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Chapter 1: Pink Pomerarian

“Think Big And Don’t Listen To People Who Tell You It Can’t Be Done. Life’s Too Short To Think Small.”- Tim Ferriss

Daniella's P.O.V

My Anaconda don't...

My Anaconda don't...

My Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun

Boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit

Big dope dealer money, he was getting some coins

Was in shootouts with the law, but he live in a palace

Bought me Alexander McQueen, he was keeping me stylish

Now that's real, real, real,

I picked up my phone groaning "What?"

My voice was raspy and harsh with anger and surely sleep deprivation. No one is allowed to disturb a girl in her sleep on a Saturday morning.

No one.

I am going to kill her.

My iphone showed the caller id -Des♡

And there on the other side was my best friend Destiny, whose new found hobby is to irritate Danny to an extent that her brain explodes.

Ok Danny calm down. So what that you are on your periods? You are not allowed to strangle people.

You are a good person. I gave myself some pep talk and believe me, it's important.

"Hey Danny! It's me Des!" Good person Danny, You are a Good person.

"What do you want?" "Well Good Morning to you too. I am just fine. Thanks for asking" sarcasm dripping in every word.

That's it. The good person is thrown out of my window. And under a truck.

"Ok Des, Now if you don't tell me that what so important came up that you had to call me on a Saturday morning"

"Afternoon" she said cutting me off mid sentence,my mouth is still open and I looked at the clock which shows 2:00 p.m.

2:15 to be exact.

"I am a good person and I am not allowed to kill people" I said like it gave any explanation of me being a heavy sleeper.

"Yeah you totally are. Now wake up your saggy ass and come to my house as soon as you can." She ordered me through the phone.

Saggy ass?

"I have pretty round ass okay?"

"Seriously? That's what you got from the whole?" she said as if this was the most unbelieving thing is the world.

Michael jackson's death is still a hard thing to digest.

"Just come here soon.Okay? I have some great news to tell." She said.

"You pregnant?" I asked

"What? No."

"Then what is the great news?" I said holding my laugh.

"You mean witch. You better be here in 5 minutes and don't make me come there and let me show my boxing.." I cut the line. If one thing in life I don't wanna see is Destiny's boxing skills on me. She can break my jaw in just one hit.

I think I have to betray my bed and have to go to her house. Hear what the good news is. I pouted as I prepared myself to get up.

I got up from my really comfy bed if I might add and move towards my dresser. I looked into the mirror and "Oh my god" I screamed in frustration and put my hands on my zombie looking self.

Hairs are all out of the place. I am wearing an old ragged t-shirt which belongs to my dad of course, had pasta sauce stains on it. My eyes are totally puffed up and I look really pale.

And why does my breath smells so bad?

"Get away from my princess or prepare to die."

Came in barging inside my bedroom, my not so calm dad with a baseball bat swinging in his hands.

Prepare to die? Who are you? Inigo Montoya?

"Princess? Are you all right? Ohhh you don't look all right." I gave him a look.

"Dad I am total-"

"What is going on in here?" Came rushing in my beautiful step-mother Martha.

Well she is not like those evil step mothers. She is really nice and amazing, she treats us like her own children. My biological mom, well let's just say, I do not hate her.

Yup. I don't.

It's just she left my dad saying that she wanted a break from "Us" so my dad gave her one with a governmental paper.

They divorced, and my dad got full custody of me and My brother- "Danyyyyyyyyy" Someone screamed from the bathroom across the hall. Me, Martha and Dad with his baseball bat still in his hands ran towards the bathroom.

I went firstly in the bathroom and saw something pink "Fu**" I screamed.

"I don't think your father would appreciate your swearing in the house young lady" Martha said as she came behind me and saw it from over my shoulders "Oh my fuc***** god" she screamed.

I looked at her sheepishly.

"I do not appreciate swearing in this house darling" came my father running.

"Oh shoot" we both looked at my father sheepishly.

"I was not swearing." Said my father raising his bat in defense.

No one even plays baseball in this house. Who's bat is this?

All three of us were looking at the scenario in front of us. My cute little puppy which was once pure white, like milk is now PINK!!!! Can you imagine a pink Pomeranian standing in the bathroom wiggling his tail?

I don't have to imagine. It's right in front of me. And why does it look so happy?

Just then I remembered something or should I say "Damiennnnnn" I screamed on the top of my lungs and both my father and Martha backed of knowing that no one can mess with my dog. NO ONE.

I saw my brother who was hiding behind the shower curtains, I went ahead and with a splash removed the curtains and there he was standing there with scared eyes and pink hands.


"I guess I fu**ed up." My brother said with a nervous laugh.

"I suppose no swearing in the house young men." Said my father frustrated with all the ill words going on lately in the house, but how could this jerk of a person could turn my snowy white puppy pink!!?

"I am going to kill you, you nincompoop. And that's not swearing dad."

I told him and stopped him in the middle as he lifted his finger to tell me the ground rules once again. As I don't listen enough of them every weak.

"I don't know Danny. I was just giving her a bath and I don't know who put that pink dye on the same shelf where we put shampoos."

My brother told me acting like he was a little innocent child who stole a cookie from the jar above the fridge before the dinner.

But I know he is just not that innocent.

"And the hell, could you not see that it was not the damn shampoo" I looked at my dad who was waiting eagerly for my next word so he could evilly laugh at my face and say "Now you are grounded my child no going to Destiny for a year because that is the only place you go to anyway and I don't think you will ever have a boyfriend, with whom you can go anywhere.

I carefully chose my words "You turnip" Yeah carefully.

I had to be at Des's and me getting grounded is just not the risk I could take. I mean she is my only best friend which I don't know how that even happened on the first place.

I mean she is gorgeous, with her light blue eyes, pin straight dirty blonde hair and slim figure. She could be friends with anyone but she chose to be my best friend.

Me, with my boring brown wavy hair and brown eyes. Just plain boring. The only thing I have is a curvy figure, which I hide under my clothes.

I don't attract boys and I am happy that way, but no wonder every other guy in our school wanted to date Destiny, but she has only laid her eyes on only one pers..

"A turnip? really? besides I am also dragged into this. This freaking pink dye won't come out and I have to go out tonight with Jasmine" Said my brother. Jasmine? Jasmine Sandals?

Oh my gwad.

My brother must have lost it. How could he go on a date with that bi..beetroot. "You have a date with her? "I asked/screamed.

"Chill women. Who said anything about a date."

He said smirking. Ok Eww.

Don't get me wrong but I really don't like her, the girl, no, that witch has been rude to me since the first day of my school. Can't a new girl accidently spill some grape juice on the biggest bully's baby pink dress anymore?

I guess not. Because she has been on my nerve since that day. She doesn't spare any chance to be rude to me and gives me glares like she wanted to rip my head off of my body and She could be even more dangerous if it wasn't for my brother and Des. And believe me, she is famous for a reason.

She has been with everyone in the school you could name. Even some of the hot juniors. I mean yeah she is pretty with her golden curls, green eyes and model like body but all prettiness is thrown into a well when she wears her usual attire.

Which can't probably be said as an attire because it wholly consists of skin. Yup you can pretty much see everything from her dress and when I mean everything.....

And my brother being one of her top listed person...reason being? Ok drum roles please presenting...

Damien Jones, Star football player, Senior, body to die for, which I am grossed out to talk about, all girls cling onto him for one look and on the other side... At least can I have some claps? Or just a hand waving up.

Daniella Jones, the nerd, the almost nobody and who has the biggest crush on a guy, she can never have.. yay life..



I finally dragged myself to Des's house and please remind me how much I hate her.

All because of her I had to wake up from my very personal slumber when, again remind me I am on my periods only to be startled by a screaming dad with a swinging baseball bat in his hand, a pink Pomeranian and pink hands and Jasmine and oh lord so much for one day.

I rang the doorbell of her cute looking house just two blocks away from mine and the door opened revealing her beautiful mother smiling at me sweetly.

"Hello Renne" I said smiling. "Oh Danny it's really nice to see you. How are you my dear?" She asked.

"I am doing really fine and how is everything? And how is Brandon?" I asked.

"Brendon is as hot as always" A voice came from inside and behind Renne and I knew who it was from. A head popped out from Renne's shoulder's.

"Brendon" I screamed and hugged the tall well build guy and looked at his appearance, surly he has become handsome than ever his dirty blonde hair which were just perfectly messy and those light blue eyes just like destiny's.

And I am not ogling, he is mine and Damien's best friend after Destiny.

All four of us would always hangout together before he had to go to London for his college. "I missed you so much Brandon." I said cheerfully. "I missed you too Danny." He said in my ears still holding me.

He was like a second brother to me so sweet and caring.

"So, why didn't you tell me that you are back from London? "I asked.

"Well I just came last night around 3a.m and was really tired, thought that I would come to your house with Des and meet you guys but she told me you were coming already. Which I couldn't believe because it's Saturday and you sleep like a baby. Thanks to you I just lost 10$ to her."

He told me pouting.

"Yeah she knows how to wake me up." By blackmailing me with her boxing skills.

I should also learn some self-defense like karate or kung Fu or something like that.

"Finally the sleeping beauty is here." There she stood looking perfect as always with her straight hair and no makeup makeup look.

I just stared at her like, the news better be big or I'll fry you.

I am working on my warnings. I am getting better.

"You are late you know." She said and came forward taking out her hand in front of Brandon. Brandon took out 10$ bill from his pocket and handed it to her.

The fact that they actually had a bet on me was frustrating.

"You should be thankful that you are alive Des. I was occupied by a baseball bat and a pink Pomeranian so I am not that angry anymore." I said as if it was the most obvious thing to say.

All three of them looked at me confused. "I'll explain later." I dismissed them.

With that Renne went into the kitchen and Brendon went to meet Damian. We went in Des's room and immediately as soon as I stepped inside her room she closed the door and screamed.

With made me scream.

"WHAT?" I asked screaming and scared. So that's why she locked the door.

"I am dating." She screamed/said. I looked at her baffled. It took me minutes to realise what she said and I guess she totally knew I was going to react this way because she patiently waited with a big smile for me to soak in the words.

"What? Who? When? How?" I asked frantically. She just blushed. " I am dating. Ethan Sparks. From yesterday. I don't know what to answer to how?" She said shrugging her sholders.





Me and des were in my room she came in early today and was helping me getting ready as she was going to introduce me to Ethan, now that was really a slap on my getting ready skills.

I could easily get ready on my own like I could totally wear a simple shirt and some dark jeans with my favorite vans to go, with a messy bun. Totally cool stuff.

But destiny here thinks that I should look good for her. So I basically look bad every other day? I am totally going to roll under a rock and cry after all this.

She always tells me that how I am so beautiful with my long brown curly hair which goes up to my waist and perfect figure and I should not hide it and show it to the world or in her words look like a girl, but Really? Like I was gonna believe her. I know she says all this because she is my best friend.

"And done." She said as she did the last stroke of mascara on my eyes.

Ok this was good, so simple yet so fresh.

She just did some winged Eyeliner thing and mascara on my eyes and let the natural curl of my hairs show up after washing and conditioning them. Twice!

I am wearing a simple white tank top a shirt and black shorts to go and after several pleadings and begging she let me wear my black vans.

Ever since she told me she is dating Ethan I couldn't stop my happiness for her. She liked Ethan from when we were juniors but he was really engrossed in his football and his grades that he could never give Des a second look and now in sophomore year he finally talked to her and took her on a date at a very fancy restaurant where he asked her to be his girlfriend.

I knew she had a date with someone but she didn't tell me who it was, saying that it was a surprise. God I am so happy for her. Ethan is a great guy. With good reputation in school.

The one thing that I don't like, is his friend.. Hunter.. Hunter Donnavan... He is a big time player. Sleeping with every girl in school except me and Destiny.. he tried to flirt with Des but failed as she was blindly in love with Ethan and me... Well let's just say I am not very noticeable... well thank god that I am not otherwise I would have to deal with him in which I tell you I am not very good at.

I have always been a nerd like I just love reading in my room where no one could bother me and I could have my hot chocolate and my book and sometimes my romantic cheesy novels. And honestly I love being like this.

We went downstairs where Martha was making some delicious pancakes and My father was near the counter sitting and sipping on his coffee.

I went and kissed them both on cheek and said good morning they replied and I sat down with des on my side to have the breakfast.

"Here sweetie" She gave me some pancakes with maple syrup on the top and I was literally looking at them like my life depends on them.

We had breakfast and as soon as we went to the door my father said "You are forgetting something young lady."

I knew what he wanted and I closed my eyes. Me and Des turned around and my eyes still closed, I slowly opened them to see my father holding them in his hands and giving me a funny look.

I stared at him with disbelief. My glasses. I thought they broke. I was confirm because me and Des jumped on that thing like it was a tub of grapes until it was in an unrecognizable state.

And then standing in front of my father with the left over pieces in my hands and the most innocent face I could make I told him that I accidently dropped them on the road and a trunk ran on them crushing them.

Well Des was the one talking as I stayed quit because according to her I am terrible at lying which I totally disagree on. I just happen to laugh a lot when I lie, Like one time we brought a cake on Martha's birthday and dad and Damien went to take some presents making me the IN charge to make Martha stay out of the kitchen.

Mainly do not let her open the fridge because we put the cake inside. I was able to keep her away but Martha got really scared and called my father crying on the phone. When dad and Damien came back they were both really confused as to why Martha was pleading him that she can not see her only daughter going to Mental Asylum.

I think I do stink at lying.

Me and Des looked at each other and then at the glasses in horror. I took the glasses in my hand and looked at my father like he gave me something I don't really know how to use.

"Open it and put it in front of your eyes." He instructed me.

I put them on in defeat and made my way outside with a baffled Destiny on my heel. "How could...."she started and then paused for a moment "Oh god why?" She exclaimed loudly.

With that we went towards the direction of our school.

Thankyou so much for the support✿

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