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Chapter 16: Secrets

Axle's POV

I woke up to an early morning with sunlight pouring through the window shades. It seemed peaceful outside. I almost forgot that Ahsoka was laying on top of me. She slowly moved her head and squinted up at me. She smiled a little and blink slowly, "Good morning." I smiled back at her, "Good morning." She looked underneath the blankets and giggled a little, "Well that was....That was something else. I loved it." "I did too. You're amazing." I answered. Ahsoka moved her face closer to me, "How can the Jedi code say no to this? On the other hand we could get in huge trouble." I stared in her eyes, "Yea. We could. Unless..." "Unless we keep it a secret?" Ahsoka finished the sentence. I laughed a little, "Yes. What do you say?" She kissed me slowly, "I say yes. Will we ever do this again?" I brushed my hands against her face and lekku, "Anytime you want to." Ahsoka put her hands on my chest and continued to kiss me, "There was always something between us. I can't ignore it anymore. I don't care what the code says." I pulled her even closer, "I don't care either. Nothing bad will happen as long as we keep this a secret and act normal in public." She closed her eyes and looked back underneath the blankets, "You wanna go again?" I moved my hand to grab hers, "I thought you'd never ask."


Ahsoka and I walked into the temple after being dropped off by the Predator. We passed through the ancient walls of the galaxy until we ran into some of our friends we met as younglings. "Axle, you're back!" Kaleb yelled in excitement. Jax, Kalir and Quin walked over, "Well, the fearless leader returns." We all laughed. Barriss was also there. She looked at both me and Ahsoka smiling, "It's good to see you both again." I grinned and nodded back. Jax laid his arm against my shoulder, "So how was fighting in an Arena? Was it cool?" I looked down and smiled, "To be honest I prefer a battlefield." Everyone laughed again. "Hey since we don't have anything going on right now, why don't we all go out for some drinks? I'm buying." Jax replied. I looked at Ahsoka who nodded, "Yea sounds great."


We walked into 79's. The usual was going on. Drunk clones and other people everywhere. Ahsoka pulled me aside while the others took their seats. We walked over to an area where no one could hear us. "What if we get too drunk and accidently say we had sex last night?" I thought for a moment, "You're right. We won't go crazy. Only one or two drinks at a time." "Ok. Let's just take it easy." She answered and we walked over to the others.

Jax started talking about his huge battle between him and Grievous as our drinks were served, "So there I was on Grievous's battleship. The clones and I smashed through the droids in the hangar. I must have really pissed Grievous off because he came screaming towards me. I'm pretty awesome so I was able to easily shrug off his attacks." I almost blasted the drink out of my mouth. I laughed so hard. Kalir giggled a little too, "Grievous can swing a saber faster than a Jedi could even see. There is no way you fought Grievous without struggling intensely." Jax took another sip, "Ok I might have been pushed into a metal wall a few dozen times and without Master Plo Koon I might have been killed, but I still fought Grievous." We all laughed.

The six of us continued to laugh and talk for a while. It was something different rather than running through explosions or charging into blaster fire. We got to exchange war stories and made jokes while drinking our favorite liquid. This was something I never felt before. My entire life has been spent as a soldier. Master Windu says we are keepers of the peace. I trust my Master with my life and I look up to him, but he should know by now that we have become hardcore soldiers.

Kalir kept rambling on about how Jax's stories make no sense while Quin kept making jokes about it. Barriss just kept shaking her head and laughing. Ahsoka and I would engage in the conversation normally adding our own war stories. Kaleb laughed with Quin and made jokes every chance they got.

I noticed some friends walking over to us, "Jesse, Fives. It's good to see you." The two clones stood next to us and smiled. Fives chuckled, "Never thought Jedi had the time to get wasted." Jesse rolled his eyes and grinned, "Glad to see you too Commander. We just came back from meeting General Skywalker. You mind if we join you?" We all nodded and smiled. "Yea. Pull up some chairs. We'll order some more drinks." "I'll be right back. I gotta wash the carbon scoring off my helmet." Fives said and walked off towards the refresher. I started feeling a little dazed, "Yea I'll come with you. I need to splash some water on my face."

We entered the Refresher and walked over to the sinks. I rubbed my eyes with water trying to keep myself stable. "So. I saw you and Commander Tano making goo goo eyes at each other." Fives said scrubbing off the carbon on his helmet. I felt tense, "W...We're all a little drunk. So what?" Fives looked up and smirked at me, "I'm a little drunk too, but I don't go looking at people like that." I looked away and scrambled for words, "You...You don't know what you're talking about. There is nothing between me and Ahsoka." Fives stopped washing his helmet and walked over to me as I finished washing up, "I know you too like each other. I mean come on it's too obvious. " He was right. Fives was one of the smartest people I know. I can't hide a lie from him, "Ok yes we like each other just please don't tell anyone." Fives laughed and put his hand on my shoulder, "Kid listen everyone deserves to love. Even Jedi. Don't worry I can keep your secret. So what did you two do when you found out you did like each other? Did you try to ignore it?" I scratched the back of my head and looked down, "We...kinda....had sex." Fives almost collapsed to the floor out of laugher, "I have got to be honest. I DID NOT see that coming." "Now you promise you won't tell ANYONE?" I asked as Fives calmed down. "You have my word brother." He answered.

We walked back to the group and continued to talk about our experience in the war. Fives looked at both Ahsoka and I and covered his smirks with his hand. Barriss was so tired from the drinks that she passed out on Jax's shoulder. Ahsoka and I looked at each other and soon, Ahsoka was napping on my chest. "Looks like the girls are out." I yelled laughing hard with the rest of the boys.


It was late when we returned to the temple. Ahsoka and I stumbled all over the halls until we finally made it to our quarters. She locked the doors and fell on the bed out of exhaustion. I laid down next to her and she climbed on top of me. "You are my precious little star." I whispered and tapped her on the nose. She smirked at me, "Ok I think we need to get these feelings out of our system." I laughed and winked at her as our clothes fell to the floor.

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