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Chapter 14: Chapter 14

The small Eskimo moment was interrupted by his Younger brother and of course my world's best buddie , Nilay had come half rubbing his twice size swollen red eyes , in his wrinkled grey pajama and his all time favorite T-shirt , baby blue color with Small caricature made on its right , he was standing right in front of us ,

" What are you doing in my room , Nil ?" Adhiraj slurred in his famous monotonous voice ,

Nil totally ignoring his elder brother's question , looked at me with his open eyes , as if it was very hard for him to believe that I was standing on the floors of Adhiraj's room , the same person , who once had prohibited me from entering in his den ,

" Sriju ! What miracle bounded you to come here and that's too in Bhai's room , you came lately because of some unexplained reason , am I missing something ?" Nilay had indirectly accused me to not bothering to meet him first but rushing directly to his elder brother's room , which I never ever do whenever I come to Shekhawat Mansion ,

" By the way, who gave you the news of me coming here ?" I inquired totally cutting off his previous doubt,

" Bepin Kaka !"

" Oh ! Yeah , I had met him in the hallway while coming here , Just wanted to give notes to Adhiraj , as you know we are having exams tomorrow ....he was in urgent need of notes , Isn't it Adhiraj ?" I chewed the last line in very tepid manner , and pinched the Nonchalant Adhiraj who had again took his phone in his hands and had been non stopped chatting his beau ,

" Ouch !" Adhiraj shrieked through his phone , and I smashed my forehead with my hand , all in vain , Nilay must have sensed my little stunt through Adhiraj's , ouch !! Sometimes he seems like a complete buffoon to me , didn't it was much obvious that I had pinched him to revert back his attention and to nod his head pretty sympathetic along my webbed lie ,but he screwed over , bighead ,

" But you are an Arts student, how come you started giving your notes to a science student ?" Nilay spread his narrow pincer like gaze towards me , and I was totally dumbfounded,

" You're such a fool , Srijita !" Adhiraj voice hissed in my ear and I gritted my teeth. Meeting his eyes which had played a sly smile over them ,

holy shit ! Wrong move , I was busted ,

" I - I mean , Someone had told me to hand him his notes , " What a gliding lie , Miss Srijita Sanyal .

" And who is this someone ?"

" Bondita Mathews , Remember the Girl from Arts and Science optional ! She , came running this late hour towards me , she asked me to pass the notes to Adhiraj !" However , I did fetched some sort of warm up white lies to satisfy the doubts of Nilay , but he still seemed insatiable ,

" The one , who is hanging too much with him nowadays, the girl with big mole beside her left nose , are you talking about that Bondita Mathews only ?" His exchanging words was digging deeper holes of fear and distress , I might get slipped out of my pocket of lying theories,

" Enough ! Nil , you had set much of your CBI inquiries to her , now go to your room and let her go her home , you two had already wasted half of my time , now you and you too leave my room, I had lots more to study !" Adhiraj intervened in the matter and filled the gaps while ,I was thankful to him that he saved my ass for first time , while getting messed up with Nilay's clawing questions , It had blew me off my feet ,

" Fine, don't put your dramas over me , Just got edgy about you being allowing Sriju to take over your place instead of mine , " Nilay put in ,and stormed out of the room ,

" Do you think , this convinced him ?" Now the Adhiraj turned his face around me , looking fully flagged but a bit exasperated , he was showing some kind of hidden paranoia behind his tactless behaviour ,

" You must try hard to not flick much , I've got the impression from him, that he did caught something fishy going upon !" I wavered my hand in front of his face and adjusting my scarf , I left out from his room , only to follow behind the Abandoned Nilay , he must be hurt , I banged his room and I could still see Kriti sleeping with some drool over his pink faded night gown with some organdie material as a mixed ,

"Try , not to awake her , she had been studying since ten hours and had took a slip at sleep just an hour about ! " Nilay passed his slumbering body on his study chair , which was having a dark brown paint , Nilay was having a slight chocolaty boy image , he was the type of boy which the girls find cute , he was not that leathered bad boy who would ventured out in whole school campus in his Davidson and would market his fake persona hypes just to get undivided attention from the girlish flocks , he was a gentle man , a beyond average looking guy, wheatish complexion , angular face , and above all the copper color and the big round eyes with large eyelashes just like Adhiraj but he was a feet lesser than Adhiraj , not that he was of an average height but yes ! If he was a young man than Adhiraj was a beast in front of him ,

Unlike the Adhiraj , the study table had attached showcase and a upper shelf for some books , king sized bed like Adhiraj but there was blend of interior nestling inside , unlike Adhiraj had grey paint , here the color was chorused between Blue and pink , a magenta , striking the blemish shades of Light mauvish crimson , there gallery of art was filled with their childhood photos , Kriti cradling on the floor with a red carpet laid on it, the back ridden Kriti behind Nilay , on some blind spots you could note down the scarce presence of Adhiraj , mainly with his no smile fervent face , showing dead smiles , either no smile , just stiff and posing like some filter in some photos , it seemed he doesn't care to be a part of this sibling portrait , there was Baldev Uncle and their grandpa carrying the younger Nilay and Kriti onto their laps , sitting in a wooden armchairs ,

" Why you always go on acting like a cuckold ! Stuck and then bang !! Shutting down , " I beseeched and shunned on my chair.

" Just because you always blew up over our halcyon days !" Abruptly lifting his high but brandished voice sharping out, he toiled at me ,

" This time , he really messed up into a big disaster , " I hung my head low , and dragged my chair slowly around him,

" There's nothing new about him , he always did something farce , like acting totally like a daredevil puts him and his life into danger and basically we have to be his , farishta !! " flipping pages from his Historical Handbook on the Rise of Romans , he let out a rumbling grunt ,

" Don't ever let that sound again !" I scrunched my nose in disgust , feeling really agitated on his weird noise ,

" Why so ?"

" Because it sounds like the one which a fatty man made on his toilet seat !"

" Oh ! You mean it sounded like a flush !"

" Nope , it sounded like a bombarding bullets of farts before the gushing of potty into the toilet " I arraigned in very darting manner , which let out the slip of small giggles escaping from both of us,

" Oh ! That's Gross man !" Nilay fakes the vomiting and made a sheepish laugh ,

" Would both of you two, could keep low of your laughing shouts , I can't sleep here !" And a flying Pillow was projected towards us , but we dodged it and Kriti after mumbling some curses to us , slept like a Kumbhakaran ...

" How did she ...knew it was me !" I let out from the shriek of surprise ,

" Darling ! It's not the first time , you came like this , remember , we had done lots of sneaking around , even I did lost the counts of it , that's why she got her instinct from there !" Nilay slung his arm over my shoulder and pinched the bridge of my nose.

" Hey ! Don't pinch , it itches " I protested , while an empty one ,

" But what did he do now , Any other school break-in or squashed the hearts of one of your girl gang , I mean you hardly had any but , that could be the case or does it got into a fight to prove his coolness , he is a raunchy typo !" Nilay whirled around his chair , tapping the desk of his study table in a drumming pattern.

" No ! The biggest poop than all of this !"

" Are you trying to provoke me against of my lovely brother , oh ! Lord ! he is so sweet , so kind ! How could you accuse him of something like that !" Nilay had this fit of acting all lame and faking his melodramatic inner spilt personality like that in the south film Parichit, where hero had a personality disorder , but I m sure Nilay hadn't developed any of this traits , it is just he loves being a melodramatic solace ,

I shook my head and outlawed his claims regarding how sweet his ring a ring a roses brother is , he is such hydra headed monster who swipes like a serpent but fanged like a real python ,

" We are talking about Adhiraj Singh Shekhawat , the one who constantly serves his ass willingly to the burning furnace !" I jerked some ideas in his mind totally missing out the point where Adhiraj had done some irreversible damaged , like once he had gone hitting the head boy of the school who the son of the cabinet minister , but somehow Head boy was friend of Nilay and Nilay compensated him by doing his one week assignment and home works while Adhiraj had no idea about this , Head boy Ravi promised him to not file a complaint against him , next thing was followed by Adhiraj Scratching the old scooter of Mr. P Babu Das , well his name was Mr. Ponchu Babu Das , but he had strictly ordered us to address him as P Babu, he was one half bald headed , with a big paunch hanging out of his shirt , his scooter name was , " Shonduri " means beautiful but I think Adhiraj's Devil doesn't understand the meaning of Shonduri , Devil his famous Harley Davidson bike which he had got as a gift on his 17th birthday bash , did collided with fragile Shonduri and left a big scratch over the scooter , it was four inch and three cm deep and could be visible even with a naked eyes,

Mr. Ponchu , I mean Mr. P Das was very pissed and had mourned over a one month grief upon his Shonduri's farewell , this time Nilay doesn't wanted to be a sacrificed goat so the cursor was drawn at me and I had took the helm this time to be his savior , Well we convinced Mr. Ponchu Babu Das that the Bygone of His beloved Shonduri was indeed a misfortune but however that poor 20 years old scooter needs a termination and luckily Adhiraj gave it its salvation from being a lifeless Scooter , but still I had to get him Misti Doi and tons of Rasogulla from the famous Nonki Potla Mithai shop , as a compensation over his death grieved mourns for month , my all pocket money of eight years got thinned and finally become disappeared leaving me penniless,

" He had seriously channelized his all sins to us , oh man ! I would seriously beat his ass with my baseball bat !" Nilay clutched out his hairs , similarly getting reminder of those horrible things which happened to us after every time he blew out a big time ,

A fear creped inside me , well ! Nilay had slightly distracted from the topic , that what does Adhiraj had done this time to owe us again being his wingman , but the past misdeeds and bad experiences after being his solicitor had always earned us the worst of all the time , this time he had completely forged to act like a lover and with a girl who had a lethal orthodox Father , A slump of saliva died inside my throat only , and I feverishly shook my head ,no its not happening ,

" I had been floated enough to be his Chiseller, but I think this time , we should back up !" I told Nilay to which he gazed me with his big round eyes , and a sense of tensed brow rose up ,

" Well ! What do you want to say by this , time ? , actually ! I did forgot , what had been he up to this time ? ' And now he suddenly paid me up by talking about his due question, great! Just great !! Now As Nilay had his sharp memory , which made him to ask about the long forgotten question that what had Adhiraj Done this time ?

" I can't let my mouth talk , he had taken a mouth from me !" We had been talking since Two hours , and now I could see his tearjerker face , and let out a raging sigh ,

" And This is what I hate , " he let out his disgrace about me keeping it from him,

"That I m not telling ?"

" No ! That now you changed our bro code !"

" I m not betraying !"

" You're simply following your tread behind your crush !" His final words smacked my eyes and whole body , Crush!!

" How could you think of him as my crush ! Here we're talking about His life , how did I managed to be linked with him and above all , You made him, The Adhiraj Singh Shekhawat as my crush , You're being ridiculous !" He had totally outdone myself , even this whole assumption is extortionate , well very flagged from me ,

" I could swear it on the names of Babu Konkalnath !" Nilay took a swear against his incurred situation,

" Babu Konkalnath , now who the fuck is this Babu Konkalnath ?" Grabbing the paper from his rough note book , I crumbled the paper and made a paper ball and then finally tore it up , I was nailing inside my own , this whole fucked up plans ,

" A dead Man !" He answered while playing a small jibe over his small lips,

" So ?"

" Babu Konkalnath is cheap character from the Bengali Thriller

Episode , " Detective Khoji Bose" .

" So now you're using a fictional character for your swearing purpose !"

" Nah !!" He waved his hand at my face ,

" Then "

" He is a dead Man , who died as a victim in his fifth Episode , named

" The men with a limboo , (Lemon) "

" Dead man as a swearing thing , what nonsense !" I gritted and hissed at him,

" Remember , "Dead men tells no tales" Now that's what I hate about him the most , cracking nonsense jokes at serious time ,

" You're nonsense !"

" Accept it "

" What should I accept now ?"

" That you got a irrevocable Crush on my elder Brother since your diaper time , but you always denied in sake of your ego !"

" Never , I don't have any crush -brush over your elder brother , He is a cheat , swindler and on the top a big womanizer , and by the way it is called self pride not an ego ," I rubbed it off , I don't have crush on him , really ? May be a quick infatuation , just because he keep bothering , no ! Not even an infatuation , he is just a habit for me to bear , that's it. Nothing less , nothing more .

" Then why did you wore that black dress at the time of his birthday party , when the theme was Purple , " Now here comes his little brother who is being queerish, brutally spelling out the worthless points ,

" Because my dress get spoilt and I had no choice rather than black because it was the only new dress which I did buy from the shopping mall, that's why I had to wear the Black dress, and by the way Sonia had also wore the black dress and Pooja and Reema ....His Favorite over clingy Koel ....they too had wrapped their bodies in black , " I argued with my wholehearted spirit to prove his claims down.

" No ! Sweetie , You wore that color because it was Bhai's favorite color , Not because you hadn't have any option , and speaking of his rest of the girls wearing black , so just in case to let me make you remember , they were his flings, girlfriends, ex girlfriend , and they knew how much he loved that color , just to peg down their claiming over him , not because they hadn't have any option unlike you !" He quirked his eyebrows at me and I was totally reddened at that time , but I managed to look stiff and unaffected , did I really was that obvious that anyone can read the messages over my mind , I mean I m still confused ,

" Don't over think about the whole situation , it was just a coincidence ..." I stammered ,

" Then Aunty must be wrong , about you persuading her to go the famous ,

" Femina Shop " , at the Ballygunge area , and to buy one of the expensive black long gown with real pearls , really hadn't have any option !" Seriously I looked at him with wide eyes he looked at me with puppy eyes, the fake sweet looks were scorching off his face and I knew he was enjoying every second of my exposed truth , my lashes at halt , my mouth agape at his words , my mom !! Ugh ....they say true , Women !! Can't keep their mouth shut, even I had told her to spread not a single word about that to anyone ....not even to Nilay , but my own mom ....why is this whole day frustrating ,

" Just stop it , Okay fine's not good to keep pestering your best friend , I mean I really don't like him , it was that it happened , He insulted me about my looks and old-fashioned , baggy looking dull face , and simply I wanted to get a sweet revenge out of him , that's why I chose black , but that doesn't mean that I did this all dress breaking code out of my non existing love for him , Now ! Promise me one thing , you will not tell anything about this to anyone ?" I played my card to him , well he is my only irritating best friend but sometimes even you had to rat on your best buddies also ,

" Locked it deep down , but I still had one doubt , that when I did came to Bhai's room , why did I got the impression that, like you both were gonna kiss the hell out of each other , were I am assuming the flickering heat or it is just the truth ?" His failed attempt stunned me and I was totally lost at his question of our never happening kiss , so he had already sneaked up to register the scene of Adhiraj kissing me ....but that would never gonna be happen , not that I would even allow it next time , it's time to get hold of your hormones Srijita , that bastard can't get his ways done with me like the rest ...

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