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Chapter 20: crazy

After Jimin walks away from Daniel and Vasco he goes outside, to take a breather and thinks to himself. "Daniel was just trying to help me now I've pushed to far, I attacked one of the only friends I made here."

He is angry at himself for letting emotions get the better of him he isn't supposed to be this way, he was stronger now right? As he was thinking this he hears a scream "HELP ME." he says "wait, isn't that Mira." He starts running towards where he heard the scream from from it's about a 2 minute run.

Once he gets there he see's the counselor Hoobin on the floor bloodied, and the handsome counselor Zeus on top of a bloodied and screaming Mira while he pulls her pants off. Jimin angry takes off his shirt and throws it on the floor and yells. "YOU SON OF A BITCH WHY DON'T YOU GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER BEFORE I KILL YOU."

Zeus turns around gets up and says "Hey are you alone." Jimin doesn't answer and throws a fast punch at Zeus who couldn't react in time so he falls back a little. Jimin follows up with a flying knee, Zeus falls back but quickly recovers quickly and tries to grab Jimin's face.

But Jimin see's this coming and dodges backward and catches his wrists and pulls him closer, and knees him in the abdomen and the grabs the back of his neck and starts kneeing him in the face over and over. When he falls Jimin keeps beating him finally able to get all his anger out he punches him again and again.

As Jimin is beating Zeus, he starts screaming saying "YOU SON OF A BITCH IM GONNA KILL YOU. WASN'T MY FAULT IT WASN'T." As Jimin was beating Zeus everyone comes in and hears him screaming and they see him beating the shit out of Zeus.

Daniel seeing this runs over to stop Jimin from killing Zeus. So he runs over there and pulls Jimin off of him saying. "it's over he's done you might kill him." At this point Jimin just stands there thinking about it all, it was all racing in his mind "you killed your mother he heard a voice say" He looks around and responds back saying "no I didn't it wasn't me it wasn't my fault."

the voice responds back with anger. "But it was." Jimin yells back "N-no it wasn't!" The voice responds back angrier than ever and clearer than ever "You killed them both." When he heard the voice again he realized it was himself.

Still not seeing around him he walks away stumbling he walks out of the storage unit, and sits down on the floor and thinks "I'm not this weak anymore right why do I feel this way, I'm not this person anymore DAMNIT."

He sits there thinking about it all for awhile. Until they finally bring out the counselor Zeus, they tell Jimin to get checked for any injuries he agrees and goes to get checked and while he's doing that, he hears people basically defending Zeus just because he is handsome. which pissed him off but then he hears them say it was probably the fat one.

Jimin looks over at them with a petrifying glare and says "you might wanna watch your damn mouth's you fucking worm's." After they finished checking Jimin for injuries, Zack comes up to him and bows and says. "thanks for protecting Mira."

Jimin looks at him with a smile and says. "I wouldn't let that happen to my classmate." Zack nods and walks away. After the trip Jimin went straight home and didn't go to school for a month to figure things out.

It has been maybe a month since Jimin left his house or done anything at all really. He has just been thinking about his mother and father, he doesn't even know that it is Thanksgiving yet but he decides that he's gonna go to the place in Korea where his dad died.

Once he gets to the bus he sees Daniel and jay he walks up to them because they are on the same bus Daniel says. "Jimin why are you here? where have you been? its been a month. I knocked on your door but you didn't answer."

Jimin looks at Daniel and says. "I've been thinking it over and I thought it was time, to visit my father after all this time." Daniel smiles and says. "hope, I can meet him someday." Jimin flinches and says flatly. "That's not possible because he is dead." Daniel nods and walks on the bus sadly, with Jimin and jay following after him.

once they make it to their destination Daniel says. "Do you guys wanna meet Jin's mother." Jimin looks confused and says "wait aren't you guys brother's." Daniel scratches his head and says. "Different dad's and she doesn't really like talking about it so don't bring it up please." Jimin and jay both nod their heads.

And Jimin says "I guess I could visit my dad later let's go." Daniel nods and says "Oh yes and she calls him Daniel to for some odd reason." Jimin can tell Daniel is lying at this point but he isn't gonna pressure him into telling him.

After they walk for a while they finally make it to Jin's house. They walk in and Jin's mother says "Hey how have you been Daniel's asleep." Jimin just looks around, and see's that Jin is poor just like him he says. "it's nice to meet you ma'am."

She nods and says. "My Daniel has so many friends, I'm gonna go wake him up." Daniel scratches his neck and says in a nice tone. "Hey there is no need to do that he is probably tired from work." she nods and says. "yes that probably is true."

At this point Jimin realizes something he's never seen Daniel and Jin in the same place before, that is weird and they have never been conscious at the same time either, maybe they just never had the need he thinks hmm none of my business anyway.

After that Daniel goes to sleep and Jin wakes up and looks around and sees me and jay he says "Hey Jimin it's been a long time since you came to the store, and you must be jay Daniel told me a lot about you." Jimin smiles at Jin and says "well I have been thinking about, things that happened recently."

Jin makes a sad face which confused Jimin because Jin shouldn't know right, well after that Jin tells them that a guy named Logan lee stole his money and that's why Daniel is here to get it back for him. Once they were done hanging out Jimin and jay said their goodbyes to Jin since Daniel was asleep.

Once they left Jimin and jay walked together for awhile until they turned down different ways, once Jimin finally makes it back to his old house where he buried his father he notices nobody has moved in. He thinks to himself "it's been years that's odd."

He looks in the window and then pulls it up an climbs in through the window. He finally gets in the house he decide to go and look around the house for memories he starts walking around observing and remembering all the times he was beaten and smiles "I have no happy memories here or anywhere." He says to himself.

Jimin finally had enough of reminiscing and he goes to where his father is buried, he looks down on the grave he made and thinks of how his father made him into what he was today a strong man someone who doesn't follow any other man. And he feels something wet roll down his face he touches his face and realizes it was tears.

He says "why am I crying, I have no reason to cry." He then kneels down at his fathers grave saying. "father I still can't stop crying I am still weak, why do I feel like this help me understand someone." While on his knees he starts crying without sobbing just silent tears while bowing his head down to his father's grave.

When he got back up he went in his old home and went to sleep on the floor in his old room. He wakes up the next day and goes out while he's walking he sees jay and this fat-ish guy with tattoos about to fight he says "Hey Jay, what are you doing." Jay doesn't answer him so he walks over to them and then he sees Logan lee.

king_sake king_sake

yes jimin may be a little emotionally weak but this is just to balance out his strength he's far stronger than everyone so I had to but it won't get in the way much he just get emotional at times tho

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