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Chapter 40: My Demons

3RD Person

"This is Fulcrum. The intel gathered on Saleucami has revealed Imperial supply routes and locations throughout the outer rim. At least a few hundred thousand have been confirmed, but we know there could be many more." Senator Organa was at the other end of the transmission. "Excellent work my friend. This intel will help us 10 fold. I thank you." Fulcrum paused, " is the White Wolf?" Organa smiled, "She is doing fine. Although I can tell she has been a lot quieter around others. I hate to see her like this and I know it must feel just as painful for you." "It has been very emotional I assure you. We know it's for the greater good." Fulcrum answered. "I cannot imagine how painful it is for her. I personally give you my word that you will be together again soon." Organa replied. Fulcrum smiled a little, "Tell her.....I love her." Organa could hear the stutter and pain in his voice. "I will. Goodbye old friend." he said and ended the transmission.


Axle's POV

I removed my hood and walked out of my quarters. I walked onto the bridge and over to the holo-table. Chase was talking with his officers and saw me. I could feel his sympathy and his frown. He knows that I have not been myself after what happened.

Chase's POV

I watched him grow from a young kid on Christophsis to a brave and smart leader on Mandalore. After the Clone Wars, he was shaken more than anyone else. After Ahsoka and her fleet left, Axle went dark. Barely ever talks openly. Doesn't get directly involved with our rebel cell. Hell, never even made a wise crack joke since the war. It was as if he had completely shut down. He doesn't even show emotion. It's like he's staring into space, waiting for something to happen. And when he does do something, he does it lone wolf with no support. He has grown very powerful, but I miss the old days where we would fight together side by side. Seeing him go dark hurts me. I remember how happy and funny he was until this...this galaxy wide tragedy.

I walked up to him as he stared at the holo-map. He wasn't really looking at any specific location, just a void. "Axle?" I whispered next to him. He barely turned his head. I was used to this by now, but it was still hurtful knowing he used to be completely different when responding. Energetic, alive, or even silly. I know that Ahsoka was his life, and the Empire forced them apart. Nobody could ever know how much pain Axle feels every second without her. "Is there an assignment Senator Organa gave us?" I asked. He shook his head still not facing me and walked over to a corner. He closed his eyes looking like he started to meditate. He does that often as well.

"Sir, a sensor was temporarily put out of commission, but it's stable now." an officer reported. "Gunner, take your men and go check it out." I ordered. Gunner put his helmet on, "Yes sir." as they ran out of the bridge, I noticed Axle was gone. He knew something was wrong even before the sensor report came in.

3RD Person

The airlock opened and Mandalorian Commandos walked aboard the ship. The Black Demon and his squad turned the first corner, but Axle was standing right there with his arms crossed. "That little stunt you pulled back in the Clone War won't work this time." the Gray Jedi responded. The red visor spoke up, "We're not here to fight...." Axle quickly force pulled his neck to his hand and held him above the ground. D couldn't use his arms to free himself as Axle forced them to his sides. The rest of the Mandos aimed their weapons at him, but Axle held them in place. "Then why did you sneak aboard? The last time you did that, many soldiers were killed and you injured my friend." Axle whispered as his grip around D's neck tightened. The red visor was stunned at how powerful Axle has gotten since the last time they met. " getting into an Imperial....factory." D said choking, barely being able to get the words out of his mouth. "We.....weren't going to hurt anyone....We just needed the information.....and negotiating with you would have been much more difficult." D finished. Axle gritted his teeth, "You got that right. Well you just put yourself into a much more difficult situation. You captured and tried to kill me. Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." The Black Demon couldn't feel his entire body as Axle's grip tightened even further. " owe us...from back in the...arena."

Gunner and his men ran down the hall and were surprised at what he was seeing, "General orders?" Axle stared into D's helmet. His angered face lightened a little and he dropped the Mando. D fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. Axle released the others as they also fell to the ground. The clones aimed their blasters at the Mandos as Axle lifted his arm to hold their fire. "What do you want from me." Axle asked, still angered. D slowly stood up and lifted his hands to his squad as they lowered their weapons as well. The red visor removed his helmet, "We need an Imperial transport ship." Axle showed no emotion, "Why?" "We want to crash it into an Imperial Governor's office located on Roche." Ace answered, "We heard you know how to destroy Imperial structures." he finished. Axle stared at them for a moment, "Crash a ship into an imperial office? Yea, I can do that." "Great so if you just show us the information you can help us steal...." D was cut off. "I never said I was going to help you. You killed Jedi and took their weapons as trophies. The only thing different between you and Grievous is honor. Well I've already repaid you by not crushing your bodies." Axle then force pulled their weapons away and held them in place again, "Gunner, cuff them and take them to the detention block." Gunner walked up to the black armored Mandos, "Yes sir."


The clones put the Mandos into individual cells and ray shielded them shut. Axle was in his quarters meditating.

Chase's POV

It's been a couple hours since Axle caught those killers. Hell, I'm no Jedi and still felt his anger. He sure was pissed when he walked past me back to his quarters. I could tell by his posture and his hands in tight fists that he was not to be bothered.

Axle's POV

I was sitting on my bed with my eyes closed feeling all the pain from the past. Those Mandalorians killed Jedi and almost killed Kaleb. I then remembered that it didn't matter because Kaleb was dead anyway. Palpatine killed him along with my entire family. I then felt thoughts run through my head about Ahsoka. All the loss we went through together. Then, we were separated and we had to go through the rest of it on our own. Tears fell from my closed eyes. I had enough of the memories. I jumped up and screamed as loud as I could. The room shook from my extreme outburst. I turned and punched the metal wall repeatedly creating large dents with each punch.

The room stopped shaking. My fists stopped hitting the wall as I placed my head against it and cried to myself. This was all the Empires fault. If Palpatine's plan failed, then the Republic would have won the war and Ahsoka and I would be together. We would think about rejoining the Jedi Order if they would let us still be with one another and Anakin would fulfill the prophecy. Chase, Rex and the rest of the clones would be allowed to leave the army and have a life of their own. Then Palpatine took all of that away. He ruined the lives of almost everyone in the galaxy and even some of the ones who serve him. I wanted to get back at the Empire for destroying the Republic, for killing my family, and for running a bright future for me and Ahsoka. I had to agree with The Back Demon.


I walked up to D's cell where two clones guarded him. "General." they responded saluting to me and opened the ray shield. "Leave us." I answered and stared at the red visor with anger. They complied and left. I walked in as D sat up from his metal bed. "You want to hurt the Empire." I said. D looked at me, "Yes. They destroyed Mandalorian traditions and rule our people. We want to show that the Empire is not all powerful." I calmed myself down, "I will help you." D was surprised and confused, but seemed glad I accepted his idea. "But you must do one thing." I said. "What?" The Black Demon asked. I force pulled one of the lightsabers off my belt. It used to belong to a Jedi D killed. "You showed honor killing this warrior, but you must give a full proper funeral for everyone of them." I answered holding the saber in front of me. D thought for a moment, "Deal." I shook his hand. "Oh and one more thing. You and your squad are going to stay in your cells until we reach our destination." I said and walked out.


Chase's POV

After Axle walked onto the bridge and told us about his plan, I was a little concerned. Trusting those Mandos was a risky move. I know that Axle was wise beyond his years, but ever since he went dark, he would barely ever share his thoughts. I trust him though as he always knew what he was doing. He is still wise and powerful, even if he lost almost everything.

3RD Person

The Predator arrived at one of the secret factories found on the data map. Axle escorted Demon squad to a stolen Imperial shuttle in the hangar. Once they were aboard, Axle grabbed the Mandos blasters from a bag and handed them back to their owners, "If you betray me, just remember I'm not that boy in the arena anymore. I will crush you where you stand without touching you. Your armor will be destroyed along with your bones." The rest of the squad looked at each other with some worry, then put their helmets on. Axle then walked up next to Chase as he stared at the black armored Mandos. The shuttle took off and flew toward the moon.


The shuttle flew up to the Imperial blockade. Chase contacted the lead Star Destroyer, "This is shuttle 5,6,9 requesting permission to land at the main factory." An Imperial officer responded, "Shuttle 5,6,9 transmit clearance codes." "Transmitting." Chase answered and pushed a few buttons sending the codes. Axle was sitting in one of the seats meditating. He tried calming down from all the conflicting anger.

Axle's POV

I need to clear my mind of hate. I thought of my past in a different way. A happier way. The time I first met my family, the day I first met Kaleb, and the night Ahsoka and I fell in love. My mind became clearer and less full of anger and stress. I thought about how Ahsoka and I still hold our love. I could even sense her breath. We will face this together, Ahsoka and I both thought at once. I was much more relaxed and felt clear.

3RD Person

"Shuttle 569 you are clear for landing at landing pad 65." the officer answered. "Acknowledge. Heading to landing pad 65 as instructed." Chase answered. Axle opened his eyes as the ship lowered to the surface.

Demon squad loaded their weapons as the shuttle touched down. Axle and Chase walked up to the door. "So General, what's the plan?" D mocked. Axle turned to face him with annoyance and a small amount of anger. He slammed the main button which opened the ramp. "Go kill some bucket heads." Axle answered as Chase put his helmet on and pulled out his pistols. D was somewhat surprised on how straightforward the plan was as he expected something more boring like sneak around, but he liked the plan neither less.

Demon squad ran out of the shuttle cheering and yelling as they blasted the stormtroopers. Chase stared at them as Axle stood next to him, "You know, when you told me about your experience dealing with these guys before, I thought they'd know....tougher." Axle continued to look forward, "Trust me they are very dangerous. All I did was overpower them." Chase thought of another question, "So...we came here without a plan at all?" "I don't care for this deal enough to create one. Plus, they're Mandalorians. They know how to dismantle an army without having to think right."

D and his squad made it to the entrance of the factory. "HEY!!! WE DIDN'T COME FOR YOUR HELP ONLY FOR YOU TO STAND THERE!!!" He yelled. Chase and Axle Walked up to them. D was so confused, "I thought a Jedi would act more serious during a battle." Axle stared at him through his helmet. Stormtroopers moved in closer as small walkers also opened fire. "Wait here." I ordered as Chase took cover with the rest of the squad.

Axle's POV

I slowly walked toward all the blaster fire. Using the force, I moved the blaster bolts away from me as I continued to walk forward. I then stopped around 30 yards away from the enemy. My eyes closed and I focused on my internal energy. Lightning slowly flowed through and around my left arm. Then on my right arm, a bright glow of energy channeled. I then outstretched both arms and focused on both light and dark. Putting my hands together, force lightning combined with force light shock wave as it blasted out of my palms.

3RD Person

The blast disintegrated all walkers and troopers in range. Even the walls and turrets around the factory were completely obliterated. Axle then relaxed both arms and just stood there. The red visor along with Chase and his squad walked up to him, "When did you learn how to do that?" Axle looked at the Mando, "I had 15 years of training since our last meeting. And even then I left the order and practiced dark side abilities." D was still shocked, "What do you call that move?" Axle walked forward with Chase beside him, "Kamikaze."

They ran inside of the factory from the melted doors and took out the remaining threats. D looked around, "The transport ship should be in the launch hangar across the factory." "We need to hurry before that blockade sends reinforcements." Chase reminded them as they ran through the hallways. Axle thought about that for a moment, "I'll head for the communications room and disable any further contact from those destroyers." He then ran down a different hallway as Chase stayed with D.

The Black Demon's POV

We made it to the hangar as more troopers took positions and blasted at them. I was surprised at how amazingly well Chase was at blasting buckets with his accelerated aging. Hell, he could give Quickshot a run for his money. Another platoon of stormtroopers burst into the room. I nodded at Heavy as he and I rushed those lousy soldiers. We were like bowling balls knocking down pins. Quickshot moved fast blasting the buckets and beating them down. Snipe fell back to a better position and picked off enemies one by one. I saw the transport ship at the end of the hangar, "Tech, get over there and get her running." I ordered. "I'm on it boss." he replied and ran into the ship. Ace and Widow-maker picked a fight with two purge troopers that were ironically stationed here. They didn't stand a chance. Chase continued to be a surprise as he held his ground and took out any threat that came across his cross hairs.

Axle's POV

As I continued my way to the communication center, I was still struggling with my demons. This pain will never go away, and I just have to live with it. I have to keep a clear head and focus on what is right.

I reached the door to the communication room and opened it via the force. Officers were surprised and reached for their blasters, but I force pushed them out of the windows. I looked at the communication servers and other equipment. Closing my eyes, I outstretched my hands and grabbed hold of all the material. I clenched my fingers slowly as the computers and servers were crushed. I then looked out of the smashed windows to see the officers recovering from the hit. "A Jedi?" One of them said in surprise. I outstretched my hand once again, "You saw nothing. You remember nothing." "I saw nothing. I remember nothing." the officers repeated. I then ran out of the room and back towards the hangar.

Chase's POV

The troopers just kept coming. We kill 10, 20 more will replace them. Come on Axle. Where are you? We ran to the ship holding off the bucket heads as best as we could. "We could really use the General right about now. We didn't bring enough equipment and ammo to take out these troopers like we did at the Mandalorian Siege." D said. I was surprised, "You were fighting at the Siege too?" D had the same look, "What? You were there?" "Um yea. Axle, Ahsoka, Rex and I along with Bo Katan led the attack on Sandari. Where were you?" I answered. D continued to blast the troopers, "On a different city. You would have lost the Siege if we hadn't taken out Maul's reinforcements." Oh boy is Axle gonna love this story, I thought to myself.

I then saw one of the doors open, "Oh great more of them." Quickshot responded. But Axle walked out and looked at all the death in the hangar. Axle ran into the stormtroopers with his blade. He burst through them and force jumped onto the transport boarding lift. "The Ship is up and running D." Tech reported. "Raise the lift." D ordered as we continued to lay down suppressive fire.

3RD Person

The transport ship lifted off and out of the hangar, but an Imperial Star Destroyer was waiting for them. D put his hand on Tech's shoulder, "All yours sir." he responded as D took the seat and controls. Turbo laser fire flew all around them and the ship was not meant for much maneuvering. However, D's excellent piloting skills proved to be the right amount of luck as they headed out of atmosphere. The blockade opened fire. There were too many ships for D to avoid, but then all of a sudden The Predator emerged out of hyperspace and opened fire on the blockade. Only two Imperial Destroyers were guarding the planet as the third one was still trying to make it back into orbit. D flew the ship into The Predator's hangar as the flagship turned portside and jumped back into hyperspace.


Axle walked Demon Squad to their own ship still docked with The Predator. "We have the ship that has the clearance codes and right amount of strength to make a dent in the Governor's office." he said. D looked at him, "Thank you for your help. When do you think we can launch our attack?" "Tomorrow. We need to get rid of that transport before it's reported missing." Axle answered. "You know, I've never seen us do anything together. Ever." Ace responded. Axle looked at him, "These are strange times." D smirked at the rest of his squad, "I'm kinda feeling bad I beat him up in the arena." Axle didn't turn his head, "Just remember, I didn't use the force and I still beat you up too. I was stalling so the others could make it to our position."

They arrived at the airlock where the Mandos ship was docked, "You can stay with us for now, but if you try to kill anyone on my side, especially me, I will kill you without a second thought." Axle warned them. D walked up to him and held out one of the lightsabers he had, "This belongs with a Jedi. I'm.....I'm sorry about everything. Chase also told me about how your loved one was separated from you. I can't imagine how much pain you feel. I truly am sorry." "We all are." Ace added. Axle looked at them. He could sense that they really do mean what they say. He reached out his hand and pushed the saber back towards the red visor, "I am no Jedi. You don't deserve this weapon, but I see you don't use it to butcher. You are all honorable and brave." Demon squad all saluted towards him and boarded their ship.


Axle's POV

With Demon squad now part of Shadow Legion, our fight against the Empire will be a little easier. It's true that I have lost almost everything and there are very few left, but this separation will not be forever. I closed my eyes as I laid down on my bed. I meditated while I slept and felt Ahsoka's presence through the force. Every night we would do this and talk almost like telepathy. This was very soothing to both of us and our favorite part of the day. Exchanging feelings and thoughts was an amazing feeling. One day we won't need telepathy. One day we will be in the same room in the same bed holding each other as tight as we could as we sleep once again.

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