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Chapter 3: 3 Not the wonder years

I was allowed to explore within sight of the community. If our sentries couldn't see me I was too far.

I was tracking a rabbit as the sun was rising. Following the rabbit up a ridge. My arm ready to shoot the rabbit. Suddenly the rabbit takes off in my direction, Suprised I accidentally let loose the arrow right through the eye of the Raider coming over the ridge. clinching his hand his finger fires the rifle as I run to the compound.

Alarms go off the compound, gates shut.

luckily I made a Doggie Door to get a jump on morning hunting. Now rushing to the wall amid shooting.

Luckily these idiots are also bad shots.

I am 10 years old with 40 years experience but not an adults body.

after slipping through the door I pulled a lever dropping a 55 gallon drum in place and tipping over another drum filling the first with rocks and and from a 3rd drum filling it sand.

after making sure drum is full and secured with around 1 ton of weight.

Yeah i wasn't special forces but I got picked to play terrorist for the forces to jack up a few times.

I had so much fun playing terrorist that I was called several times to learn how to keep from being caught.

someone on their hands and knees will not be able to move the drum.

now that surprise was lost our sentries and others hunkered behind the walls in sniper positions trying to take out their snipers.

Mothers are are gathering us kids to hide in the shelter. Yeah mom made sure I was in the shelter before she closed the door.

All of us kids sleep on a huge be together as stress wears us down. We wake to our parents opening the door to get us.

After the raid in which only 2 people died. The adults cleaned up the mess and most of the blood and had the raiders bodies burning in a pit.

I'm 10+ 30 years old and in 10 years I've never forgotten or gotten used to that smell.

Several of these raids per year a few good people die from the lawlessness.

13th birthday and dad gives me a gun.

a nice single shot rifle with a scope.

Dad made me strip and reassemble that rifle until I could do it in my sleep. Got a gun fanatic skill.

The gun is a bit beat up but sound.

A few months later I'm outside again hunting.

I'll take as many rabbits and squirrels as I can just so I don't have to eat goat.

Not allowed to shoot deer because then I have to chase them down and takes me out of sight of the sentries. I was given small time slots in the wall as sentries took breaks, lunch etc. now that I'm older and have a rifle and I am actually better at 14 than most adults I also developed a search skill, only about 100ft but it helps.

It's not just people and animals but also herbs and wild vegetables, fruits and such.

At 15 during a winter raid I found out what It felt like to be cuddled ny older girls during a long raid cleanup, nice warm and plushy. I've gotten kisses from 2 girls when no one else was looking.

and a few rendezvous of kisses on my way out hunting when no one else was up yet.

now I'm too old to go into shelter now so I have to take up my responsibility on the wall.

other settlers learned not to take advantage of any of the girls especially when I'm armed.

a few traders have been in compound whem raids have hit and I accidentally misfired and kneecaped a few trying to assault my sis and 2 other girls.Yeah they we're kicked out after compensation.

and never allowed inside again even during raids.

At 16 I was allowed to hunt as I wished.

I learned stealth and camouflage.

If you're the only Bush for miles you're not camouflaged.

If you're hiding in a bush and a hungry animal pisses on you and walks off your probably camouflaged.

Depending on the season I have several different colored Ponchos to wear as needed in order to hunt whether it's animals or raiders.

I always bring my bow and knife as well as a rifle and a hand gun.

I rarely come back empty handed.

most raiders know not to mess with us.

It's the stupid or desperate ones that I have to keep an eye on.

And I do.

I also signal the compound when I see traders. After checking them out I lead them to the compound.

I noticed a group of raiders following behind a trade caravan and sniped them out.

most adults have stats around 20 with a level around 10 with skill levels around 5

Name: Gene

age 16

level 20

st 18

ag 20

int 25

wi 17

con 20

cha 22


Fast Learner, Charming, Gun Smith, Search, Appraisal, Crafting, Fletcher, Stealth, Trapper,


Swords, 8

Dagger, 8

Archery, 9

Rifles, 8

Hand guns, 6

Returning later I noticed a glow in the distance of the compound. I run as quickly as is safe in the evening.

I find the traveling trading band burning and pillaging my home. I arrive with the evening sun at back as I started to kill traders from long distance with my bow then as I'm finally discovered I use my rifle.

By the time I entered the compound through on of my secret exits I've taken down the raiders from 20 to 8.

now the closest combat begins. a few quick arrow shots keeps 2 from leaving and 2 down. I'm not one to miss often.

I know my terrain and have better knowledge of hiding than they do. I dropped my pack outside the compound as I grabbed my grey poncho.

blending into the evening shadows I use my bow to snipe silently 2 more 4 left.

I keep myself between the raiders (traders).and the gate as much as possible.

someone made the last mistake of his life trying to hold a child hostage.

Yeah 3 raiders left.

The shelter Oh Crap.

Circling the shelter and listen to sounds and search till I find the last 3.

All 3 inside the first section of the shelter.

The second section is sealed where my sister and 2 other girls are.

I find 2 bottles of alcohol and make molotov cocktails lighting them and throwing them inside. Soon 3 raiders come out guns blazing, behind a barricade I'm hiding and take out all three.

Searching through the wreckage and the caravan stuff. weapons, food, arms and armor.

after the 5 (4 girls, one I had saved earlier and the 3 from the shelter) of us finally get things cleaned up and repaired we have a sit down and decide what to do with just the 5 of us survivors.

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