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Chapter 13: Too Far

"Now… who's next on the chopping block!?!?"

A young man in a business suit stepped up, dragging a large scythe behind him, "I shall be your opponent."

I raise my eyebrow, "A scythe huh? Going for the Grim Reaper look huh?"

He quietly stares at me and puts the handle of his scythe over his shoulder, "Come!"

I sigh and create a bubble of air, similar to the one Shiro made the day before, "Cool, lemme just do this real quick."


He stands there shocked as I finish up my bubble, but his shock quickly turns into rage, "DON'T SCREW WITH ME KID!!!"

He quickly runs forwards and swings his scythe around, "DIE!!!"

"Tch, what an idiot."

Ducking under the blade, I use my thumb and flick the bubble right next to his ear, before quickly covering my own.


The bubble explodes next to his ear and he immediately drops to the floor, "What kind of an idiot waits for his opponent to complete their attack?"

I lean down and look at his ear, blood is seeping out and the area around it is slightly burned, 'Compressing air causes the molecules in the air to vibrate and heat up rapidly. Not only that, the sound probably blew up your eardrums. He'll probably suffer from permanent brain damage after this.'

I look down at his scythe, "Flashy, but impractical."

The villains around me start running away and I sigh and head towards Tokoyami, who is having trouble against an electric user and some girl who was touching the ground, making it extremely slippery.

As I get closer, I notice that Dark Shadow seems to be struggling against the lightning, 'If he's a shadow, it would make sense if his weakness is light.'

I throw a card at a lamp post and swing up and fly into the girl, breaking her arms and ribs, "Hey, Tokoyami, need a hand?"

The electric guy suddenly turns and at that moment, Dark Shadow uppercuts him and knocks him out.

Tokoyami looks at me and nods, "Thank you. I was having a-"

His eyes widen as he sees the blood splattered across my face and clothes, "O-Oy S-Sh-Shiro, y-your c-covered in blood."

I look down and scratch the back of my head, "Arara~, he's gonna kill me for this. Getting blood stains out of white clothing… Oh yeah, you guys have never met me. I'm Kuro. Shiros' split personality."

His eyes widen even more, "S-Split personality…"

I shrug my shoulders, "Don't worry too much about it. You'll get used to it eventually."

I start walking away, but behind me, Tokoyami is muttering, "I can't condone murder, even if it was self-defense. I don't care who you are, you will stay under my watch!"

I give him a side glance, "Yes, you're right, murder is illegal. But I haven't killed anyone. I have just been treating them as villains. But then again, cutting them up is too messy. Maybe I'll just stick with dislocations and shattering bones and shit. Anyways, see ya. I'm gonna go back to the courtyard, I saw a few people over there and the guys here are all scared shitless of me."

I turn back around and start walking away, but I don't get any further as I lean to my left to avoid Dark Shadow, who had come flying at me.

Dark Shadow flies back to Tokoyami who is facing me, "I will restrain you until this is over."

I draw my cards again, "It would leave a bad taste in Shiro's mouth if I cut you up. But I do have stuff I'd rather be doing now you know."

Dark Shadow charges at me again, but its movements are too slow. In one move, I create a wide wall of Bungee Gum and slam its head into the ground, sealing it down with Bungee Gum.

Tokoyami tries to pull Dark Shadow back, but nothing happens, "W-what!?"

I quickly dash over to Tokoyami and appear behind him, "With your type of quirk, I doubt you trained your body."

I chop at his neck and Tokoyami passes out, but Dark Shadow continues to struggle.

'How interesting, his quirk stays active even though the user is unconscious.'

I release Dark Shadow and he immediately gets into a fighting position, "You bastard!"

I sigh, "I beat you once, I can do it again. For now, you should focus on protecting Tokoyami. It'd be a shame if some villain got a jump on him because you were fighting me."

He realizes this and quickly retreats to Tokoyami where he sits atop of him and does whatever a shadow does in his spare time.

Shiro quietly mutters, 'Put him in a building.'


'I said put him in a building. He's gonna get attacked if he stays here.'

"So, that's not my problem."

'Just fucking do it! He'll be in a strategic location at least.'

Sighing, I go back towards Tokoyami and pick him up, Dark shadow immediately tries to defend him, "What are you doing now, huh!?"

But I reassure him by saying, "I'm putting him inside of a building. This rain sucks, and you might be able to defend him better."

I drop him off and start walking towards what I think is the exit. On the way, I encountered one of the villains that had escaped.

"No!!! Please! I surrender! Don't hurt me!" Some man with barrels for fingers is holding his hands up in surrender.

I glare at him for a little before turning away, "You're too pathetic to cut up."

He smirks and aims his fingers at me, "Haha, you fool!"

Before I can dodge or block, he shoots 10 bullets into my back, and I drop to my knees in pain.

The man gets up smirking, "Hahaha! You fell for the oldest trick in the book."

He presses his fingers against the back of my head, "Get rekt noob."

But immediately I slice open his knees and two white knobs fall out and he falls to the ground, "H-How?!?!"

Shiro mutters, 'Stop already. That's too far.'

But I ignore him, wincing in pain as I shake my vest, causing the bullets to drop to the floor, and an evil smile appears on my face, made only worse by the blood that was still visible, "Get rekt noob, huh?"

"B-B-Bulletproof vest!?!?"

My smile grows even larger, "You see those two white knobs on the ground. Those are the patella or commonly referred to as your knee caps. Right now, if you attempt to stand, an incredible pain will shoot up your leg because your joints might dislocate due to lack of support."

The man looks up at me in fear, "W-what kind of hero are you?"

My smile doesn't reach my eyes, "I never said I was a hero."

Creating another sleeve of Bungee Gum, I quickly wrap it around his throat and compress it, cutting off his oxygen. He tries to fight back and aims his fingers at me, but I cut them off and they all fall to the ground.

He can't even scream properly because only the slightest bit of air can exit his mouth, the only thing he can do is cry and moan as he slowly loses consciousness.

He falls to the ground and I release the Bungee Gum, "I should get on my way now."

'What the fuck, Kuro!?'

I stop, sighing, "What's wrong now, huh?"

Shiro yells out, 'Who the fuck are you to ask me what wrong!? What the fuck is wrong with you?! Slicing into people! Cutting off their fingers! You've crippled all these people for life!'

"So? They're villains."

He says in a ragged voice, 'Th-they're still people you know. They bleed!'

I stay silent for a few seconds before continuing on my path. A few minutes later, I reach a door and open it, to see Aizawa fighting against a few small-time villains, with the rest of them scattered across the floor, 'Wow, he's done a pretty good job.'

I start to move forwards, but I notice the light blue-haired guy charging towards Aizawa and the bird brain standing behind him, 'He looks dangerous. I should watch.'

Shiro scoffs, 'Finally, the first rational decision you made today.'

I ignore him and watch as Aizawa strikes him and he takes the hit not before holding onto Aizawa's elbow. Aizawa quickly pulls away and I notice something strange.

'His elbow. It looks like the skin was peeled away. A removal quirk of some type?'

The light blue-haired man says a few things and the bird brain makes its move. In a flash, it appears behind Aizawa and slams its fist into his face, breaking his goggles and sending blood spraying into the air.

Shiro exclaims in my head, 'What the hell?!'


Shiro explains, 'Aizawa's quirk was active. But nothing about bird brains changed. Its appearance, or muscle mass. But even still, Aizawa should be fast enough to dodge even if he is slightly injured.'


'That means that its natural strength and speed is too fast for him to react to.'


He mentally sighs, 'That means, you are sure as hell not gonna fight that thing!'

I focus my eyes as Aizawa gets thrown around like a ragdoll by the bird brain, "Yeah… no point fighting a losing battle."

*Izuku POV*

The warp gate appears next to the light blue-haired man, "Tomura Shigaraki."

Shigaraki looks over to the warp gate, "Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?"

"I put Thirteen out of action but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away."

Shigaraki slowly turned to look at Kurogiri, "Huh?"

He quietly turns back and starts scratching his neck. Faster and faster, and then he starts scratching with his other arm as well.

He mutters in an annoyed tone, "Kurogiri, you… If you weren't a warp gate, I would have crushed you to pieces."

Then he stops, "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home."

Mineta looks up hopefully, "Huh? They're going home? Did he say they're going home?"

Tsu gulps, "That's what I heard, kero."

Tears appear in Mineta's eyes, as he hugs Asui, "All right! We're saved!"

But my brain is spinning, 'What? That doesn't make sense.'

Asui pushes Mineta off, "Midoriya, I have a bad feeling about this."

I nod my head in agreement, "Yeah. For them to simply retreat after doing all this…"

'Don't they want to kill All Might? If they leave like this, U.A. will just beef up their security. Game over? What's going on? What are those guys planning?'

Tomura straightens up, "Oh yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride," his eyes focus on us, and in a flash, he appears in front of us, "as the Symbol of Peace!"

His hand moves quickly to Asui's face. Memories of what happened to Aizawa resurface and I imagine Asui, crumbling from the head. But then…


A metal card flies through the air and slices into the back of Shigaraki's hand. Shigaraki quickly jumps back glaring at the pink strand that was connected to the card. He grabs it with his fist and it quickly turns to ash.

A tall boy with spiky white hair with a pink substance covering his arms stands up from behind a bush, "Jesus, first Tokoyami and now you three, why do I end up saving people?"

*Kuro POV*

I scratch the back of my head as the three villains glare at me and Shiro is muttering, 'Well that was educational. He can fucking disintegrate things.'

Aizawa mutters, "Run... away..." but I ignore him.

The light blue-haired kid mutters something to the bird brain, "Kill him… kill him! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!!!"

The bird brain tenses its muscles and flies towards me, with its fist extended.


In less than a second, its fist is in front of my face, 'No better time than the present'

Contracting the Bungee Gum exoskeleton, I force my body to bend backward, barely dodging the strike. With its loss of momentum, the bird brains strikes are more manageable but still fast.

It swings its right fist in a hook, and I duck underneath, slicing at its Triceps, 'Jesus, even with my cards, its muscles are extremely tough.'

Aizawa is still canceling its quirk, but the moment his hair goes down, I notice something, 'Shit this bastard has some kind of healing quirk.'

I throw another two cards into its shoulder blades before it swings around and smashes both hands into the ground, missing me by inches. Leaping onto its arms, I slash into its exposed brain with both cards leaving an "X" mark, expecting it to drop dead. However, it continues to fight, swinging and grabbing at me.

Both Shiro and I yell out, "What the fuck!"

Shiro is ranting, 'How the fuck is he alive?! You get hit in the brain, you die! It's fucking logic!'

I mutter as I barely dodge another strike from the bird brain, "Shut up, you're distracting me. Also, why isn't your thing working?"

'You need to strike major blood vessels or just focus all your strikes in one place. That way it concentrates and works faster. Plus, the dosage is meant for normal humans and then some. That thing… it's clearly not normal'

I sigh and get to work, dodging its strikes and slicing into its right arm with my cards. Each time I sliced, I'd have to dodge again and throw the cards into a blind spot and draw more cards.

Then I notice that its right arm is becoming more and more sluggish with each strike, "Finally."

Shiro mentally shrugs, 'You just needed to give it more time.'

The light blue-haired guy also noticed a difference, "What's happening?! Why is it slower compared to before?! Kurogiri! What's happening to Nomu?!"

But the black mist, Kurogiri looks just as confused as his partner.

Sweat runs down my face, as I dodge a kick from its right leg, 'Let's cut off its mobility next.'

I duck down and start slicing into its right leg, but out of the corner of my eye, I see something come flying at me, 'Shit, I can't dodge.'

I throw my arms up in defense, and its left arm slams into me sending me flying into a wall.


I cough up blood upon impact and slump to the floor, my body aching all over. My arm guards managed to lessen the impact, but he still broke both of my arms in a single strike.

'Shit, I need to… move!'

In a black flash, the Nomu appears above me, its left arm moving forward to grab my face, 'Shit…'


A cloud of dust and smoke appears as the doors of the entrance fly open. The Nomu freezes up and looks up towards the entrance. A figure emerges from the smoke, a figure with a large build and golden bunny ears for hair.

All Might grimaces as he looks down into the courtyard, "I am here!"

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