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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The First Day and Officially Becoming a Manager pt.1

(TW: Small implication of abuse/torture)

LI WEI'S ALARM BLARRED THROUGHOUT THE ROOM- causing him to groggily wake up in both annoyance and disappoint. He'd rather stay in bed and leave closer to when classes would start, rather than find himself at Karasuno's gym at 5 in the morning. With a large groan, the emerald-eyed teenager quickly changes into Karasuno's uniform, preferring to shower after the long gruelling day that is sure to happen.

With both his bag and application in hand, Li Wei quickly goes downstairs to eat an energy bar, sure to need it for the upcoming school day. The blatant anxiety he felt yesterday is slowly reaching into the depths of his mind, causing the gorgeous male distress. His worries are not necessarily unfounded, as being above average in appearance tends to bring one attention.

The energy bar is gone within a few bites as Li Wei walks outside, locking the door behind him. He had texted Hinata that morning to come close to 4:30am, so he sat on his porch and waited, letting the soft breeze of the morning flow around him. The sun was beginning to rise and all Li Wei could do was feel blessed in a sense to be able to watch it rise peacefully. Humming a small tune from his childhood, the male almost doesn't notice the sounds of a bell from a bicycle being rung in order to get his attention.

"LI-KUN!!! Lets GOGOGOGO!" Hinata yelled out, excitement exuding off of his very being. The only thing the tangerine wanted to do was make the volleyball team and he needed all the practice he could get. The taller male chucked a bit, before hopping onto the back of Hinata's bicycle.

The two don't really speak much, with Hinata consumed by his own thoughts of practicing volleyball and making the team, while Li Wei worries about his first day of classes. Emerald eyes gaze up upon the sky, wondering how he was easily convinced to call Kiyoko by her first name when he hadn't reached that level with his first friend, Hinata. The current manager of Karasuno had been fairly adamant that he call her by her first name, as despite the fact that she was his upperclassmen, Kiyoko said they would be working closely together and it would feel more natural if he was more informal with her. Li Wei was never great under pressure in terms of his peers as he lacked many true friends, so he honestly would do anything to make them happy, including calling them by whatever pleases them most.

When they arrive at Karasuno, the only other students around are those from clubs who have morning practices. "Hinata-kun, I am going to drop off the application and get to my class early. I will meet you at practice after the day ends." He casually states, before walking off towards the school building. Hinata yells out in agreement before scurrying off towards the gym for the 'secret practice'.

Li Wei makes his way towards the teacher's office, praying that someone is already there. The closer he gets however, the less hope he has. Once he arrives in front of the teacher's office, he notices all the lights are off and sighs, knowing he'll have to wait. Standing in place for hours on end isn't necessarily a bother to him, having done that plenty of times as punishment, with a few whips here and there. Standing around and waiting for a teacher is nothing compared to what he used to go through, so Li Wei stands and waits. He's completely lost within his mind, leading him unable to hear the jangle of keys and the footsteps of a person getting closer and closer to him.

Takeda Ittetsu, an average man with messy black hair and brown eyes that are covered by classes, has been rushing to get to his office when he notices a male student who is a bit taller than him seemingly staring into nothing. He slowly walks up to the student before poking him to get his attention, watching as the student becomes startled. Chuckling a bit, he asks the startled student if he is looking for a specific teacher or needs help.

Quickly bowing down at a 90 degree angle, Li Wei gives the teacher in front of him an introduction. "Hello, my name is Li Wei and I am a first year student in class 1-5. I am looking for Takeda-sensei to give him an application to become a volleyball manager." A bit caught off guard by the statement, Takeda takes a second to react. "Ah! Well, come in come in! I'm Takeda-sensei, the boy's volleyball team advisor and i'm happy to take the application off of you." He gently smiles, making a 'follow me' motion with his hands and steps into the office. There are plenty of desks for each different teacher, full of papers to possibly grade and other personal items.

Once inside, Takeda quickly places his things on his desk before turning towards the newest manager and grabbing the application. "You are the only student who has applied for the position of manager so I am happy to accept you as one! You will work with Shimizu-san on the team." He happily states, but notices how Li Wei seems a bit hesitant. "Is something the matter, Li-san?". The gorgeous male is a bit nervous, knowing he won't be a manager for his entire time throughout highschool. "I-..I plan to become a player eventually so I don't think I will stay as a manager for long.." Li Wei trails off, nervous that he may have upset the club advisor. He was always taught to never speak back to authority figures and though he was asked if he was alright, he still feels as though he did just that.

Luckily, his fears are all for naught as Takeda-sensei reassures him that it's alright. "Don't worry Li-san! Shimizu-san has actually told me she will eventually look for another manager on her own time, so if you decide to switch to becoming a player, the team will be alright." His gentle smiles calm Li Wei down completely, so he bows down in thanks before saying goodbye, planning on going to class.

Class 1-5 isn't too far away from the teacher's office, but it feels as though it takes forever for Li Wei to get there. His arrogant aura and emotionless mask was put up the second he noticed the large amount of students filtering through the building. He has already heard the whispers from those he passed by, making him lose hope in finding even more friends that aren't involved in volleyball. A sigh passes through his lips as his eyes lock onto the door to class 1-5, before he gently opens it up. There aren't many students within the class yet so Li Wei searches for his seat. Next to him is a petite blonde with light brown eyes who looks as though someone ran over her puppy, as she shakes with fear. Li Wei hopes he isn't the cause for her nervousness but once he takes a look at her, she squeaks and turns away.

Yachi Hitoka has never been good with those taller than her and well, boys. Her nerves constantly get the better of her as her overactive imagination often comes up with worst case scenarios. Sitting right next to her is probably one of the most beautiful guys she has ever seen, but that cold expression makes her want to hide away and cry. Yachi's entire body shivers when she completely turns from the guy, not wanting to accidentally embarrass herself in front of him and later find out he is some yakuza guy.

Neither of the two make any conversation with one another as Li Wei still cannot figure out how he scared the poor girl and Yachi fears the guy next to her could kill her with one phone call. Somehow, the atmosphere between the two makes the rest of the class feel a bit nervous as well and it only breaks when the teacher walks in, readying themself to teach their new class. This is also the start of the two's odd friendship that was built off of complete misunderstandings.

When the class ends and lunch comes around, Li Wei is on a hunt for Hinata to share his first lunch with. He had packed some energy bars and chips for himself because he was simply too tired to care this morning. Li Wei completely ignores the squealing girls and irked guys he passes by, choosing to put his energy into searching for his friend. Finding Hinata takes a while, noticing that he is practicing with Sugawara outside.

Just as Li Wei is about to walk over to Hinata, he is stopped by the blueberry haired guy who hurt his friend. The emerald eyed male is about to ask why the hell he's being stopped but is quickly stopped by a shushing motion from Kageyama. Li Wei doesn't have to listen to Kageyama but he also doesn't want to intrude on Hinata and Sugawara, so he stays by the vending machine along with Kageyama, simply listening to their conversation.

Floofybirb Floofybirb

Part 2 will be up on Wednesday!

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