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34.48% Lustful Encounters: Becoming the Goddess' Futanari Vessel / Chapter 20: A Dangerous Campus

Chapter 20: A Dangerous Campus

"Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you were out by yourself?"

I shook my head. "That was just a coincidence. That's all."

"A coincidence?" Sierra was normally pretty laid back. But in that moment even she looked disturbed. "You were almost abducted by a high schooler. She tried to drag you into a dark corner to have sex with you."

My face turned red. "You don't know if that's what she wanted. She could've wanted to just talk." Even I didn't believe that though.

"What about the other girl?" Even Simone chimed in.

"What other girl?" I feigned ignorance. It didn't work.

"The blonde that tried to rip of your close and finger-bang you in the library.



They all responded in perfect unison.

So, I might've had a run in with a couple of bad apples. The first girl was a red head with a resting bitch-face that was insane. She gave off serious empress vibes. It was like she looked down on everything in the world. It was like everyone was beneath her. She spotted me as I was walking around the campus.

It was the first day that I arrived. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to tour around. I left the girls in the suite we were sharing and went exploring on my own.

That was a mistake. I admit it.

I wasn't out for long when I felt like someone was following me. When I turned around, no one was there. But when I was walking past a dark alcove, a strong hand yanked me into the shadows.

Immediately, I was pressed against the cold brick walls, the hard stones dug into my body in an uncomfortable way.

"Ouch!" I tried to move but a strong hand was pressed against my chest while a larger body was blocking my only exit.

"Shh!" I looked up into the mean looking eyes of a ferocious looking red head. "Don't be too loud. You don't want anyone to see what we're about to do. Right?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Let me go!" I tried to leave but the girl was exceptionally strong. I couldn't budge.

"Damn. I like it when they fight. It's so fucking hot." She licked her lips in a terrifying way. I felt my heart race…and not in a good way. My knees were shaking. I had to get the hell out of there!

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

She smiled. When she smiled, she looked less scary. She was actually kind of beautiful. The only problem was that evil expression that was stuck to her face. She was like the incarnation of the Devil.

"Who am I? You don't know who I am? I find that hard to believe. Everyone here knows me. Oh, I get it. You're just playing hard to get. I like that. Let's play that game then. Yeah. That's right. You don't know me. You don't know me but I'm about to fuck the living hell out of you. Right here. Right now."

Sweet mother of Troy! This woman was absolutely deranged.

"Umm. I'm not playing a game. I really don't know you. And besides, I'm not interested. Excuse me. I've got to go."

I tried to leave, but she was pressing me against the wall. I wasn't strong enough to fight her off.

Suddenly, the look in her eyes, which was previously dangerous turned straight up deadly. It was like looking into a hurricane of rage and destruction.

Holy hell, she was scary!

"What the fuck do you mean, you're not interested? No one dares to turn me down. Interested or not, you're mine now! I'm going to tear you apart, you little slut!"

I thought I was done for. She was too strong and too mean. I couldn't get away.

"Oops! Sorry."

At that moment, a group of girls were walking down the pathway. One of them bumped into her, shifting her just enough. I saw my opportunity and jumped on it.

That little space was all my petite frame needed. I squeezed between the space created between her and the wall and ran like my life depended on it.

It probably did.

I heard her screaming some nonsense behind me like how she was going to find me and do stuff to me. I didn't stop to decipher it. I just ran.

Once I was far enough away, I felt safe.

Unfortunately, I was anything but safe.

I'd taken shelter in the library. It was quiet and all of the students seemed to be away. The only one present was the old librarian. She hardly spared me a glance when I entered.

I decided to take a look around. The stacks were huge. They were filled with the kinds of books you'd expect in a fancy private school. I grabbed a large tome from off the shelf and started to leaf through it.

It was a book of the complete works of Mary Butts. I'd always enjoyed her work. She wasn't as well-known as say, Jane Austen or Maya Angelou, but I liked her.

I must've stood there for an hour when I was suddenly tackled by a stock of blonde hair and a pair of big boobs.

"What the hell?!"

By the time I righted myself, I was being straddled by a girl in a pair of yoga pants and a deep V-neck shirt. Her breasts were on display. Looking down that monstrous valley of cleavage made me feel like my hand would get lost if I reached in.

Her face was gorgeous, but her smile was sinister.

"Hey hot stuff. Fancy meeting you here. Want to have some fun?"

Everything that was happening was too overwhelming. I shook my head. "Umm. No thanks. Can you get off of me please?"

"Aw. What's the rush, sweetie? I just want to get to know you. I haven't seen you around here. Are you a new student?"

I shook my head. "I'm not a student, I'm a…!"

Before the words left my mouth, she pressed her lips against me.

I was so shocked that I was frozen. I felt like a deer in headlights. Twice in one day? Did I pick the right school? This place is full of sharks.

They'll eat me alive!

"That's it, baby. You like my touch, don't you?" She leaned back to say those words. At that very same moment, I felt her sharp nails trace a line up my exposed thighs stopping right against my pussy.

"No!" I yelled. I started kicking. "I'm not into girls. Get off of me! Get off of me now!"

I struggled and struggled but this girl was made of iron. I couldn't get her off.

"What's going on over there?" Luckily the ancient librarian picked that moment to get up from behind her desk and approach.

"Tsk!" The aggressive blonde got off of me, and after casting a malicious glare in my direction, she left.

Slowly, I pushed myself up. At that moment, the librarian came around the corner.

"What's all that noise?"

"I-I'm sorry. I dropped the book."

"Hmm. Well, this is a library. If you can't control yourself, I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry."

She snorted and then left. I couldn't be too offended by her behavior. She did just save me.

I decided to spend a couple of hours in the safety of the library. Of course, I didn't hide away in the stacks, just in case some ferocious predator tried to attack me again. I sought safety under the watchful gaze of the librarian. I chose a table within her eye-line.

When I left, I took extra care to watch my surroundings. I made it back to the room without being accosted again.

I was so relieved that I nearly fainted.

"Thank God."

When I opened the door, Leinani, Simone and Sierra were sitting around the dining room table.

"Hey, Rhea. What took you so long?" Sierra was stuffing her face with a powdered donut. The powder stuck to her juicy lips, making her look even more adorable.

"You'll never believe the day that I had."

Yeah…that was a mistake. After I told them what happened, they were infuriated. I mean, planning to murder complete strangers—infuriated.

Leinani wanted to leave right there and then to find the two girls and exact her revenge. By the way she was acting, it was almost like they'd assaulted her. Sierra and Simone weren't much better.

Needless to say, we didn't go out and kill any high school girls. But they did make me promise never to go out by myself again.

The following day, we left as a group. Our goal was to check out some of the recreation facilities.

"Wow. These people have way too much money." Simone was whistling as she saw how extravagant everything was. Everything, from the paved stone, to the shrubbery. It all seemed so fancy. I didn't grow up poor or anything, but we definitely struggled. Being here really put my life in perspective…and not in a good way.

As we were walking through the football field, they called the quad, something drew my attention. I can't really explain it. There I was, walking and thinking about how I'd never be able to afford even one brick on that astoundingly detailed water feature, when I felt something move inside of me. It was like a missing part of my being suddenly attached itself to me. I felt full and complete all at the same time.

My eyes fell on a lonely corner of the quad. There was a girl sitting there, staring off into space with a carton of chocolate milk in her hand.

My eyes shook.

My heart was racing.

I couldn't catch my breath.

Her skin was more bronze than brown. Her facial features were well defined—strong, yet feminine. The left side of her head was shaved, the remainder of her hair was like black silk. Her eyes were a lovely hazel that could trap you for an eternity if you looked into them. Her body looked strong. She was like a mountain—steady and unmoving. When I looked at her, I felt like everything in my life leading up to that moment was meaningless. Nothing mattered but her. I could only see her. I could only think of her. I could only care about her.

"This feels like love." I mumbled my words, but my friends still heard.

They all looked at me like I was crazy. Since when was I interested in girls? I'd never been before, but in that moment, the girl on the bench was everything to me.

I knew, that I'd give her everything. All she had to do was ask.

The feeling was so sudden and so powerful that I doubted its validity.

I've had many relationships. I've given every boy I'd dated every bit of my heart. But it never worked out. I assumed it was just timing. Or maybe I didn't try hard enough. Or in some cases, maybe they were just bad dudes. But this time, as I stood still, surrounded by my friends, my heart was palpitating to a rigorous beat. It was screaming that there was something different about the girl sitting far away from the others. She was special. She was astounding. She was…a complete stranger.

"Go talk to her." Leinani gently pushed me in the back.

I shook my head fiercely. "No! No! No! I couldn't do that. I don't even know her."

"So what? It's not like you have anything to lose."

"B-but she's a student. I can't go talking to a student."

"You're not even a teacher here yet. Besides, she looks old enough. Just go say hello." Even Sierra was trying to convince me.

Not to be left out, Simone chimed in. "You're just going to go say hi, right? Where's the harm in that. Don't overthink it. Just go."

"I…I don't know." I was hesitating. Since when was I interested in girls?

Easy answer.

Since that very moment. Not all girls, mind you. But I was intrigued by that girl on the bench.

Leinani gave me one final shove and then inertia took over.

The closer I got to her the more I wanted to get to know her. My mind was a jumbled mess. These feelings were so alien, yet so strong that it through me for a loop.

Oh well. I'll sort that out later. For now, let me try to speak to her.

It took all the courage in my body to utter these simple words.

"Umm. Ex-excuse me. Hi. Can I, like, sit here?"

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