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Chapter 21: Log

(This didn't go to plan, to say the least. This chapter is around a thousand words short because I just don't have the will I thought I did. I'm aiming to increase my average chapter word count for all three of my novels. At least I don't have incredible amounts of grammatical errors?

In all seriousness, I've come to the decision I want to do this for a living. I've now opted out of advanced classes and I'm devoting more time to my novels. I have an unreasonable update rate and I owe you all an apology for that.

This timeline takes place over about a year and a half.)

Entry 1

I made a decision. I'll allow Oriana to use me and my resources to train a select group of children, but I will not take responsibility for the program. I made her agree to me approving any recruits. She had an assistant in René, as she was weeks away from completing her training.

We haven't decided on titles but Oriana had decided to use a word from 'My birth Language', which Latin and not my birth language, but she was super cute about it so I'll keep that to myself.

She chose Aeternals, using the titles Master, Vigil, and apprentice going down. I'm intrigued by the concept and hope she finds joy in the children, who will be trained on Dromund Kaas.

Entry 2

René became an Aeternal today and would be traveling to Coruscant with Oriana to get everything ready. We had decided to reveal our presence to the Jedi and senate early on as a neutral party in the interest of transparency. We would show the Jedi we were not an adversary.

I told Oriana I was going to Kuat, we needed more ships. I also got in contact with Kamino, for future projects.

Entry 3

The galaxy was much more aware of me than I had first realized. The Kuati treated me as a VIP, knowing I would be making a large purchase. I commissioned several Rendilli dreadnoughts. There was a holonet interruption, so I couldn't get an update from Oriana and René. There were also several smaller ships I requested. The end purchase was heavy but not unreasonable. I also started talks for a future project with the aristocracy.

Bane was allowed on Tython to get the Holocron he wanted, not that he told me what it was he needed.

Entry 3

Oriana's leaving of the Jedi was not taken well by them but what could they do about it? The Republic accepted our existence, much to the griping of the Jedi. Contrary to her order, Grandmaster Coven was ecstatic. She didn't have much control over her council and order's opinions and she had zero political role. She even gave Oriana a list of potential recruits.

While Oriana handled that, I made contact with Geonosis. Having a labor force like Geonosians would be insane.

Entry 4

The Geonosians were incredibly hesitant to work with me but my offer was too good to ignore, they promised to treat with me soon. Oriana had her list of about 20 prospects for her first class, with more potential recruits in case we have anyone refuse.

Business is booming, with AqI, the new company abbreviation, hitting an all-time high with profits this month. Lots of artifacts various people had were virtually useless and we were happy to take them. The underground is a little quiet but we maintain a presence. Investments were slow-moving, but we also branched out into a hedge-fund type deal. The companies ran themselves now, with me officially stepping away as Owner to start my new projects.

Entry 5

My new project was finally ready. In co-operation with Starsearcher investments, Kuat-drive yards, Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective, the Kaminoan cloners, the Intergalactic Banking Clan, and the governments of Entralla and Geonosis, Ataraxia Spaceworks/Ataraxia Luxury were made. Starsearcher and IBC funded the project, the Geonosians and Kaminoans provided the workforce, Kuat provided the skilled personnel, and Entralla provided their ancient planetary ring for production.

A-Spaceworks was our civilian/military use line while A-Luxury were are high-class ships for the use of the more wealthy in the galaxy. Using some bribery, we managed to get special permission to get past parts of the Ruusan reformation by using technicalities. The Jedi were going to complain but were offered to make them specially designed fighters for their use.

The technicality we mostly relied on was the basis of 'Just because we can't have more than x-number of weapons doesn't mean we can't make room for them' and we got around the size limits by claiming them to be functional in the capacity of freighters, which they were. I then proceeded to *immediately* poach the Venator and Acclamator.

I changed some things of course, like removing the fuck off massive bridge of the Venator and giving it more automation, but it was still basically the same ship. We're also working with the trade federation to potentially get some droids in on the fun.

The luxury line though was all original. We started from the bottom up making the perfect ships for our first model. We went with a cruise-liner aesthetic with Geonosian repulsor tech. (Think star citizen 890-jump.) The ship's purpose was to be perfectly stable through the air and used missile systems for defense. The ship is brutally expensive, costing more than some planet's fleets, but boy are we making this thing worth it. The shields were what we call Solar Grade, purchased from the Moncalamari and modified. It also used Kyber generators. Kyber crystals were very, very rare, but standard kyber could be harvested in most systems, just needed a powerful star.

The result was a damn-near impossible to destroy luxury vessel about the size of a Corellian corvette.

Entry 6

The first-class members had all arrived at the new center on Dromund Kaas. The girls will be out of contact for about 6 months, so this is my time to get everything done.

The 'key designs' are all going through final checks in the R&D phase. We actually had close to 20 in total, but the rest weren't mine.

The trade-federation talks were handled by the Muuns and went well, we now had their droid foundries making a model similar to the b1 with a bulkier frame. The clones we chose were human for easier compatibility with most species.

I also started work on my Holocron.

Entry 7

I bought claims to 14 exoplanets in the outer-rim without sentient species from the republic registry for more future needs.

Making a Holocron is incredibly difficult, I have made progress though. The ships were released to the public today and took very well to the markets. I left several other designs for them immediately for wave 2. The Geonosians were extremely happy with the results and also for access to another potential hive world, a desert planet among the ones I had purchased. They are still very xenophobic, though.

The designs I left were the Arquitens-class, the Raider-class, and an incredibly modified version of the resistance Star-Fortress with MUCH heavier engines, armor, and shields, it used a torpedo payload instead of the stupid-ass bomb rack as well.

I once again stepped away from the leadership role of the company. This is what I had decided to be, I would make something self-sufficient and walk away with my 5%.

My next project was using the same group by proxy of working with Ataraxia, Exchanging Kuat for Sienar, to make a fighter shipyard named Quick-action Aeronautics. The whole idea is that I could make a web surrounding me, as the republic didn't think about the fact that one company working with me could actually represent a good 25% of the money in the galaxy behind me. Everyone was satisfied so far, so I was allowed to continue as I pleased.

In every network of Ataraxia, AqI, Starsearcher, and the newly made QA, I had a little program sending all the data to the Archive on Tython. What they don't know can't hurt them.

Entry 8

I poached the B-wing and made it more streamlined and pretty. The fold-out wings had another joint in the middle that angled the wings up 70 degrees. The guns on the wings also slid up slightly, putting the guns closer to the pilot and at level with the cockpit. The center 'intake' was replaced with a 3 by 2 missile launcher, along with the already impressive complement, since the better Geonosian engine tech made them unnecessary. The fighter was also costly, but that was the idea. The main thing I actually did was the 'make it prettier' part. The ship had very few angles and straight lines now, with smooth curving armor panels.

The Jedi craft was ready, I stole the Vector star-fighter from Canon then actually gave it technology and a better armament, giving the Jedi massive discounts on it as well.

I ended up having to leave my finances to the banking clan they were so complicated, but there was more that needed to be done.

Entry 9

I am still a month away from seeing the girls, but I made my Holocron. I had a basic understanding of all the force powers I know of, Light and Dark, but haven't devoted much time to any of them. I did leave an explanation and demonstration of all of them and instructions on finding the correct talent for new force users. I actually made four of them, as I discovered that once you make one, the second one is not nearly as difficult, as you can make it less complicated and advanced. After I figured out their construction, the main issue was getting all the information in them. The four were dodecahedrons with a blue crystalline structure. I had Lydia be the one to spout everything out while I just kinda slept in the back of my mind.

The Holocrons have a built-in link I copied from the datapad from the Archive that would update the information among them. I sent the first to Oriana, the second to Bane, and the third to the Jedi. The one I kept for myself was the true Holocron, while the three sent out worked more like slaved access points to the master I held.

I wasn't going to send it to the Jedi at first but I was amused by the concept of the Jedi listening to my view of their order.

Entry 10

The Jedi surprised me, honest to god surprised me. I was given *profuse* thank you's from the council as they apparently had very few methods to handle certain issues I thought they had down. I had been completely wrong about their recruitment bias. As it turns out, their code is just the best option they could find, not a manipulation tactic on the council's part. Force specialties were mostly discovered by accident.

They weren't overly concerned about the Dark side parts of it as the only members with access were the council themselves, if anything they were thankful.

Bane had been concerned, I don't think he had ever realized the long-term effects of the Dark side on a person's body, as he had never seen a user that powerful and old. I'm sure he'd find a solution.

Oriana promised me rewards I'm not going to discuss in this log.

What particularly surprised me was thank you letter from Fae Coven. She explained that she had been the first to unlock it and had been able to fairly easily teach herself multiple powers she had little knowledge of, thus the council's acceptance of the Holocron.

I'm currently En Route to Dromund Kaas aboard my very new Ataraxia type-A, the luxury liner I designed. It was the first ship and was thus named the 'Ataraxia', though without the girls it felt a little Hollow. (Anyone?)

Entry 11

The apprentices were doing incredibly well. We had used the synthetic crystals I found for René's saber for their own and it went wonderfully. The class was perfectly divided by Gender, 5 humans, two Twi'leks, a Rodian, a Pantoran, and a Dathomirian for each gender. The Dathomirians were a sort of partnership Oriana had made with the night-sisters without me knowing, sneaky girl. They were getting more knowledge we had on various parts of their history.

Oriana took the place of the 'Force' instructor and general teacher while René took the place of a combat instructor, Nurse, and Science teacher. All of them were 7-9 in age and had various droid instructors for the more basic parts of their education and everyday life.

The Academy was the old sith Academy here repurposed. It was a little weird being alone in a massive, empty city, but there was a lot of staff to assist Oriana. We also had plans to make standard military academies as well.

Entry 12

I went through the 'planetary contact' exercise with the children, they loved it. I got many a gasp and wow from them as I dragged each of their minds into the field. It was good to see joy.

In other news, the force is most certainly limiting the butterfly effect. Anything I don't directly change doesn't change. Bane still came to the same conclusions, various artifacts made it to the same spots, and various events still happened, just around me now. As far as I could tell, I could interrupt if I diverged something too much. I imagined it like magnets, they'll snap back together if you jostle them, but the pull is only so strong.

It was likely much more complicated than that but that's my working theory.

Oriana and I had a serious conversation on whatever the fuck we are, we landed on dating. I then realized I have not taken her on any actual dates in close to 9 months and should probably rectify that situation very soon.

René got carried away with the city gardens, apparently, and made part of the city almost entirely overgrown. It amused me, my paramour was less amused.

Entry 13

I received an interesting message from Fae Coven today. She sent a formal request for clarification on the existence of force-sensitive planets. I explained to her how an ecosystem evolved. She seemed very unamused that the Jedi hadn't known this and wondered what *else* they didn't know.

The Jedi are thankful for the fighter, which gets them off my back.

QA had been another success, especially with the effectiveness of the b-wings for small systems. Several governments had paid us in land or deeds instead of currency due to economic restraints, droid boundaries were planned for those areas under the stipulation the government would receive 10% of the produced automatons.

My new hedge fund of mega-corps began heavily investing in Kamino and the Geonosians agreed to clone one of their queens in the hopes that she might be able to survive on a new world. I was working on getting the Mandalorians in on the fold for Ataraxia and Quick-action in trade for directing any Beskar my hedge fund mined up their way. I also gave them my Cortosis-Beskar weave shield in hopes they'd be able to improve the basics and make better armors.

Oriana and I made time for an actual date, which had been incredibly nice. We used the atrium of the Ataraxia to make a formal dining hall for our use.

René also found a date she won't tell us the name of.

Entry 14

The Megacorp hedge-fund was now essentially the founding members of the CIS and I hadn't realized it. Because of the nature of their co-operation with me, some unexpected outcomes were present. The Kaminoans started working on incorporating bionics into clone soldiers and introduced droids into their training simulations.

Just to get it out of the way, I made a long-term request for them to deal with clone insanity for the future, I'm not dealing with C'baoth. The cloners changed their tune about isolationism in the face of a shit ton of money.

The Muuns and Starsearcher began cooperating more now that I was out of the picture and QA is now a subsidiary of Ataraxia. Dividing Ataraxia in two was ultimately pointless, so it is a bit neater now. The Jedi had *requested* the help of AqI for assistance in archaeology and the like.

Bane dropped off the radar, which was expected.

Entry 15

A mistake was made. 'Oh, let's make Mandalorians stronger so that they don't go nearly extinct, but let's do that while they're still under an Autocrat!'

I had been a dumbass of unparalleled levels. Open war wasn't their style but the younger generation is going on a scourge across the galaxy. I'm not infallible and I forgot that, now everything is at risk.

Humility is something foreign to me, though I feel it is time for a naturalization.

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