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Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves original

Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves

Author: Darth_Revan95

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Lady and the Prince of Light

The year was 1994, and Harry Potter found himself caught in a plot to resurrect Voldemort as his name had come out of the Goblet of Fire. But with that being said, Harry found himself to be the very much unwilling participant of the deadliest tournament in history. And everyone had started scorning him all over again because of it. Harry had repeatedly and quite vehemently denied ever putting his name in the Goblet, and assured that he wanted nothing to do with it... but everyone didn't listen to him, not even his supposed best friends which enraged him greatly.

That's how we come to find the 14 year old wizard sitting near the Black Lake, tossing stones very angrily. He hated how nobody but Dumbledore ever believed him. Harry had told Dumbledore this might happen, and Dumbledore agreed, and tried taking measures to prevent Harry's name from being entered... only to watch in disbelief as Harry's name came out of the Goblet. Afterwards, Dumbledore assured Harry that this incident was being investigated, but would be slow-going.

Harry was quite vexed to being forced to participate, but agreed with Dumbledore that if Harry played along, they might be able to catch the culprit, but he did tell the students that Harry didn't do what he was accused of doing... but much to Harry's dismay, people still didn't believe him even with Dumbledore's assurance.

Looking at Harry from his place in his tower, Albus Dumbledore let out a weary sigh, and walked over to pet his Familiar, Fawkes. "That boy doesn't deserve all of this negative attention. I wish there was something I could do to help him, Fawkes." Albus said, earning a trill of sadness from the Phoenix. Both were blinded by a golden light for a brief moment before a woman wearing blue robes appeared before them. The woman in question was a beautiful blonde with long, wavy hair, and golden irises that glowed with power. "Lady Meridia. What brings you here to Hogwarts?" Albus asked pleasantly as he bowed before his chosen Goddess. Meridia had come to Albus when he was younger, and had helped him in his victory against Grindelwald, and in turn, Albus pledged himself to the Daedric Prince and embodiment of Light.

"Albus. It's so good to see you again." Meridia greeted, kindly in a melodic voice. "It's time, Albus. He has to know." Meridia replied, causing Albus to take on a sad expression.

"I had hoped that he could have a chance to be child still yet." Albus murmured.

"As do I, Albus. But we cannot deny that this farce of a tournament is but a means to an end. Tom Riddle is returning to power. Harry has grown up with Sirius Black as his parents wished, and has lived a wonderful childhood. But aside from the threat of Riddle on the rise, next year, Harry will become of age, and take his rightful place as King of the Ayleids. With the blood of Laloriaran Dynar returning to the throne of Delodiil, the curse on the enslaved Ayleids will finally be broken, and the reign of Aran av Latta will see the end of darkness on both Earth and Nirn." Meridia replied as she called for one of the Enslaved. "Please bring bring us some refreshments. Tea would be preferable." She said with a kind smile. The Enslaved bowed and Disapparated, and reappeared with a tea tray.

"Is that his name? Harry's true name?" Albus asked as he took a sip of tea.

"It is. It means "King of Light" in Ayleidoon, the language of the Wild Elves." Meridia replied as she too, took a sip of her tea. "I plan on making him into a Purified, which, as you no doubt know, will destroy all impurities in him... including that vile Soul Anchor in his scar." She added, causing Albus to arch an eyebrow.

"Doesn't that also destroy freewill?" Albus asked incredulously, eliciting a chuckle from the Radiant One.

"Ah, but that's the thing. I can make it to where Harry will retain his freewill, yet keep all the benefits of a Purified." Meridia assured as she continued drinking her tea. Her assurance of Harry's freewill being retained made Albus sigh in relief.

"That's good to hear, milady. I dread to think that Harry might resent you for taking that away from him, and he will need all the help he can get." He stated.

"Your concern is welcomed, but unwarranted. Over the years that I have watched Harry, I have grown to having feelings for him. As you might know, some Daedric Princes take consorts. Molag Bal, and Vaermina coming immediately to mind. I plan on making him my consort when his heritage is revealed to him." Meridia said, causing Albus to raise another eyebrow.

"That's surprising, especially coming from you, Lady Meridia. You've once told me that you had never considered taking on a consort ever since you became a Daedric Prince." Albus commented, earning a shrug from the Lady of Living Energies.

"Times change. I genuinely care for the boy, and I would see that he is successful in everything he does. No evil will ever harm him. Plus, I don't like those lusting hussies looking at him like he's a piece of meat." Meridia replied, causing Albus to chuckle.

"My dear, is that jealousy I hear? But you have a point. Some, if not most, would like to marry Harry simply for the Potter, Black, and Peverell fortunes... not to mention the fame that would come with being the wife of "The-Boy-Who-Lived". It's quite unnerving how some people would take advantage of an orphan with political, financial, and magical power that rivals that of everyone on the Wizengamot, and the International Confederation of Wizards." Albus pointed out.

"I better go and introduce myself to him. It was good seeing you again, old friend." Meridia bade as she finished the rest of her tea.

"And you as well, milady. I hope all goes well with young Harry." Albus said as Meridia disappeared in a golden flash of light.

Back on the lakeside, Harry was sitting on a boulder, sulking with Hermione standing next to him, when Meridia appeared before them. The duo had to cover their eyes when Meridia appeared. "Greetings, Harry Potter. I am Meridia, the Lady of Infinite Energies, the Bright Lady, the Strict but Fair Arbiter of Inner Luminance, the Sunfire, the Radiant One, the Keeper, the Lady of Light and the Prince of Life. I have been watching you for years. Your mother and father give their regards." Meridia greeted, kindly.

"Are you a Goddess?" Hermione asked with a gasp, earning a chuckle from the former Magne-Ge.

"Please excuse Hermione, she's very blunt, and quite rude sometimes." Harry apologized, earning a swat on his arm from the bushy-haired bookworm.

"That's quite alright, Harry. As for your answer, Hermione. I'm sort of a Goddess. I am the Daedric Prince of Living Energies, and former member of the Magne-Ge when Nirn was created." Meridia replied.

"Nirn?" Both Gryffindors asked.

"Another world, similar to Earth, but stuck in renaissance times. Though, there was a race of Elves that were more technologically advanced than the rest of Nirn. This breed of Elves disappeared back in the 700th year of the 1st Era. They might have been brilliant artisans and mathematicians, but they were also conquerors. They had planned on becoming gods, but their arrogance lead to their disappearance after they failed to use the Heart of Lorkhan. Many Elven races have either died out, or disappeared. The Dwemer, Falmer, and Ayleids being the majority of those who disappeared from Nirn. Which brings me to a topic that I wish to talk to Harry about, but if he wishes, you can remain here for the discussion." Meridia said.

"I would prefer if Hermione remained here." Harry decided, making Hermione and Meridia smile at his kindness. Harry had been dealt a bad hand before, and yet he never lost sight of who he is. A kind and caring young man with the weight of two worlds on his shoulders... even if he didn't know about his role on Nirn yet.

"Very well. I mentioned that the Ayleids were one race of Elves that disappeared. They were actually thought to be extinct since the ancient races of man slaughtered them. Though, the Wild Elves brought this fate upon themselves as they believed themselves to be above other races on Nirn, and enslaved the races of man. However, one woman, a Nedic woman named Alessia, made a pact with the Aedric God, Akatosh, and was given his blood, the blood of Dragons. Alessia then took the slaves and revolted against their Elven overlords, and built the first Empire ruled by man. As I said, it was believed that the former slaves slaughtered all of them, but this is not true. The Ayleids were cursed and bound to servitude, and were changed. They were also sent here to this world to be slaves. I believe you know of the Elves I speak of." Meridia informed.

"The House Elves!" Hermione gasped in realization.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the woman. "There's a reason for telling us this, isn't there... or me, more specifically." It wasn't even a question.

"There is, and you might not believe it yourself. You are an Ayleid, yourself. More specifically, the last blood of King Laloriaran Dynar. The last king of the city Nenalata, but that is not the city that you are destined to rule. The city that you are destined for is Delodiil, the city that once worshipped me. After the defeat of my arch enemy, Molag Bal, the city has been returned to Nirn, waiting for its next king. Your reign would see your true race returned to its former glory, and hopefully, they have learned humility in the centuries they have been in exile." Meridia informed, and just like that, Harry felt all the rage turn into disbelief. "Not all of the Ayleids were slavers. There were those who wanted to live in harmony with the other races of Tamriel, so do not think that all of your race are evil. During the Alessian Rebellion, there were those of the Ayleids that helped the rebels revolt against their masters." She added, seeing Harry's expression. "The real name your mother gave you was Aran av Latta, meaning "King of Light" in your native tongue." She informed.

"So, my mum was one of them then?" Harry asked, having calmed down a little.

"She was. She was a descendant of King Dynar, my most faithful worshipper." Meridia replied.

"Why? Why come to me?" Harry asked, somberly.

"The reason you survived all those years ago was because your mother invoked my power, and I heard her plea. However, I could not save your family, but rest assured, they live happily in my realm, the Colored Rooms. I came to you because Tom Riddle is gaining power. This tournament is a trap, set for you. Riddle is using a very dark potion to restore him to corporeal form by using Bone of the Father, unknowingly given, Flesh of the Servant, willingly sacrificed, and Blood of the Enemy, forcefully taken. I wish to help you fight Riddle, and any more enemies that you will gain. On top of being the last Ayleid King of Delodiil, you are also the last Dragonborn. That is, someone with the blood of Akatosh. You can talk to Dragons in their natural language, and even use their power as they do. Dragons possess a magic all of their own, and is something that takes years for normal humans to learn, but the Dragonborn can learn it in seconds. You can also kill Dragons completely by devouring their souls. The fact that a Dragonborn has returned also signifies the return of Alduin the World Eater, the first born son of Akatosh. I am going to help you grow more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Meridia offered.

Harry was completely floored. That was a lot to take in at once, but thankfully he didn't faint from being overwhelmed. Hermione, however, was not so fortunate for she was now unconscious on the ground next to the boulder Harry was sitting on. He had to shake the cobwebs out of his head to process it all. "So, are you going to turn me into an Ayleid, now that you've told me?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, you have to wait until you turn 15, which is also the same age you will be taking up the mantle of King of the Ayleids. However, I can use my magic to turn you into a Purified. This will make you immortal, and will erase all impurities such as Riddle's Soul shard that resides in your scar, and the block on your magic." Meridia replied, shocking Harry.

"I have a piece of that madman's soul in me!?!" Harry exclaimed, horrified that his parents' murderer had placed a piece of his soul in him.

"Yes, but if you accept my blessing, that will no longer be an issue. Normally, to destroy a Horcrux, the vessel has to be destroyed, but by becoming a Purified, this will negate the need for dying to destroy the Horcrux." Meridia assured.

"Then do it. I don't want that monster's soul stuck in my head a moment longer." Harry decided.

"Be warned, you will find that your features will change once you become a Purified. A golden radiance will be imbued into your skin, making it glow from underneath." Meridia warned. "Also, most cases, the Purified lose their free will, but I can make it to where you can retain your free will." She added.

"Do it. I don't care as long as Riddle is out of my head." Harry said again, earning a nod from the Goddess.

~Scene Change~

Harry woke up in an all too familiar environment with Hermione sleeping peacefully next to him in his infirmary bed. On his headboard was his Phoenix Familiar, Hedwig. But what caught his attention was that Hedwig glowed a golden radiance from underneath her plumage, and also had glowing eyes. Was that how he now looked? "Oh good, you're up!" The familiar voice of Albus Dumbledore spoke.

"Good to see you, Albus." Harry greeted, eliciting a chuckle from the ancient headmaster.

"Good to see you're up, Harry. I trust that you've met an acquaintance of mine?" He asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Meridia? Yeah, I met her. She told me everything... even about Tom making me into a partial... Horcrux I think she called it." Harry replied, earning a sigh of regret from Albus.

"I didn't want to worry you about such a thing, but alas, it appears that I'll be bringing you up to speed on some important things, but I think you've had a fair bit of surprises for today, so I shall endeavor to tell you another day. But for the time being, I think Lady Meridia wants to get you started on your training as soon as our dear Madam Pomfrey deigns to release you from her care." Albus replied with another amused chuckle.

"And he won't ever leave the infirmary if he doesn't let me do my job." Said Healer stated in her no-nonsense tone of voice before checking on Harry with various spells.

"I've taken the liberty of informing Madam Pomfrey of your... unique position, Harry. Fear not though, Madam Pomfrey is sworn to secrecy, so she won't... ah... kiss and tell without either of our permission." Albus assured.

"So? How do I look?" Harry asked as he examined his now glowing arms.

"Quite radiant, my boy." Albus replied with a chuckle at his pun which Harry shared.

"Did... did Meridia turn Hedwig into a Purified?" Harry asked. Weren't Phoenixes already pure, and immortal?

"Technically, Hedwig is now a Meridian Phoenix. This is the first time she's ever turned a creature from Earth." Replied Albus as he watched said Phoenix land on Harry's chest and crooned against her master's hand. "You have a Familiar bond with Hedwig, and Hedwig, according to Meridia, was adamant about becoming a Meridian Phoenix, having sensed your turning." He elaborated.

"Not sure why a Phoenix would bother becoming one when they're already perfect and immortal." Harry finally voiced his confusion, eliciting a chuckle from Albus.

"True. Who knows why Hedwig chose to become a Meridian Phoenix. By the way, Harry. Go to the 7th floor, and pace three times in front of the wall with Barnabas the Barmy training Trolls to dance, and think of a room you need the most. You'll find Meridia there, waiting for you." With that, Albus left Harry to recover from his ordeal. All the while, Harry thought about how fortunate he was to have a powerful ally like Meridia. He could certainly change the tide of war with her help. And depending on what he was going to learn from the Goddess, it was certainly going to be useful. He also thought about the truth of what and who he was. Ayleid King and Dragonborn. He had a feeling that his life was going to be hellish from this point onwards, but he could handle whatever fate threw at him. With that thought, he drifted back into unconsciousness, thinking of the future with him in his true form, sitting upon a stone throne, wearing golden armor with a sword that held a glowing gem at its cross-guard. At his side was Meridia in all her holy glory. And at the foot of the dais were several Elves bowing to them. Harry slept that night with a smile on his face.

(A/N: And cut! That's chapter 1. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Meridia is one of my favorite Daedric Princes in The Elder Scrolls lore, wanted to write a fanfiction with her in it. This story has been on my mind for awhile, but have never been able to think of how to write it, so here it is. For those who don't know, this is gonna be Skyrim with Elder Scrolls Online mechanics, and that includes classes, spells, voice actors, etc.... I just love ESO, so any Elder Scrolls fanfiction I write will have ESO with it. Anyways, I'm gonna get some sleep, it's 1:27am, and I've been working on this for half the day. I'll continue this in the morning. Good night!)

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