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Mare Adventures. Mare Adventures. original

Mare Adventures.

Author: FluttershyFan13

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Whole New World.

I blinked, my surroundings stayed the same.

I blinked again...yup, the grassland is still there.

Then, surprise surprise, I blinked again as I realised I could actually feel the wind and smell the earth and grass around me.

Slowly but surely a (If a little crazed) smile started growing on my face. I reached up with a tentative hand and pinched my face.

My smile almost split my face when I felt the pressure of my fingers on my skin.

"Wooohoooo" I started cheering and running around like a madman as I enjoyed the feeling of being alive.

If someone had seen me they would probably be confused at the view of what looked like a young dark elf running around, rolling in the dirt and grass, and even cartwheeling as they laughed like a maniac.

When I first died and was reincarnated I expected to have a fun, adventure filled life, become op, maybe get a harem, but no, what I got was years of not being able to move my own body as whatever algorithm moved npcs around when they weren't fighting.

The only real positive parts were whenever my creator visitied me and my "sister", she either spent a long time just talking to us or her brother came along and I was treated to the sight of my closet pervert of a creator and her VERY open pervert of a brother arguing.

How did I know she was a closet pervert? One of the things that could keep me mildly entertained was reading my own background/lore that my creator wrote, and what she wrote was not exactly what you would call pg, honestly, as much as she complained about Tabula and his lore boner she still wrote as much as him on my own.

But, besides that my second life was quite dull and boring to be honest, just walk around, blink, maybe change your standing pose, not really a lot of activity really.

The only moment I got the barest smidge of freedom was when the Tomb was invaded by thousands of players, while I still couldn't move off my own free will I could direct what skills to use and who to focus on, while I wasn't a master level gamer on my past life it was probably better than what was programmed into me.

Focusing on the healers worked surprisingly well to be honest, as the broken invasion force and the piles of loot could testify.

Then some years later any shred of happines still in me died when I heard my creator talking about how the game would be shut down.

I feared what would happen to me when it did, would I just die for real this time, just dissapear maybe, or would I be reincarnated again just to last even less.

The last time I saw my creator was when she dumped all her remaining data crystals into my settings, a nice gesture but ultimately meaningless as she simply left and never came back, it was the same for the other guild members, her goodbye was the last time I saw any of them.

Even worse I had been left in the arena, and while my body would move within it's confines it couldn't go out into the forest, or even my home where I knew my sister was without being ordered to.

And so I spent the last year of my second life just walking around a deserted arena while waiting for my second death.

But when the day finally came and the clock reached twelve o'clock I closed my eyes and readied myself, only to open them in shock when I FELT the wind blowing trough my hair.

And now we are back to the present, with me acting like a maniac and just enjoying the feeling of being free.

When I finally calmed down and stopped I realised there was something extremely important I had to check because if my creator wasn't lying when she wrote my description on my settings then I was going to be very happy.

With no hesitation I lifted my skirt and checked the goods.

"HA, fuck you world, I'M THE MAN."

Screaming done I looked around for a moment before grimacing.

"Right, no sister or Nazarick." I had mixed feelings to be honest, while it felt like a prison I had grown attatched to my sister and Nazarick, that plus the fact that my background and settings seem to be influencing my memories and feelings meant I honestly felt sad at their absence.

As for my creator, I didn't really know what I was going to do if I ever saw her again.

Shaking my head I slapped the sides of my face.

"Ok that's enough heavy thinking, I need to find civilization, once I do i'll go from there."

In lieu of walking I decided to summon a ride.

[Summon: Giant Eagle]

As the spell says a brown eagle of enormous size appeared out of a magic circle, the torso itself was the size of a car and the wings stretched almost to the length of a bus.

Despite being a druid I only had five summons, three from my class and two from an item gifted to me that let me summon two high level dragons.

My specialisation was AoE damage, crowd control, and support, so my summoning didn't get any atention, while some druids could summon high level elementals I could only summon the three.

My eagle, while big, was only level thirty and didn't have very good stats, being meant to give the summoner a ride or air superiority, altrough the second one wasn't really useful as most players over level twenty could either fly due to their race, could cast the spell [Fly], or had either gained an item that let them fly or simply bought it form the cash shop.

My second summon never saw any use as it was simply a level twenty-five owlbear.

The third and strongest summon was a level fifty treant, and while it's damage wasn't nothing to write home about it's health and healing spells made it a very good tank.

My dragons on the other hand were both level 90.

I jumped on top of the eagle and with a mental command it took off.

Once we reached a good enough height I had it stop so I could look around.

As mentioned before the surrounding area was simply grassland, far in the distance I could see hints of what looked like a forest but what caught my attention were the plumes of smoke I could barely make out towards the south.

Destination set I ordered the eagle to move and with a flap of it's wings we where off.

Despite the eagle's great speed the distance was great and it took us a little over ten minutes to reach the smoke's source and when we did I was greeted by what seemed to be a half destroyed small town or big village, but what really got my attention was the three figures fighting in it.

One seemed to be a young woman with blonde hair, more of a girl really, she seemed normal but her red eyes and the fangs I could see poking out of her lips revealed her nature as a vampire. She was wearing what seemed to be some kind of bodysuit covered by a crimson colored cloak and hood.

Fighting alongside her was a towering figure in white and blue armor, the whole thing seemed to be dragon themed and floating around him were a multitude of weapons, most of them swords.

The one the previous two seemed to be fighting together seemed to be an insectoid, a mantis variant from what I could see, they had green chitin covering his entire body and two scythe like blades on the end of his arms, while it looked melee focused it continueously summoned a variety of bugs, from swarms to giant insects that constantly occupied his opponents or tried to get past them towards the people I could see deeper in town.

The duo being busy with either stopping bugs from getting past them or defending themselves against them couldn't attack the insectoid, meaning he could just get past them unchallenged.

Seeing him practically strutting into the town I decied to intervene.

Jumping down form my eagle I announced my entry into the battle.

[Yggdrasil Mist]


FluttershyFan13 FluttershyFan13

Please give me your troughts about it and also feel free to point out any grammar mistakes you spot, english is not my first language.

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