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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

I decided to walk back home instead of riding. I needed to clear my head.

I was taking part in a plot against my best friend of many years, a plot that would get him killed.

God what am I doing? Why am I feeling bad? He's an Assassin and I'm a Templar, I'm supposed to kill him without second thoughts.

I shook my head, trying to clear it but it didn't work. I decided to climb Giotto's Campanile, hoping it might help a little more.

I reached the platform at the top and just waited and looked down at the citizens. I saw an eagle fly above me and I wished I could be as free as him.

I felt the wind blowing my hair and I laid down. It was almost night time, the sun was setting down. It was a beautiful, calming view.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and I decided to close them. I heard a voice calling for me but before I could get up and look around I felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep.


Year: 1783 , Age: 5

Florence, The Jaspers' Palazzo

"Helen, Helen! Wake up!"

"Mother? What is going on?"

"We need to leave, now!"

"What? Why?"

"I will explain on the way, but for now, all you have to worry about is us leaving."

"Is father coming with us?"

I saw her stop and wipe a tear away, before she turned around and smiled.

"No, sweetheart, he isn't."

"Why?" I asked pouting.

"He will come later, but for now we have to leave immediately."

I didn't ask anymore questions and did as asked. I started taking out some of my clothes and putting them on the bed as mother was fanatically folding them and putting them in a bag.

She took out from under the bed another bag and when I peaked inside I saw some of her clothes, a sword and a weird knife, that was hidden inside a vambrace.

"Are you ready?" I nodded. She took my hand and lead me out of the house, then put a saddle on to a horse.

"Are we going on a trip?" I said full of excitement.

"I guess you could call it that."

She helped me up on the horse and then she attached the bags to the saddle. She mounted the horse, sitting behind me and making sure I wouldn't fall.

Before I could ask any more questions, I found ourselves leaving Florence and heading towards San Mano.

It was a long, silent ride and I was happy when we reached the city gates to finally be off the horse and walking again. We didn't stop on the way, but the horse didn't seem to be tired either.

We left the horse at the stables and then headed inside the town. We were near the center when mother stopped and knocked on a door.

An older man opened the door, possibly a little older than my mother and he motioned us inside.

"Clara? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"I need to leave. The Templars found out I betrayed them and have been sending the Assassins letters about their next targets."

Mother betrayed the Templars? But why? I thought.

"Where will you go?"

"I don't know, Mario. Maybe France or Spain? All I know is that I need to leave before Hendrix finds and kills me."

"Father wants you dead?"

I asked looking up at her. She looked down at me in shock, as if she forgot that I was there.

"N-No honey, it's just an expression, do not worry about it. Go in the next room and play with your toys, I'll come to you in a minute."

I did as asked and went in the next room but I remained close to the door in

order to listen in on their conversation.

"Why are you here? Why aren't you in Monfard? I thought this was Gabriel's house."

"He lets me stay here once in a while. I get bored of the same walls every day, so I come here and stay a couple of nights before going back."

"I see... How is my brother, by the way?"

"He is fine. We began training him a couple of days ago. Nick is a natural when it comes to climbing."

"I'm glad I told you to train him. I'm only sorry it took me this much to see the Templars are no good."

"It's good you did in the end."

I couldn't hear anymore of their conversation because I heard steps behind me.

"Father! Great uncle!" I yelled as I turned around and went to hug them.

Mother and the stranger came rushing through the door, terror in their eyes.

"Well, well..." Father said.

He took a step closer to mom.

"I told you I would find you."

I watched as Uncle Alex picked me up and carried me through the front door. I heard swords and my mother yelling before I was out of hearing-range.

Uncle Alex put me on the horse and we started riding for Firenze.


I woke up as the rays of the sun hit my eyes. I was still at the top of the tower, right where I fell asleep.

How tired was I? And what the fuck was that dream? Strange, yet it felt so real?

God, my mother...

I was brought back to reality by a figure in a white hood running across the rooftops. Before it could disappear, I started to run towards the edge of the tower.

The figure took a Leap of Faith in the hay cart below just as I jumped down on the roof of Duomo.

I started to climb down, regretting not accepting Felix's offer to teach me the Leap of Faith.

I followed the figure, making sure it wouldn't see me. After a few guards spotted it, it climbed up on the rooftops again.

Is this person wanted? It was a well built person, who, by the way it sounded when he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, had a male voice.

It was a boy, now at least I knew that.

I climbed on the rooftops as well, trying not to lose sight of him. He was heading towards the Piazza Della Signoria.

That's when I remembered Grand Master telling me to be there for the execution to make sure everything goes well. I hope I'm not too late.

I saw three people. Two boys and an older man, with rope around their necks. Gabriel, Felix and Peter. But where's Ethan?

I looked at the guy in front of me, whom I've been following all the way over here, looking at the stage. That's when I got a better look at the robes.

I knew they were Assassin robes, but I didn't know who was wearing them. I also knew that they belonged to Gabriel.

But Gabriel is up there...

I touched the stranger on the shoulder and when he turned to look at me, I froze.

He turned back around and looked at the scene. It was Ethan.

Next to Gabriel stood Albert and Grand Master, looking at the crowd, and then back to the three of them.

"Gabriel Auditore, you and your accomplices stand accused of the crime of treason. Have you any evidence to counter this charge?" He said while reaching a hand out to them.

"Yes. The documents that were delivered to you last night!" Gabriel's eyes were filled with hate.

"I'm afraid I know nothing of these documents."

"He's lying!" Ethan shouted but nobody heard him. The crowd was cheering and yelling.

"I need to get closer." I heard him mumble to himself.

"In the absence of any compelling evidence to the contrary, I am bound to pronounce you... GUILTY. You and your collaborators are hereby sentenced to death."

Peter's eyes widened in fear and Felix's were searching the crowd for any familiar faces.

When his eyes met mine I opened my mouth to say something but I immediately closed it when he mouthed "It's okay, I know. I forgive you."

I felt tears filling my eyes as Gabriel yelled.

"You are a traitor, Uberto - and one of them! You may take our lives this day -but we will have yours in return! I swear! We will-"

He was cut short by Albert who signaled for the lever to be pulled. I watched as Gabriel , Peter and my best friend fell to their deaths, only to be stopped by the rope.

"Father!" I heard Ethan yell as he was pushing everyone out of his way.

Grand Master whispered something in Albert's ear, who then pointed towards Ethan.

"There, grab the boy! He's one of them."

Two guards grabbed Ethan by his arms and then dragged him forward.


I could see why he's so mad. His brothers and his father, Peter, were all killed in front of him.

He freed himself from the guards then reached for his sword.

"Arrest him."

I ran towards him and took out my sword and hit his, which fell to the ground.

"Put him down!"

I heard a voice behind me telling him to run fast but by the time I had any time to react he was already running away.

Damn, he caught me off guard! That never happens.

I started running after him but by the time I was up on the rooftops to get a better look at the streets, he was already gone.

He's fast, not going to lie.


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