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Chapter 11: [11] [Body] & [Mind] !

( Author note: I made some changes in previous chapters)

Even after Creating all these dimensions , I still Felt that the Underworld was somewhat incomplete , and was lacking like a complete cycle ...

I also wasn't satisfied with just reaching the level of my Predecessors , the Primordial level like Gaea & Ouranos & Tartarus ...

I wanted to surpass such a level , and reach the highest level possible !

Such that my domains and power are so powerful they are stronger than everything ans everyone outside !

And the plan to do that was already being made in my mind...

But anyways, I have to rest for a few years, because the plan will still need energy and concentration to be done , and I need to carefully plan my steps for this time ...

Of course , I only need a few years because of my immense power and wisdom , others would need how many millenia to even begin thinking of such a plan ...

After all, No one can even fathom the level I am about to make and reach!

Especially since the Primordials , the highest powers in this world , are just satisfied with themselves and never tried to seriously improve ...

Proof of that is the Earth and Sky , which are the true bodies of Gaea & Ouranos , didn't get any bigger or larger, or even get any quality improvements ...

Ouranos can be pardoned , because he was imprisoned until I released him 2 years ago ...

As for Gaea , She probably lazes around all the time, instead of trying to improve ...

Or maybe , creating children with Ouranos remaining blood from time to time exhausts her energy ?

also , she is the whole planet , and needs to support how many creatures who live on her and feed on her body all the time ...

So, it may just be that I was the only one to have the qualifications to reach this level afterall ...

Because , it is hard to get and create things from nothing...

While Gaea tried very hard to Support such a huge world and many living creatures inside her body , The total amount of resources and creatures living on her at one time can reach a pinnacle...

My Dimensions on the other hand , rely on much more mystical and infinite resources!

* Souls for example , the total amount of souls is equal to the total amount of creatures who ever lived & died ...

Gaea can only house the living creatures on her body , while all the dead souls come to me ...

In the Future , The Number of Souls in my dimensions may reach hundreds of times the number of living creatures on Gaea !

* Also , The Blood & Bones & Flesh & Treasure Dimensions absorb the components of the Corpses of Creatures ...

Actually , when corpses get decomposed , they return to The Earth , Gaea ...

What gets absorbed by my dimension is a mystical representation of their Blood& Bones & Flesh & Treasures ...

This is why those realms can continue to grow and don't shrink ...

* As for The Knowledge & Dream & Desire & Emotion Dimensions , They don't even need creatures to Die !

The Dimensions can absorb all these even while the creatures are living , The resources absorbed from living creatures may even be better than from the creatures in my Dimensions !

But it is just the problem of Quality Vs. Quantity... in the future , the creatures in my domains will be many more than the creatures on Gaea , and then I would naturally get more from my own domains !

For now , I need to rest and think hard about how to achieve the next level ...

I already have a faint idea , but I must build upon it ...


After 5 years , I had a clear vision and idea to do my plan , and I recovered enough energy to enact it ...

This time , The action would require a lot of power , and even my soul avatars would need to do a lot of work ...

in fact , they are the major contributor this time ...

First , I connected with 5 Soul Avatars of mine, specifically Damm, Azm, Lahm, Kanz and Zil...

((( Damm=Blood / Azm=Bones / Lahm=Flesh / Kanz=Treasure/ Zil=Shadow ))))

I asked them to move their dimensions closer to each other, and use soul magic with my assistance to connect more with each other ...

As they started to move , The Underworld trembled Invisibly ...

No one would notice this trembling if they didn't reach a very high level of power and had advanced senses like mine ...

As they would need some more time to get close enough to start , I started another part simultaneously...

I connected with 4 other Soul Avatars : Hekma , Hilm , Raghba , Ahasis ...

((( Hekma=Wisdom / Hilm=Dream / Raghba=Desire / Ahasis=Emotions )))

I also asked them to get closer to each other , and started to connect their soul parts together a bit under the of my soul magic ...

it would take them more time to connect together , since they started after the first 5 ...


Planes are Realms more powerful than Dimenensions ...

This is because of the unique nature of Planes ...

Planes have always existed , and they control a very huge portion of the rules and laws of the whole world ...

Dimensions, on the other hand, are artificial and can be create with enough effort , knowledge and resources...

Dimensions are also weaker because they control only a single rule or law to the extreme ...

My plan was very simple , I wanted to fuse multiple Dimensions to Summon the related Plane into existence, and subdue it under my command , making it become a part of me ...

((( Simply put, He is gonna fuse multiple individual companies under a single name to summon/create a huge corporation ...

which will be naturally under his command since it is composed majorly of his own dimensions, so he owns the major shares of 100% ...

At least until someone comes and create another new Dimension inside the Plane , then he would own some shares of the Plane , equal to the power of the newly created Dimension divided by the total power of the Plane ...)))


Soon , a month later , The first Five got close enough to each other , and I got started ...

I started to melt and fuse the souls of my 5 Soul Avatars, and along with them the Dimensions they represent started merging Together ...

It was a slow process , but after some time , it finally ended ...

The Blood , Bones , Flesh and Treasure Dimensions fused together perfectly , because of their great compatibility ...

Their concepts perfectly merged together ...

These four Dimensions , Each originally singular in their rule , full of one color , and everything in their world created from this singular rule...

Suddenly , they merged and it became full of color and new things they haven't seen in a long time ...

the rules and laws also started intersecting and giving birth to new things , and minor merged rules ...

The Shadow Dimension, on the other hand, expanded and covered the lower surface of the newly created Super-Dimension ...

It was as if it reflected the entire Dimension in the lower side, and grew upside down and was made of darkness and shadow as usual ...

But it still gained a lot, and the enderman inside as if their bodies were pumped with mysterious substance, they became more condensed and 3-dimensional from their original figured that were threatening to turn into 2-dimensional bodies ...

As the 5 Dimensions fully merged , their rules and laws reacted with each other and brought new changes and developments everywhere ...

I felt a mysterious something pulsing somewhere , seeming far and near at the same time , and I urgently tried to catch it ...

It evaded my attempts multiple times , but my affinity with it was constantly growing better and better...

Eventually , it couldn't escape my grabs , and I finally caught it ...

As soon as I caught it , I immediately pushed it into the Developing realm , and felt the rapid changes the realm undertook as soon as I put "It" in ...

"It" is actually the Plane Core , that already existed since the dawn of time!

I started my plan to merge multiple Dimensions, precisely because only when doing this , would a huge turbulence occur in the rules composing them when reacting with each other ...

This turbulence would then synchronise with the Major Aspect (Plane Core) that defines these Rules together !

I would then take the opportunity to catch it , and induce my newly created Super-Dimension to evolve further into a whole Plane !

My soul Avatars inside , after merging, became much stronger , and as the strongest in the newly created Plane , it automatically became the Plane Lord !

As I felt carefully, the Plane Core's Rule is [Body] ...

My Five dimensions represent 5 major aspects of body ...

Blood & Bone & Flesh are components of the Living (Animate) Body ...

Treasure , Wealth and Riches represent a large majority of Inanimate Objects (those made of various metals specifically and solid things generally) ...

Shadows represent the effect that having a physical body gives ...

((( Author Note :

Remember that this is a magical world of myths...

There is no galaxy here , yet ...

And identifying shadows as blocking sunlight is just one explanation of it instead of being the only explanation like in our science-dominated real world )))

Of course , there are some other minor rules of the [Body] Plane that I didn't possess ...

Things like Hair and Nerves of the Living body ...

Liquid and gases in the Inanimate objects ...

and a few other small things ...

But thankfully, While I don't own these rules , others don't either ...

Which means , I have a chance and a headstart to learn these Rules and own them myself !

Even if I don't or can't learn them , I can let my loved ones (personal family) or other trusted personnel learn them !

As I looked at my new Soul Avatar, resulting from the merge of the initial 5 Soul Avatars , and currently the Plane Lord of this Plane , I realised it needs a new name ...

I decided to simply call it Jasad (جسد) , meaning Body ...

Jasad suddenly felt certain someones was in the Plane,and it was probably here for a long time...

Connected with Jasad, I also smiled faintly ...

I have expected them to move in there long ago, so this is all according to my plan !

The only reason I noticed them now was that before Jasad was created, they likely were more skilled than my previous soul avatar ...

They are Nyx Primordial of the Night and Erebus Primordial of the Darkness ...

Although they are Primordials, they are only Personification of Night & Darkness respectively, and didn't have a dimension of their own ...

When I first created the Shadow Dimension, I supposed they will move into it, and I am pretty sure my guess was right as I now feel them in the shadow region of the [Body] Plane !

Anyways, Back to doing major work !

To all Creatures in this newly-created Plane, I decided to give them a new name which includes them all : Undead Races !

This includes all the races of the dimensions that now compose this Plane...

Vampires, Liches, Ghouls, Cursed Golems and Enderman are all included ...

All Sentient Races that are born in the future in this Plane will also go under this name !

After finishing matters here , I realised the other 4 Soul Avatars were ready for the process as well ...


Things went smoothly , and the four Soul Avatars approached each other along with their Dimensions , And fused together under my control ...

The resulting dimension was a little different from what I originally expected , but it is still in the range of acceptable changes ...

The new Super-Dimension was composed of Nine major rules ...

Apparently , The Desire Dimenion was stronger than I imagined , having 6 major rules by itself !

The Eight major rules are called Consciousnesses , and They are :

1) Consciousness to See, evolved from the Desire to See.

2) Consciousness to Hear, evolved from the Desire to Hear.

3) Consciousness to Smell, evolved from the Desire to Smell.

4) Consciousness to Taste, evolved from the Desire to Taste.

5) Consciousness to Touch, evolved from the Desire to Touch.

6) Consciousness to Think, evolved from the Desire to Think.

7) Consciousness to Dream, evolved from the Dream Dimension.

8) Consciousness to Feel, evolved from the Emotion Dimension.

9) Consciousness to Know, evolved from the Knowledge Dimension.

(((Author note :

As you can see , I recently read an article about the Buddhist 8 Consciousnesses, and I got a little inspiration, so I decided to use it ...

but it has differences, So I am not plagiarising... )))

With the Rules intersecting, new minor rules are constantly being born faintly , and a Rule Turbulence swept past ...

Similarly with before, I felt the Plane Core of some Plane resonating with this Rule Turbulence , and as the Turbulence got bigger , I tried to catch the Plane Core ...

This time , it didn't take many tries to succeed, and I succefully grasped the Plane Core in the third try ...

This is because of Experience !

Constantly improving myself , at every moment , is the way I have achieved everything I have today with my own efforts !

Me now is absolutely stronger, smarter and overall better than me a second ago !

The Grind Never Stops !

As I put the Plane Core in the Consciousness Super-Dimension , it changed subtly and expanded a lot ...

The Rules inside became stronger overall !

This time , There didn't seem to be anything that I missed before ...

But actually , My understanding of multiple rules weren't up to the standard , and many Rules still held more powerful potential that I neglected ...

Mostly in the Emotions Department , many emotions were just violently thrown I and not carefully realised...

For example , Love is a very powerful emotion , enough to have the Goddess Aphrodite in the future to govern it ...

Similarly with some other emotions and desires ...

But my understanding is the most comprehensive , especially now that I created the 9 Consciousnesses Super-Dimension through my own efforts !

As for the Major Rule that the Plane Core represents , It is [Mind] ... It is fully represented in the 9 Consciousnesses ...

5 desires refer to the Five Senses , the way the Mind observes the world...

The Desire of Thought , represents Mind processes ...

Dream represents subconscious processes of the Mind ...

Emotions represent reactions of the Mind to Certain Stimuli ...

Knowledge represents the Memories, and the constant innate drive to learn new things in every Mind ...

The Soul Avatar formed from the merging of the 4 prior Soul Avatars automatically becomes the Plane Lord ...

I decided its new name before : Aql (عقل)

To all Creatures in this world , I decided to give a new name including them under one name :

Consciousness Spirits !

This included all Sentient Races in the original dimensions which now compose this Plane ...

6 Desires Demons, Dream Spirits, Virtue Angels, Sin Devils and Book Spirits are all included ...

Sentient Races that are born in this Plane in the future will also be included under this name!

Finishing up here , I was greatly relieved as I took another great step towards becoming the strongest God !

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