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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

"Is that... is that you Jon Snow? Or are you a wight?" Ser Davos uneasily mutters, He approaches looking quite shocked by my appearance. Both he and Melisandre look like a fusion of both their show and book counterparts, which drives me to think that I will probably see the same with other characters.

"Well, A man I knew used to say 'You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off'. So What do you think?" Grinning, I replay. That seemed to calm them down as they all approach. Ser Davos gives me his cloak, I use it to cover my lower body, I have stood long enough in a baby's suit.

And from the looks of it, Either Jon Snow had a big member and everyone loved to joke about it or It just got bigger when I entered this body, from the looks of the people who saw me before when I was still a corpse, it seems to be the latter.

"... What do you remember? And why do you look like that?" Asked Ser Davos once I finished covering myself.

" I remember being stabbed... They stabbed me, My brothers stabbed me, Olly put a knife in my heart and twisted it. I... I shouldn't be here." I frown, due to both the memory of the event and his second question. "And what do you mean 'Why do you look like that?'? You speak as if I look like a White Walker?" I laugh, only to notice that none of them laugh with me. Wait, What does that mean? Do I now look like a White Walker?

"What matters is that you are back now. Despite how completely fucking mad it seems to me, I can only imagine what it seems to you." Sir Davos began.

"I was done with this bullshit! Who said I wanted to come back to the world of the living, I was very comfortable being dead, Thank you very much." I snap. pausing to sigh at my predicament "I tried to wipe the shit, okay? I tried to do my duty and save people, I did what I thought was right, and I got murdered for it. Why continue? Why do I have to fight again? Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe we will never know. But it doesn't matter, You go on, You fight for as long as you can, And you wipe as much of the shit as you can." "But I failed...--" I try but he interrupts. "Good, Now go fail again."

Maybe, He is right. I planned to take a ship to the Summer Islands and enjoy the rest of my life after I kill the Night King. If Arya can do it in an ambush with a knife, Then I can do it with my powers and Longclaw. And if I failed? Then Arya can still do it, especially when I buy the services of a few faceless men and women to aid her. I have a few ideas about where to get the gold. I ponder, only to look at my fingernails finding them black. Wait, What?

I don't have time to ask them about my appearance, However before Melisandre rushes at me with quite the fervent look in her eyes. "After they stabbed you... Where did you go? What did you see? When the Lord brought you back, what did you see?" She asks, Looking for anything to reaffirm her faith in R'hollr.

Keeping the peaceful grin on my face I answer. "... I saw a lot of things. I saw The Night King being turned into what he is now, and now know how to beat him. I saw the south and everything that happened to my family, and I learned what to do to help what remains of them. I saw the suffering of so many people in so many worlds and began to appreciate my life and even my death more for how good they were compared to others..."

I hold her neck and raise her body, looking into her eyes, so close that our noses might even touch, with a snarl, I continue "But I never saw a hint of R'hollr bar the flame that swallowed me and brought me here. He might exist, He might not. with the cosmic horrors present in this world and beyond, anything is possible. But I am sure of one thing, You should have not brought me back, God Damnit! You should've left me in peace!" Tossing her to the ground, I spit on the ground beside her.

"I saw you too, you know, I saw tidbits of your life. Of how you were a slave brought from Asshai during the days of the Valyrian empire, How when the Doom happened you were sold to the faith of R'hollr. I was surprised to find out that you were 400 years old, For a moment there I almost started believing in R'hollr." She smiles as if she had won a prize, only for me to break her from her delusions.

"But You know full well that all these 'miracles' that you perform are possible even without praying to the Lord of Light. You know that because you saw even more powerful sorceries in Asshai! You know that because if they were true miracles, They wouldn't be affected by either the vanishing or the return of magic! You know that because if they were true miracles, You wouldn't be getting power from burning people alive!"

"That was all for the greater good! To prepare for the battle against the Great Other!"

"Bullshit! Anyone who says 'It was for the greater good!' knows it's only for the greater good of themselves! I saw you warp and corrupt a man like Stannis Baratheon, turn him from a just and great king that actually gave a fuck about his people and wasn't trying to sit on the Iron Throne for the sake of power into a curr no different than a gambler that had no qualms about burning his own daughter so that he fulfills your stupid prophecy and not become a page in someone else's history book!"

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