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Summer Blooms Summer Blooms original

Summer Blooms

Author: Ouijakind

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One - I

Ansel sighed as he studied the elk standing a few yards away, a warm breeze emitted from him as he did so, startling the animal and causing it to run. It was a little too early for the summer's breath. He groaned and sat on a tree stump, his parents - the king and queen of the summer court - had decided for his 25th year leading the summer solstice they were going to throw a banquet, inviting all the eligible summer girls and high fae. It was going to be insufferable.

"What are you doing frightening all my animals? Isn't it too early for you to be suffocating my flowers?" Asked a playful yet irritated voice.

Ansel jumped and his head spun around quickly to see a prince of the Spring court sitting on a low hanging branch a little ahead of him. The spring fae had always intrigued Ansel, there was always something sharp about them despite their soft and gentle aura. The court fae only ever wore pastel colours, making them look almost angelic, however if there were any royal to more embody the beauty of fae it was this prince. He simply glowed.

Ansel stood quickly and immediately bowed slightly "My apologies, Prince. I had not the intention of suffocating anything, I suppose I just craved the quiet" he said in his usual strong and diplomatic manner.

The spring prince simply groaned and rolled his eyes "If you're going to be annoyingly hot in my forest you can at least drop the formalities" he said leaning back on the branch.

Ansel's eyes widened and he straightened completely, had he just? Ansel forced his shoulders to relax and sat back down on the tree stump. "I'm sorry for the heat, it's kind of part of being a summer fae" he said running his hands through his red hair.

The other fae let out a musical laugh "Oh I don't mind all that much, it's actually quite refreshing" he said with a smile.

Ansel relaxed a little more and smiled back at the boy in pastel green clothes, that's how he felt about the slight chill in the air that spring held. Winter's chill could be almost painful on his skin and the smells that came with autumn fae could sometimes be overwhelming. Spring was not too sweet and gentle, refreshing and relaxing.

"May I stay then? Just for a little while?" Ansel asked politely.

The spring boy smiled and peeked at him from the corner of his eyes "Why are you so worked up?" He asked, instead of answering the question. It was a ridiculous question in his mind, he wasn't the king or the queen, he didn't really have any authority over the heir to the summer court, spring time or not.

Ansel looked a little taken back, no one ever really bothered asking him that, well besides his personal guard. He smiled and shook his head "It's nothing you should have to worry about my Prince" he said.

"Call me Tye" the pastel wonder insisted.

Ansel smiled a little wider, a calmer warmth radiating from him now "Ansel" he said.

Tye smiled and slowly sat up, his small frame moving elegantly, mesmerisingly. "I'll ask again Ansel, what has you so fired up?" He asked, a small smirk playing on the corners of his lips.

Ansel sighed again but not as troubled as before, he felt oddly at ease with this stranger. As if their exchange was in a completely separate realm of itself.

"My mother and father have decided that since I am 2100 solar rotations in this world I am to be wed soon" he said with a slight shudder, hearing his own mother in his words. "They're planning a hideous banquet with our entire court, elders and of course there are going to be a lot of our subjects. No one misses a night at the summer court" he added.

Tye chuckled, the sound leaving feather like chills along Ansel's exposed arms "I wish I could see that, I'm sure it's pure chaos" his eyes flashed with a mischievous brilliance that took Ansel's breath away. How had he never come in contact with this prince before? He believed he had engaged with all members of court fae.

"Do you attend court often?" He found himself asking out of curiosity.

Tye made a face and shook his head, curly pink hair falling into his face. It looked like a sweet cloud, Ansel wondered what it would be like to touch it, would it be as soft as he imagined?

"Never, they don't need or want me there and I much prefer spending my time out here with my friends" Tye said, pulling Ansel from his intriguing thoughts.

"Why wouldn't they need you? You're a prince are you not?" He asked, slightly confused.

Tye dangled his legs off the sides of the branch he was now straddling "I'm the youngest, last in line for the throne, I have no responsibilities since my brothers and sister take care of everything mother and father don't do. I'm not needed, so I spend most of my time alone or with my friends" he simply explained.

Ansel wondered what that would be like, to be so free and unburdened. It sounded peaceful, but it also sounded lonely and unfulfilling.

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