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Chapter 16: First phase.

(Ibiki): "The first test of Chūnin Shiken will begin."

That caught the attention of everyone in the room, Kabuto used this opportunity to sneak out, which did not go unnoticed by Naruto, but he couldn't do anything at the moment.

(Ibiki): "I am Morino Ibiki, I will be the supervisor of this event, before we start, each one of you will take a number inside this box and will sit on the chair that corresponds to the number you took." - He said with one of the instructors stepping forward holding a black box.

All the participants formed a line in front of the instructor with the box and took their numbers, Team 7 ended up distancing themselves a lot from each other, although they were grateful for not being close to the Uchiha, and Naruto thanking all that is sacred for not sitting next to whoever smelled like a snake. When everyone was seated, the instructors placed a blank sheet in front of each other, pencil and eraser as well. When all the sheets were delivered, all the instructors who arrived with Ibiki, sat in chairs that were in one corner of the room.

(Ibiki): "Very well, as you may have imagined, the first test is a written test." - Several participants started to complain, saying that it was bullshit, while Naruto let out a groan of despair. - "SILENCE!" - Everyone is silent at the same time. - "In the test in front of you, you have nine questions, the tenth question will be given in the last 10 minutes of the time allowed to do this test. You started with 10 points, if you miss a question or get caught cheating you lost 1 point. If a team member ends with less than 7 points, fail the entire team. And if you are caught gluing three times, you and your team are automatically eliminated."

There were murmurs all over the room, but Naruto was confused, it was usually for the student to be eliminated the moment he was caught cheating, why this time they would just get a point?

(Ibiki): "You have 1h 20 minutes until I say the tenth question. START!"

Everyone became the test, and Naruto was confused again, the time he killed himself from studying so much, he had a certain notion of the degree of difficulty of things, and those issues were definitely well above what one would expect from a genin. Naruto moved his eyes around the room and saw two people in front of him answering as if he had already memorized the proof. He also realized that the instructors were really paying attention, it was almost as if he knew they were going to stick.

At that time a light came on Naruto's head and he remembered the mission in which his team and Team 10 went to rescue Team 8, when Asuma said that his hearing would be perfect for gathering information.

(Naruto): 'Gathering information ... so those who are responding must be with the instructors, so that the participants have a chance to get the right answers... although I'm sure Sakura-chan and Shikamaru won't even go need to cheat.'

His companions and friends had also realized the true meaning of the event, and were gluing their way, Haku had created a thin mirror of ice and placed it on top of a participant's test, the ice was so thin that it didn't even require much chakra and the instructors didn't even notice, with the exception of Ibiki, but his job was not to count the times the participants cheated. Sasuke used the Sharingan to imitate the movements of another student, and Sakura, just as Naruto had predicted, did not need to cheat.

Whenever ten minutes passed, Ibiki remembered the time left until the tenth question. And that started to irritate Naruto after a while.

(Naruto): 'Does he like to put pressure on this race?' - He thinks irritated with Ibiki.

At that moment another light came to the blond-redhead's head.

(Naruto): 'Pressure! This step is to test our resistance to psychological pressure. So the difficult test, the fear of being caught cheating and screwing with your companions, and remembering the time limit. It's pure pressure! No wonder this guy is the boss of Anko-chan.' - He thinks euphorically with himself for having deciphered the meaning of the evidence.

After that epiphany Naruto just relaxed, he knew how to 'stick', if it could be called a necklace, but it would serve after all he didn't have much to do in the situation he was in, he just had to wait for the time to pass. Time passed and all of his colleagues managed to cheat, when Naruto realized that the infiltrators had finished the test, he raises his hand.

(Naruto): "Ibiki-san, just a confirmation."

(Ibiki): "Which one?"

(Naruto): "I have to be caught cheating three times to be eliminated, right?"

(Ibiki): "Yes, why?"

(Naruto): "Just to do this." - He said with a smile.

Naruto stood up with his test in his hand drawing everyone's attention, went to the side of one of the participants who were supposed to be Ibiki agents, knocked him out with a punch, took the student's test, changed his name on the boy's table unconscious, and left his own proof, which was nameless.

(Ibiki): "BOY! What are you doing?"

(Naruto): "Cheating." - He says it most naturally in the world. - "I still have to be picked up two more times." - He says with a brazen smile on his face as he returns to his seat.

Everyone stood with their chin on the floor with Uzumaki's wooden face. Haku, Hinata, Ino and Sakura had to hold back their laughter, all friends knew the meaning of the test, at least part of it, and found it funny how the Uzumaki chose a much more direct approach. And although Ibiki showed that he was furious, he was laughing inside due to the boy's cunning.

(Ibiki): 'No wonder Anko likes him.' - He thinks he's still laughing internally.

(Ibuki): "Very well, whoever does the same thing will be disqualified!" - He gave this announcement in an irritated tone and almost the whole room was outraged.

(Participant 1): "Why can he then? That's not fair!"

(Ibuki): "SILENCE! First, he can because he thought first and realized it, do not expect that the same tactic will work twice in the same situation, and second, life is not fair. And if you keep complaining, I disapprove you right now, understand?"

The participants were still disgusted, but they quickly nodded and just kept quiet. In the Hokage's office, the Hokage himself and the jōnins were seeing the evidence by the crystal ball of the Hokage totally disbelieving, even Naruto's brides were disbelieving with the way Uzumaki acted, except for Anko who was laughing.

(Asuma): "Is that allowed?" - He asks extremely confused, he had no intention of giving Naruto a problem, it was just that the situation was totally unexpected.

(Hiruzen): "Well... technically speaking, it only stuck once."

At that time, Kakashi's rival, Might Guy decided to speak.

(Guy): This kid has a strange youth flame.

(Kakashi): "How is it that no one has ever thought of this before?"

(Kurenai): "But for Naru-kun to have done this, it means that he understood the meaning of the test."

(Anko): "Foxy-kun must have realized that it will not always be able to be subtle at these times." - She says still laughing while wiping away tears.

In the test room the weather was still strange due to Uzumaki's stick face, but they just continued the test, after returning to his chair, Naruto turned the test and started sleeping, which left many shocked at how relaxed he was. was.

(Ibiki): 'He can only have understood the meaning of this test ... he has good reasoning for the 'Last dead'.'

The time passed until the race time was over.

(Ibiki): "Time is up! It's time for the tenth question! Turn the proof!"

Naruto woke up to Ibiki's voice, and the entire room paid attention to him.

(Ibiki): "Before I say the tenth question, there are some rules that involve it that I have to tell you. If you give up now, you can redo the Exam Chūnin next year."

(Participant 2): "Obviously, isn't it?" - She says in an arrogant tone that she only loses to Sasuke.

(Ibiki): "But if you continue and miss the last question, you will be genins for the rest of your life. They will never be able to do Exam Chūnin again!" - After that the room exploded with complaints and curses due to such a rule. - "SHUT UP THESE MOUTS YOUR SHIT! I MAKE THE RULES HERE!" - The room is quiet again. - "Okay, who wants to give up? Remember, if one leaves, the team has to leave too."

Several people left the room, if it weren't for the final stretch, Naruto would have gone back to sleep, they were quiet, until a few minutes passed without anyone leaving the room.

(Ibiki): "Are those who are ready?" - Everyone nodded. - "So I just have one thing to say to you. CONGRATULATIONS! You passed."

The room was silent for a few seconds, before a collective shout, except for Naruto.

(Everyone): "WHAT?!"

(Participant 3): "Wait, what about the tenth question?"

(Ibiki): "It does not exist. This Exam Chūnin test was to see your resistance to psychological pressure. After all, you can lead a mission to failure if you cannot resist the pressure at the moment, as well as collecting information from you... although one person was not that traditional." - He says the last part facing Naruto, who just smiled. - "After all, the consequences of failing in some of these tasks can be disastrous. " - He said removing the cloth that covered her head, and when she was all bare, everyone's eyes widened.

Ibuki's head was a sea of ​​scars, and they all had different shapes, meaning only two things, either he was caught on several occasions or the person who caught him this time really did his best. Soon after he returned to cover his head, for a woman, whom Naruto recognized as his fiancee Anko, appeared breaking the window. She had a flag behind her, written: 'WELCOME TO HELL! THE SECOND TEST WILL START! ', And Ibiki stopped in front of him, posing.


After that entrance, she looks at the room as a whole.

(Anko): "Oe Ibiki, how did so many pass? Is it softening?" - She says teasing the boss.

(Ibiki): "This generation seems to be better than the previous one." - He said as he indicated Naruto with his eyes.

Anko just went over to Naruto, and hugged him, placing the red-blond's head between her breasts, which made several men jealous.

(Anko): "I knew you would pass Foxy-kun!" - She said excitedly in a dingy tone, but quickly changed the tone for the rest of the room. - "Very well kids, follow me. In this test, I guarantee that not half of you pass." - She said dry with them."

Everyone followed Anko, with some wondering why Anko's attitude changed towards Naruto. After Anko took all the participants, Hibiki collected all the evidence, but stopped at Naruto's, or rather, the evidence that Naruto stole, as there was something written on the back.

The sentence was as follows: 'Ibiki-san, Anko-chan spoke a lot about you, so I believe you know about the skills of my kekkei genkai. Well, I would like to inform you that the moment I entered the room, I smelled a disgusting snake, I don't know if it's just in my head, but that smell gives me a feeling of foreboding, that's why I'm warning. And I would also like to say that a genin with Konoha's Hitai-ate, called Yakushi Kabuto, had that smell too, which meant that he was in contact with him, and he has some Info-Ninja Cards with some information that he collected in the past four years, but has information from newcomers to Chūnin Shiken, which shouldn't be possible. I'm just warning you to clear my conscience. Signed, future Konoha Hokage, Uzumaki Dragneel Naruto.'

Ibiki just stared at that message.

(Ibiki): 'Snake smell ?! Does that mean?!' - He thinks he is praying to be wrong, but even so he went to warn the Hokage about it and then went to warn Anko.

Meanwhile, Anko took all the participants, who had joined with their own teams and were whispering among themselves.

(Sakura): "You know where she is taking us."

(Naruto): "No, but knowing Anko-chan, I would guess that this test will be one of survival. Although I have no idea what it will add."

(Haku): "But I think we can expect to stay for a few days in this event."

They continued to follow Anko until they stopped in front of a forest that had a large fence around it.

(Anko): "Welcome to the stage of the second test of Chūnin Shiken, training camp number 44, The Forest of Death." - She said the name of the place in a macabre tone that scared most of the participants.

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