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Chapter 13: A Beast

I'M BACK FUCKERS. So a few things, I was able to write a week ago, but I kinda had writer's block with this book. So I put it off for a bit, and I released a new story, but it's were really just drafts that I didn't want to delete. "The Lycan King" check it out if you want to.


The group set out at daybreak, along a hidden path on the plains.

Nfirea: We'll be at Carne Village soon.

The other travelers nodded in response to Nfirea, the only person who had been to Carne Village before. Apart from that, they walked on in silence. Nfirea seemed somewhat put off by that. An air of awkwardness hung between them. Fafnir who was the cause of this situation put his guilt to the side. He didn't want to get so angry, but he couldn't help it. Something changed in him, he didn't like it, but he has no choice but to cope with it.

It wasn't all his fault, Tina herself had a very poor choice of words. Too Fafnir she had suggested finding some people to replace the guild, and in his eyes, they can never be replaced. Earlier she had apologized at breakfast but he didn't really say anything, the words wouldn't leave his mouth. They clogged his throat, subconsciously he just wouldn't let himself say to "It's fine" or "I forgive you." Though he felt he was being petty, Fafnir could not simply let bygones be bygones. Things never got to Fafnir easily, the only thing that ever got to him was family.

The group advanced in silence, and they soon made it to the outskirts of Carne Village. A glance to the sides revealed stretches of emerald forest around them, so the deliberate mention of being wide and open seemed somewhat suspicious. In addition, the point of being guards was that they could not lower their guard in an open area.

Nfirea: All right, we're almost at Carne Village now…"

This was the first cheerful thing that anyone had said since this morning, but Nfirea clammed up almost immediately. Everyone looked at the village before their eyes. It was a rustic hamlet at the edge of the forest. There was nothing strange or unusual about it, so Nfirea's silence was a mystery.

Lakyus: What's wrong, Nfy? Is something the matter?

Nfirea: Ah, no, it's fine. Just… I don't recall seeing a sturdy fence like the one in front of us…

Lakyus: Really? But it looks like an ordinary fence. Actually, it's kind of shabby for a frontier village fence, right? It wouldn't be a surprise that a village at the edge of the forest would have a sturdy fence to protect against monsters, right?

Nfirea: you might be right… but Carne has the Wise King of the Forest, so they've never put up a fence before

Everyone looked to the village. The village was surrounded by a fence as far as they could see, and the fence was made of logs that were resilient to cutting.

Lakyus: How strange did something happen?

Fafnir remained silent, even after hearing her uneasy question. In the past, he had come here as the fighter Shiro, but now he was the adventurer Fafnir.

Nfirea: Maybe I'm worrying too much but, so there are things I find suspicious. The first is that the fields haven't been tilled yet even at this time, and the other is that they've already harvested some of the wheat.

They looked in the direction Nfirea was pointing and indeed, part of the wheat had already been taken in.

Tia: I see. Looks like… perhaps something did indeed happened?

"We should be prepared for anything, Nabe, go invisible and scout the village with flying magic"

Lakyus: Right, Tia, Tina spread out and wait. Fafnir-san, me and you will stay here with Nfirea.

"Yes, Lupa, Stay by Nfirea side. I and Lakyus will be fighting head-on, while Tina and Tia attack from the sides"

Lupa: Ok

After acknowledging each of their leader's instructions, Nabe turned herself invisible with magic and vanished. Shortly after, they heard the sound of flight magic being incanted, and Nabe no longer left any tracks behind her. Tina and Tai both spread out to the side, with Tina being on Lakyus's left and Tia being on Fafnir's right. The two leaders waited on the road, and after a while, Nabe reappeared where she had left.

Nabe: The villagers seem to be moving normally around the village, and I did not sense that they were being controlled or ordered. The villagers are working on the fields on the other side of the village.

Nfirea: Huh, looks like I was just being paranoid.

Lakyus: It should be fine. the assassin twins will stay spread through, we don't know if someones in hiding so. Then, let's move on… shall we?

The road narrowed as they went on, so they had to form up into a column as they approached the village's entrance. The wheat fields on either side of the road were a brilliant emerald, waving gently in the wind. The travelers looked as though they were submerged in a pool of green water. The wagon advanced with a clattering noise. Behind it, Fou made a noise of suspicion and studied the wheat fields closely. It was not yet time for the harvest, but the stalks were over seventy centimeters high, and they were as impenetrable as the ocean's depths.

Fou: Hmm?

"What's wrong Fou?"

Fou: FOU!

Fou's loud whatever you call that, seized everyone's attention. Fou's nose was good if evidence from yesterday didn't show. Lakyus looked at Fafnir for a translation:

"Theirs something in the grass"

The wheat fields spilled over onto the road that led to the village, like the sea swallowing up the land. They wanted to cut down the stalks to ensure stable footing, but if they did that, problems would result in the future. Everyone was on guard now, Fafnir's hand was on the handle of his sword as for the rest of the group. A pair of eyes staring at them, it was a small creature, its body even smaller as it hunkered down in the wheat. Although its face was obscured by the wheat stalks, it was clearly not human in nature.

The creature popped from the tall wheat and was immediately pinned to the ground just as fast as it showed itself, but as the assassin twins pinned it down, a ten set of arrows popped and pointed at them. They were held by other creatures that looked the same, a shadow appeared on the ground causing every one of the group but the twins to look up, however, they spotted nothing.

The sound of something heavy landing behind them was heard, Fafnir was the quickest. The sound of metal clashing was heard. Lakyus turned to see, a nine-foot-tall Minotaur-like person. His horns were blood-red, they looked like they were soaked in the blood of his enemies, a mane of wild white hair, along with inhuman eyes. He was seen wearing iron armor, much like a corset, over his bulky and scarred body, iron rings around his arms, a red piece of cloth from his waist to his feet, split into two sections. Around each ankle is an iron ring with an attached chain, linking heavy, metal orbs, he held In each hand rounded axes with an incredibly long pole.

Both of those axes were brought down onto Fafnir with full force, only for Fafnir to block both with his sword, Fafnir held the hilt of his sword but it wasn't enough he also held the sword up with his palm. A low growl escaped the beast's mouth, as Lakyus's jaw clenched. Fafnir was pushed back only a little, but Lakyus could tell he wouldn't be able to keep defending against the beast.

She looked around, only to see more Goblins, each carrying either a sword or bow and arrow. Her adventurer's instincts told her that these Goblins were different from the ones they had fought yesterday. Simply put, the Goblins in front of her seemed trained and experienced. In addition, they were in good physical shape. In contrast to the scrawny, weak Goblins from yesterday, these Goblins had bodies of rippling muscle. The Goblin archers had an excellent shooting stance. If the Goblins yesterday were children playing with sticks, these Goblins were warriors adept at using their bows.

If she would gauge them on strength and fighting skill from stances and build alone, they would fall on Gold and Iron rank. Everyone here was leagues above them in terms of strength and skill, but the problem was the beast behind her. That beast made her instincts flare, she knew that beast was very dangerous, it was even able to push Fafnir back, someone she would compare to herself. While she and her team could take all the goblins on, but could Fafnir win against that Beast.

Goblin: Surrender and we're let you live.

Lakyus knew better than to trust a monster in front of her, even if it could talk. Why would the monster let them live, what could be the reason. Cleary the monster saw Lakyus look, and it knew that the woman would never trust it. He merely whistled, and a figure jumped from the gate much like the beast. This figure was far more skinny, and a lot shorter. He had blond hair with green eyes, fancily dressed in a white dress shirt, an olive green vest, and a black and grey jacket draped across his shoulders. He wears a black and white cravat with a red jewel around his neck and leather gloves over his hands.

???????: Hello, please may we not fight.

Lakyus: What if we want to fight?

Suddenly something cut through the air faster than Lakyus could see or react. The only thing left was a cut on her cheek, feeling the coldness of her own blood. She reached up and felt her face, looking at her hand she realized she was hit, Tia reacted immediately and attack the new human in front of them. The person only sighs, as his eyes changed to that of red, an insane look grows in his eyes, as he smiles freakishly. His grin shows everyone that he has fang and emits a black miasma from his mouth.

Quickly, he doges Tia with ease, and grabs her hand spinning her around and holding her by her neck. He grins wickedly as he looks at Lakyus. Something told her this wasn't the same person that asks not to fight.

???????: What will it be, pride or your subordinate?

Lakyus looks around, only her Nabe and Lupa were free right now. Both of them powerful in their own right, but with that unknown archer, along with this freak in front of them with Tia. She couldn't risk it. She looked at Tina and nodded.

??????: Good, too bad though I really want to see how you break.

The freak made a fake sad face, mocking them. Lakyus and Tia both wanted to kill him but they could risk it right now. He looked at the goblins and told them:

??????: Back off them.

Goblin: Really? I mean we-

The freaks eyes glared daggers at the goblin, as the goblin froze mid-sentence in fear. His bloodlust leaked and fill the area like a pool, shivers were sent up everyone's spine. For once in a long time, Lakyus felt....Fear.

??????: Are you questioning the order?

Goblin: N-no sir.

??????: Then Asterios leave them alone. Oh, and call me Hyde. My other is Jekyll, he'll be talking to you know.

Hyde then let Tia go, as an obvious red mark was located on her neck. His eyes turned back to the green, the fangs of his grin shrunk. The insanity in his eyes left and they were replaced with calm ones.

Jekyll: Why, hello again. I really wish you wouldn't force Hyde to take over. For now please wait here for a bit before Ane-san arrives.

Nfirea's agitated face was hard-pressed to hide his anxiety. The look of immediate confrontation on his face became one of barely-restrained frustration. He clenched his fists tightly, and then slowly released them. Clearly, he had someone in the village, the question was just who? Well, that answer came in the form of the gate opening, a girl appeared at the entrance to the village, escorted by more goblins. As he saw the girl, Nfirea's eyes went wide, and he shouted her name with all his strength:

Nfirea: Enri!

The girl heard the shout and responded in turn. Her voice was gentle and filled with kindness, as though addressing a close friend.

Enri: Nfirea!


Demiurge walked through the Ninth Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The hard soles of his leather shoes clacked loudly against the ground, and the echoes faded away into silence. Many vassals had been set out to maintain security, but they did not impair the atmosphere in this place. For a place full of monsters of every kind, it was quiet. Suddenly, Demiurge looked around and smiled.

Demiurge: Truly magnificent.

The object of his admiration was the entirety of the Ninth Floor. It was a place that complemented the Forty One Supreme Beings, the entities for whom Demiurge would abandon everything and pledge his utmost loyalty. Therefore, Demiurge loved and cherished everything here, he cherished one particular place, the part that was created by Ulbert Alain Odle. While Demiurge may never think it nor say it, he would surely betray all of Nazarick for his creator, even if it meant he would have to fight Artorias and Ainz.

Joy filled Demiurge's heart every time he walked through this place, further reinforcing his devotion to his creators. It was not just Demiurge who felt this way; even the clowns, musicians, and other noisy fellows were awed into silence by this floor and strove to preserve its quiescence. Anyone who was not delighted by the sights here, who was not sufficiently loyal to the Forty One Supreme Beings, must surely have "disloyal tendencies."

As these thoughts passed through Demiurge's mind, he turned a corner. His destination was before his eyes, the room of his unquestionable superior, the Ace and most powerful being of Nazarick, Artorias: the Abyss God. As he approached the room's door, he saw several people open it and leave. These people noticed Demiurge and waited courteously for him to approach.

One of them was dressed like a butler, but he was dressed entirely in black aside from his white gloves. It looked less like a set of butler's clothes than a combat uniform. He was one of the ten manservants of Nazarick, but not even Demiurge could tell which of the ten he was. This was because they all wore full-face battle masks, like faceless mooks, and only communicated in strange noises. In addition, there was the being standing before the butler was a penguin, and it wore a black tie.

Demiurge: It has been a while, Assistant Head Butler-kun.

AHB: Indeed, it has been a while, Demiurge-sama.

He then bowed deeply.

This was not a simple penguin, but the assistant head butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He was a heteromorphic being known as a birdman, and his name was Eclair Aicler Egglayer. As a birdman, like Peroroncino of the Forty One Supreme Beings, he should have had a bestial head and wings, and his limbs should have had avian characteristics. Yet for some reason, he looked like a penguin. Still, Demiurge had no doubts about his appearance. The reason for that was because he was a creation and relic of the Supreme Beings.

It was also common knowledge that she did not conduct her business in her own room but in this room. The room of Lord Artorias, every sense he left she had rarely left his room. It annoyed a few residents of the Tomb those mainly being, Fury and Ciaran. Others were annoyed that she would dare go in the lord's room, only a few were annoyed and even less openly admitted it.

He nodded to Eclair and then asked:

Demiurge: It's rare for you to come here, Eclair-kun. Are you not assigned to the guest rooms?"

Eclair: I must work hard in Sebas-sama's place when he is not around. In fact, I was discussing the finer points of my duties with Albedo-sama.

Demiurge: Indeed. Since he is not around, the Ninth Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick is now your responsibility.

Eclair: Exactly. I must work hard now, so I may one day rule the Great Tomb of Na-

A click was heard, Eclair's head shakingly turned to the noise, he came face to face with a black four barreled pistol named Mercy, the signature weapon of Strife. Knowing he was seconds away from being killed, Eclair jumped out of his butler's hands to the floor. He bowed to Strife who was seconds from killing him.

Strife: What was that, you flight-less chicken?

It was no secret that some if not most of the residents in the tomb hated Eclair, for his incessant talks of one day ruling the tomb. To some it was a spit in the face of their creators, however, o matter how mad that got none would dare attack him nor kill him, as he was still the creation of one of the Supreme Beings. Strife was one of the rare individuals that didn't care for most rules nor formalities. While they would say "Lord" Strife would say "Bossman", most knew he was disrespectful by it, and they all knew Strife deeply rested the lords, especially Lord Artorias.

Eclair: N-nothing, Strife-sama.

Strife: Hmm, get the fuck out of here.

Eclair: Y-yes sir.

Eclair waddled away as fast as he could, his butler followed quickly and picked Eclair up and ran with him.

Demiurge: Strife, you don't have to threaten him.

Of course, if the order was given, Demiurge would eliminate him without mercy, but until then, he had no objections to Eclair. It wasn't that Demiurge didn't care, he just found that Eclair would never truly stand up to the Supreme beings, and even if the Supreme beings didn't follow Nazarick to the new world. Eclair would be killed before he could see the throne. Demiurge will die before he lets Ecair touch the Throne, only the worthy will do so.

Strife: I don't like when he talks about taking Bossman's throne, he annoys the piss out of me. Someone should put him in his place.

Demiurge: He was created by a Supreme being to be that way

Strife: I know, yet I can't understand why Lady Ankoro Mocchi Mochi would make him.

Demiurge: Neither can I, however, that doesn't change the fact that she made him that way. We just have to accept it. Now, I was going to talk to Albedo, what was your reason for being here.

Strife: Boredom

Demiurge: I see

Turning to the door Dmieurge knocked gently on the room's door:

Demiurge: This is Demiurge and Strife. Pardon our intrusion.

He was exceedingly polite, despite the absence of the room's owner. This was because to Demiurge, the room itself was a place to be respected. Demiurge entered the room with Strife following, which should have been empty. They looked around, and did not see Albedo anywhere. Demiurge sighed softly,

Strife: Bedroom?

They then opened another set of doors and proceeded deeper within. The rooms of the Forty One Supreme Beings were modeled after royal suites and featured a vast bathroom, a bar counter, a living room with a grand piano, the main bedroom, guest rooms, a dedicated kitchen, a dressing room, and so on.

Strife advanced to the bedroom without a second's hesitation, Dmieurge knocked on the door and entered without waiting for an answer. There was only a single bed within, but the king-sized bed was adorned with a stylish canopy. There was a large lump, slightly larger than the size of a human, and it was squirming.

Demiurge: Albedo.

Unable to bear Demiurge calling out to her, a world-class beauty revealed her face from under the sheets. Her skin was an uninterrupted stretch of silky smoothness down to her shoulders, so she was probably naked under those sheets. Perhaps it was because she had burrowed into those sheets, but there was a faint blush of arousal on her cheeks.

Demiurge: What fell sorcery are you working there?

Albedo: I want Artorias-sama to be enveloped in my fragrance when he returns.

It would seem her wiggling and squirming was to mark her territory. Strife was dumbstruck. All he could do was silently watch the highest-ranked NPC created by the Forty One Supreme Beings, the Guardian Overseer of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Then, he tiredly shook his head. Demiurge was used to this by now, as he quickly followed with:

Demiurge: You should probably not take it too far.

Albedo: I don't know what you mean by too far, but I understand. Right, Artorias-sama?

The person lying in bed beside Albedo suddenly revealed his face. Demiurge was so shocked that he had no words to say, For a moment, he thought it was Ainz Ooal Gown himself, but it was not nearly thick or imposing enough.

Strife: By the Makers. You made a pillow?!

Albedo: A "Hug-Pillow" from what I know from the archives that Tabula-Sama left, this is something you're supposed to make one of your loved ones. See

She had flipped it over, it had shown Artorias's human form on one side and his Ermac form. Both near perfect replicate. Demiurge's nearly-closed eyes widened slightly as he heard Albedo's prompt reply. He had not expected her to be possessed of such skills.

Albedo: Be it cleaning, washing clothes, or sewing, I possess all these skills at a professional level.

Elated by Demiurge's surprise, Albedo continued showing off in a self-satisfied tone:

Albedo: I've already made socks and clothes for our future baby, up through the age of five.

Albedo's full-faced smile and her kufufufu laugh left Demiurge feeling a little powerless. He considered simply leaving her here and departing forthwith.

Albedo: It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl… ah! What if the child is a hermaphrodite, or sexless?

Demiurge could not say anything. All he could do was watch Albedo, who was muttering to herself.

Demiurge: Pushing that aside, I came under Ainz-Sama's orders.

Dmieugre bowed to Albedo who was is suprioer. Even with the behavior, he deemed not right.

Demiurge: In accordance with Ainz-sama's orders, I along with Death and Strife will be setting out now. That being the case, the only Guardians remaining in Nazarick will be yourself and Cocytus. Only two horsemen will be left, and all of the Knights of Gywn will still be here. Should you need it, The Grand Servants along with The Beast Of Humanity will still be here. That is more than enough to deal with any problem before Ainz-sama is needed, or deal with any problem that Ainz-sama needs to be dealt with.

Albedo: So, after Aura, Mare, Sebas, and Shalltear, it's your turn? They should be enough to hold on until everyone returns."

Demiurge: Yes, this is more than enough.

Strife: Speaking of which, how will you deal with the surviving members of the Sunlight Scripture? Ainz-sama has granted you the right to dispose of them, am I wrong? You could hand that to me as well, but I have no idea what you plan to accomplish with them…"

Dmeiurge: Ah, them, you mean? By order of Ainz-sama, they are helping us with experiments."\

Demiurge seemed very happy, but Albedo wrinkled her elegantly shaped eyebrows.

Demiurge: First is the healing magic tests. When we cut off an arm and heal the wound with magic, the severed hand disappears. Now, if we had them eat the severed arm and then healed the wound, would the nutrients derived from the arm vanish? If we repeated this over and over again, would the people who ate the arms starve to death?

Strife: Ah

Demiurge: In addition, we allow them to vote on who should become the others' food, and who should be the one to cut off the food's limbs with a blunt ax. We do so by a registered voter.

Albedo: Is there a reason for that?

Demiurge: But of course. There will be a hierarchy among the prisoners, from those who will become food and have their limbs chopped off, to those who will chop the limbs off, and those who will eat those limbs. This creates hatred, and once they are gripped by that hatred, all we need to do is gently urge on the ones who were used as food. This encourages them to revolt, and the effects are very obvious. Beings that hate everything are truly fearsome.

Albedo: That is quite disturbing. We of Nazarick are beings created by the Supreme Beings, and there is no way we could betray Albedo-sama. But to think these humans would betray their own masters… well, they have hardly any loyalty to speak of.

Demiurge: That is what makes it interesting. You could enjoy the humans in that way too, could you not, Albedo? All you need to do is treat them as toys.

Albedo: I cannot understand your way of thinking.

Demiurge: What a shame. All right, staying here and chatting will delay the execution of Ainz-sama's orders. If anything happens, let me know and I will return right away. Then, I will be off. Right… since you wanted to make boy's clothes, you might want to know this. Did you know that the Supreme Beings seem to prefer boys in girl's clothing?"

Strife: Hmm? What, how did you come to that.

Demiurge: Mare.

Strife: Ah, I can see that. But I think only Lady Bukubukuchagama likes it since it's only Mare.

Demiurge: Possible.

Albedo: Didn't Lord Ainz once call me a "gap moe" once, maybe that's another thing the Supreme Beings like.

Demiurge: Yes, but what does "Gap Moe" mean?

Strife: beats me.


I'm back, sorry for the break guys but I'm back now.

Shimo_Kiba Shimo_Kiba

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