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Chapter 12: Chapter 3: Awards, Electives and Disagreements. Part 4

Dobby proudly nodded, "Yes Master Harry Potter sir, Dobby wanted to get the best outfit that would maintain your good image while working for you sir. Also, Dobby watched The Godfather in the muggle world sir. Michael Corleone is Dobby's favorite sir."

Harry looked at the elf, amused by his antics. Wait how did he watch a movie? He inquired, "How did you come across that movie?"

"Dobby wanted to know how to play sneaky-sneaks in the muggle world, Dobby heard someone talking about The Godfather and about secrets sir. So, Dobby figured out he needed to watch the movie sir. Dobby snuck into his house, learnt how to play movies and watched it sir."

This gets more confusing the more he explains. I am not going press anymore. I will just pretend like I understood and move on.

Harry just nodded and switched topics. He asked, "Dou you have anything for me?"

"Master Harry Potter sir, Dobby found you a law wizard sir. His name is Edward Tonks sir," Dobby exclaimed with his usual level of enthusiasm.

Color me surprised that he found Tonk's father as my future law wizard. Hell, I did not even know the man was a law wizard. But hold on, the bugger just watched a movie and he found me a lawyer, and we just talked about it not too long ago. Honestly, this does not make sense. But no one accuses house-elves of following common sense, I guess.

Harry slowly nodded and probed with a neutral voice, "Okay, and why do you think he is a good fit for me?"

Dobby pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket, he stood a little bit taller and read, "Edward 'Ted' Tonks, married to Andromeda Tonks nee Black and the father to Nymphadora Tonks, is a muggle-born law wizard who graduated from Hogwarts in 1973. They eloped right after their NEWTs and as a consequence of being married to a muggle-born, Andromeda Tonks was cast out from the Black Family. Mrs. Tonks is the estranged sister of Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Edward Tonks apprenticed under Tiberius Ogden as his first foray into Wizarding Law. Tiberius Ogden is a well-known Warlock in the Wizengamot and was only five years older than Edward. The Ogden family is an old pureblood family, well known for impartiality and wealth; they are the primary owners of Ogden's finest.

"Impressed with his abilities, Tiberius gave him an offer to join his law firm a year later. Edward started off as a junior partner and quickly worked his way up. Within a span of five years, Edwards name was on the company name. The new law firm name is now Ogden & Tonks. The law firm made a bigger name after their efforts after the death of Riddle. They pushed for compensation from many Death Eater families for the damage they did, despite their supposed 'Imperius Curse' defense. They even succeeded on settling with noteworthy families such as the Malfoys.

"Edward Tonks is known as the one of the more influential muggle-born members of the Magical Society. He has hired several talented muggle-born students to his law firm and has consequently worked closely with Tiberius in ensuring the equality for all wizards and witches. It is in the best interest of the Ogden family to ensure that magical community grows, as they own the largest distillery of magical alcohol. With such a politically and economically powerful partner, Harry Potter sir will be able to get the best representation possible.

"Another reason why Dobby recommends him is because of his wife and daughter. His wife is currently a healer who consults with St. Mungos but also has her own private practice. His daughter is a trainee auror currently, and she graduated a year before sir entered Hogwarts. Nymphadora Tonks is currently considered to be one of the stars of the Auror Academy and is Master Auror Moody's personal apprentice. She has garnered the interest of Kingsley Shacklebolt to be taken under his wing after the academy. She has manifested a rare ability known as metamorphmagus, where she can change her appearance at will, a trait that used to be common within the House of Black. Fair warning sir: do not call Nymphadora by her first name. Dobby saw her hex another trainee nastily sir when he taunted her with her first name. Harry Potter sir will have inroads to the DMLE and a possible healer for Harry Potter sir. Finally, they are distantly related to you through your paternal grandmother and Dobby thought sir could do with better family. From what Dobby had seen, they are a good family sir."

Dobby folded the parchment and waited with nervous anticipation for his master's response. Harry Potter was impressed. The information that Dobby gleaned was much more comprehensive than he thought he would get from him. He nodded and smiled, "Good job Dobby. I think I am going to take your suggestion and try to get in contact with Mr. Tonks," Dobby gave him a huge smile and nodded furiously. He wrote a letter to Edward Tonks requesting for his services and setting up a potential appointment for an initial meeting. He then focused on another topic that was weighing on his mind.

"Dobby do you have a way to move the basilisk carcass from the Chamber of Secrets?"

Dobby thought about it for a second, and nodded, "Dobby can enter the Chamber of Secrets since Master Harry has entered the chamber. But Dobby cannot teleport with the carcass directly. Portkeys will not work in the chamber either. But Dobby can bring other people inside the chamber to render the carcass."

"Thank you, Dobby. All we need now is our law wizard to do his magic," Harry exclaimed. He finished going through the letter and making appropriate adjustments, he sealed it in an envelope. He had Dobby charm the letter to be only opened by Edward Tonks. He wrote another letter Gringotts asking for monthly bank statements. He was going to send the letter to Gringotts through Hedwig; however, the letter to Edward Tonks must be sent through Dobby. There is no telling what kind of mail direction wards are in place on his owl. If he were to take a guess, there is some sort of mail filtration on him. To think he did not receive a single piece of mail despite his status in the wizarding world seems a little unbelievable.

Looking around at the room, Harry requested, "Would it be possible for you to see if you can buy some of these books? I want to make a project out of fixing the vanishing cabinet over the summer. I am not too sure which of these books are the relevant ones, but if we can find about 10 books, I assume that would be fine. The other cabinet of this pair is in Borgin and Burkes, can you buy that one as well?" Dobby took out a parchment, wrote down his requests and nodded.

"Thank you, Dobby. Here is the letter to Mr. Tonks," Harry handed the letter to Dobby, who tucked it away in his suit and he flickered out of existence with a snap, crack, and a pop.

Harry stepped out of the Room of Requirement and walked towards the Owlery. As he entered the Owlery, his majestic snow owl glided gracefully onto his outstretched arm. After cooing and talking to Hedwig for a while, he gave her the mail to be sent to Gringotts. Harry watched as Hedwig flew into the afternoon sky and stood while she out of his sight. She was another death in vain.

For his second task, he made his way over to the Gryffindor Head of House office. He had electives to change and relationships to improve. Once he came in front of the door, he knocked once. A familiar voice commanded, "Enter."

Harry entered the room. Frames of pictures and newspaper clippings with several alumni covered the walls. He spotted a picture of his parent's wedding close to the desk she was seated at. To left he saw three bookshelves covered with various books in different fields, but mainly had books relating to transfiguration. McGonagall's desk was orderly, but it looked well used with parchments and books ordered neatly on the table. In front of her desk was a high-backed chair, no doubt to make the visitor slightly uncomfortable. Or she might want to test their ability to transfigure. Something to surprise her with the next year. This is her way of appraising an individual. Anyone unable to transfigure the chair is not worthy of her attention. Anyone worthy of her attention is then scrutinized by the way they transfigure the chair. Kind of like a personality test I keep hearing in the muggle world. Ah! I know just the spell to use. Too bad I can't use magic today. She sat behind the desk, her eyes peering at him above her glasses, her nose and face dipped slightly low.

"Well Mr. Potter this is a wonderful surprise, take a seat. What is the occasion for your visit?" she said with her usual no-nonsense tone.

Harry jovially replied, "Good afternoon Professor! Before we begin, I was wondering if you would cast a softening charm on the chair please, it seems a tad uncomfortable you know. I am not allowed use magic for the day after the incident last night you see. Nurse's orders and all that."

McGonagall slightly raised her eyebrows. Without a word and an elegant flick of her wand, she transfigured the chair to a more comfortable one. A hint of a smile graced her features when the young Potter bounded over the chair and sat down, not squirming under discomfort at her gaze; unlike the usual students who walk in here or most anyone really.

Took charge of the conversation with his greetings and displayed the practical sense to apply the knowledge learnt in class, a solution fitting the knowledge of a second year. Elegant solution for the chair while he could not use his magic, which points to ingenuity. The confidence to ask for a more comfortable chair brings, plus a walk which did not betray false confidence. Holding a gaze that does not betray any emotions other than the smile on his face. Well done Mr. Potter. Confident, courageous, innovative and a thrown in with a hint of intelligence, an ideal Gryffindor indeed. No wonder the sword appeared in his hands.

He saw Professor McGonagall's expression warm up considerably. So, I was right. Next time got to impress her with my wand work. He smiled, "Professor, I am here to change my electives from Divination to Ancient Runes and Arithmancy."

Now her eyebrows rose further than the last time. She did not expect the young Potter to change those classes. His best friend, Mr. Weasley who is notorious for his lack of effort in class, she noted he influences Harry Potter greatly. One does not become an educator for forty years and not learn how to recognize patterns of behavior. She surmised that due Mr. Weasley's influence, while Mr. Potter provides adequate wand work, his theory work is just par even if he is friends with the brightest student of the year. Or that his parents were some of the brightest students she had the pleasure of teaching.

For Harry to take initiative and change his course sounds extremely promising to her. Added to the little display he put on today at lunch, her impression of Harry Potter rose a several notches, much like every other professor. Pomona would not stop crying and I doubt Filius lost the spring in his steps even by now. He probably is bouncing off the walls in his office as we speak, and poor Hagrid was going through handkerchiefs at the rate of knots. Well except for Severus, everyone else seemed pleasantly surprised by Harry Potter's actions.

Her smile widened and replied, "Certainly Mr. Potter, I will make the appropriate changes. I am glad that you changed your choices for electives. Divinations is quite a… ah, wooly subject. There is only one method to be successful in Divination, either you have the Gift of Sight or you do not," she paused slightly to let her words hang in the air, to establish a hint of authority back into the conversation. It would be unbecoming of her station to let her improved impression of the young Potter influence her conversation. She carefully probed, "Though, what prompted you to change your electives, especially when Mr. Weasley's choices have not changed?"

Quatroquatro Quatroquatro

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Just to let you know, I update ahead on fanfiction dot net. So if you want to read more, please head over to that site. It is under the same name.

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