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Chapter 25: Miss Me?

<Deku has come online>


That was way too obvious.

<WhiteFox has come online>


So that was you.


No duh

I understand you need to make money but at least change your appearance!




Aren't you like really rich anyways?





nevermind. just nevermind.

Anyways come to the back of the bakery tomorrow at 2, the league wants to talk.




In costume





no offense but you're boring to text.


We're sorry.


it's ok just saying.

See you tomorrow.

<Deku has gone offline>


"Who the hell are they?" growled Shigaraki, referring to Fox.

"They are the Quirkless Rejects newest members," replied Deku. "Why? You got a problem?"

The two stared at each other in silence for a long while.

"Tsk, Kurogiri tell them the plan." Deku smirked under his mask.

"Certainly," said the mist man behind the counter. Deku pulled down his mask and sipped on a margarita as he listened. Grimlin had warned his not to drink but Deku ignored him, like always. Izuku didn't like that.

"Tomorrow we will cause a distraction and use it to warp in and get a class schedule. We will tell you guys when and where we will inflitrate but we expect it to be within the next week after retrieving the schedule."

Deku nodded. "Mind if I ask a favor?"

"What is it?"

"If you find the class with a kid named Katsuki Bakugou, choose that one."

"Why should we?" hissed Shigaraki.

"I have personal vendetta against him."

"I don't see why not," said Kurogiri. "Coolio."

The group was warped back to the back of the bakery soon after. "Okay," started Deku, "stay on standby. They'll contact us soon so we need to be ready to leave at the drop of a pin, ok?"

The all nodded. "Back to work then!"


"Reporters broke in." stated Aizawa.

Mikumo and the hero sat at a table in the Soft Blossom Bakery.

"What? How?"

"I don't know but it's got me on edge. Reporters shouldn't be capable of that."

Mikumo nodded in understanding. "Well, besides that, do you like your class?"

Aizawa hummed. "Mostly. I expelled one kid already, he was a major pervert. We have a mute kid, actually two. One is really strong, the other has potential. Oh and your girlfriend is there." He smirked as Mikumo blushed.

"O- oh that's good!"

"Yeah, she got the best ball throw score of infinity." Mikumo laughed. "That sounds about right!"

"Mikumo! Back to work!"

He sighed and stood up, Aizawa did the same. "Don't worry, Aizawa, I'm sure nothing will happen. UA is, like, the most protected place in Japan."

Aizawa smirked and ruffled the kids hair. "Yeah, you're right. Have fun at work Mikumo."

"You too," Mikumo said with a wink. He chuckled as Aizawa groaned and left. Mikumo went into the kitchen and put his cap back on, eyes dark.

Nothing will happen, eh?

"Shut up, Deku."


"Everyone get in here!" yelled Izuku. The other five in the apartment came around Izuku.

"What's up, Deku?" asked Anima.

He turned to them. "Tomorrow. Tomorrow we are infiltrating UA." A tense silence filled the room.

Izuku broke it first. "Tomorrow at 11:30 we will be warped to the underground bunker where the league and the criminals they have collected will be. At 12:05 we will warp into the Unforseen Simulation Joint when the class has gathered there.

I'll contact Fox. For the rest of tonight, spend time on your own to physically and mentally prepare yourself for this."

They all nod and leave to their own devices. Izuku turned back to the computer.

<Deku has come online>


Get on. Now.




<WhiteFox has come online>


Did we do something wrong?



We are attacking UA tomorrow.

Meet at the back of the bakery tomorrow at 11:30 in costume. Wear something over it of course.


Of course.


Don't be late.

<Deku has gone offline>


Izuku sat in the bathroom, back against the tub, petting Honey mindlessly trying to calm himself. He was so conflicted.

There was a fifty-fifty chance of getting Aizawa's and Uraraka's class. A 100 percent chance of Kacchan's. A 25% chance of them all three in the same class.

He was nervous but also so excited to finally beat Kacchan with his own fists.

He took a deep breath, trying not to hyperventilate. Honey was the only thing keeping him tethered at the moment.


The Quirkless Rejects stood with the League of Villains and their large group in full costumes. 12:04 hit.

"You guys ready?" Deku turned to his group. They all have sharp nods. He smirked. 12:05, the warp opened and people began to disappear into it.

The Quirkless Rejects entered last.

"Let's go then."


"Get back! Those are villains!" Shouta turned to No. 13. "Get them out now!" Without waiting for an answer he dashed into the fray of villains. as he was battling, Shouta saw what seemed to be the main group, the leaders.

Then he saw the Quirkless Rejects further apart. They were waiting for something... something...

"Ah!" Shouta turned around quickly to see his class get swallowed by a purple mist. He looked to see the Quirkless Rejects get swallowed as well.

Deku. Deku was staring straight at him.

Shouta wanted nothing more than to run in after them but he was too wrapped up.

Dang it!


Ochako watched in horror as No. 13, her favorite hero, had his back turned to dust.

Why... why is this happening!?

Suddenly the purple mist from before began to fog over them. Many screamed, Ochako among those who did.

She heard "RUN IIDA!" before darkness overcame her.


I had him! thought Katsuki. I had him!

If only he had been a second quicker. The dang mist man's mist spread around Katsuki's class. He heard many of them scream before he was dropped in the middle of the ruins zone.

He was in a falling apart apartment complex alone. Or, at least, he thought he was.

"Kacchaaaaan..." cooed a voice. Katsuki's heart stopped.


An all too familiar voice.

Please no...

The blonde turned around to see the one person he severely wished he didn't see. Deku.

Izuku Midoriya, in his new get-up, was walking towards him from behind a crumbling wall.

"Miss me, Kacchan?"

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