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The broken super weapon The broken super weapon original

The broken super weapon

Author: Leota_Bond

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The beginning

The government of the U.S.A was in a grim situation. At the moment they were dealing with a dangerous virus and a frightening war. This war was with super weapons the Chinese had created, called the super humans. These "humans" were hybrids of animals and the DNA of a creature the Chinese called a "true demon".

The USA were studying these creatures, trying to find a way to make more upgraded versions of them. Well scientist found out how to create more of them but the downside to this is that they had to use actual humans. Of course no one wanted to become a mindless beast so the government used a orphan baby. They had to wait for the baby to fully grow but they still used the DNA they had got from there studying.

They used the DNA of a wolf and of course the DNA of the true demon. When they had given the baby the DNA, at first nothing happened, but after a while the baby started to twist, turn, and cry in agony. The baby then abruptly stopped. Then the baby started to grow black wolf ears and a tail and tiny black feathered wings. To say the scientist were shocked and amazed would be an understatement.

Within a couple of weeks the scientist had everything that they needed to not only study the child but to also train her. There was a lab, a training room, and the child's own room. The building the scientist were in was in the woods completely out of sights of any civilization. The government learned from the area 51 raid.

The scientist learned that they could only make one super human because the Chinese had found out that they were making super humans as well. They had rigged the super humans so that if they were ever caught they would commit suicide. So the scientist experimented with the girl's DNA so they could make her a lot more stronger. They had succeeded with this. They had made a hybrid of a wolf, demon, human, and two other mythical creatures, a true vampire and a true witch. These creatures were found very deep underground in a mythical cave. These creatures are also being studied on.

Time skip! three years!

In a white room with a steel table with steel chains, was a black haired girl with wolf ears and a tail and black feathered wings. The girl was on the steel operating table with the chains on her wrists and ankles. The girl had no emotions in her eyes, she was emotionless, this was her normal. Everyday is the same, testing, training, and eating, that's all she ever does. Just as the girl was thinking this, in walked a tall dark haired man in a doctor's uniform.

The man: "Alright today's testing is going to be a bit different. We're going to..."open" you up today to see how your immortality works." The man said looking nervous and guilty.

The girl simply nodded, she wondered why the man even asked, she could not speak. She was never taught how to because the "boss" said it was useless. The "boss" was the man who was sponsoring and also running this study. A wealthy pig looking to get even more money, that is all he is.

After the man had told the girl about the testing more doctors came in. They had brought the utensils to do the testing. One of which was a bone saw, yes a BONE SAW! The girl was frightened! She did not know what to expect but she did not expect for them to actually "open" her up! The girl started to jerk back and forth trying to get out. But to no avail, the doctors saw this and had put more steel chains around the girl. The chains had stopped her. She could not move. Fear quickly kicked in.

The girl's thoughts: (Why!? Why are they doing this to me!? What have I done to make them torture me like this!? Is it because I'm different!?)

The girl started crying and shutting herself down, when the doctors started "opening" the girl's stomach up. The girl screamed in anguish. The girl's screams could be heard through out the lab. But no one had batted an eye

they did not care, they just had to do there job and they would get paid. They did not have to worry about being arrested. Just do your job and keep silent about this, that is all they had to do, nothing more.

After the girl's testing she was sent back to her room, which was very plain. Just a white room with a bed and a bathroom. No decorations, nothing. After the girl was carried to her room she went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. When the girl looked in the mirror she saw, what most people would call an adorable angel, was a girl with black hair with wolf ears, tail, and wings, with mesmerizing two different color eyes, right scarlet red while left gold amber. She has a small body with a cute face with sharp fangs pointing out of her mouth, which in all honesty makes her more cute.

When in the shower the girl clearly saw a lot of blood coming from her wounds. But right when she noticed the wounds were already healed. The girl did not care. She knew she was immortal. It did not bother her. She did not KNOW how to care. How should she react? What was a normal reaction? She had barely any emotions. The only ones she had was fear and hate. She felt them a lot so she learned them quickly. She had been through a lot.

After the girl got out of the shower she was immediately called for. In came a red haired buff man. He was to train the girl in hand to hand combat and other things. When the girl saw the man she immediately felt fear and hate towards the man. The man had seen this. He smirked and said.

The red haired man: "Hey~ I won't do anything to you today, baby~ I just want to see how far you have come in your training. And if you listen and behave maybe I'll be kind enough to make you feel good~" The man said while grinning like a fool.

The girl couldn't do anything the man had grabbed her by the arms and held her down on the bed. The man began to strip her and himself. He had began to thrust "it" in and out of the girl and he also started to lick the girl's body. The girl was in despair. What could she possibly do against a man twice her size? Nothing. Nothing but despair. That's all she could do.

After the man had done this he grabbed the girl and headed for the training room. The girl was still shut down. She did not have any emotions in her eyes. She was dead inside. She wanted to end her life so many times. But she never got her hand on any thing that could fulfill her wish. Nothing could. Because she is immortal.

The girl: "Why can't all this just end?"

"Why me?"

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