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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Thomeric right now was at the Intelligence guild to get his class and to start playing this game, he was smiling, thinking on how he would go on quests and kill dragons, killing a dragon will be so cool, he imagined himself evading spears of fire.

A cough interrupted his daydreaming, it was the person he was waiting for, the person who delegates you a class, a young woman with a serious face.

She said, "Put your hands on the crystal orb, and don't move your hands, the grease marks are hard to remove."

He did exactly what she said, the crystal glowed for a blink and appeared a notification.

Rare class!

If you accept you can use exclusive skills related to the nature of the class. Do you want to convert now?

Thomeric said, "Yes, of course," his whole body was enveloped by a warm light.

Level : 1 Profession/class : Lancer

Title : None

Reputation : 0

Mana : 140+50 Health: 130

Strength : 9+5 Agility : 12+5

Constitution : 8+5 Dexterity : 12+5

Wisdom : 13+5 Intelligence : 14+5

All stats are increased by +5. Equipping a spear or a lance gives you +60% ATK, allows you to ride a horse into the battle, giving you an Attack Speed power boost. +Enables you to learn any spear based skill based on your spear mastery level, the higher it is, the more powerful spear based attacks you can learn.

Another notification appeared.

Skill gained : Dash [beginner] (1)

Using the skill give you a temporary boost of +200% speed

Every second 20 mana is used.

The woman asked, "How much you will stay looking like a fool here, faster, I have more clients, and their patience is thinning, pay that 1 silver coin, and leave."

Thomeric took one silver coin and gave it to her, in such a fast manner, that he almost dropped the coin down.

He left the Guild and that he now has a class and can level up, it's time to kill monsters, but he now remembered than he doesn't have a spear, he should buy one, yes, he should, go to a smithy and buy one.

He entered one, the shop was hot with a smell of smoke, the room behind the counter didn't have a door, and he was able to see everything that was going there, a bulky man was hitting, and hitting a red piece of metal.

After five minutes of waiting, the man observed him, and after he dowsed the piece of metal into water, he came to the counter.

The blacksmith while cleaning his hands with a towel, he asked, "Whaddya want?"

Thomeric intimidated by his bulk, shrunk his body a bit, and said, "A spear."

The blacksmith finished cleaning his hands, put the towel back, and said, "What kind of spear, long, short, heavy, light or other kind?"

Thomeric put the seven silver coins on the counter, and said, "A seven silver coins spear."

The blacksmith tightened his mouth, "Leave, take your coins and leave."

He was then driven away from ten smithies, he dejectedly, was thinking of taking a wooden stick and think it's a spear, or maybe he should search for a job, more weeks spent on doing almost nothing, life is hard a beginner, he walked in the market of Aidern, it was full of people chattering, trading or sharing information.

One man, was shouting with all of his pulmonary powers, "Selling weapons, powerful weapons, rare weapons, weapons taken from loot!"

Thomeric, thinking that trying one more time will not hurt, decided to talk with the man, "Do you have spears?"

The man, had colorful clothes and a cart wagon behind him, said, "Yes, of course, what kind of spear do you need?"

Thomeric clearing his throat, "Am, a seven silver coins spear, do you have?"

The man raised an eyebrow, "Seven silver coins? I doubt you can buy a toothpick with that amount."

Thomeric looked down, and started to depart from the man, the man shouted, "Wait, I hadn't said I don't have, just that amount is very low."

Thomeric looked at him with hope in his eyes, "Then you have a spear for me?"

The man took a haggard spear, with with a crooked shaft and the pointed head made from jagged stone, he said, "This for seven silver coins."

Thomeric took it, and paid the money, saying, "Thanks mister!"

He left the city in a flurry, entered the wild steppes of Alderan Kingdom, he saw the two rivers that passed next by, not very far from here took place the last battle for the kingdom, Thomeric searched for enemies, he found a bunny, he ran after it, but the bunny jumped in a hole and disappeared.

He searched, and searched and found again one enemy, it was a wolf, a hungry wolf, the wolf lunged, Thomeric gripped the shaft, and jabbed, the wolf evaded, the wolf was circling him, the wolf jumped at every jab that Thomeric made, the animal was getting closer, Thomeric was able to smell his breath, a breath of rotten meat, the wolf's eyes were full of bloodlust, it wasn't able to control its hunger and got impatient, it jumped at Thomeric throat, Thomeric activated Piercing attack and impaled the wolf through its head.

Level up, and he got one wolf skin, the wolf started to dissipate into pixels, though stains of blood remained on his spear.

He exhaled a a heavy breath of air, exclaiming, "That was awesome," his entire body was trembling, he took a breath, and exhaled again, he calmed a bit, and started again to search for monsters to fight.

He found more wolves to kill, when the night fallen he killed ten more wolves, and one bunny, that bunny was a surprise, it jumped from a ground hole right next to him, he leveled up one more time, and his Spear Mastery leveled up too.

Level up : Spear Mastery [Beginner] (3)

Increase attack power with a spear (+20% ATK)

Increase attack speed with a spear (+15% ATK SPD)

His spear chipped a bit, but it was still solid and good to use, he didn't know if he should remain outside at night or not, at night you get more exp, but the monsters are far more dangerous.

He ate, and drunk a bit of water, he now has no food, he needs money to buy food, so he will stay killing monsters, because he needs loot to get money, but first, he needs put the points from leveling up, every level you five free points, and these are really important in for your character build, from what he saw, and read on the game forums, lancers were fast hitters, so optimally you would put most of your points in agility, dexterity and strength, but as he wanted to continue with alchemy too, he needs to put some points into intelligence and wisdom

Level : 3 Profession/class : Lancer

Title : None

Reputation : 0

Mana : 200 Health: 130

Strength : 18 Agility : 20

Constitution : 13 Dexterity : 18

Wisdom : 19 Intelligence : 20

Glittering in the moonlight were blood spots on the grass, Thomeric got curious and started to follow them, he observed trampled grass, like someone carried something heavy over it, he walked for sometime, he heard howling, that's bad, he was detected, he saw two, four, six golden eyes shining in the dark blue of the night.

He dashed back, and took a defensive stance, the trio of wolves were snarling at him, he saw the white sharp teeth with blood traces on them, he trembled, this time he saw scared, yes, he was scared by a game.

The wolves attacked, one of them did the mistake to jump in the air for his throat, he paid for its mistake by being jabbed in the throat, dying instantly, one of the wolves who was bigger, and had scars all over it, howled. Both of the wolves started to corner Thomeric, yet they kept at a safe distance from the spear.

Thomeric was attacking, jabbing, yet, the wolves where evading the attacks by jumping back, keeping a big distance, and when Thomeric pulled back the spear, they were closing the distance.

He was getting tired, his hands sweaty, the spear was harder to keep steady and was sliding from his hands, the other remaining wolf, lunged and bit his feet, it didn't hurt, but now his feet was harder to move, he now had only half of his life left, one more bite, and he was dead, losing most of his items here.

The other wolf, influenced by its attack, lunged again, but he did a mistake, the scarred wolf just retreated from Thomeric's attack, it was too late for the attacking wolf to do anything, Thomeric plunged his spear into the wolf's head, hitting a critical point, and dying instantly.

The last wolf, howled, gnarled and thrashed around, its golden eyes red with fury, baited Thomeric with a false attack, evaded it and jumped at his throat, Thomeric, panicked, he hit the wolf with the shaft, the wolf hit the ground, and before it could raise, Thomeric killed him.

Leveled up two times and the Piercing Attack skill leveled up too, he sat down and sighed, this was almost too real, wolves having intelligence, emotions, and even plans on how to attack, worthy of the best game of the century.

He was planning to leave for the city, as his enthusiasm for killing monsters was not as high, and he needed to rest for his injury to heal, but he heard an animal cry, driven by curiosity, he followed the sound, and his eyes couldn't believe what he found, a pure white wolf, injured next to a dead deer, the wolf was glaring at him, looking ready to pounce.

Thomeric really wanted to keep the wolf as a pet, but the wolf was already an adult, plus it was injured and his white fur probably costs a bit, he gripped the shaft with power, and killed the wolf.

Thomeric looked in every direction, he was lost, in the middle of nowhere, in the sea of grass. Then, he remembered the trail of blood, now it was probably dry, but the stains of blood had remained, he searched every grass for a long time, and found it, joyful he followed it back, now he could see the illuminated city, with sleepy guards on the conical roofed towers, he entered without guards making problems for him.

Skill gained : Tracking [Beginner] (1)

You have a easier time tracking footprints and traces.

You have an improved spatial orientation.

Now, what he should do? He doesn't have money, and most inns have closed their doors, the problem is still that he doesn't have money, even with loot on him, he can't sell it anywhere, no one is on the streets right now, except players, but they can easily go and kill wolves.

He just waited, the morning came and he searched the first Tailor shop he could find, he sold the pelts, he made 140 copper coins or 1 silver coin and 40 copper coins from the normal wolf pelts, and 1 golden coin from the white pelt.

Thomeric then resupplied with plain bread and water, and have gone back into the steppes, hunting wolves and other wild animals, he leveled up again, and was feeling brave, he heard that lions were roaming the steppes, though they are hard to find, but now he had tracking skill, maybe, just maybe with its help he will be able to find a lion.

He didn't find any lion, this was already the fifth track he followed, and nothing, it was just wolf tracks, well, at least he did leveled up his Tracking skill.

He wanted to see a lion, he never saw one in real life, and as this game is close to reality, he began with the same enthusiasm to search for tracks, now that the tracking skill leveled up, he was able to see footprints and the trampled grass more clearly, he found a trail, the footprints were looking to be from a big cat, though it wasn't clear if those were footprints from a lion, or other kind of big cat.

His search lead him to a small river, and there, he saw the beast, it was a majestic looking lion, though, it wasn't what kind of lion he was expecting, the mane was missing, and it was bigger than a normal one, maybe it's a female? It was drinking water, then it risen its head, and looked directly at Thomeric, it started to ran towards him.

Thomeric almost didn't had enough time to react, the lion was in moments lunging at him, he attacked with the spear, but alas, the lion swiped with its paw, and broke the spear, Thomeric cursed, left with no weapon, he used dash to try to evade and maybe run, that's was a fool's hope, the lion caught him, it jumped on his back, Thomeric's entire vision was black for a second, and he appeared back into Alderan.

He opened the inventory, all of his items were gone, except the money, he sighed, now he needs to buy another weapon, and to start grinding again, he cursed again, now he need to visit the smithies again, with the head hung low, he entered the first smithy he found, it was one of the ones he visited.

The smith asked, "Oh, it's the seven silver coins guy, how much money do you have, if you are still searching for a spear for that amount, I will be honest with you and say, you will not find any spear for that price, we spend more money buying the needed metal."

Thomeric blushed in shame, and said, "Ah, no, I have one golden coin, is there a spear for this price?"

The smith said, "Yes, the cheapest one is 13 silver coins, the price rises from there, we have a spear that cost one golden coin, do you want to buy it?"

Thomeric nodded, then the smith goes in the back-room, and comes with a spear, made from a dark brown wooden shaft, with a red tassel at the beginning of the blade.

Thomeric paid and left with the spear, ogling at it from time to time, touching the tassel, the spear was longer than him, though he was of average height.

He needs money and to level up, money to continue with alchemy so that he would be able to make money only from it, and level up to fight with monsters like goblins, orcs, vampires and not to fight with animals.

He left the city, with zero food, zero water, and zero money, he was pumped to start hunting animals, now he knows that lions are too dangerous for him, he will remain at wolves, and maybe try to hunt lynxes too.

CristiaN CristiaN

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