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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Party Fun

I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. I was stuck on what to wear, I hadn't been to one of these parties yet this year. Usually myself and Tory went to them all but recently we were both behind with work. Tory couldn't stand being behind so naturally we used our spare time to catch up.

"Ugh I can't decide." I crashed onto my bed groaning.

"Maddie there has to be something," Tory made her way over to my wardrobe. "Oh you have to wear this!" She squealed pulling out a silk red dress with a little tiny slit on the side.

"Tory that's too much! I'll look like a hoe." I laughed looking up from my pillow. I knew I'd get a few of those disapproval looks if I turned up in that short dress.

"I'll wear a slutty dress too." She grinned handing the dress to me. She may have been a Ravenclaw but I'm pretty sure she got me into more trouble than I got her into.

"Fine, at least we can be slutty together." I smirked getting up to get change into the dress.

"Ooo how about the green backless dress?" She stared at the dress with a unsure look across her face.

"The mini dress?" I asked. She pulled the dress out holding it against herself. "Oh yes! You have to, it suits you so much." I smiled slipping the silk red dress over my head.

We carried on for the next 20 minutes getting ready. We did our hair and make up, and of course we added lots of glitter.

We headed our way to the secret party George and Fred had organised. The Weasley twins were honestly the best at throwing parties. No one ever busted their parties, they were very sneaky and very clever.


It was dark and misty with a hint of mystery. The room was pounding with music and there were twinkling lights all around the room flashing different colours. The room was packed with people having fun and enjoying themselves.

Tory turned to me with amazement. "I am so excited." She screamed into my ear.

"Let's go get drinks." I laughed grabbing her hand and pulling her through the large crowd of people.

We danced our way to the back of the room where all the drinks were laid out on a long table. There was a large mixture of muggle and magic made products.

Cedric Diggory was stood there pouring himself a drink, he smiled  looking up to us waiting patiently. He had one of those cheeky smiles that definitely made the girls swoon after him. "Want me to make you two a drink?" He asked gesturing to the bottles on the table.

"Go on then." I smiled back. Godric knows what he was going to make us, something strong hopfully.

He grabbed a few bottles and started to pour them into two large plastic cups.

"Here you go." He handed us both a cup each filled with the strange liquids.

"What's in it?" Tory asked sniffing the cup and pulling a face.

"Well that'd be telling." He winked and walked away.

"Did he just drug us?" Tory asked half laughing, half concerned.

"I don't have a clue." I laughed taking a sip of the mystery drink.

Tory took a sip of her drink and pulled a face. "Ew that is awful." She coughed.

"It's not that bad." I laughed. I mean it was bad, but not that bad.

"I think I'm going to make another drink." She placed her cup onto the table.

I reached over and grabbed it. "We can't let that go to waste now can we?" I laughed, more for me.

"You'll be pissed in no time with those." Tory laughed pouring herself a simple vodka and lemonade.

"Well that's the idea." I smirked taking another big sip.

After Tory had made her drink we made our way over to the dance floor. We danced holding our drinks tightly making sure we didn't spill them over ourselves.

Dean Thomas danced his way over to say hi. "Two drinks? Really Maddie?" He laughed. Dean was one of our really good friends, he was always kind, fun and was great laugh.

"Try it." I handed him my cup, which he took a large gulp making a face.

"Fucking hell Maddie! Are you trying to die of liver failure?" Dean coughed handing me back my drink.

"Hey don't blame me! Cedric made it." I pointed over to Cedric in the corner who was dancing with his friends. He noticed and started to make his way8 over to us. Oh lord what have I done.

"Pointing at me now Wallace." Cedric laughed pointing right back at me with a fake stern look.

"I was just telling Dean you made these terrible drinks." I laughed taking another sip.

"Terrible?" He looked offended. "I'll have you know that's a Diggory special." He smiled taking a sip of his own drink.

"Well I don't think they're that bad. These two can't stand it," I said trying to point at Tory and Dean. "Myself on the other hand I think they'll do well in getting me shitfaced." I laughed taking yet another sip of the strange brown liquid.

"Wanna down these? And I'll make us another one each." He gestured to the drinks we were holding.

"That's not fair I have two!" I protested. This boy really tryna get me hammered.

"I've already had one of these, you've got to catch up to me Maddie." He smiled downing his drink.

"Fuck it!" I yelled downing one after another. My throat was fucking burning.

"Maddie you're gonna end up with your stomach pumped after tonight." Tory laughed taking a tiny sip of her drink.

"Don't worry I'll look after her." Cedric smiled grabbing my hand leading me towards the drinks table.

I turned behind to look at Tory and Dean. "Oh my godric." I mouthed at them. They both looked at each other and winked at me.

I stood there waiting patiently for Cedric to make the drinks. I thought about how weird it was to be drinking with Cedric Diggory, especially with him holding my hand. I mean we were friends but not friends, friends. Not friends that really spent alone time together.

I may or may not of had a huge crush on him in first year, but every girl did. After second year I drilled into myself I wouldn't have a chance. I was definitely overthinking it.

He looked up at me with him tongue touching his top lip. He looked so cute trying to focus on not spilling the drinks. Fuck. Not cute. Well kinda cute. Maybe kinda a little hot.

"Yo," He waved a hand in front of my face, getting me out of my daydream. "Wanna go dance?" He asked holding his hand out. I grabbed it, why wouldn't I.

We made our way back to the dance floor. He was still holding on to my hand. His hands were soft and warm.

He spun me around and laughed. We danced, him keeping me close and still tightly holding onto my hand.

Not long after we started dancing Dean, Tory, Fred and George joined us. It was great having friends that didn't care what other people thought popping out the weirdest moves just to make each other laugh.

For those few moments I was in pure happiness. I surrounded by great, funny people how could I not be having fun. It was definitely a complete change to this morning. Draco constantly harassing me had ruined my day but Cedric had made it.

I smiled looking back a Cedric, he smiled back and leaned in close. "Wanna go get some fresh air?" He whispered in my ear which sent tingles down my body.

I nodded and followed his lead to the outside area.

It was a small patio outside the room, we were using to party in. It was surrounded with a stone wall and giant pillars either side.

We both walked towords the stone wall leaning against it. Cedric reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle of vodka. He started pouring some into his cup, adding more liquid into the mystery drink.

"Oh so that's what was poking into my arse." I joked smirking at him.

"Maybe.." He laughed pouring vodka into my cup.

We both turned to face out at the scenery. It was beautiful. Tall trees sourounded the area, you could just about see the stars and the moon peeping through the trees.

"It's been awhile since we've got to hang out. It's been nice seeing you have fun." Cedric smiled taking a sip of his even stronger drink.

"Yeah we probably should make more of an effort to hang out. You're pretty fun." I smiled trying to get my hair out of my face. Fucking wind.

"You look lovely by the way." He smiled. "Red's your colour." He nodded.

Did Cedric Diggory really just compliment me? I could feel my body filling with butterflies.

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself." I laughed. Oh this awkward laugher was really getting to me now.

We stood there in silence for a moment or two just looking at the trees. Before Cedric spoke up. "Uh-" He looked like he was plucking up the courage to ask me something. I laughed looking at him.

He turned to me. "Hey I'm trying to keep it cool." We both laughed at the awkwardness of the situation.

He licked his lips leaning his arms over the wall. "Do the underwear match the dress?" He joked while raising an eyebrow.

I smirked I could feel my cheeks turning red "Well-"

"Yes." Someone interrupted.

Draco fucking stupid ass Malfoy.

"They're bright red actually." He smiled. I shot my head over to where he was stood giving him evils. How could he. "Be careful she's feisty." He laughed walking into the party.

My head shot back to Cedric. He looked uncomfortable, awkwardly looking down at his drink taking a sip.


"Me and Draco-"

"I would never-" I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, it's fine," He laughed cutting my confused scrambles off. "I'm not judging."

"Oh no me and Draco-uh nothing happened between us, I promise." I was so embarrassed, how could he.

He smiled. "Good. Well either way I'd still do this." He leaned down and kissed me.

Fucking hell Cedric Sex God Diggory was kissing me.

I was melting under his lips, they were soft and warm and he was such a gentle kisser.

"Fuck it." He threw his cup over the wall and grabbed my hips pushing me up against the wall. He smiled before leaning down and kissing me again.

This kiss was a lot more heated, I could feel him pushing himself against me. He licked my bottom lip to gain access into my mouth, I allowed him in and let our tongues dance. I couldn't believe it. Cedric Diggory was making out with me. His soft lips were sending tingles throughout my body.

"Cough, cough." Someone faked coughed by the door which caused Cedric to whip his head around.

"Zacharias is looking for you." The person moved more into the light, it was he was Anthony Rickett. He was one of Hufflepuff's star Beaters.

"Fuck, What does he want?" Cedric actually looked disappointed in being interrupted. "I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"Well I don't actually know he just sent me out to look for you." Anthony shrugged leaning his hand on the door handle.

"For fuck sake." Cedric turned to face me. "I'll go see what he wants, maybe we can pick this up later?" He smirked.

"Sure." I smiled back.

"Alright, I'll find you inside later." He smiled then ran back inside with Anthony following him behind.


After Cedric left I just stood there for a few minutes trying to get over what had just happened. So I kissed Cedic Diggory and he wanted to find me and do it again. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

As I was making my way back over to the party, the door swung opened.

"Wallace." Draco smiled downing his drink, then chucking the cup on the floor.

"Fuck off Malfoy." I signed, I had enough of his bullshit for one day.

Out of nowhere he had me pinned up against the wall. "What was that Wallace?" He asked fixing his eyes on me, tightening his grip around my wrists.

"Get off me Draco!" I tried to get out of his grip.

"Have fun with Diggory?" He laughed looking up and down at my body. He made me feel self conscious, he always did.

"Shut up!" I yelled taking a big deep breath in. This bitch.

"Awe, didn't Diggory want to fuck you?" He pulled his bottom lip out, making a fake sad face.

"You're drunk Malfoy." I could feel his hot breath on my skin, it was warm and smelt heavily of rum.

He laughed. "I might of given you a go, if you weren't a fucking Mudblood." He whispered in my ear, which gave me goosebumps all over my body.

"Fuck you Malfoy," I pushed him off. "What makes you think I'd even fuck you in the first place?" He was so big headed, he annoyed me so fucking much. How could he think so highly of himself?

He smirked looking right into my eyes. "Trust me, I'd fuck you if I wanted to."

Does this man really think he can hook up with whoever he wants? He must be fucking delusional.

"Don't think your girlfriend would like that." I gave him a fake smile and headed back inside.

I sighed in relief to be away from him. He was a complete cunt. In the whole fives years I've known him he hasn't done anything other than harass me and embarrass me.


I had been dancing with Tory and the twins for awhile. Safe to say we were out of it. 5 shitmixes and 7 shots later I had blurred vision. We were just living our best lives dancing and screaming lyrics to songs at the top of our lungs.

I felt two hands wrap their way around my waist. "I've been looking for you for half an hour." I turn my head to see who the hands belonged to, it was Cedric.

"Oh s-shit. I'm sworry I've been with theseee." My speech was slurred which caused me to giggle.

"You're pissed aren't you?" Diggory laughed.

"Maybe a ickle bit." I giggled holding up my index finger and my thumb.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and that dress." I could feel his hot breath as he whispered into my ear.

I laughed turning my body towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. I stared into his eyes for a moment before I planted a kiss on his soft lips. He instantly started kissing me back, smiling into the kiss.

Cedric broke off the kiss to whisper into my ear again. "Do you wanna find somewhere a little more quiet?"

It sent the tingles down my body again. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead me up the stairs and out of the party into the corridor.

"This room should be good." It was an old supply closet located across from the party.

The room was dark and filled with crap. There were metal shelving units everywhere with lots of random stuff on the shelves. I couldn't help but think what was half of this stuff used for.

There were three stainless steel chairs lined up against one of the shelves. I walked over and took a seat on one of the cold metal chairs. "It's cold in here." I shivered, rubbing my arms. The cold definitely sobered me up a bit.

"I'll have you warmed up in no time," Cedric winked grabbing one of the chairs and putting it up against the door. "Just so no one interrupts again."

"But what if Filch needs something? We need to be considerate." I joked sarcastically.

"Fuck him!" He laughed. "I've been waiting too long to do this." He sat down closely to me grabbing my face and kissing me, his fingers getting tangled in my hair. We picked up rhythm, him kissing me harder. He slowly began to make his way down my neck. I let out a small moan when he got to my sweet spot on the side of my neck. He smiled into the kisses he was leaving on my body.

I felt his warm hand make its way up my leg. He stopped once he got to the bottom of my dress which was half way up thigh.

"Do you want me-" I cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him. We got back into the fast pace heated kisses again. His hand slowing made its way up my dress which made my heart thump.

His hand inched its way up my thigh until he got to my underwear. He gently rubbed my heat through my lacy underwear with his knuckles. He took a big breath in then pushed my panties to the side. Slowly rubbing his finger over my heat. He began adding more pressure causing me to let out another moan. He leaned over and kissed me again. He slowly began to slide a finger inside of me, slowly pumping in and out. Whilst continuing that he used his thumb to rub against my clit in a circular motion. His other hand was around my waist gripping it tightly, holding me in place. My hand moved to his thigh, my nails digging in with every satisfactory pump.

"Shit." I blurted out not expecting it to feel so good.

"You like that?" He asked smirking down at me.

"Maybe.." I smirked back grabbing his head again kissing him, his kisses were addicting.

He pulled out adding another finger and continued pumping away gradually getting faster and faster.

It had been awhile since I had let someone else touch me. I knew I wouldn't last long under Cedric's hands. Godic I was already close. I felt my walls start to clench around his fingers, my thighs clenching his arm. My head jerked back and I let out a loud moan twitching. My nails dug more into his thigh as I let out a louder moan.

He pulled his fingers out and smiled at me looking proud of the job he had just done.

"Fuck." I laughed slightly embarrassed.

He looked into my eyes with a huge grin on his face. "I think I did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself." He said smuggly.

"Well- it was alright." I joked winking at him.

"Oh really?" He laughed putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah you could work on your technique a bit more."

"Well I'll keep that in mind," He laughed. "I'll get some practice in and I'll have it perfected for next time."

He got up from his seat holding his hand out for me. I was scared about getting up as my legs felt like jelly but grabbed it getting up then adjusted my dress pulling it down.

"Lets hope no one's noticed we've been gone." I laughed praying no one would see us coming out of the storage room. Especially with all the rumours that went around the school.

Cedric moved the chair away from the door and opened it. "It'll be fine I promised." He smiled gestering for me to go through the door first.

GGslytherin GGslytherin

Sorry for the long chaper and there's a lot of sipping and laughing idk. I tried to add more of her thoughts into this and I added a bit of spiciness with Cedric let me know if its cringe or not lmao. -GG

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