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Chapter 14: Plus Ultra!

*Kuro POV*

In a black flash, the Nomu appears above me, its left arm aiming to grab my face, 'Shit…'


A cloud of dust and smoke appears as the doors of the entrance fly open. The Nomu freezes up and looks up towards the entrance. A figure emerges from the smoke, a figure with a large build and golden bunny ears for hair.

All Might grimaces as he looks down into the courtyard, "I am here!"

My classmates start cheering and crying as All Might walks towards us, his usual smile gone, replaced by a grimace.

I lean against the wall and give a sigh of relief, 'We are saved.'

The blue-haired man stands up, "I've been waiting for you, hero. You trash of society."

Some of the leftover villains start trembling as they see the No. 1 Hero, "That's… All Might!"

"It's the first time I've seen him in person."

Some small-time villain with a patchwork face yells out, "C'mon! Don't hesitate! If we kill him, then w-"

But he gets cut off as All Might blitz's through the crowd of villains, striking each of them in the temple and jaw, knocking each one of them out in one blow.

Shiro is commentating, 'Not bad, he's controlling his strength so that he doesn't kill them.'

He easily reaches the place where Aizawa laid and pickles him up, "Sorry, Aizawa."

He turns and looks at Midoriya, Mineta, and Asui. In an instant, he picks them out of the water and drops them off near the stairs.

"Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa to you. He's unconscious. Hurry!"

He flashes towards me and picks me up as well, dropping me off next to Izuku, "Thank you, Shiro."

I quietly nod, too tired to correct him, and remember something, "All Might, the right arm of that bird brain guy is useless right now."

He looks at me slightly confused, "What do you mean?"

I hold up a metal card, "I laced these with a neural paralysis drug. Normal poisons may take hours to affect the body, and I needed something that acts quickly."

The blue-haired man scowls at me, "Bastard!"

I hurry up with my explanation, "Basically, because of my poison, the nerves in the arm have been drugged so that they don't respond to orders from the brain. It doesn't spread quickly, but acts fast and lasts a while. He has some form of regeneration, and I don't know if he will heal from it, so whatever you do, do it quickly."

All Might looks at me for a few seconds, slightly surprised that I use poison, but he dismisses it, "Thank you for that information."

I watch as All Might rushes into the battle and starts attacking the bird-brain guy. Izuku starts carrying Aizawa up the stairs of USJ and turns to me who is still watching.

"Shiro! C'mon."

I glance at him, "Right now, it's a three-on-one fight."

Izuku furrows his eyebrows, "What do you-," but his eyes widen as he looks towards Kurogiri and the light blue-haired man.

"Oy, you can't be serious! What about your arm?!"

I let my arms drop and create a splint from Bungee Gum, holding my arms in place, "It's pretty simple to make a temporary splint."

Izuku still has a look of concern in his eyes, and I sigh, "Just get Aizawa sensei to safety."

He starts walking away and I sit and look at my deck of cards, 'Hmm, I'm missing a bunch of my sharp ones. Too bad Momo is somewhere else.'

Shiro smirks, 'Wanna try that?'

I grin, "Sure, why not?"

I lay out twenty-some cards on the ground in a straight line, then trace my hand over it, layering small strands of Bungee Gum at each connection point. I create a tube of hardened Bungee Gum and stick it to one end of the line.

The end result is a sort of whip sword made from Bungee Gum and metal cards, "This should work."

Shiro mutters in my head, 'Actually, will this work? Our arms… aren't in the best shape. This needs pretty good motor skills, any slip-up, and the cards will lodge into our stomach or back.'

I stare at the two villains who were watching All Night and the Bird Brain fight, "Just trust me."

He scoffs, 'Yeah, and how did that go?'

*All Might POV*

'Shit, that kid was right. Its right arm is basically useless. It's pretty scary how he can weaken a foe like this to such an extent.'

Despite its size, it moved at extremely fast speeds, and it would probably be moving faster if it could use its other arm.

I dodge a blow from its left arm and sidestep to its left, throwing several punches into its rib cage, 'Tch, it's not taking that much damage from my attacks.'

The light blue hair is chuckling in an angry tone, "Even if its arm is immobile it still has plenty of other features you know. Your blows don't work because of shock absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out its skin. Even then you'd have to deal with his regeneration. Whether he'd let you do it or not is a different matter."

I grin hearing that, "Well, in that case…"

Grabbing its immobile arm, I swing downwards, slamming it hard into the ground, causing a cloud of dust to fly into the air.

*Kuro POV*

'Good attempt, but…'

The cloud of dust slowly clears, revealing a shocking sight. All Might had slammed Nomu into the ground, however, Kurogiri had used his quirk to warp half of Nomu's body behind All Might. Nomu's free arm was using its claws to dig into the exposed side of All Might's body.

I grit my teeth, 'I knew that they wouldn't just stay there and watch. Now that the Nomu is busy with All Might, I need to take care of Kurogiri.'

All Might lets go of the arm and attempts to free himself from the clutches of the Nomu, but to no avail, "What power! This is your first offense? You'd better prepare yourselves…"

The light blue-haired man scratches his neck, and mumbles one word, "Kurogiri."

Kurogiri's eyes narrow, "I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me. However, I would be happy to take someone as great as you."

The Nomu starts to pull All Might through the warp gate as Kurogiri explains, "You are too fast to be seen by the human eye. It was the Nomu's job to restrain you. And then, when your body is halfway in… I will close the gate and tear you apart!"

"Tch, this is bad," I charge forward and the villains notice me.

Kurogiri warps in front of me and leers at me, "I cannot allow you to move any further."

A feral grin appears on my face, as I see the metal brace in the darkness, "Oh yeah? Who's stopping me?"

Using the card sword, I whip my wrist forwards, and the cards split up and wrap around Kurogiri's brace. Tightening some of the Bungee Gum strands, I pull him down to the ground and secure his brace to the ground.

Nomu stops pulling as Kurogiri panics and loses control of his quirk. Izuku rushes forward and looks at All Might, who is still being held by Nomu.

At the same time, Bakugo flies over and attempts to attack the light blue-haired guy, "Come here, you bastard!"

The light blue-haired man dodges easily and glares at his attacker.

Todoroki also makes his appearance as ice form on half of Nomu's body, weakening its grip on All Might, "All I heard was that you all came here to kill All Might."

All Might realizes this as well and pulls himself away from Nomu's grip, then Kirishima comes over to me and sighs, "Man, I didn't get to show off."

I smirk as I stand up, "Kirishima, if he tries anything funny, smash that brace in. I think that that brace covers a bit of his physical body."

Kirishima nods his head and takes my place, keeping his eye on Kurogiri, whose eyes narrow as he glares at me.

I pull my sword of cards back and look around, analyzing the situation, 'All Might is free. Nomu is half frozen. In terms of power, the three top students are here, and then there me and Kirishima. Kurogiri is immobilized and Bakugo and the hand guy are having a standoff.'

Todoroki glares at the villains, "The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you."

Izuku looks at the rest of us, "Kacchan… everyone…"

I look at him in annoyance and yell at him, "What are you doing, just standing there! Use your quirk and blast the Nomu to shards!"

He jumps at my sudden order, "Y-Yes!"

But All Might holds his shoulder, "No, Midoriya. You cannot control your quirk yet. You are uninjured so far, it'd be better if it stayed that way."

Shiro and I both mentally complain, 'Tch, we need to see more of his quirk!'

The hand guy looks around in annoyance, "Kurogiri, our exit, and entrance have been overcome. Nomu has been frozen and poisoned, and other than that white-haired brat and All Might, none of you are injured that much. We're in a pinch."

He sighs, "Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of villains look bad, you know. Nomu."

With that one word, the immobilized Nomu leans backward and falls out of the portal that Kurogiri had made. Its frozen limbs shatter on impact and sends bits of iced Nomu flying everywhere.

'That's… nasty.'

However, despite its injuries, it keeps on moving and attempts to stand up. Its eyes swivel for a second before focusing on All Might.

Izuku takes a step back, "Even though his body is broken… he's still moving?"

All Might throws his hand back, "Everyone, get back!"

The ice on Nomu's body explodes, as red fleshy muscles reform themselves and create a new arm and leg.

All Might grits his teeth, "His quirk isn't shock absorption?"

The hand guy chuckles lightly, "I didn't say that all he had."

'Multiple quirks? That's insane.'

The Nomu then bites into his right arm and weakens the muscles before ripping it off and creating a new one.

My eyes widen as I realize what he's done, "All Might Sensei! He removed the arm with the toxins and regrew a new one, which means that he can now use his right arm."

The hand guy continues in a happier tone than before, "Nomu has been designed to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag. Now that his arm is working again… it's time to get our gate back."

He turns to Kirishima and mutters, "Nomu."

In a black flash, Nomu sends someone flying and that person crashes into a wall and Midoriya yells out, "Kirishima!"

'He should live as long as his quirk was active… but if it wasn't…'

Then someone taps Izuku's shoulder, "Uhmm, I'm here. What just happened?

We all turn and look in surprise, "Kirishima!? Wait, then who…"

But our question gets answered as the dust clears, "All Might!"

My eyes narrow and Shiro sounds impressed, 'He saved Kirishima before he got injured and sacrificed himself. As expected of the Number One hero.'

All Might coughs up some blood, "Bastard, do you not know how to hold back? He's a child."

The light blue-haired villain shrugs, "So? I was rescuing my comrade, I had no choice," he then points at me, "That white-haired brat cut my hand earlier, It could be poisoned you know. I might've died."

Everyone looks at me waiting for me to say something, and I sigh, "I wish I did, it would have saved us some time."

The light blue-haired guy laughs lightly, "See, he even admits he would. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable."

I brandish my sword and calmly analyze our opponents, "Give it up. There are six of us and three of you. You're out-matched and out powered."

Izuku nods his head, "Hmm, Shiro already exposed the fogs weakness, so if we can supp-"

But All Might walks forwards and firmly says, "No. Run away."

Todoroki sighs, "You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything, right?"

I scoff at All Might, "I think you're overestimating yourself."

But All Might still refuses our help, "That was a different story. I did appreciate it though. But… It's fine!"

He clenches his fist and prepares to fight again, "Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got.

Izuku yells out, "But All Might! You're bleeding, plus time is-," but he quickly stops himself before saying anything else.

My eyes narrow and Shiro states, 'Time? What is he hiding? Some kind of time limit? Whatever, Kuro something has been bugging me for a while. Tell All Might this…"

He briefly summarizes his theory and my eyes widen, 'Not bad, Shiro.'

"All Might!"

I call out his name and he turns, confused, "Yes?"

"Something has been bugging me for a bit, the hand guy said that the quirk is Shock Absorption, not Shock Nullification. If so, that means there must be some kind of limit. So if you can land enough blows, then you might be able to start doing damage."

All Might's eyes widen in shock but he quickly regains his composure, "Thank you for that advice."

I can feel the hand guy glare at me and I can tell that Shiro's suspicions have been confirmed, "Kurogiri. Nomu. Get him. I'll deal with the children, especially that white-haired brat."

Looking at my classmates, I made a quick decision, "Todoroki, support All Might using your ice. Restrain Nomu so that All Might can deal more damage. Bakugo, take care of that black mist guy, with your explosive power it should be easy enough."

Bakugo yells at me in annoyance, "HAHH!!! Why should I listen to you!?"

However, Todoroki nods in agreement, "That makes sense."

I look at Kirishima and Izuku, "Kirishima support Bakugo, and Izuku support me."

Midoriya looks at me curiously, "What are you going to do?"

I smirk, "We are going after the boss."

But my plans quickly get ruined as All Might and Nomu start clashing. Powerful shockwaves push us back preventing us from getting to the other side, where our opponents stood.

'Tch, at least they can't do anything either,' We are forced to watch in helplessness as the two large figures duke it out, unable to do anything.

Each punch makes us take a few steps back, and we watch as All Might pummels the beast, trying his hardest to max out the absorption limit, "Made to fight me?"

Clouds of dust form as the Nomu gets thrown across the courtyard, "If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!"

All Might uppercuts the Nomu, launching it into the air, and jumps up after it, grabbing its arm and slamming it back down into the ground. The Nomu rebounds and seemingly floats in the air for a few seconds.

At that moment, All Might jumps back down, a blue glint in one of his eyes, "Hey… villain. Have you ever heard these words?"

All Mights pulls his fist back and releases a large amount of steam, "Go beyond! PLUS… ULTRA!!!"

The shockwaves from the attack make the ground All Might was standing on shatter and the Nomu gets sent flying and crashes against the ceiling of the dome. But he goes even further, breaking through the dome and causing an explosion to rattle the whole of USJ.

The Nomu flies through the clouds and disappears in a twinkle of light, reminding Shiro of an old villain troupe from a TV show, 'We're blasting off again!'

I whistle lightly looking up at the hole, "Home run!"

But at the same time, both Shiro and I realize, 'If we want to kill that man, we will need to work a lot harder.'

AN: Sorry it's been a while since the update. My other FF was an important part and I needed to focus on that for a while.

I'll be getting back into my normal schedule soon so yea.


Check out my other story

The Dragon of MHA


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