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Chapter 18: Chapter 16

Dan's face fell when he saw the back of a man smoking in front of his apartment building. Gone were the fluttering feelings he used to have whenever he saw his back like this. Now there's this heavy feeling in his heart. A mixture of pain, regret, anxiety and longing.

"Babe!" Eric called out when he saw Dan walking towards him. He threw the cigarette on the floor and squashed it off with his shoes.

Dan allowed the Alpha to snake his arms around his waist and let him kiss him on the lips. The kiss and the feel of Eric's touch no longer give him butterflies. It was more of an obligation nowadays.

"Eric, we're outside." Dan said while praying for his boyfriend's arms from his waist and gently pushed him, putting some distance between them.

"I don't give a damn where we are. You are mine!" Eric bellowed, pulling Dan back in his arms, trying to kiss the Omega forcibly.

"Eric, stop!" Dan pleaded. Pushing the Alpha with all his might but he's no match for him. He put his hands in his mouth to keep Eric from kissing him. Anger built up inside him, he took a deep breath and slapped the Alpha as hard as he could.

"Is this how you treat me huh? After I gave everything up for you?" Eric angrily grabbed Dan's arms, earning a whimper of pain from the Omega.

Tears welled up in Dan's eyes. He doesn't know how many times they had this conversation. Sometimes he would ask himself what is so good about choosing to be together when they are always like this. Eric would hurt him if he will not do what he asked and will always remind him what he lost to be with him.

They met in senior high. He was just one of the Omegas who are ignored and ridiculed at school. Eric was a straight A student, rich and famous. Everything an Alpha should be. They were poles apart, no one ever thought they would end up with each other.

Back then, he thought it was fate. Eric saved him from falling down the stairs when someone tried to trip him. He felt the butterflies in his stomach as he stared into the popular Alpha's eyes. What follows after that are numerous sweet and romantic gestures from Eric in trying to win Dan's heart.

He has rejected him multiple times as he couldn't believe that an Alpha like him would be interested in an Omega like him. After all, even his own father abandoned him when he got the result of his second gender. His father sent him off to his maternal grandparents and washed off his hands of any responsibility. He never felt the warmth of a mother's love since his mother died giving birth to him. Lacking in both his parent's love gave him a low self esteem, thus rejecting the love Eric is offering him.

But Eric was adamant and pursued him seriously, proving to Dan just how much he really loved him. Eventually thawing the reluctance in heart. He had never felt so happy and so loved. He thought that he finally found the happiness and warmth he has always been longing for. He now has hope in having the loving family that he never had.

Things changed when Eric's family learned about their relationship. Blinded by the happiness he felt all throughout the years they have been together, Dan greeted the Alpha's family expecting a warm reception, welcoming him into their family. Instead he was ridiculed and insulted. His self worth hit its lowest point.

When he thought that Eric would abandon him, he proved to him again just how much he loved him. He fought with his family and chose to be with him despite the threat of his family disowning him.

Things are okay at first. Eric was very enthusiastic and full of faith in planning their future. Eventually the proud Alpha realized just how hard life is, specially to someone like him he grew up not working his ass off. His gentleness soon fades. He started to demand things from Dan. Dan had to take part time jobs in order to support Eric's whims. Eric would always remind Dan about what he gave up for him and he should take responsibility. He said he already showed how much he loves the Omega and it's now his turn to prove his.

"Is it not enough?" Dan asked, crying.

"Don't cry! Please baby! Don't cry. I love you. So help me just this once okay?" Eric said, trying to pacify the crying Omega. The sudden change in him bothered Dan.

Dan wiped his tears and stared at his boyfriend. Eric's eyes are bloodshot red, his hands are trembling. He was angry just a moment ago and now he's trying to calm him, or more like he's calming himself. He's very agitated.

"Eric, are you high?" Dan asked accusingly. He hopes his assumptions are wrong but the Alpha's appearance in front of him is scaring him.

"What? No I'm not. Don't be silly." Eric said while smiling. "You see babe, I owe people some money."

"I had enough of this Eric. Let's just go back to your family okay? We asked for their forgiveness and just proved to them how much we love each other. Okay? Hmm?" Dan said, trying to coax the agitated Alpha. Eric needs help and he cannot give it to him.

"No!" Eric bellowed angrily. Then his voice changed and became soft and tender. "Just this once okay? This would be the last time I swear. Oh they're here." Eric said, looking behind Dan.

Dan couldn't understand what he meant, until he turned around and saw three gangster looking men. Fear kicks in his mind. He looked into Eric's eyes hoping what he's thinking was wrong, but the Alpha ignored him and happily talked to the three men.

"Eric. No! Please don't do this." Dan pleaded as one of the three men started to drag him into the waiting car behind them.

"Not bad Eric. Not bad. This Omega would definitely rake in a lot of customers."

"Help! Please! Help me!" Dan screamed but the man just pressed his palm in his mouth to gag him.


Martin got out of the car and double checked the address and the photo of the person he is looking for. Dan Stevens; twenty-one years old; Omega; Business Management student at R University; part time worker at X Bar until recently.

The last and final Omega he interviewed told him that there was another Omega who's not on the list he got from the bar Manager. He said one Omega left the group chat a few days ago and might be the one he was looking for.

"Why are you looking for this Omega? If I may ask." Leo, the Omega asked Martin suspiciously.

It took a moment for Martin to answer. As an Alpha, one would think he had no obligation to answer, but as his way of thinking is not bound by gender, contemplated first if he should tell the Omega the reason or not. His gut is telling him that this would probably happen, that this would yield a positive result.

"My boss bonded with that Omega." He responded, earning an "ohhh" from Leo.

Leo nodded understandingly, he fished out his phone and searched for a while. "Here, this is Dan Stevens. He filled in for me one time, he barely talked to anyone at the bar, which is probably why no one remembered him." He explained while showing Martin a photo of Dan from his facebook account. Though they never talked in person, he had a few classes with him, though he's not sure if the other Omega is aware or not.

Martin stared at the photo Leo is showing him. He's not the man he bumped into at the bar the morning he came to pick up Keith, though he's not sure if that man is his boss' mate or perhaps it is this Dan Steven. After all, he's never seen an Omega this beautiful. A part of him is hoping that he is not Keith's Omega and another part of him is saying that this is not a false lead like the others.

"Is there anything else you would like to know? I guess I can ask a few of our classmates." Leo offered, bringing back Martin out of his reverie.

Martin declined. The name and the photo is more than enough. His data source (hacker) colleague can work with this much information.

So now he's here walking through a row of apartment buildings near R University, searching for Dan Stevens address.

He was a few meters away from the apartment building he was looking for when he saw three burly men forcing a bonny lass to get inside the parked car while another man was just looking at them and not doing anything.

Martin's trained eye made him realize that the man they are forcing or most likely kidnapping is none other than Dan Stevens, the Omega he's looking for.

In an instant, Martin was already in front of them just as they managed to throw half of Dan's body inside the car. "I believe kidnapping is against the law." Martin said nonchalantly, interrupting them from pushing Dan inside the vehicle.

"This is none of your business so just go and scram." Said by the man who has the biggest built out of the three. The on looker guy is also telling him to not meddle with what's going on.

Dan saw that a man came to help him. He bit the palm of the man holding him and screamed for the man to help him.

"So I guess that confirms this is not consensual." Martin said a matter of factly.

The man who spoke to Martin earlier motioned for the other guy to deal with Martin. He lunged himself to throw a punch at Martin but the Alpha was too fast for him and already approached his thrusting fist and pinned it to the man's back before kicking him.

"Stop! Who are you? Just go away. Dan needs to go with them." Eric said, scared that his debt to the gang will not be paid if Dan will not pay them with his body.

Martin ignored the scrawny Alpha. He approached the big guy and swiftly threw a punch which the other man dodge narrowly by a hair. He can see the confused look from the man, but when he probably realized that he's bigger than Martin and could easily overpower him, the big man smirked and made a fighting stance.

Martin smiled menacingly. This man might be big but he's no match to the combat trained Alpha. He has faced far more dangerous opponents than this burly man. In an instant the burly man was on the ground, confused at what just happened.

The third man holding Dan scaringly let go of the Omega, throwing him to Martin's direction before running to the driver seat to make his escape. The other two limping followed. "You! You better think of another way to settle your debt." The big guy angrily said pointing at Eric who was scared out of his wits.

"This is your fault. What should I do now? They would kill me." Eric screams, pacing back and forth, biting his fingernails. "Come, I'll send you off to them." He said frantically as he reached for Dan's arms to drag him, but Martin pulled Dan behind him. "Move! This is between him and me."

"Eric, just go. Please. I'm done. We're done. Go back to your family." Dan said crying, clutching to Martin's back. There's no point to them being together. He could not believe Eric would resort to selling him off.

"No. We're not over." Eric said, trying to reach for Dan again but Martin's imposing presence scares him. He reluctantly leaves while mumbling to himself that Dan loves him, they would be together forever and that Dan will agree to settle his debt for him later.

Dan's knees gave out as soon as Eric left. Martin was quick enough to catch him. He carried him to the nearby bench to help him calm down.

After a few moments and after crying out the horror of what just happened, Dan finally calmed down. "Thank you so much for helping me." Dan uttered as he accepted the bottle of water his savior handed him which he bought from the nearby vending machine. He feels so ashamed that a stranger witnessed the moment of his boyfriend selling him off to pay his debts. Somehow, he doesn't want this man to think lowly of him.

"Ahmm.. it's nothing. I just happened to be there at the right moment. Well ahmm.. actually I was looking for you." Martin said, scratching the back of his head. He could not meet Dan's eyes, he's still not sure if the Omega is Keith's mate, but the way he thanked him a while ago while biting his lower lips is not helping him to keep his rationality in check. He's fighting the urge to claim that luscious lips and ravish it to his heart's content.

"Why are you looking for me?" Dan asked, confused. He swears to God he hasn't met this man coz if he did he would never forget him. His imposing demeanor, his sculpted body and his swift movement from earlier while fending off the guys who tried to take him, makes him look so... sexy.. Whoa! Dan Stevens! You just broke up with your long time boyfriend! He said castigating himself from his thoughts.

"I was looking for someone and my search led me to you."

Dan's heart beat faster and for the second time today he hoped that his hunch was wrong. Please God, please let me be wrong.

Please don't let him be Alex's mate.

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