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Chapter 5: Dao Origin Stone

Once Fen Zung, his father heard what his wife said. His expression changed into one of extreme happiness. He immediately went over and hugged both his wife, Fen Hai Rong and his son, Fen Chang.

#(Author Note: I noticed that I use father and mother a lot. I'm gunna try to use their actual names more. Makes it easier for people to remember them when I use them more. BTW I'm English, so I struggle with Chinese names, so names might be a little off for Chinese readers. Sorry.)#

After a minute of them hugging in silence the doors to the room blast open as a short figure shoots across the room screaming in a loud voice "Big Brother Chang!" as it pounces at Fen Chang.

Fen Hai Rong grabs the figure mid-flight, preventing it from hitting Fen Chang.

"Little Caihong, even if your excited to see your brother you should realise his body is very weak, and don't forget that you are already at the late stages of the Body Refining Stage while he is still a mortal. You would kill him if you actually hit him with that speed." Says Fen Hai Rong in a motherly tone.

"I know mother, I had adjusted my strength to be that of a normal person, but I really want to play with Big Brother Chang."

"Its fine mother, little Caihong is just excited to see me. I am also just as excited to see her. Come little Caihong let us eat dinner then we can go play for a bit." Fen Chang exclaims while sitting down at the table.

"Really! We can play after dinner? Yay".

"Son, you shouldn't play with her too much, and little Caihong you should focus on cultivating more, not playing. You have a very high talent and you're wasting it buy playing too much." Fen Zung says in an exasperated voice, as if this has happened many times.

"But father I want to play with big brother."

Fen Caihong and Fen Zung start getting into an argument about times for cultivation and time to play.

Fen Chang on the other hand is dumbfounded by how during their argument Fen Caihong made her way over to him and plopped herself down on his lap, acting as if it's completely natural and that his lap is her seat. 'Well, I guess I can pamper her a bit. She is very cute and my little sister, well previous me's little sister. Maybe I could tempt her into my harem, a cute loli wouldn't be bad, and I'm not actually Fen Chang so I don't feel any moral problems, maybe age but she can grow. Though I do guess it's common to be married off at the age of 14, I will at least wait till she's 15.'

#(Author Note – I'm planning to add the little sister into the harem. I will make a reason in the story. She will only be in harem, but no sexy time till she maybe like 15 or 16, depends on people's reactions. BTW since he is not actually Fen Chang, technically not incest. Even then in the world setting, incest isn't uncommon or looked down on.)#

Fen Chang started to pet her hair, and her expression went from anger towards her father into a blissful expression. Like all the worlds problems suddenly left and only she and her brother where left. "Father, why not make play time a reward. She seems to not like cultivating probably because she doesn't feel a need to. Hence why not make it that for every 4 hours of cultivating she does she can freely play for 30 minutes. This way she both cultivates and gets to play. And for every level and realm she breaks through. She will get a special reward from me."

Being told of a possible solution Fen Zung rubs his chin thinking of if its worth. He then slowly looks towards Fen Caihong, only to see her blissful expression which melts his heart. He is slowly giving in to the temptation of the deal made and finally makes his decision. "Fine, I will allow that. Fen Caihong, from now on, for every 4 hours of cultivation each day, you will be rewarded 1 hour of play time. Furthermore, for every level in that realm you advance, you will be allowed 1 day off from cultivating and can spend the day playing with your brother. But IF and only IF he is free. After all your brother also has to start cultivating."

Fen Caihong manages to momentarily snap out of her bliss and instantly reply's "Ok father, so long as I get to play with brother, I don't mind cultivating."

And like this the family starts to eat the prepared dinner in a happy mood. The parents happy because their previously bedridden son is now well enough to eat and chat with them. While the little sister is happy because of the head pats and papering from her big brother.


Once dinner had ended, it was evening so after a bit of time playing and chatting with Fen Caihong and his parents, it was time for him to head back.

When back in his room, Fen Chang told Yan Yin "Yan Yin, make sure no one comes in. If its desperate and they need to speak with me then make sure to knock first. Even if its my father, you must tell him that I am doing something private and should knock."

Yan Yin got the message and then left the room and stood outside and guarded it. Although she doesn't have cultivation so it's not like she could stop anyone if they actually wanted to get in. But the order from her master was to make sure no one got in and would use her body to block people from getting in even if it meant her death or opposing the emperor. Everything for her master.

#(Author Note – hope people don't mind these, if people don't like them, I can just not put them in. Just explaining thoughts process. I'm trying to build Yan Yin as a yandere kinda character, like she would do anything for Fen Chang. Makes it easier to add to harem and manipulate this way.)#

Once alone, Fen Chang entered his personal world and starts to think. 'If father does have guards watching over me then it's unlikely, I would be able to notice them, after all I have no cultivation. Lets just hope he has enough trust in me to not do that. If he does have guards watching I should prepare an excuse. Maybe a hidden master? I can say a hidden master healed me, took me in as a disciple and gave me a space/time treasure to teleport to a safe place for me to contact him and cultivate. That should work.'

After a few more attempts at possible different excuses, he decides to go with the first option, since he can just answer most their questions with "master forbid me from telling".

'ok, lets start on the important stuff. At dinner father mentioned cultivation levels. Let's check Fen Changs memory… so it seems that each realm is split into 9 levels. Pretty standard. Then each level is further divided into 3 sub-stages which are early, middle and peak. Ok, overall seems the cultivation level is pretty standard and similar to lots of novels, makes it easy for me. Now let's take a look at what my main cheat is, the information from Heavens Database says something about it.'

Checking over the information, Fen Chang has to spend quite a while trying to understand what it's saying.

'Most of the terms used are above what I know, but I can roughly understand what it is my main cheat is. It seems this world is a by-product of an object called the Dao Origin Stone. It states the Dao Origin Stone is the origin of Dao, and is what produces all the different types of Dao in all the worlds. This seems to be a fragment that fused with my soul during my death, causing my soul to be transported. The Dao Origin Stone doesn't really do much, as it cannot be controlled. Its main purpose is creating and sustaining this internal world and providing its QI and Dao energy. The sun is made of Creation Dao while the moon of Destruction Dao while the starts are all the other types of Dao. These Dao planets in the sky produce Dao energy but I have to comprehend that Dao before in order for it to produce more and be useful.

Seems fairly straight forward, the Dao Origin Stone is basically just the power source of my cheats, its like infinite power and my cheats conduct that power into themselves. My imagination then shapes that power adding on to the cheats. Though now its unchangeable, seems the inner world is what was created through the power and now will continue to grow as I'm able to shape more power. The heavens database on the other hand doesn't seem to have the same origin. It is still an unknown, but seems to have also fused with me during transmigration. If I where to guess, I'd say the Heavens Database was some other treasure that contained the spirits of these supreme gods, but when merging with me and the Dao Origin Stone it transformed via my thoughts into what it is now. But that's an educated guess from light novel experience, it could be something completely different entirely.

Fen Chang spends the next hour going thorough the basic information on his cheats, its origins and other miscellaneous stuff left over. 'Damn, so much info. This is so boring. I should start cultivating. I'm getting too board looking at all this, I want to go hunt some beasts and fuck some girls. Man, I'm such a barbarian, but who cares, I'm a prince now and I wanna have fun. Unlike in my last world where I was bored as shit all the time.'

'Ok the knowledge in the Database states that in the Body Refining Stage a cultivation technique is not needed, and is the base for both QI cultivation and body cultivation. It says I should take in the QI from the surrounding and refine different parts of my body. Unlike others where there are nine levels that only dictate how much QI you have, the 9 stages in this stage show which part of the body I am refining.

· Level 1 – Skin (making the skin stronger)

· Level 2 – Pores (where QI enters the body)

· Level 3 – Muscles (increases strength)

· Level 4 – Bones (stronger body)

· Level 5 – Bone Marrow (allows the body to generate small amounts of its own QI to help reinforce the body)

· Level 6 – Meridians (increases QI flow in body)

· Level 7 – Organs (increases internal body defence)

· Level 8 – Brain (increases brain capacity)

· Level 9 – Heart (Increases blood and QI flow in the body and naturally increases strength)

It seems that each level has a reason to be refined, like the skin refined first so that QI can then enter without damaging it. Seems fairly simple. Ok, so all it says I have to do is sit in a lotus position and take in the QI surrounding me and use it to refine my skin. I'll follow what the Database says since it says it's the most efficient way to do it.'

On the vibrant green grass sat Fen Chang as he tries to take in QI within the air into his body. Then using the QI to refine his skin by essentially infusing the cells with QI to slowly increase its strength.

Slowly the time started to pass as Fen Chang sat down feeling the refreshing QI enter his body and then make its way to his skin. 'man, this is so nice, it's almost like a cold shower except instead of being uncomfortable its like a refreshing cold all over my body. Like the wind hitting your skin in hot weather.'

The next day a knock sounded on the door of Fen Changs bedroom. "Young Master, your father is asking if you will be joining for breakfast."

The moment this was said, on a grass plane a young man stood up with a crackling sound. Similar to newly made leather being twisted and turned. "that was a productive night, I had not only managed to completely refine my skin, but also manage to get 1/3rd of my pores done. Well time to surprise my parents, and enjoy some breakfast. I should consult with the chefs to make full English breakfasts and other foods like pizzas and burgers. I could also make my own restaurant, would be a good way of getting my own personal money and spreading influence. I should get father in on it, as its also the best way to get information, after all everyone spills their secrets when drunk and eating good food. Hehe, sounds like fun.'

#(Author Note (Spoilers) – It will start off kinda slow. I mean I wouldn't consider it slow since its more like expanding the world, and building up stuff, as well as getting information across. I mean there is a lot I need to get across, most of it is done now though which is POG. BTW this isn't going to be you now the instant OP and he just leaves and face slaps, I'm making the mc smarter than the simple lone wolf, like there gunna be kingdom building and stuff. Also, other stuff like building up his own secret force so when he goes to new land, he can use them to get a foot hold. Stuff like that, don't forget the mc is someone who doesn't have a reason to get strong like saving someone, it's just to have fun really which is fair enough. So he will take his time, not a long time. He understands that normally shit starts happening when the mc enters the world, but he gunna build up organisations, businesses, empires n stuff. So it's not all cultivation and fighting. Damn this a big author note, just wanted to let people know the story progression I guess.)#

Doublenile Doublenile

Man Chinese names are hard to remember. I keep spelling Fen Chang as Fan Chang, and when I start putting them as Fan Chang on purpose it changes back to Fen Chang. Sooooo annoying.

Also, loli in harem? Gunna add it anyways, mc isn’t a nice guy. Why should he conform to modern thinking when in a different world? Those who don’t like it, well sucks to be so narrow minded. If it wasn’t for lots of people probs complaining I would have added her at the age of like 12, but ill hold off for now. But if people are fine then I can add her earlier. Kind of testing waters since I plan for more younger females in the harem, but if it’s not well received then I can hold back on that plan.

Have a good day everyone.

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