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Chapter 31: Set Sail

To anyone who knows how warframe actually works I would like to say I made a few small changes to how people can interact with the warframes because there are over 40+ warframes if just Ulrick uses them I will never get through them all. For your concerns, no other characters can not mentally enter and exit a warframes body whenever. They can only give them commands through a psychic link and use them like bodyguards or assistance for fighting. That means no sending a warframe off to a different island to do missions by itself. It needs its partner to be close by.


No one went over to kick Ulrick out because of what he did because every time people tried in the last couple of months since he began showing up it never ended well for those who did. Most people around the place didn't know who Ulrick actually was except the owner and of course Gin since he hung around him a lot. The owner didn't inform anyone of Ulrick's status because he was kindly asked not to by Ulrick. Ulrick wanted the full experience without having someone trying to kiss his ass every second he was there. He rarely gets such free time anymore because he's typically always surrounded by bodyguards a perk that he got tired of real fast since he mostly just wanted to have unrestrained fun in this world at the moment.

While many people kept their distance from Ulrick after what they saw. The fight however wasn't affected by Ulrick's antics so it continued normally. The announcer turned away from watching Ulrick and proceeded with the fight.

"Wow, it looks like we got ourselves some spirited fans here tonight. I hope the rest of you brought the same energy and are willing to make some noise for the raining champion of the iron cage the unmovable mountain, the undefeated hill giant, Blob. He has 97 consecutive victories, zero losses, and zero draws. He is an absolute unit of a man that is the physical embodiment of the word doom to anyone in the ring with him. If you don't want to get crushed and add to this man's kill count of 15 then I suggest you move out of the way.".

Giants are an extremely rare sight in the east blue. While technically Blob is a giant he is only 25% giant and not a pure-blooded one. When he walked out onto the stage the floor shook and no one in the crowd obscures his path to let this massive man through. Blob stood over 9 feet tall and looked like a shaking blob of jelly. He had thin short brown hair and well-defined facial features that shouldn't belong to a man that fat. His face looked like it was sculpted by Picasso himself and deserves no less than to be put on the cover of a magazine for the sexiest man alive.

Blob was slathered in grease and only wore a sumo belt to cover himself because that's how he liked to fight his opponents bareback, bare-fisted, and greased up. On the stage, Blob slapped his chest splattering some grease in the air, and slammed his foot down hard shaking the ring. The crowd could feel the vibrations of the ring shaking from their seats this intimidating display of strength got the crowd riled up. Everyone there was ready to see a good fight.

In the ring, Blob starred down Gin with a crazy look in his eye. Blob loved his job, but he loved beating up people who had hopes of taking his title even more. Gin looked directly into Blob's eyes without wavering in the slightest. This was his last battle before he gave up this life and set off for a new one, so he would only accept victory.

Gin spun around his two metal tonfa that has been weighted with two metal spheres on each end and rested one of them on his shoulder. The other he pointed at Blob and said to him, "this is my final match as an underground fighter, so don't disappoint me".

"Ha, ha, ha calling it quits are ya. Well, then you don't worry about anything if you survive I'll give you plenty of broken bones to remember me by before they toss your crippled ass back on the street".

Blob smug and arrogant words were the signal the announcer needed to get things started.

"It sounds like both fighters are ready to go, so lower the cage, and let's get started. Now, remember folks this a cage match with very few rules. The combatants can do whatever they want to win. Giving up is not allowed it's either they beat up their opponent until he can't move anymore, kill their opponent, or last until the bell rings to survive. Now enough waiting and let's see some blood.

Quick a large cage lowered down sealing both Gin and Blob inside soon after the bell rang. Once it did Gin shot out towards blob Gin was fast on his feet and attacked with his tonfas just as quickly. Blob pushed his open palm towards Gin in an attempt to push him away and nock him on the floor. Gin ducked under Blob's palm attack and struck Blob square in the chest.

The force of Gin's attack was enough to shatter thick steel plates. A normal man struck by Gin would have their chest caved in and ripped apart, but when blob was hit he was forced back a step while the fat all over his body rippled like a wave. Gin frowned at this because the fat on blob body absorbed most of the impact and the grease covering blob made it hard for his attack to land solely where he aimed.

Blob devilish shirked at Gin who was between his legs and slammed his foot down. The force shook the stage and made it bounce around kicking Gin off his feet into the air. In the air Gin was wide open he couldn't move anywhere, so when he saw Blob's palm coming at him he could only cross his tonfas in front of him and endure his attack. When Blob's attack hit Gin was launched back a few feet till his back slammed into the iron cage denting it.

Gin let out a bit of a squeal when he got hit and the crowd was loving it. Blob wasn't finished with Gin, so he followed up his attack with another. He jumpered on the stage and used it to propel himself forward at a faster speed than he usually moves. Within a moment Blob was right next to Gin. Gin seeing Blob charging at him pushed himself out of the cage allowing him to dodge Blob's attack that bore a hole straight through the metal cage.

On the floor, Gin swung his tonfas at Blob's ankle intending to trip him blob blocked the attack with a punch that went through the stage floor and blasted a large cloud of smoke around the room. Loud sounds of pounding flesh sounded out from the smoke. When the smoke clear a fierce scene of Gin and Blob exchanging blow for blow could be seen. Gin blocked, dodge, and expertly countered numerous of Blob's attacks, but he was having a hard time because dealing with impact weapons seemed to be Blob's specialty. With every hit Gin's attack's got weaker and a bit more sloppy not because he was tired or inexperienced it was because the grease on Blob made it harder to hold onto his weapons the longer they fought. Gin's grip on his weapon was weakening and the friction on the floor was disappearing.

Knowing that he had to defeat his opponent fast before it became impossible for him to fight back correctly Gin started to look around for a good place to strike him that didn't involve jumping up and hitting Blob in the face. Blob was too tall for that to work without bringing him down to his own level first. Gin looked around for a weak spot, but it was hard because there was so much fat covering Blob's body. While Gin was thinking Blob through a punch straight at him. Gin met that attack with his own and slammed his tonfas into Blob's first. Their clash was about equal but Gin was pushed back to the cage wall because the floor was too slippery. Gin wasn't disgruntled after their exchange he was a bit happy because he found his path to victory.

When Gin's tonfas hit Blob's first it was a sold hit unlike the rest of his body this gave Gin all the clues he needed to bring down that fat pig. Ready Gin waited for Blob's attack as soon as Gin throwing a right punch at him Gin latched onto Blob's arm with his own he even went as far as to dig his own nails in so that he wouldn't slip off because of the grease. After latching on tightly Gin swung the tonfa in his left hand with all his might directly towards Blob's elbow. Ripples of pain spread through Blob's arm making him scream in agony as he held his arm.

Gin did stop there he put his back into it and struck Blob's kneecap shattering it in one blow. Blob's right leg bent backwards a bit from the impact. The damage was severe but Gin showed his savagery and was unrelenting. He used the slippery floor to his advantage and spun around Blob to his other side gaining momentum as he did of which he used to crush Blob's toes on his left foot.

With one leg broken the toes on another as well as his right arm being injured Blob could only fall on his back and use one arm to defend himself with. Blob came tumbling down like a tree he screamed as he fell, but Gin shut him up when he bashed his tonfa into Blob's lower jaw shattering it. Blood spilled out from Blob's mouth and his incredibly handsome face because a bit less that day. With Blob still being conscious and the win conditions being clear Gin spun his tonfas around and brought them both down on Blob's face. The stage couldn't handle the force of Gin's attack, so it collapsed under him. A fountain of blood sprayed from the remains of Blob's head that been turned into mush and Gin could clearly be seen standing over Blob's body covered in his blood triumphantly.

The crowd was shocked into silence. No one thought Gin would win hell no one wanted him to except that weirdo in the back crying tears of joy from Gin's victory and his captive who was forcibly converted into a Gin supporter who was now also crying, but not out of joy he was just crying.

Breaking the silence was the announcer who said loudly through the speaker snail, "did you see the that folks what a performance. Let's hear it for our new champion of the iron cage Gin".

The announcer's words didn't get the result you would except instead of people congratulating Gin they got pissed off instead.

"What kind of shit is this Blob has been undefeated since he got here and now he just loses".

"I know right this match is rigged now way this was legit".

"I want my money back this whole thing was a scam".

The crowd quickly got riled up after over hearing a few words from people. Very see they started to get out of hand as they called the entire match bull shit. Gin didn't confront the crowd after the cage was lifted he went to his private locker room to collect his winning and leave this place for good.


Inside Gin's locker room the manager stormed out furiously because not only was his previous champion dead but his new champion wanted nothing to do with him. Gin didn't care about how the manager felt he got his money from him, so his business here was finished. While Gin was in his room packing up and changing the door opened up once again and from it out stepped Ulrick holding a celebratory cake with sparklers on it.

Gin looked at Ulrick and let out a tired sigh before he went back to changing. Gin didn't question how Ulrick got past the guards because he knew all the guards feared Ulrick now since he beat them up till they let him pass the last couple of times.

"What are you doing here Ulrick?".

Ulrick smiling ear to ear replied, "isn't it obvious I came to celebrate your victory. It was an obvious victory I expect no less from a member of my crew".

A vein grew on Gin's head because he was spouting the same nonsense from before. "I already said for the 50th time that I'm not going to join your organization, so stop asking me".

"I refuse to do any such thing since the moment I saw you I knew that you had the potential for greatness. I on the other hand plan on doing big things that will shake this world to its core. Something like that can't be accomplished alone no matter how great the person there are equally great people supporting him. The first person that I want supporting me is you I will accept no one else".

"Well, then your shit out of luck because I ain't joining you. There is nothing about you that is great you don't have a single quality that I can see that will make me want to serve you. So, get lost I've already decided to become a pirate anyway and serve under an actually great man named Don Krieg. I'm sure that you've heard of the name he's what an actually great person looks like. He's the most wanted and feared pirate in the east blue right now.

There's been word that he's been gathering a massive fleet and is about to traverse the grand line. I've even heard rumors that his forces have even reached a terrifying 6,000 because of his fame and popularity in the east blue. That influence, power, fear, respect, how could someone who relies solely on the tits of the Simoni Family like you for nourishment possible obtain any of that. I will only sail under a great man who I can respect that is not you, so get lost and take your cake with you".

Ulrick had tried hard to recruit Gin. No matter the cost he was willing to pay, but Gin was right he wasn't Luffy who had the protagonist aura and luck supporting him everywhere he went. In the eyes of many, he was just a guy who while good-looking, creative, inventive, skilled in combat and other things lacked the qualities of a king.

Ulrick wasn't sure to say to Gin at that moment, but he didn't need to say anything because Gin had already finished packing and when he did he left the room without looking back or saying anything. Leaving Ulrick there alone with Gin's celebration cake in his hands.


Ulrick left the underground fight club after a while and started just walking alone in the night. Gin's words weighed heavily on his heart since he had plans to become an overlord, yet he didn't even have the aura of a king. It's funny to think about, but sad when you're the person in question. Ulrick knew that he could plan circles around people if he wanted to, but not having the authority to command a single person is unexceptionable. Lost in his thoughts Ulrick failed to notice three guys coming up from behind him.

They each had weapons in their hands two of them had blunt weapons like a metal pole and bat while the third had a knife. Two of them looked like average civilians, but the third was the same man that Ulrick convinced into supporting Gin. He held his knife tightly in his hands while he snuck up behind Ulrick and his two friends came at him from the sides. When he was within arms reach that man lunged forward to shank Ulrick from the side. When his knife looked like it was about to stab Ulrick in the back it stopped.

Ulrick's former captive felt like he just stabbed an iron wall. During his struggle, the space between him and Ulrick shifted and shimmered revealing a person or thing standing between him and Ulrick. That man wasn't sure how to describe what he was seeing neither didn't his friend.

What stood in front of that man and his friends was Ulrick's first and newly built warframe known as Ash. This ash was built using his Koga skin so he has two forearm-mounted blades capable of extending past his hands. He has a complex swirl design on his body that was inspired by Japanese ninjutsu.

[Image Here] (just look at image their skin designs are to complex describe clearly).

"What the bloody hell is that". Uttered one of the assailants.

The noise behind Ulrick made him turn around and look at what was happening behind him. Ulrick looked around indifferently at everyone he saw because he just wasn't in the mood. After a quick look around Ulrick saw their weapons and immediately pieced everything together.

"So, I ruff you up a little and you think you could get your revenge if you gang up on me. Alright then go ahead and try I don't blame you really its atypical response people have in a situation like that. But just because I don't blame you doesn't mean I won't fight back or kill you. I'm not a psychotic killer, but I have no qualms offing someone that comes after me especially if they do, so with weapons. It looks like you guys are ready to die since you're carrying those weapons, so allow me to help you.

Ulrick didn't plan to fight any of them himself he barely got the chance to use his warframe since he got it because he wanted to keep it hidden. Since the opportunity presented itself he might as well use it.

Ulrick has a mental connection with the warframe allowing him to control it with just a thought. The warframes are supposed to be used as surrogate bodies for their operators like Ulrick for when their sleeping. Typically warframes are hollow husks void of anything, but Ulrick warframes are different from the game they're special because they each possess a bit of personality. This allows them a degree of independence when Ulrick isn't fully possessing them. This personality that they each possess doesn't make them potential traitors or crewmate replacements. They are extremely loyal to their users and more, so to Ulrick. The personality is simply a driving force that allows the warframe to display its full capability without Ulrick inside of it.

This is good because of the previous reasons stated and bad because without someone controlling them depending on a warframes personality things can go from good to bad very fast. For instance, Ash is a cold, calculating, efficient assassin if left alone it will follow its previous orders to the best of its abilities. If given the order to protect someone it will remain out of sight and eliminate any threat before it can approach. But the word threat is very broad, what will it view as a threat what if a baby throws a rattle at its target? will it see the baby as a threat and kill the baby?

That problem Ulrick's warframe's have is why they need someone to monitor and operate them. The potential users can't meld with the warframes like Ulrick can but they can use them as bodyguards or assistance in battle.

With a thought, Ulrick commanded ash to attack. Ash grabbed Ulrick's former captive by the wrist. It shattered his arm because of the force of the warframes grip. Ash then threw that man to a wall with one hand. That man impacted the wall with enough force to crack it. He coughed up blood as his organs shook and spin broke upon impact. Ash proceeded to use one of his four main abilities and conjure 4 shurikens and accurately threw them at the man on the wall impaling all of his limbs sticking him onto the wall.

Blood flowed like a river from his body, but he was still alive. That man's friends looked at that with horror in their eyes they instantly lost the will to fight and chose to run, but would Ulrick let them. Ash bullet jumped with enough force to crack the pavement. He flashed next to his second target in less than a second and in that same time frame that man's world was turned upside down all he could see was his headless body stumbling forward as blood sprayed from the top. The last guy ran with all his might and he got fairly far. But ash teleported behind him and skewered him through the heart with one of his forearm blades and used it again to cut off his target's head.

The battle was short and quiet people will only know what happened here after they find their dead bodies in the morning. The only person still alive was the guy he beat up at the fight club. He struggled to breathe he look at Ulrick with fear when he should have been looking at Ulrick with hate. It was the abysmally small chance that Ulrick would spare his life that, that man submitted in his final seconds of life. Ulrick of course gave no fucks and then laid his hands on that man's chest. His mind was still on Gin's words he then looked inside deep within and when he found it he pulled it out.

The man that was pinned to the wall screamed and thrashed around in pain as a blue stream of energy escaped his body. The energy clumped into a ball it pulsated and squirmed in Ulrick's hands the more energy Ulrick took the more the person in front of him looked like a shriveled and withered husk. Ulrick ignored the dead guy and looked at the answer to all his problems. It was the void the void energy in his hands was proof of that. The void is everywhere it is inside of all things you cannot escape it no one can. With the answer to his problem, clear Ulrick set off for an adventure.


That night in port Gin loaded a large barrel into a small sailing ship that had all the necessary things needed to travel the sea. Finished loading everything Gin looked back at the town and said fair well because it won't be long before he is wanted by the world government. Done saying his goodbyes to his old life Gin set off to join Don Kriegs crew. Hours passed by and the morning sun eventually showed up. Nothing but ocean was around for miles Gin enjoyed this peaceful moment until it was disturbed by a bunch of rattling below deck in the cargo hold.

Once Gin got there he noticed that the noise was from a crate that he brought in earlier. Gin approached the crate cautiously. But he didn't need to because a second later Ulrick came popping out sweating up a storm. Gin's mouth was open wide in shock he really didn't expect his stalker to be this relentless.

Furiously he shouted, " what the hell is wrong with you can't you take no for an answer. Now get the hell off my ship".

Gin madly swung his tonfas at Ulrick. Ulrick dodged all of Gin's attack then caught both of His weapons. Gin tried to get his weapons lose but he didn't expect Ulrick to be, so strong.

"Stop trying to fight me you won't win. I came to make a deal with you, so listen".

"Why would I ever want to make a deal with?".

"Because if you take it you will be able to get rid of me forever but if you don't I'll follow you to the ends of the earth till you do".

Gin got pissed off at that but seeing as he wasn't winning in a contest of strength with Ulrick and because he didn't actually hate Ulrick he listened.

"What's the deal?".

"You want to join Don Krieg because you think he's a great man then let me show you that you made a mistake. Let me show you that I'm far greater than he could ever be. Just me against Don Krieg and his entire fleet If I win you will join my organization if I don't then you will never see me again".

"What the hell are you talking about they said Don Kriegs gained over 6,000 followers how are you going to win against that you psycho".

"That's for me to worry about and you to shut up and watch the fireworks, so we got a deal".

Gin looked at this lunatic straight in the eye and wondered why just why?

"Tell me just why are you willing to go this far just for me".

"That easy it's because you're an amazing person. Seeing someone like you rot away with a loser like Don Krieg is a sin I do not wish to see. You have amazing potential I wish to see you rise to it. Besides, I can't rule the world by myself I need someone like you protecting my back, or else I'll never get any sleep. So, deal?".

Ulrick's words honestly plucked on his heartstrings a little, but he didn't show it and just said, "Deal".

Loyalscum Loyalscum

This is longest chapter I ever wrote please show me some love for the pain i went through writing it. My hands hurt. im writing a new original novel that revolves around a character who specializes in using curses 2 attack. it'll be a system novel and somewhat similar to solo leveling in the sense of creatures from another world come to Earth but without the dungeons. and the system will be gifted to the human race by Gaia or Earth to protect itself. tell me if u interested so I can write it.

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