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Swords of Women Swords of Women original

Swords of Women

Author: MissKMV

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Mourning

The day had come when Celine must say goodbye to her mother, Queen Elizabeth the first. Her mother had gone into what was thought to be a small infraction on the country side but turned out to be a act of war committed by the Spanish on English soil. The queen returned slightly injured, a stab wound to her thigh which barely missed the femoral artery, the wound healed but the queen still contracted an infection and passed from a fever and internal bleeding. Celine was Elizabeths only daughter so she was next in line for the throne. Her mother had raised her and prepared her for this exact day for the past eight-teen years of her life.

Celine woke that morning feeling oddly calm for such a gloomy day. The clouds covered England as usual and made her feel at peace. Of course she was upset about her mother but she knew that her mothers spirit was still with her, guiding her. She went over to where her dress was laid out and she took a deep breath. This was the dress her mother wore when her grandmother died. A black dress with a high neck and long sleeves. She hated high necks, they were terribly itchy and she just did not look good in that style. She much preferred a regular sweeping neckline or sweetheart. But, she would suck it up just for this one day. Her mother wished nothing of her except that she became a worthy queen and wore this damned dress when she passed. Celine did enjoy the beading on this dress although it was very minimal it was what really made the dress special, the beads were white and in groups of three encircling the waist line and mock sweetheart neckline. the flow of the dress was also very nice but Celine would prefer if it were to actually touch the ground instead of slightly hover. Because of this her shoes must actually match. Heels were a forbidden thought to Celine she just found them terribly uncomfortable and in all honesty they had no use except making you taller and making it harder to walk.

Soon her ladies came in to help her get dressed and styled her hair. They braided her golden hair in one long braid for she was wearing a bonnet of sorts. Another article of clothing she despised, everyone has seen her hair there is no reason for the things except for another restriction of movement.

After finally getting ready Celine walked to the great hall where her mothers priest was waiting. She took her place behind the priest and the ceremony began in no less than a week she would be standing here for her coronation. With her coronation brought about the talk of marriage. A scary thought for her, she watched her mothers marriage with her father fail. Executing the love of your life for adultery in not something you can just get over in a day. Her mother was forever heart broken over the fact that not only did her father cheat but he also got the other woman pregnant. Celine watched over her half brother once he was born and had to explain why his mother nor father were ever around.

The ceremony lasted about an hour, everyone paid there respects to Celine and went on their way to mourn the death of their queen. Celine kept a solum face the entire time. It was not hard for her, thankfully her mother again prepared her for this situation and what exactly to do.

Walking back to her chamber one of the most prestigious members of court pulled her aside. Lady Katherine of South London.

"Your Grace, I didn't have a chance to pay my respects. I am sorry for your loss we all feel the queens departure deep in our hearts."

"Thank you lady Katherine it is good to know she was so loved. I hope the same will be said of me one day."

"Im positive you will be your grace, although I did want to speak to you on a private matter."

"Of course I was just heading to my chambers, feel welcome to follow and join me there."

"Yes your grace."

The two walked in an easy silence to Celines unguarded chambers.

"You're majesty why are there no guards?"

"I gave them the time to grieve the queen until day after next. They are citizens after all."

"Yes I understand but who will protect you?"

"Lady Katherine look around this room, I have weapons in every corner of this room, no one dare try to harm me. They would only be harming themselves."

"I see, I don't know if you are aware but most people, your subjects and those of other countries think you are some boney and week child. With all due respect."

"I am aware, that is the image I wish, so that if my enemies ever do attack they will be surprised by my strength and the hidden strength of England."

"Very wise your grace."

"Indeed now on to the important matter you needed to discuss."

"Your majesty, I know that your coronation is in a weeks time but there is still the question of marriage. The line must continue, we will need another queen to success you when the time comes. "

"I agree but, marriage is not my priority as of the moment. In all honesty I would rather I not get married at all."

"But the child needs to be legitimate your grace. There is no point in having a child if it is not legitimate."

"Yes I understand that, I just wish there was another way. If there isn't I just would wish to know who my options are. Ones that would benefit both me as a person and England as a country. There aren't many kings around anymore with woman rising up and taking a stand. But, there are princes. Where? I don't even know."

"There is a prince in France your grace, Francis and one from Spain. I highly doubt Queen Alexandra would let you marry her son. For if she died he is next in line so that would mean you would rule over Spain and England and there for establish and inherit all the alliances that comes along with Spain. Now that Ive said that out loud why don't you invite the prince for your coronation and prince Francis as well."

"Lady Katherine you have proven once again why you are the most loved in court. Thank you for your help and your concern. Now I am going to rest. Today has been longer than I wish."

"Of course your grace."

Katherine curtsied and left the princesses quarters. Celine began to undress and get ready to lie down for a while before getting ready for dinner.

Celine knew that becoming queen was no easy task, she didn't expect it to be.


"Darling please pay attention, I know that its not easy, but, being Queen isn't easy. I need you to be the best you can be. For me."

"Yes Mother"

"Good, now when holding a sword you must not focus on the weight of the sword but focus on the movement you create. Become bonded with the sword, it is an extension of you, your life line."

Her mother helped her with her movements and defensive positions.

"Now your, yes and yes, very good. Alright that is enough for today now run off and go find me... a flower. Any flower from the garden."


Celine lay in her bed staring at the ceiling.

"I miss you"

She then closed her eyes and let sleep take over.


Enjoy this new book, its out of my usual style of writing but, I am enjoying it still. Let me know your thoughts and give this a thumbs up if you wish.

As always

Love to all and all are loved

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