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Chapter 3: Friendship

Have you ever stopped to think about how many people you've met? Or how many are you going to meet yet? How many really cared about you? How many were at your side? Both in good times and in difficult times? Were there many? Few? Yes. I know. That's a lot of questions, but believe me, 70% of humanity doesn't even question them. But it is precisely among these people that you will find those who will make a difference. That will help you through all the obstacles put through life. Who will be by your side encouraging you never to give up. And who are these people? Well, these people will be your friends, your true friends.

Yes, I am Friendship. I am the affective relationship between individuals. I'm the relationship that people have of affection and affection for each other. I am the feeling that demonstrates the sense of cooperation, loyalty and protection. I am one of the most common interpersonal relationships that most human beings have in life. In case of loss of friendship, reconciliation is suggested and, most importantly, forgiveness. For friendship is nothing more than "the acceptance of each one as he really is."

Friendship can exist between men and women, man and animal, between brothers, boyfriends, relatives, people with different ties. Some bases of the feeling of friendship are the reciprocity of affection, mutual help, understanding and trust. Friendship can have different origins, such as the environment in which people live, for example, work, school, college, mutual friends, but it can also arise by chance. Some friends even call themselves best friends, because they consider themselves more than friends, they consider themselves brothers at heart. And that feeling is so beautiful, isn't it? Such a strong friendship that arises between two or more people. An example of this are childhood friends. Childhood friendship is one of the most beautiful and pure that has ever existed or may exist. It is a clean feeling, without evil. It is a feeling that you carry with you all your life. It is a friendship so strong that it goes beyond barriers, it goes beyond time or space. I am a feeling that arose out of love, but that started Missing, Courage and also Humility.

Now I would like to ask you a question. Do you know the virtue of friendship? Not? The virtue of friendship is that it doesn't have to happen to people who are exactly the same, with the same tastes and desires, and in certain cases this is exactly what unites them. Friendship has the function of adding to the other, with their ideas, their life moments, information, or it is just having someone to share moments and feelings, fears and fears, joys and also sadness. Ah! Before I forget. Did you know that friendship is so important in people's lives, that a specific day was created to honor this beautiful relationship? Well, the day of friendship is celebrated on July 20, and all this thanks to a very kind man, who since the arrival of the man on the moon, decided to write letters to different countries to instruct the day of the friend. He believed that reaching the moon was a meaning that men should be united. It was a really charming gesture and it made me very happy. I remember well that at the time Happiness made a beautiful dinner, with all our closest friends, to celebrate that historic feat.

Anyway. Even though friendship is very true, it is often considered to be utopian. With the globalized world, how far can people go over their interests through friendship? As sad as it may be, believe me, many people end up thinking more about themselves than about their friend, and it goes without saying how much this damages the relationship of friendship. But, you know what? Time passes, circumstances change and we all change, but a true friendship always remains the same, even if the scenario changes all the time. No, you know what? Friendship does not always remain the same, in fact, as time goes by it becomes stronger and stronger. It is even compared to flowers in a garden; because it is necessary to take care of them lovingly so that they show all their beauty.

But friendship can also be a very treacherous feeling. It's a little embarrassing for me to have to report this, but it's the truth you want, right? Well, know that many people use my name, my artifice to deceive others. And that's so low, so dirty, I keep wondering where people's humanity is. Why have you become such cold and calculating beings? But it is these unscrupulous acts of many that have led a good percentage of people to simply give up on me. Many have suffered so much from false friendships that they no longer believe in such a pure feeling. But I'm going to give you some advice. Don't give up. Yes, I know it's rare to find true friendships these days, but you don't need a lot of friends, just the ones you can really count on.

Friendship is such a beautiful feeling that it becomes difficult to describe it. It is an encounter of souls, who find themselves life after life, who even distant carry this infinite love in their chests. That they recognize themselves with a simple look, that they feel each other, even if they do not remember, the heart knows and the soul feels love and complicity. Each incarnation takes only the love that captivate, their mistakes and successes, even the walk being hard, difficult moments to be overcome, it is in these moments that appear the "Angels", those friends, today, yesterday, other lives, unexpected and desired encounters that make their lives lighter and inspire them to fight and understand that when they believe, when faith overlaps with pain , are always resonated. That can never discourage, that living is worth it, when they plant love to the seed germinates and will always bring good fruits, just wait and trust. May these incarnated and disembodied "Angels" who suffer with you, but never fail to support you in the worst moments, look around, feel, everyone has several angels who with a simple gesture of affection bring light and love, who are never alone. That the love of friend infects, who sometimes do not even need words, just a simple look, just a loving prayer, that everything is energy and will always attract what brings them peace.

"Make a list of great friends, whom you saw the most ten years ago. How many do you still see every day? How many do you no longer find? Make a list of your dreams. How many you gave up dreaming? How many loves sworn forever. How many have you managed to preserve? Where do you still recognize yourself, in the past photo or in the mirror now? Is it the way you thought it would be today? How many friends did you throw away. How many mysteries did you probe. How many did you understand? How many defects remedied over time. Was it the best in you? How many lies did you condemn, how many did you have to commit? How many songs did you not sing, today whistle to survive? How many secrets that you kept, today are silly nobody wants to know? How many people did you loved, today believe they love you?"

This is what I want, I want you to make this list, I want you to think and rethink your friendships, not tomorrow or later, but now! See which one is really with you in good times and bad, which one would do anything just to see you smiling. Which one would be able to spend the entire morning eating ice cream while watching some romance movie just to keep you from being alone after a breakup. Yes, these friends are the ones that are really worth having around, because they are the real ones, not the ones who are only on your side when you are on top. Therefore, my loves, give more value to these "angels" that are with you for all moments. Because real friends count on their fingers.

And finally, this is me, the Friendship. Excuse me, but, all my secrets had already been revealed, I am an open book, and all my truths you already know.

deboraduarteb deboraduarteb

"The true friend is the one who comes when the rest of the world is leaving." – Walter Winchell

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