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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : Sennar

From a young age, Nihal used to wander around Salazar doing things here and there with her group of friends. And if at the beginning, they were quite suspicious and wary of her, because she was a girl who was very weird for their common sense ( Where they tend to know only about blonde, brown, and dark-haired girls). But it didn't take her long to be accepted. After a few challenges against other members they got to know that despite her frail look, she was very strong.

Since her acceptance by the others, her fame rose very quickly. The young boys admired her: and when she beat Barod, the leader before her, in a 1 versus 1 sword fight, they started idolising her and even instantly made her their leader instead of Barod.

Nihal despite all her friends, often felt lonely. She climbed at the top of Salazar's Tower and used to watch the scenery over the valley. Her deep gaze overlooked the whole valley with such profundity, without anything obstructing her view but the blurry figure of the Tyran's castle.

With such a view before her eyes, Nihal truly found peace, and even for a moment, her warrior side could stay still. Which was weird: every time the sun rays, similar to a raging fire, flooded the plain and the sky she succeeds in thinking about nothing. The only thing she was hearing was this strange 'whispering' coming from the depth of her soul in a foreign language she couldn't understand yet.

Since she won Livon's dagger her fame rose again, she was even more admired. She walked around, the dagger strapped at her waist, feeling as strong as a knight. Many times she used it as a bet during a fight, and she always boasted about how she never lost.

An ordinary morning during her 13th autumn, Barod came to look for her: an unknown young boy wanted to challenge her on a single fight. Nihal didn't need to be told twice, so she went confidently on the roof of Salazar, which was the area designed for the fights.

When she saw her opponent, she was very close the burst into laughing here and there: he was quite tall but very thin, he was probably 2 or 3 years older than her and had long tousled ginger hair.

With just a glance we could understand that her opponent's strengths weren't his physique nor his agility because he was wearing a long robe that fell to his feet, embroidered with a geometrical figure on the chest area. How could he fight dressed like that?

The main weapon of this type of opponent was his cunningness like Nihal believed to see in his clear blue eyes. But she decided to overlook her thoughts: cunning and unfair people were already beaten by her.

- Did you call me ? She said.

- Yes.

- Do you want to challenge me ?

- Exactly.

- You don't speak much and I never saw you before. Where are you from ?

- From the edge of the Forest. But I'm from the Land of the Sea. I'm called Sennar, to answer your next question.

Nihal didn't understand this boy, why was he so confident in himself ? He knew her because of her fame or he wouldn't come and challenge her, so he couldn't underestimate her .

- Who told you about me ? And why do you want to fight me ?

- Around here, everybody is talking about the devil girl with pointy ears and blue hair who's fighting like a smith. Hey, tell me didn't you forget that you were a girl ?

Nihal clutched tightly her fists: she knew that losing her cool before a fight wasn't wise. She also knew that Sennar, his mocking tone, and his sarcastic smile wanted to infuriate her, particularly before the beginning of the duel.

- What I do doesn't concern you, and you still didn't answer me, what do you want by challenging me?

- Listen, I truly don't care about all those stupid ideas like honor and glory that brats that usually fight with you have in their heads. I want your dagger: simply because it's beautiful and it's Livon that forged it, the best smith of the Emerged World. So if the condition to have it is to play with you, then be it.

They decided to fight with a wooden stick: the first one to get disarmed or to fall will be the loser. The dagger, prize for the victory, was kept by the youngest boy in the crowd as a sign of equality.

- You'll take off your robe I suppose ? Said Nihal.

- I'm used to it. Or are you ashamed that you'll lose against someone dressed like me ?

Nihal received his verbal jab without flinching. Then the real fight started. Like she said before, he wasn't strong nor fast, and his fighting experience was also inferior compared to her. So what's making him so confident ?

Nihal took the upper-hand very fast. Skillfully, with her agility, she moved all around without stopping, disorienting her opponent. The boys from her group were cheering loudly for her and others were whistling. Gradually, she felt taken by the excitement of the fight, she was somewhat drunk from it if we count the thrill of the fight as the alcohol. She fastened her movements, blocked a hit, dodged another then turn around and hit him on his ribs. She prepared herself because she thought upon hitting his raised stick it'll break.

- It's a win ! She said beaming victoriously.

This moment of joy was enough to steal the victory from her hands. Sennar looked at her coldly, then grinned before he started chanting some words that Nihal couldn't understand.

Just before she beat him, she felt something weird in her hands, it felt soft and a little bit jelly. She looked at her weapon, but what greeted her was a snake that was moving and hissing around.

Nihal shouted in horror and threw it away. Sennar didn't waste the opportunity : he tripped her foot and she fell for the first time in her life.

- It seems we have a winner...

Sennar took the dagger from the kid. Nihal stood still for a moment, she was frozen, then gathering her thoughts, she looked around and didn't see a single snake !

- Damn cheater ! You're a wizard ! And you didn't tell me ! It's unfair ! Give me back my dagger !

She got up very fast with the thought of jumping on him but Sennar stopped her with his raised hand.

- Don't you think that instead of shouting like a brat you should thank me for the lesson ? Did you ever ask me if I was a wizard ? No. Did you say ; "I don't fight against wizards " once ? No. Was there a rule against magic ? No. So if you lost, it was entirely your fault. Today you learned that before fighting you should know your opponent thoroughly and that strength without intellect means nothing. Now stop crying Livon will surely make you another one.

He also added while going away :

- Still, you are very strong, we can't deny it...

Nihal was still shocked. After some time Barod's voice broke the momentary and awkward silence :

- I'm sorry Nihal, but this guy is right...

The only response he received was her punch straight at his nose and she ran away still crying.

She went down the stairs very fast until the shop's floor, where she knocked a flower while jumping over the tables. All she wanted was to embrace the comforting arms of Livon : he will surely understand her and prove that her point of view was right. He'll agree with her that this boy was a coward and then gift her another dagger a thousand time more beautiful

( pipe dream lol)

Livon listened to her story without uttering a single word, his only reaction, quite unexpected, even if Nihal was sobbing was :

- So ?

Nihal took her time to process his words.

- What do you mean "so" ? He tricked me !

- No I don't think so, he was smarter, and you too naive.

Nihal widened her eyes, not believing what was she hearing from his mouth.

- Today you receive 2 lessons, followed her father. Firstly, if you have something truly dear to you, you can't risk losing it.

- But...

- Secondly, when we fight a duel, you must establish clearly the rules, and know your opponent like you know your friends.

Nihal couldn't believe it : it was the same words that that damn cheater !

- Losing is a part of your life, my daughter, you better start being used to it early on. You have to know when to accept a defeat.

- You'll give me a new sword ... ?

- A sword? Uh, it's not my fault if you lost the dagger that I gave you, next time you should think more.

- But it required me so much time and sweat to earn it ! And you have plenty of other swords...

Livon raised his hand and gestured her to shut her mouth, his face showing how serious he was.

- I don't want to hear about this anymore, is that clear ?

Nihal shut herself silently, not responding, while a warm tear of anger fell on her cheeks.

She spent her night reflecting on her loss, which was very bitter for her. But what angered her the most was that she lost her self-control and cried. She kept moving left and right on her bed. The desire the wash away the shame couldn't let her sleep. She wanted oh so much to jump away from her bed and start to search for this cheater, wherever the place he may be, even the end of the world. She kept on pondering her choice of vengeance when suddenly she had an idea.

This story reflected very well that a warrior needed, ever so slightly, to learn the basic form of magic. So she needed to start her learning !

Nihal never felt such a strong reaction to a new topic or 'hobby', the thought of learning magic made her blood pump even more fiercely. Swords and its charm remained first for her, but even then a slight enchantment, which wasn't permanent, was, in fact very useful.

And the feeling of beating that cheater in his own ground felt so satisfying ! She could clearly see it : Sennar, caught on some of her powerful spells, pleading her to let him go, and giving her dagger back...

Yes, that's what she needed to do ! Maybe she'll need years to learn magic, but she didn't care. Even after a century, she'll find that boy and beat him !

Well, she still had to find a wizard kind enough to teach her magic. She, herself didn't know any, but, maybe with all the customers that passed every day by Livon's shop, her father might know one or two that may be willing to take her as a student.

When she woke up in the morning, she decided to share her decision with her father, who was far from being happy about it.

- No way, am I dreaming? Did you bring all this up for a childish fight? I already told you that you should learn to lose, and the sooner the better.

- For me, it's not a childish fight, responded Nihal quite vexed by his words. If I want to become a warrior, no a famous warrior, I need to learn magic. What's the big deal for you to just tell me the name of someone who could teach me that?

- I don't know anyone who could teach you, said Livon, annoyed and hoping to close the discussion.

But Nihal didn't want to admit defeat!

- It's not true I know it! And I know it very well that sometimes you sell weapons with magic formulas carved on them. Someone prepared those for you, no?

Livon pushed to his limits by Nihal, became even more annoyed, and slammed his fist on the table.

- For God's sake!!! I don't want you to learn magic, that's why!

- But why?!

- I don't need to explain myself to you! He cut her short.

- Fine then if you don't want to help me I'll look alone for someone!

- There's no one in Salazar.

- I don't care, I could go to other Towers. I'm not afraid of traveling!

- You sure?! Do you really want to do whatever you want? Fine then, go away! He shouted while turning his back to her.

Nihal felt like crying; not only because it was the first time in all those peaceful and uneventful years that she argued with Livon. But also because she felt misunderstood by him, she thought that he'll be the only one to always be there for her to share her feelings and point of view. And now he was treating her like a capricious kid!

- Fine! She said swallowing her tears.

She was near the exit of the store when Livon's deep voice reached her ears.

- Wait..., he whispered while facing her. Nihal, it's just that I'm scared. Heh, now I said it! I'm scared that you'll never come back! As long as you want to play the warrior, I'm here; but here we are talking about magic...

A knot formed at the back of his throat, that was preventing him from speaking.

- Are you crazy or what?! Where could I go? You're the only family I have!

Nihal hugged him tightly.

- You're the only family in this world for me Old man!

Livon was shaken, but those words couldn't appease his soul. He embraces her too in his arm for a few minutes, then he gently pushes her away.

- I may know a Wizard... He said with hesitation in his voice.

- I knew it! Thanks, thanks!

Nihal was beaming with happiness, she had a radiant smile.

- Where is he ?

- At the edge of the forest.

- Ah...

There was only one forest in all the Land of Wind. In a land of steppes and open plains, the forest stands out as a disturbing place. And no one in Salazar ventured there without fear. Nihal was no exception.

- Yes, and to tell you the truth the Wizard there, or should I say Witch? Is your aunt.

Nihal had her eyes wide open. In all her 13 years she never heard anything about a supposed family.

- She's called Soana and is my sister. She's a powerful Wizard.

- What ? We have such an interesting family, and you hide it from me? Why did you keep all this mystery?

Livon instinctively quieted his voice:

- The Tyran doesn't like the fact the people are training in magic in his Lands, nor in his allied Lands. Your aunt had to leave Salazar. How could I say that... She's a good friend of his enemies, that's why!

Nihal was quivering with excitement: a conspirator!

- Damn! Old man, I'm shocked!

- I don't need to tell you: I'd like that you keep quiet about it, and not going around shouting it everywhere. Don't talk about this to anyone, is that clear enough?

- Me? Who do you think I am? Of course, I'll keep quiet hehe!

WolfStar14 WolfStar14

~~ 2514 words ~~

Well it's a defeat but the lesson behind it was worth it, it even allowed her to discover new things like magic. Again I hope the translation was good enough !

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