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Chapter 7: Chapter 8

Chapter 8 . After leaving the Tamer's guild Bast and Elijah head back through the Main gate leading to the 2nd District. After walking some distance both of them were greeted to A market place bustling with activity. On both sides of the street's lined food carts selling a variety of item's. From meat skewers, to Fruit's and vegetables. The buildings lining the streets contained several Weapon shop's, Clothing store's, Monster material shop's, And a variety of other essential items for both commoners working inside the City, as well as shops directly appealing to adventurer's. Just by looking at this sight a strange nostalgic feeling was created in Elijah's mind. Taking a deep breath and stopping Elijah takes in his surroundings with a refreshed feeling. Now this is what I'm talking about. This is what a city in a fantasy world should be like. I am so thankful i wasn't dropped in some backwards ass World. Where the concept of magic never existed! Master what do you mean by that? Just look at this scene Bast, If this were my world 500 years ago you wouldn't be able to see something like this. Back during the mid evil era The culture was hardly developed. Yes cities existed, but the issue was The basic services weren't provided for. Pointing his finger Elijah explains further. Look over at the sidewalk Bast, Moving her head towards the direction Elijah was pointing she couldn't help but remain confused. What about it? Just look at how clean the roads are bast! Moreover look how clean each person is. Back in my world around this time, The streets were filthy, Disgusting messes, Because the concept of personal hygiene never existed for the Europeans. Hence why disease and plagues were common. There was something called the black death that killed over 200 million people. Dramatically reducing the population at that time. but because of magic the roads here are spotless. Moreover the people are clean as well. In games, and novels i read. Or what you would call fiction Books. Worlds like these were always on the poor side and the individuals who got transferred to said worlds had to create elaborate methods in order to remain clean. But because of my awesome choice we hit the jack pot. I just hope they have showers inside the inn. I like baths but i cant for the life of me accept the idea of Bathing in public with multiple people. God knows how dirty those people might be before entering the bath. Oh well I'm not Asian anyway So baths were never a big part of my life. Master honestly, You use strange words that i can hardly understand. Rubbing her head. Hahaha, don't worry Bast in due time you will learn all about my prior world. Walking forward Bast and Elijah walk to the nearest Clothing store to them. With a ding after entering the building, A woman in her middle age calls out too the both of them. Excuse me sir, Unfortunately Familiar's are not allowed in the store. OH, is that so? Well you see mam I'm actually here to purchase clothing for her? Tilting her head the woman asks in confusion. Umm sir do you plan on dressing up you're familiar? Getting annoyed Bast transforms into her human form at the woman's words. aaaaaah! What the! Bast You do know you're naked right, Hurry and transform back! And as quickly as she transformed she instantly turned right back into her panther form. Mam, My name is Bast i have the ability to turn into a human shape. My master wants to purchase clothing for me, So could you please allow me to enter the shop! Saying so the Woman Froze. Did you're familiar speak? Yes, She is a divine beast mam, And because of that she has the ability to communicate with other people. Oh Is that right?, Giving up with all the strange occurrence the woman sigh's, I understand, then i will allow only this one time to let her into the store, But please in the future if you want to enter it must be in you're human form Understand? Shaking her head bast gives confirmation to the ladies demands. Walking around from the counter the woman asks, So what type of clothing would you like? Ummm, Don't ask me!, I have a budget of 10 Bronze coins, so could you please pick an outfit for her and her sister and see what you have in stock with that price. The currency in this world is pretty straight forward. 1 bronze Coin is Equal to about 1 dollar. 20 Bronze equals 1 Silver coin. Or around 20$, 5 silver coins Equals 1 Gold coin or around 100$ United states currency, Then you have Platinum coins which are 10 gold coins. Or 1000$, Typical meals could cost you around 2 to 3 bronze coins. So it's rather cheap, I see, I see, So 10 bronze coins is it. Alright Young lady please follow me, With sparkles in her eyes Bast creaking her head towards me, Master i don't know if i want to be left alone with this woman. Oh don't be shy bast, Tapping her behind Elijah forces her forward. Master you're mean, Grabbing both of bast legs the woman drags her to the changing room. For the next 10 minutes all Elijah could hear was High pitch screams, and the lud sounds of Pain echoing through the Store. After another 5 minutes what appeared was a beautiful woman wearing black dress dotted with red roses, around the circumference of the dress. Wearing knee high socks, with, Black shoes, What once was a red eyed, black fur Beast now stood a lovely woman in the prime of her life. With a tired expression, Bast was currently trying to pull down the front of her dress out of sheer embarrassment. Master, How do i look? Looking all bashful i couldn't help but get some rather Lude thoughts. As if she could tell what i was thinking bast quickly hid behind the Curtain of the changing room. Master!, I asked you how i looked, Not Do i look sexy in this outfit. Shaking his head of those thoughts, Elijah put a thumbs up, Yup i like it, You look rather beautiful bast! Honestly that's a good look on you. Right! I told her that as well, But she was saying that the dress was a little too short. But i think this brings out her natural charm. Also that Marking on her right thigh Gave me the great idea of Putting her in those Knee High socks. That way it will be harder for people to notice that she is a divine beast. Looking a bit closer Elijah understood the meaning behind the woman's words. The Socks were currently covering up the Middle part of the the bird while the dress covered up the remaining half. I see, you do make a valid point. Awesome, So bast do you want this. Fidgeting some more bast gives up after seeing her masters Pleased expression. I guess master, Though i wish i had something less revealing. Ohhh, what's the harm! Whispering in bast's ear the woman continues to speak. This way you can get closer to him, Give it a few days and I'm sure the temptation will be killing him. What! I never said i wanted him to do that! Screaming at the woman with flush cheeks Bast turns around in a defiant look and walks outside. Seeing this Elijah asks. So the total is 10 bronze coins right. Feeling satisfied by the actions the woman confirms The cost's and gives a farewell to Elijah. Walking back outside Bast was leaning on the building still feeling a bit bashful. Alright bast, Are you hungry? We can go get something to eat real quick and then Head to the inn what do you think? At the mention of food bast's mood instantly improves. Food!? Yes lets go Master! Pulling his arm, Hold up slow down bast! Around 20 minutes later, after grabbing some Sandwiches from one of the local Food carts bast and Elijah walk to the inn. Walking to the inn using the directions he previously got from the woman, Bast and Elijah walk inside. Sitting behind a desk stood a young boy probably around 12 years of age. Hello, i want to get 5 nights, Ok, If it's 5 nights then it will be 12 Bronze Coins please. Handing the money over the boy hands Elijah a room key. In the morning you can come down stairs and have breakfast. The inn provides a complementary breakfast for it's guest's. But if you want lunch or dinner you need to pay extra, Also when leaving you need to hand us the room key. So our maids can go inside and clean the room, Is that alright? Shaking his head Elijah takes the key from the young boy. With a wave the pair walk up to the 3rd floor and enter there room. Inside the room contained a spacious bed, Table, Chairs and conveniently a bathroom, With... Yes! they have a shower, But how the hell am i supposed to operate it? Inside the shower contained a nozzle at the top where the water would come out. And towards the bottom of the Shower contained a small note above 2 Blue and red crystals. Taking the note in his hand Elijah reads the contents of the instructions. The red Magical stone is for hot water, Tapping it once will create Luke warm water, Tapping the stone 2 times will Increase the heat further, And finally tapping it 3 times will increase the heat to it's highest degree, Same thing goes for the cold water as well. If you want to turn off the hot or cold water all you need to do is tap the crystal 4 times and the water will instantly stop. Wow, what a convenient tool!, I'm assuming it uses water magic, But unfortunately it doesn't explain how the process of creating such a tool is made. next to the shower was a toilet of similar structure as one you would see on modern earth, the only difference was the fact that the toilet was imbued with magic that instantly destroyed said Products released. Not sure how this magic work's either? Hmm, Tilting his head in confusion Elijah shakes his head in frustration. Well, i will be in this city for a while so I'm sure i will eventually figure it out with someone. Next to the toilet contained a sink with similar properties as the bathtub and toilet. It's just that the sink was also imbued with the strange magic of destroying the water afterword's. Walking back into the room, bast was laying on the bed with a odd expression. Seeing that Elijah left the bathroom bast sits back up and stares at Him. Master i need to explain something too you before you summon my sister. Seeing her stern expression Elijah urges her to continue. You see master my sister is well, How would you say an eccentric. Hmm what do you mean? Well, She is rather attached to me master, and im afraid that once you summon her she might attack you? Attack me why would she do that? Remember what i said after leaving the adventurers guild? How me and her have always been together, and how i was feeling concerned about us not being together. Well part of the reason was because i know her personality. She has a childish personality and is prone to anger quite easily. So I'm afraid right now she is probably going on a rampage. With a grim expression Elijah asks. Can you stop her bast if she becomes violent towards me after summoning her? Leave it to me master! i wont let her hurt you! Taking a posture Elijah begins to prepare. Tapping his wrist watch he goes through the list once again to summon a familiar. Ok! I'm ready, Are you ready bast? with confidence in her face bast looks at Elijah and nods her head. Alright then, I hope it's not as bad as she says. But what Elijah didn't know was that Bast words were far more lax then what she said about her sister. GET HER OFF ME BAST!! Holy fuck she is going to kill me! YOU MOTHER FUCKER, How dare you steal my sister away from me! I'm going to rip you apart! gnashing her teeth trying to bite Elijah pinning him on the ground stood a large White panther with blue eye's resembling the deep blue sea. Holding both of her paws in his hand, Elijah was desperately trying to push his head backwards in hopes of preventing his face from being bit off. Just you wait! The moment you're strength leaves you i will Tear you're god damn eyes out! BAST!!!! SHE REALLY MEANS it, HELP ME GOD DAMN it!! Sister stop this right now. Running up behind her, Bast puts her sister in a head lock with her arms while at the same time wrapping her legs around her. Calm down! i said calm down! Why should i calm down! this man stole you from me! This disgusting vile man was probably trying to use you're body to fulfill all his lustful desire's! Sister he would never do something like that to me, I said calm down!!! Well she does have a nice body though! Master shut up, Angered again The white panther gets enraged again! Fucking man! I will kill you. Snapping her teeth inches from his face Elijah begins to sweat a bit harder at his stupid remark. I SAID STOP!!!!!!! And with that Bast with full force lands a powerful karate chop on her sisters neck instantly knocking her out. Falling over Elijah lets out a sigh of relief! pHEW, i THOUGH I was a goner for a second. Hitting his cheek Bast screams. Why did you have to antagonize her like that? You stupid, stupid, stupid, man! I told you that she was going to act like that. Rubbing his arms, Yeah you said she would freak out but i didn't expect to that extent bast. What the hell was that? Master it's been over 5 days since we were last together, What do you expect would happen? We have been together for a very long time, I was expecting this. Saying so the two of them look at the sleeping White panther. Now what? With a troubled look, Master i will wake her up but please keep you're mouth shut. I will explain the situation to her, After a few minute the Unconscious panther begins to awaken again. Hiding behind bast Elijah peaks his head over her shoulder. Sister have you finally awaken. Where am i? Wait i remember, Where the hell is that man. Looking left and right She sees her prey cowering behind bast. Wait! Let me explain the situation. Or do you want me to keep knocking you out again. Saying so the white panther lowers her hostility a bit while at the same time staring at the man. After seeing her sister calm down bast begins to explain the series of events until this point. After a few minutes the white panther lets out a sigh. I understand the situation, But let me tell you this, Just because you have summoned me into this world doesn't mean you are my master. The only person i need in my life is my sister! Saying so the white panther emits a blinding light, After a second what appeared was a young lady perfectly resembling bast. The key difference was that she had pure white hair that was cut short just above her ears. With a chest smaller by comparison to her sister, her body also was a bit thinner. Throwing herself in bast's arms the Young girl begins to cry. Sister, sister, I missed you! I'm so glad to be with you again! Please don't do that to me again! I was going insane trying to figure out what happened to you! Patting the crying girls head Bast tries to console her crying sister. Grabbing the clothes they bought bast leads her sister into the bath room. After a few minutes the 2 exit the bathroom, Bast sister was wearing a a white dress with blue Flowers surrounding the circumference of the dress, With white knee socks and blue shoe's. Elijah was stunned by there beauty. Damn man, Besides her crazy obsessions' with her sister, she looks rather good in that outfit. What the hell are you staring at? Don't look at me with those perverted eyes of yours! with a disgusted gaze the 2 sit on the bed right next to one another. Master i explained the situation to her, for now she said she will allow you to name her. SAYING so bast sister tilts her head. Don't think that because I'm allowing you to name me that i will suddenly start calling you master or anything. You are still a disgusting being not fit to even be next to me or my lovely sister. Sighing Elijah begins to ponder on the name. So Name, What should i name her? I gave bast a panther goddess name from Egyptian mythology but maybe i should give her one that's close to another goddess of a prior religion. Pondering for a second Elijah opens his mouth . How about Lyssa? Lyssa? What the hell does that mean. It's one of the goddess from my prior world representing Beauty and love. Lyssa Huh? Whatever i will allow it. Ha, She will never know that goddess was actually named for the spirit of mad rage, frenzy, and rabies in animals by the Athenians. But i will allow her to believe my story for the time being thanks to her crazy ass Attitude. After agreeing a light around Lyssas neck was made, there by a blue collar with her name was Placed on it. What the hell is this? Grabbing the collar Lyssa desperately tries to remove it. Rolling around pulling, And clawing at the new collar lyssa tried with all her might to remove said collar. Damn it! To think this man would put a fucking collar on me like I'm some Animal! Sister stop! it's apart of the tamer's skill. he has nothing to do with it. With a sigh bast looks at her sister with eyes seemingly given up on her crazy sister. For now lets get some sleep! Tomorrow we have a big day. Saying so Elijah heads towards the bed. Wait what do you think you're doing? ahh? What do you mean i was going to get into bed? Do you honestly think i would allow you to sleep with me and my precious sister? Just so you can try something in our dreams? What the hell is this girl saying, getting tired of this bitches attitude Elijah screams, Yes you're pretty but don't think I'm some perverted bastard that will have his way with a woman. First off Lyssa i understand you're feeling but don't you dare try and say i would take advantage of you or bast. With angered voice Lyssa reflectively moves backwards. I'm not some god damn demon who would take advantage of a woman to serve my own pleasures. Don't you ever say something like that too me again to you understand? I don't give a damn if you're a woman or not. I will not allow for you to degrade myself to a bastard like that? We have both had a long day, If you are so afraid of me doing something i will sleep in the tub for the night. Saying so Elijah grabs one of the pillows and extra blanket and heads to the bathroom. Slamming the door shut the 2 girls look at each other in astonishment. After a second lyssa asks Has he ever acted like that before? Shaking her head no. I have never seen him get upset like that before. I wonder if something happened in his past. For now let's get some sleep. Please try and apologize in the morning sister. He really is a kind man, He may have some weirder sides. But he has truly treated me well over the past 5 days we have been together. And im sure in time you will understand what i mean. Saying so bast gets inside the blankets. Staring at the door Lyssa had a strange expression on her face. Alright, i understand i will apologize tomorrow. Crawling into bed with her sister the 2 begin to drift off into sleep. Inside the bathroom Elijah was thinking to himself. Maybe i went overboard a little with how i spoke to her. But still i cant allow her to call me something like that especially with what happened in my child hood. Shaking his head of those thought Elijah as well got inside the bathtub and fell asleep. end of chapter 8. Decided to write this today. Lol Not sure why, but here you go lol. Love you all anime light novels.

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