. He had a stern look on his face, but it did not seem normal. Indeed, he seemed to be quite wound up.

"Of course something has to happen, *sigh* their our responsibility, so we have to help them again"

Ainz: What's wrong, Chief?"

Chief: Oh, Ainz-sama. It would seem there are some mounted people who look to be warriors approaching us

Ainz: I see, Shiro would you please


Shiro closed his eye and focused, He used {instinct} + {Hatred inducement}. Both skills separated were almost useless against Non-NPCs, however, combine they allowed for the user to see into the future, as well as sense an enemy's emotions, Location, looks, and intent. {instinct} was always used against NPC, as it allowed the player to see the NPCs move set, and their next move. While {Hatred inducement} is used the sense an enemy's negative emotions, and use those emotions against the NPC.

"There is a muscular man of around thirty years of age, short trimmed black hair, black eyes. He also has a battalion behind him as well, however, they aren't uniformly equipped, and each of them is outfitted differently. Maybe they're a different group than the ones from before. I also don't sense any ill intent from them, but they could be masking it"

Ainz: Then just in case, Gather all of the survivors into the Village Chief's house right now. The Chief, Shiro, Albedo, and I will all remain here.

A bell rang, and the villagers gathered. Sif took up a position near the Chief's house much like a guard dog, while Albedo remained behind Ainz and Shiro, awaiting orders. While Shiro prepared his twin blades (A/n: Kanshou and Bakuya, I forgot if I said their names or not)

In order to dispel the Chief's unease, Ainz cheerfully said:

Ainz: Please be at ease. I will make an exception and handle this for free."

The Chief no longer trembled and smiled bitterly instead. Perhaps he had prepared himself to take this risk. After a while, they finally sighted many mounted warriors along the road leading to the village. The horsemen slowly entered the square.

Cheif: As you said, lord Shiro. They aren't in uniform

The knights from before had breastplates bearing the sigils of the 'Baharuth Empire' as the Cheif called it, and they were heavily equipped, each in the same way. These men, on the other hand, were wearing armor but their gear varied from man to man.

Some wore leather armor, some had no plate armor on, others had exposed chainmail underneath. Some of them wore helmets, while some went bareheaded. The only thing they had in common was that they each showed their faces, and all had the same type of swords.

One could that they were a ragtag bunch of sellswords.

There were around twenty of them, they formed up neatly before Ainz and the Village Chief. A man stepped forward from the rest of the force. He seemed to be the leader of the horsemen. He looked like he was the strongest, he carried himself that way as well.

The leader's eyes rested briefly upon the Village Chief before lingering on the wolf that was twice his size, and then he turned toward Albedo. He took a long time looking at her. Shiro saw this and thought the worse. So Shiro stepped in the way of the leader's view. The leader seeing this thought to himself

Leader: 'I guess he didn't like me looking at her, Must be his wife or lover. In any case, that man is the most dangerous man here my instinct are yelling at me to run'

The leader turned his head to Ainz

Leader: 'He must be the Leader of these people, He seems like one. He also seems very powerful. I know the hooded one could probably take all of us on, This one maybe.' I am the Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. By order of the King, I have been visiting each of the frontier villages to exterminate knights from enemy countries who have been making trouble here.

Ainz: The Kingdom's Warrior-Captain...What sort of man is he?"

Cheif: According to the traders, he was a man who claimed the championship of the martial arts tournament held before the King, and now he leads the elite warriors who are loyal to the King."

Ainz: Is the man before us truly so amazing?

Cheif: I do not know. All I heard were stories.

Ainz looked closely, and he saw that each of the horsemen had the same emblems on their chests, which resembled what the Chief had said about the Kingdom's emblems. That said, he did not have enough reliable information to be sure.

Gazef looked at the Chief and asked

Gazef: You must be the Chief of this village. Can you tell me who is the person beside you?

Ainz interrupted the Chief, who was about to answer, before nodding to Gazef and introducing himself.

Ainz: There is no need for that. Pleased to meet you, Warrior-Captain of the Kingdom. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and I am a magic caster. This village was attacked by knights, and so I and my compatriots stepped in to rescue them."

Gazef immediately dismounted, his armor clattering loudly as he did. He bowed deeply once he was on the ground.

Gazef: Thank you for saving this village. I have no words that can adequately praise your kindness.

The Warrior-Captain was a man from a privileged class of society. It was quite shocking that such a man would bow before a nobody like Ainz, in this world where people were so clearly divided amongst each other. From what he had heard, the concept of human rights was almost nonexistent in this country- no, in this world. A few years ago, the Kingdom still sanctioned the slave trade.

However, Seeing how Gazef bowed to Ainz and his companions despite their difference in status, it was easy to tell Gazef's character. This man is definitely the Kingdom's Warrior-Captain, Ainz concluded.

Ainz: Please, do not stand on ceremony. In truth, I did this for payment, so no thanks are needed.

Gazef: Oh, a payment. Does this mean that you are an adventurer?

"Something like that, we don't stay in one place for very long, we do jobs for every kingdom"

Gazef turned his head to Shiro who answered for Ainz. Gazef felt slightly intimidated by Shiro and his hood.

Gazef: Oh, I see. You must be an extraordinary group, then. Although, forgive my ignorance, but I have not heard your mighty name before, Gown-san

Ainz: We are travelers, as Shiro said. We don't tend to stay in one place for very long.

Gazef: Travelling, you say. Before we continue this conversation I want to ask could you please tell me about the blackguards who attacked this village?"

Ainz: It would be my pleasure, Warrior-Captain. Most of the knights who have attacked this village are already dead, so they will not be able to make trouble for the time being.

Gazef:…Already dead… Gown-san, did you strike them down?

"He didn't, I did. I killed them the same way they killed the villagers. I slaughtered them, No mercy for any. Ainz, however, stopped me before I killed all of them, Only four survived"

Shiro spoke for Ainz again, Gazef looked at Shiro, he also saw that Shiro had two blades at the ready if he or his men ever seemed hostile. Shiro wouldn't think twice. When Gazef looked at Shiro's sword, he saw that they were the produced of beautiful craftsmanship, he also saw his clothing. Gazef noted that Shiro's clothing was that of an assassin, he also saw a bit of blood on his clothing.

Gazef: I have a couple of questions, May I see your faces? Gown-san, Shiro-san.

Ainz: I wear my mask for personal reasons.

"I have no problem showing my face"

Shiro took his hood down first, only showing his mid-night black hair, he then took his wrapping off and revealed his rose-like eyes, and his battle-hardened face, complete with rugged good looks. Many of the young village girls fell for him the moment they saw his face, Albedo, and her "Woman senses" As she calls them, immediately knew about the village girls, she hated the village all that more. Hatred started to flow off of her, Albedo however saw this and suppressed her hatred for her love's sake.

Gazef wasn't fooled by his looks, one look in Shiro's eyes, and Gazef knew what kinda man Shiro was, and he was content with what he found.

Gazef: Alright, thank you. Now then-

In the middle of his reply, one of the horsemen ran into the square. He was panting heavily and had an urgent report. In a high-pitched voice, the horseman said:

Soldier: Warrior-Captain! We've sighted a lot of people around the village! They've surrounded the village and they're closing in!


Gazef: I see… so there were people out there.

Gazef spoke as he peeked out at the people surrounding the village from inside the darkened house. He could see three people within his field of vision. They were slowly advancing on the village while maintaining an even separation from each other. They were unarmed and were not wearing heavy armor. This suggested that they were magic casters. However, it was the winged monsters floating beside them that confirmed their vocations.


Angels were monsters summoned from another world, and many people, particularly, the citizens of the Slaine Theocracy believed them to be messengers of the gods. However, the priests of the Kingdom ruled that these so-called angels were merely summoned monsters.

To Gazef, angels, and demons, were stronger than many other monsters summoned using the magic of a similar tier. Most of them had special abilities and some could even use magic. They were troublesome foes, in his reckoning but not all of them were difficult to beat. However, the angels this time around, with their shining breastplates and flaming swords, were of a type that was unknown to him.

Ainz was watching them with him from the side.

Ainz: Who are these people? What do they want? I don't think there should be anything that valuable in this village

Gazef: Gown-san, you do not know either? …Well, if it is not wealth they seek, then there can only be one other answer.

"They are here for you, More than likely it's because of your status of Warrior-Captain."

Gazef: That comes with the job, warriors are always after me because of my status. However, this is troubling. Judging by the way the other side has so many people who can summon angels, they must be from the Slaine Theocracy and it's clear that it's the legendary Six Scriptures. It would seem that both in numbers or ability, the opposition is superior to us.

If you looked at Gazef, you could tell he was holding in all of his anger. It was as if fate hated him, He didn't have enough men nor did he have a plan in mind, and on top of all that he was under-equipped for a battle like this. Although, there might still be a trump card he could use.

Ainz: 'Is that an Archangel Flame? It looks similar enough, but what is a monster like that doing here, could it have been summoned by magic too? That means'

Gazef turned to look at the mumbling Ainz. With a hopeful look on his face, he asked:

Gazef: Gown-san, Shiro-san, if it is all right with you, would you be willing to let me hire you?

There was no answer, but Gazef could feel the weight of Ainz's gaze beneath the mask.

Gazef: You may name your price and I will meet it.

Ainz: Please permit me to refuse.

Gazef: What about Shiro-san

"I must refuse as well"

Gazef: I see

"However, We will protect the village, with all we have. I'll die before harm comes to these villagers"

Gazef face almost lit up like a Christmas tree, he was truly happy to see that they would still protect these villagers.

Gazef: That....That puts my worry at ease, Thank you Gown-san, Shiro-san. I truly am grateful for both of you. I must go and put an end to them, If I don't come back then fear the worst, however, I plan on coming back, but I need to lay down my life I will.

Ainz: Before that, please take this with you."

Ainz took out an item and handed it to the smiling Gazef. It was a small, strangely carved statuette. There did not seem to be anything special about it.

Gazef: If it is a gift from you, then I will gladly accept it. I must go, I pray this is not the last we meet Gown-san, Shiro-san

Gazef left and rode off, Ainz and Shiro watched as he rode off to his death.

"He reminds me of Touch-me-san."

Albedo: Is that why you said that my lord.

"Yes, It was mainly to put him at ease, He doesn't care if he dies. He cares if these villagers die. To him they're innocent villagers, To us, they're just test subjects"

Shiro decides to put Albedo's worry at ease as well, He wasn't actually going to lay down his life you these villagers, he didn't care about them. In reality, they were only test subjects, but he will be damned if someone thinks they can kill his subjects.

Albedo: I see

Ainz: 'Artorias.....I guess being in that body changed him, It did me as well, but I still have remains of my humanity, why don't you?'

Ainz felt confused at his friend's tone, Ainz being an undead, meant his emotions were dulled. Shiro was alive still, he may be human but he was still alive, so why was he so heartless. Did Shiro really not care for the villagers.

Ainz: 'I'll talk with him after this'

"I'll summon Ciaran, and we'll take care of any of the ambushers that Gazef couldn't get"

Shiro disappeared as Ainz turned and he caught sight of the Chief and two other villagers coming over. They reached Ainz's side, panting heavily. Filled with tension and unease, the Chief spoke immediately, as though breathing were a luxury he could not afford.

Chief: Ainz-sama, what should we do? Why did the Warrior-Captain leave us behind and not protect us?

The Chief's words were filled with fear, but there was an undercurrent of anger there as well.

Ainz: He is doing what he must do, Chief, The foe has their eye on the Warrior-Captain, and if he stayed here, the village would become a battlefield. The enemy will not let you flee either. He left this place for your sake."

Chief: I see, so that was why the Warrior-Captain left… Then, then should we remain here?

Ainz: Of course not. They will come to kill you after they are done with the Warrior-Captain. As long as you remain within their encirclement, you will have nowhere to run. However while the foe is dealing with the Warrior-Captain, you will have a chance to flee. You should take it.

Cheif: We live near the forest, but there's no guarantee that we won't be attacked by monsters. We were just lucky and thought that this place was safe.

Ainz: That is a problem, then gather all the villagers into one of the larger houses. I will further protect it with magic. I will stay here and observe the situation, and then wait for a good time to escort you all away.


Blood trickled down his face, his hands trembled from the pain of his muscles being torn and healed. His men were dead, he was dying. The angles were still coming, nothing could be done to save him, but he would be damned if he wasn't going to take them all on and go down fighting, he will protect this village until he draws his last breath.

?????: If only you had abandoned these villagers on the border, you would not be dying here. You probably don't know, but your life is far more valuable than even a thousand of these peasants. If you truly love your country, you should have abandoned them to die.

Gazef: You and I *Huff* will never see eye to eye *Huff* let's go!

?????: What can that body of yours do? Cease your pointless struggles and lie down quietly. As a final act of mercy, I will kill you without drawing out your suffering.

Gazef: If you think *Huff* I'm helpless *Huff* then why don't you come *Huff* take my head? It should be easy *Huff* if I'm like this, right?

?????: Hmph. You're all talk. It looks like you still want to fight. Do you think you can win?

Gazef simply stared straight ahead, his hands trembling as he gripped his sword. He focused on the enemy in front of him, ignoring the angels surrounding him.

?????: What a pointless effort. Truly, you are an idiot. After we kill you, we will then massacre the villagers you saved.

Gazef was smiling brightly, and he chuckled a little. He then started to full-blown laugh at ????? proclamation, this agitated ?????

?????: What's so funny?

Gazef: Hmph, you fool. In that village is a magic caster who is stronger than me. His power is unfathomable, but he could take you all out by himself. What funny is that the magic caster isn't even the strongest one in that village, His friend the hooded one is, and he would slaughter your whole kingdom in one night.

?????: HAHAHAHA You think a single being could slaughter the great Slane Theocracy, Only the gods themself could slay us, YOUR LIES DO NOT WORK ON ME.

Gazef: think what you will Nigun, Just know when you feel the despair that comes with facing him. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Gazef was still smiling. What kind of look would the man named Nigun have on his face when he met that inscrutable man called Ainz Ooal Gown? Seeing that would probably be the best gift Gazef could receive before heading off to the afterlife.

Nigun:......Angels, kill Gazef Stronoff.

Countless wings moved in response to that cold, cruel order. Gazef steeled himself, preparing to run forward when suddenly a voice came past him:

????: Looks like it's about time to switch.

The scenery before Gazef changed, and he was no longer on that blood-soaked plain. Instead, he was in the corner of what looked like a simple village hut. He could see a masked woman there, along with many villagers.

Gazef: Wha-

Masked Woman: Gazef Stronoff, Under the orders of Lo-Sir Shiro and Sir Ainz Ooal Gown, I will be the protector of this village and I will heal you.

Gazef: I-I see-

Gazef collapsed to the ground, everything took a toll on him. Both his mind and body were exhausted. He felt as if he could sleep for days. The Six Scriptures. They were an enemy that even Gazef Stronoff, the strongest warrior in the region, could not hope to defeat.

Yet, He knew Ainz and Shiro would win, no matter what.



Hi, So This idea was given to me by Sir Goblin Chad himself, I decided to add Uriel from Darksiders in this book. You guys can vote on which person should be paired with Uriel.


Artorias's Harem: Albedo, Ciaran, Fury, Narberal Gamma, Lupusregina Beta, {I might add more}

Ainz's triangle: Shalltear, Keno Fasris Invern (Evileye), Zesshi Zetsumei, {I might add more}






Also, I will add some supreme beings, however, you probably won't see any of them until the second season, when The Demon Seige starts. Nishikienrai will be the first SB that will be there, then I'm adding {Censored}....The right can't ruin the surprise. I'll drop some hints next chapter


Word count: 5584

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