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Chapter 131: Magical Train

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Adam's watch suddenly rang loudly and it instantly woke Adam up who quickly sat up on his bed. He tapped his watch to stop its ringing and sighed while trying his best to open his eyes "I didn't set any alarm today! So, Why?! It's my rest day today!"

Adam shook his head a couple of times and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath and looked towards his watch, he quickly tapped it a couple of times and found a message "The King has invited you to a meeting. Please be at Downtown-D train station at seven am sharp."

"A meeting with the King? What is going on?" Adam asked and jumped out from his bed. He quickly grabbed his mask, pair of light blue jeans, his belt, and an oversized black hoodie as he ran out from his room.

Adam walked out of his bathroom and wore his mask while walking into his bedroom quickly grabbing his daggers. He strapped his daggers to the back of his belt and wore his shoes right before he ran out from his apartment "Good morning, Alice. What are you doing this early?"

"Good morning, Lion. I received the alert and quickly made you some sandwiches. You can share these sandwiches with your friends because I made quite a lot of them." Alice stands in front of Adam's apartment door slightly drenched in sweat while wearing her pajamas. She was holding a medium-sized straw basket and quickly gave it to Adam.

"Thank you so much, Alice. I will make sure to share this with everyone." Adam smiled towards Alice as he received the basket. Adam walked out of his apartment and waved towards Alice as the elevator door closed.

FOOOH! "Why does it have to be this early? It's really cold." Adam blew his breath to his hands and quickly rubbed them together to keep himself warm. He looked towards his watch and saw that it was six and forty-five minutes.

"I don't want to be late." VWOOOOSH! Adam took a deep breath and quickly ran down the hill of his apartment building. He ran through the empty streets of Downtown-D at an incredible speed while being accompanied by the warm orange street lights that were illuminating the semi-dark roads.

Skrrrrt! Adam stopped himself and arrived right in front of the train station without breaking a sweat. He looked around the empty train station and slowly walked towards a vending machine that was on the side of the entrance of the train station while looking towards his watch "One and a half minutes, that's not bad."

Adam stopped in front of one of the vending machines and scanned his watch while looking towards the selections of drinks that it has. Beep! He scanned his watch and pressed one of the dozens of green buttons which were right under a sports drink.

"CAN YOU GET ME ONE OF THAT TOOOOO!" TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! Adam quickly turned around and saw Bull who was running as fast as he can, with Roo who was a couple of steps behind him.

TAPP! TAPP! TAPP! Roo squinted his eyes and took a deep breath while his legs suddenly moved a couple of times faster and he ran past Bull "YEAH! I WIN! CAN I GET A SODA TOO LION?!"

Adam smiled and shook his head while turning around and grabbed another sports drink and a bottle of soda. PLOP! PLOP! Adam grabbed the bottles from the bottom of the vending machine and looked towards Bull and Roo, who were laying on the ground behind him out of breath.

"Here." Adam threw the bottles towards Bull and Roo who quickly grabbed them as they sat up and emptied them in a couple of seconds.

SWOOOOOOOOSH! "Look, Crow! They're already here!" Bunny pointed towards Adam, Bull, and Roo while she stopped a couple of meters above Bull and Roo. Crow quickly waved towards her teammates while hovering beside Bunny.

"Good morning, everyone!" Crow smiled as she landed on the ground with Bunny beside her.

"Do you two want something to drink?" Adam asked and looked towards Bunny and Crow who instantly nodded.

"Can I get a dark coffee? Jacob said he needs more coffee after the six cups of coffee that I drank after I woke up." Bunny requested while her wings glow bright white and instantly blew up into dozens of balls of light which disappeared when they touched the ground.

"What about you Crow?" Adam asked while he scanned his watch on the vending machine.

"Orange juice, please. Thank you, Lion." Crow answered while her wings burst into thousands of pieces of black feathers which disappeared as they touched the ground.

PLOP! PLOP! Adam grabbed two bottles from the bottom of the vending machine and gave them to Bunny and Crow. He looked towards his watch and open the basket that Alice gave him "Alice made me some sandwiches, do you guys want some?"

"YES! I'm starving!" Roo suddenly jumped and stands in front of Adam who slowly reached inside the basket. Adam grabbed a sandwich and took it out while everyone was staring towards him.

The sandwich consisted of soft milk bread that has its crusts sliced off, mashed boiled eggs which were mixed with an abundance of mayonnaise, and a large warm fried chicken right in the middle of it.

Adam quickly distributes the sandwiches to everyone and the five of them took a large bite of the warm sandwiches together. Their faces lit up while they slowly chewed their food and Roo quickly looked towards Adam "THIS! IS! AMAZING! Can I have another one?"

"I love this! I have to ask Alice the recipe for this!" Bunny smiled and took another bite of her sandwich.

After a couple of minutes, the five of them managed to finish the thirty slices of the sandwiches which Alice packed inside the basket and Adam looked towards his watch, which showed him six and fifty-eight minutes "Let's go inside, it's almost seven."

The five of them entered the empty train station and slowly walked towards the platform of the train station while looking around it. Roo looked around and quickly ran towards the platform of the train station "Wow! This place is usually very busy! It feels kinda weird being here."

"Are we the only ones who are invited to this meeting with the King? Because I don't think anyone is coming." Bull asked as they stopped on the train platform while he looked around the empty train station.

"Why would the King set up a meeting to specifically meet us? That won't make any sense Bull, he's a very busy man." Bunny said.

"Well, we have to see what is this meeting is about," Adam said.

TOOOOOT! SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! The five of them turned their heads to their right as they heard a loud horn and saw a shiny black train, that slowed down as it reached the train station.

The five of them looked around the luxurious train as it only has one train car attached to it which stopped right in front of them. TING! TONG! BEEP! BEEP! The train car doors suddenly opened on their own and their watches suddenly rang loudly which they quickly looked towards "Your train has arrived at Downtown-D train station."

"Let's go in then." Adam walked inside the train with his teammates right behind him. They looked around the train car that has many luxurious chairs lined up and sat down on five chairs, that were beside the train car doors.

A couple of seconds after all of them sat down the train car doors suddenly closed on their own and the train instantly moved backward. The four of them were confused and looked around the luxurious train car that they were in, Bunny looked towards a graphic board that was above the train car door and noticed that their destination was shown as a question mark "Where are we going? A question mark? What is that?"

CHHCK! PSSSSSSSH! Adam, Bull, Crow, and Roo quickly looked towards the graphic board and the train suddenly stopped in the middle of a dark and long tunnel. Adam looked towards his left and the window that was beside him was pitch-black "What is going on? We're not in a station, why did the train stop?"

CHHCK! CHHCK! CHHCK! The train suddenly shook for a couple of seconds and the five of them felt that the train was descending. They looked towards their nearest window and saw gigantic light strips on the wall which slowly climbs upwards as their train kept descending at a slow rate.

"This is cool!" Roo exclaimed while his eyes followed the light strips.

CHHCK! CHHCK! CSSSSSSSH! The train suddenly shook for a couple of seconds as it lined itself up with the track underneath it and slowly dropped itself to the track, after descending for a couple of minutes.

DUN! DUN! DUN! DUN! DUN! DUN! The Beasts sat down on their seats as the train slowly moved forwards along the long track, that was engulfed in darkness. Adam looked towards the window beside him and stared at it for a couple of seconds "I wonder where are they bringing us to?"

The train was filled with chatter and laughter as it moved along the straight track for half an hour and Crow suddenly noticed a bright light a couple of meters ahead of the train "Look! Look! That looks like the end of the tunnel!"

Adam, Bull, Bunny, and Roo quickly looked towards where Crow was pointing as the train went through the shining bright light. The five of them suddenly gasped while looking towards every window of the train "Wow! Are we in the middle of the ocean?"

"Looks like it. This is amazing!" Crow answered Bunny while turning her head around. Their train suddenly slowed down as it went through a long tunnel that was made out of glass, which was surrounded by the deep blue ocean water.

TUN! TUN! TUN! TUN! TUN! TUN! TUN! TUN! Rings of lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the water around it revealing the wildlife that was gliding around the tunnel. The five of them walked around the train car while slowly observing the unique wildlife around them, gigantic squids who have colorful corals grew on them, countless colorful fishes who vary in sizes, large turtles who were surrounded by colorful bioluminescent jellyfish, and many more.

Crow stopped at the entrance of the train car and crouched right in front of it while staring towards bright and colorful prawns who were walking along the glass tunnel. WOOOP! Crow suddenly looked upwards and gasped while her teammates walked towards her "Wow!"

The Beasts stand silently in front of the train car doors while staring towards a humongous whale who slowly swam beside the train. The whale was surrounded by countless species of wildlife who have made the whale's body as their shelter, it was covered by various types of corals and it was staring towards the train with its large clear deep blue eye.

Crow was mesmerized by the whale's large eye which slowly blinks while her teammates slowly scanned the whale "This is the first time I have ever seen a whale, their eyes are gorgeous."

The Beasts continues to wander around the train for roughly half an hour looking towards the various wildlife that was near the glass tunnel before the train entered a dark tunnel, leaving the magical glass tunnel. The Beasts sat down on their chairs and Crow sighed while leaning back to her chair "That was amazing! I want to see more."

"I agree with you. Oh! Maybe I can make them in my imagination world!" Bunny said while looking towards Crow who turned her head towards her with her eyes gleaming.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that Bunny. Jacob is not really fond of fishes." Aurora said inside Bunny's head.

"Well, he needs to learn how to deal with his fears everyone has to deal with their fears anyway!" Bunny answered in an angry tone while everyone looked towards her.

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