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Chapter 7: Five

The Kawlan who prioritizes calmness is currently feeling extreme irritation.

'The hell is wrong with this world?! Did I perhaps commit some misdeeds so the world is punishing me?! Please tell me my wrongs and I promise to change myself! No..... God I dare you to show yourself! I promise I won't hit you... I'll just lightly connect my fist with your face a few times!'

Kawlan's head was dipped on his table as he refused to face reality.... or more like he was afraid that he'd be frightened to death once he'll look at the faces of his classmates.

"Are you feeling alright?" A handsome man sporting a silver hair asked Kawlan with a worried glance.

Kawlan merely ignored the man.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

The novel's this worlds fate was fucking around with Kawlan as it seems to go against his every wishes.

Kawlan wished he could just murder fate to release all his frustration.

"Is he okay? Is he perhaps having diarrhea? He has been dipping his head on his table the whole time that I thought he was planning on marrying it. Not that I have anything against inanimate love." A red-haired man seated beside the silver colored one asked as he warily glanced at Kawlans direction.

"I advice you to not give that ditzy moron any care or he might invite in calamity." A blonde haired woman who was seated in front thoughtfully advised.

"Calamity? What do you mean Mahalia?" The red-haired man asked as he leaned in curiously.

"I won't bother explaining to you since I know your empty head would not be able to comprehend it Tanum."

"Oh... okay!" The red-haired man completely didn't catch Mahalia's insult on his brain capacity.

Mahalia, feeling like she had just punched cotton irritatedly twitched her left eye and didn't bother to continue conversing with a monkey.

"Shall I send him to the infirmary?" The silver haired man mumbled in question.

"Infirmary? I know where it is! I can help you in sending him!"

"Thanks I'm sure he'll appreciate that Tanum. You're really kind. "

"Shucks Dakila why are you acting so distant!"

The silver haired male merely gave Tanum a smile.

Kawlan was still dying inside as he dipped his head lower onto his table. He would've united with the table if he could.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

Our dearest protagonist is still not done cussing his heart out so please stand by. m(_ _)m

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

Kawlans biggest nightmare has come to a reality. On his left was the main character, the future school king title holder, Dakila Adlaw'ng Kahayagan and to Dakila's side was the future ace title holder, the Kings right hand man, Tanum Dalisay Luntian. And to make matters worse than it already was the woman seated in front of Kawlan was none other than the female lead, future queen title holder, Mahalia Niyebe Sawalon.

At this point Kawlan was already sure that the fates hated him to the core.

"Hey my names Dakila by the way and I'm your seatmate. Since we're going to be together for a while school year we'll need to help each other out. If you're feeling unwell I can send you to the infirmary." The man said as he reached out in an attempt to help Kawlan out. The male leads sunny and warm personality was dazzling the shade loving Kawlan making him instinctively dodge the sunny man.

"Don't touch me." He muttered in a dark voice as he gave the man a side glance before quickly averting it back as he once again dipped his head into his table.

Kawlan was after all in a terrible mood. Thinking that he was being toyed in the palm of the hands of the fates. And seeing the main characters face who he really wished to never encounter appear in front of him made him feel irritated.

"What a dick! You just wanted to help! Don't mind such an ungrateful bastard Dakila!"

Dakila didn't speak as he quietly observed the man on his side. He remembered the man's gaze and he could tell that there was hidden irritation and contempt behind the man's gaze.

'Have I perhaps done him wrong before?'

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

Kawlan at the moment was still busy cussing his heart out.

The very moment the class bell rung as a sign of dismissal Kawlan quickly stood up and made way for the door when he suddenly felt someone tug at his arm with great strength.

Kawlan frowned as he turned to look at the person and was shocked when he saw the man's fiery red hair.

'What does he want?'

"Hey I get that you don't like us but can't you atleast pretend to not look so excited as if you were leaving a contaminated place?!" The red-haired hissed.

Kawlan stayed silent as he gave Tanum a silent glance.

'Was I acting too strange? Afterall we supposedly don't know each other so me having a terrible attitude towards them is unexplainable.'

Kawlan felt Tanums hold tighten and so he's eyebrows furrowed in pain as he pulled back his arm from Tanums hold.

" I see... so you don't want to be touched by someone like me. Is that it?!"


Kawlan really didn't think that way but he didn't bother correcting him as he turned his back and went on his way.

'I want to have nothing to do with them so it's fine to let them misunderstand.'

Tanum and Dakila stared at Kawlans drifting back and the red haired Tanum was stomping his feet like an angered gorilla.

"That man is such a dick! He thinks he's so high and mighty who does he think he is?! I'm going to teach him a lesson the next time we meet!"

Dakila on the other hand was silent and in deep thought as he recalled the man's abnormal reaction.

'Why did he react that way? Could it be that he felt that something was wrong with me?...No..... There's no way. Yes, there's absolutely no way.'

Kawlan was run-walking his way towards the canteen. He searched his eyes for his servants visage when finally he saw a familiar back at a corner of the canteen and so he made its way towards it.

"What's for lunch?" He asked Tuwaang as he took a seat.

"We have tagliolini pasta topped with two pounds of fresh lobster and finished with black truffles."


"Is that all?"

"Balanced food." Tuwaang kindly reminded him.

Kawlan fell silent. He was just in a nasty mood and so he really wished to lift it up by eating something fulfilling..... the pasta looked delicious but the amount really won't do it for him. His body constitution is different since he not only eats for himself but he also constantly shares his energy with his sleeping comrades to help them maintain their current spiritual state.

"What's for dinner?"

Tuwaang could feel Kawlans depression at the amount of food and so he felt bad and slightly relented.

"Since today is the first day of school I believe you can eat what you wish as celebration."

Hearing Tuwaangs words Kawlan brightened.

"Steak. Large steak!"

"Steak? There's no steak in the cafeteria menu and so I believe we'll have to eat at a town restaurant to do so. I've researched and found that the restaurant that serves the best steak is located on the red-light part of town, will that be alright young master?"

Kawlans hand that was mid-way in his mouth paused as his eyes widened in surprise.

"What did you just say?"

"The restaurant that serves the best steak is located in the red light part of town just right across a so-called Amy Brothel will that be okay?"

"Yes! Immediately reserve me a place. I must eat there.... it's the best Steak afterall."

Kawlan was busy fighting off his smile that threatened to creep into his face.

'Amy Brothel. I was wondering as to how I could get there. I never thought that it would be this easy.'

The low mood that Kawlan felt earlier this morning was immediately washed away upon hearing his servants good words.

Similar to this morning, Tuwaang took the time Kawlan was eating to tell him his afternoon schedule that consisted of some unnecessary subjects as his day concludes at exactly 4:30.

All throughout the afternoon Kawlan treated the people surrounding him as air. They were invisible in his eyes.

Dakila tried to converse with him a few times but he would expertly dodge it by sleeping on his table. Tanums impression of him was getting lower and lower that he hisses once they see each other, of course Kawlan made sure to ignore the hissing gorilla.

If not sleeping on his table Kawlan would busily stare at the clock wishing for time to fast forward so that he could jump straight to dismissal time. Time went by so slow that he wished for everything to quickly end. He was counting down the seconds till the clock hand will strike to 30.

In 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1!


Kawlan stood up and made way to exit the classroom. He walked his way back into his dormitory and changed to a casual yet still elegant looking attire before walking out to go to the meeting point that Tuwaang informed him.

Kawlan immediately spotted his carriage and his servant Tuwaang who was already in coachman mode.

'He really is a very skilled servant.'

Kawlan wished to give Tiyo Nimuel a big thanks for designating him such a handy servant.

"Young master, I have done a reservation at 6 in the restaurant."

"It's still 4:55 so I guess we'll have some time to kill."

"Do you wish to roam the town for a few moments?"

"That's a wonderful idea. Let's do that." Kawlan agreed at his suggestion with a smile.

He was about to step inside his carriage when he heard a female voice speak from behind him.

"Hello are you also going into town? Can we join you?"

Kawlan turned to look behind him and he froze when he saw two females, with one gazing at him with a look of extreme dislike.

"Uhm my name is Chesa and this is my friend Mahalia. We wanted to go into town using Mahalias carriage but it's currently being upgraded. My carriage on the other hand is currently broken due to an accident that happened when I crashed it on a tree whilst coaching. So may we join you?"

Kawlan stared at the two beauties in front of him and gave them a dazzling smile.


And with that he slammed his carriage door shut and drifted off.

The_Great_Cookies The_Great_Cookies

Hello guys ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Do tell me your thoughts.

Fun Fact: Tanum means plant in the Philippine Visayan language and Luntian means green in Tagalog language. Together they mean Green Plant.

That's a hint on Tanum's Mahika (^人<)〜☆

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