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The Holiday Crash The Holiday Crash original

The Holiday Crash

Author: Jennifer_Hines_4726

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One


I have always loved the way the snow covers everything. It's like giving everything a sparkling clean white slate to start anew. Okay, that may be just my way of thinking right now, but I've already lost everything so new is all I have.

I literally took out a map of the United States, closed my eyes and pointed. I never expected to find myself in a small town in Colorado, but I had nothing else to lose so I was going all in.

I found a small cabin for sale just outside the National Park boundaries. It was picturesque in that Thomas Kincaid kind of way. It was a quaint two bedroom with an old stone fireplace, and even had a front porch with a swing. I loved it, and as long as I kept my expenses to a minimum with the money I had left from my parent's insurance I should be able to live out here forever and never have to worry about a thing. Except maybe getting lost in memories. Just the thought tickling the back of my mind made me get into my car and head to town.

Staying busy had kept me together before now. Organization was a skill ingrained into my very being and I'd used it to conquer every obstacle since I was a child. I knew I could use it now to find a new pattern to living. It was either that or all of this quiet may not be a good thing.

I missed my parents too much and even though I knew it had been two years since their accident, it seemed like yesterday. The memories clung to the darkness and would hit me when I least expected it. Staying busy seemed to be the best way to keep the pain at bay.

This town, however, seemed to call to me. It drew my finger, and with every mile closer to it I got a sense of hope blossoming in my chest. There was a reason I was here. I knew it. I needed to trust in that. But first there was a craft store calling my name.

I parked at the end of Main Street so that I could enjoy the scenic walk. The shops were all decorated with holiday cheer, there were lights stung across the street, which would make it appear like a lighted tunnel once the sun set, and from somewhere Christmas carols played faintly. It was postcard perfect.

Walking into the craft store was like traveling back in time. This was not a Hobby Lobby by no means. It smelled of peppermint, hot cocoa, and fabric. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath brought in a sense of pure happiness.

"Welcome. Can I help you find something?" asked a woman from behind the counter.

"Thank you, but I'm not sure what I want yet. If it's okay I'll just look around?"

"Of course. My name is Bonnie and this is my store so if you have any questions just let me know."

She reminded me of my mom. Brown hair sprinkled with gray, colorful costume jewelry, and a smile that shown all the way up to her eyes. Her kindness could be heard in her words and felt within her store. She radiated it.

I wondered around, looking at everything and what piqued my interest the most was her. "Miss Bonnie, may I ask where you got your jewelry?"

"Oh, I made this. I dabble a little, but mostly just for myself. If you want I can show you some of my secret stash." She smiled excitedly.

"I would love that." Bonnie led me to the back of her store where she pulled a beaded curtain to the side and motioned me to follow. "Wow this is amazing!"

Her back room was organized with shelves and drawers, with everything labeled. I felt instantly at home. She drew my attention to a shelf filled with trays of fasteners, links, beads, and all sorts of pendants.

"Thank you." She handed me a small velvet bag. "How about you pick a few things to make a necklace? My only request is that you come back and show me what you've come up with."

"Are you sure? This is your private collection of stuff." You are not supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth, but unfortunately I wasn't used to things coming without hidden strings.

"Most definitely. There are not too many creative types around these parts and I would love to see what you can do."

I felt truth in her words so I agreed. After selecting a silver chain, emerald and sapphire colored beads, and a pendant that caught my eye I slid them into the bag, pulling the drawstring to close it. "Thank you, Miss Bonnie. I truly appreciate it and I will be back once I've completed it."


"What's wrong with being married? It means you get to become Alpha."

"Anthony, I know you would love to be in my shoes, but I'm not you. What I need is a plan." A plan was a good place to start. Any way to not end up married to one of the girls my parents have in mind would be perfect.

I had nothing against female werewolves, but a part of me knew I wasn't meant to be with one forever. My parents would think I was insane, because as the Alpha's only son it was my duty to take over for him and in order to do that I had to be married. Tradition said it would be to another wolf, but maybe traditions were made to be broken every once in a while.

Anthony and I were walking along Main Street in our small town of Gateway when I saw her. She had wavy chestnut colored hair that hung loosely down her back, a smile so bright I could see it from across the street, and curves that stopped every other thought in my head.

"...James," said Anthony as he waved his hand in front of my face. "Dude, where did you go?"

I watched as she walked into a craft store owned by my Aunt Bonnie. "Let's go."

"Go where?"

I did not respond to him, instead I began walking across the street.

"Okay, soooo across the street apparently."

"Did you see her?" I asked as I tried to casually look through the shop windows.


How could anyone miss her? She was absolutely gorgeous. "The girl."

"What girl?" Anthony seemed to be losing patience with me, but there was nothing new there. I tended to leap before looking. He was my safety net. He was the responsible one.

I had to find out who she was, where she was from, what her voice sounded like. I wanted to know every single detail from what made her smile to her favorite ice cream, and everything in between.

'Son, where are you?' asked my father through the pack link.

'Main Street with Anthony. Why?' I replied.

'The guests are starting to arrive. You should be here to greet them.'

Ugh! 'I'll be there.'

Just then the shop door opened and she walked out. Panic gripped my heart at the thought of watching her walk away, but when I went to say something to her retreating figure no words would come out. It was if she stole the very breath from chest with every step she took away from me.

"Hey, look at this crystal swan I got for my mom. Do you think she will like it?" asked Anthony, trying to get my attention.

That's it! I grabbed the swan from his hand and while ignoring his shouts to bring it back I ran down the sidewalk. A few more steps and... she turned, smacking right into me.


The swan flew from my hand, shattering on the sidewalk.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry," she said in a panic. Her eyes were wide as she looked at me and then to the sidewalk where the crystal pieces lay sparking beneath the sunlight.

Her voice sent tingles down my spine, but her eyes...I felt adrift in a sea of emerald.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' yelled Anthony through the pack link. It startled me into finding my words, and as I started into her eyes I knew I had my plan.

'You'll see,' I replied to him.

"You should be more careful. That was unique and expensive and how am I ever going to get it replaced before Christmas?" I never used my alpha tone, but I did now. I don't know why, but I knew I needed to see her reaction.

"I didn't see you. I am so sorry. Tell me how I can fix this? I mean I don't have a lot of money to replace it, but maybe we can come up with an alternative," she rambled nervously.

Her sincerity pulled at my heart and I knew I had to keep her close. "I have an idea. An exchange."

"An exchange?"

Jennifer_Hines_4726 Jennifer_Hines_4726

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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