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92.3% Psycho Wish

Chapter 12: Death is Just the Beginning

Things are moving faster than I can even imagine. Hades and I were just having a good time and suddenly the doc is dead. He looks unbothered but I know how he feels. He made a castle out of cards and the king of spades had just fallen, he is thinking about how to keep himself, the ace of spade unharmed. He is at the top, which makes his position crumble right now. We are the kinds that mark our territory with fear and torture, the moment it's gone , the moment someone inflicts fear on us , we are left with nothing . He knows that well. His territory is threatened today and I can't comprehend how dark his eyes look...they are deep enough to eat anyone alive. He freshened up and came back.

"Are you ready?"


I had put on my clothes. He called someone.

"We go out now."

He had put on formals , a black suit. Damn he looks good. I went with him. As I went down, I saw the murder scene was impeccably clean and his men were waiting. Right now, the man that was just lying with me making unnecessary jokes, looked distant, cold and so ready to murder. I liked him for that . There was a car waiting for us. We went in.

" to the warehouse."

I looked at him, " warehouse?"

" we are wanted , if they find his dead body, It's gonna be a problem. We normally hold funerals in the warehouse."


"Our family."

"Do you really care?"

" yes , all I want is our family to remain unharmed."

"Do you honestly think that anyone in this little family of yours gives a shit?"

" you got me wrong.."

"How so?" I looked at him ...he was looking outside.

" the bond we share is not emotional. It's instinctive."

"I don't understand."

" you are too young to understand. "

"Why so?"

"Why do you think I had sex with you?"

"Cause you like my appearance and I like yours.."

"You know , there's more to it than just that."

I looked down. I can't lie to him. He knows too much.

"You are like me, Autumn."

"I know."

"I guess you know that we look for something on the way ...we may have this weird hobby but through it , we look for our freedom, don't you think?"

" I have always looked at it like a hobby but after two kills , I feel like I can't live without it."

"That's normal."

Then an awkward silence fell upon us. We reached the warehouse. It was situated in one of the most obscure places of the city. We entered. Inside the warehouse , there was an opening. I saw many small graves situated to close proximity , and a ray of sunlight fell on them. It was a rundown warehouse, an antique one . I felt goosebumps. This was hauntingly beautiful.

"In we go."

"Did you bury her here?"

"You are talking about Maria?"


"She was family too, why did compromise her?"

He looked at me for a moment.

"I decide my perfect family. I was tired of her . I wanted her to prove herself to be worthy. So I gave her this little task of killing a noob in which she pathetically failed." He touched my cheeks.

"You on the other hand exceeded my expectations. So I welcomed you."

"So you will kill me after becoming tired of playing with me?"

He held my hand and looked at the needle pricked wound. He pressed on it.

"You are different."

I winced in pain. Then he resumed walking with my hand in his. We reached in an inner room. There I saw a about ten people or so standing in front of a coffin.

"Was his body retrieved?"

"No . We only found his torso and his head , decapitated." One of the guys said.

"I see."

None of them were crying. They weren't sad but they were enraged. I could tell them.

"We should kill those motherfuckers....let's make it a slaughterhouse."

"Shut up, Yan." Hades coolly said to a boy of my age.

"Why? I didn't sign up so that some bitch kills my doctor . "Said a girl.

"Be patient. Remember we are always on thin ice."

" Damn it ." A guy kicked the wall . He looked pretty angry.

". Where the fuck were you when this happened? Fucking this chick? And what are we gonna do now if one of us gets injured? Answer me Hades..."

Hades sighed .

"Well yeah. I was fucking this chick and she replaced Maria. So be very careful of her. She can potentially kill you. "

"She one of us now?" A guy sitting on a chair asked.


"I see." Said another girl leaning against a wall.

"What is the plan now Hades?" The leaning girl asked . She looked maturer and lethal.

"We attack."

"Now we are talking."said the guy from earlier.

" you won't be doing anything."


Hades smiled.

"They are gonna be the ones to be sabotaged this time."

"How? And who gets to kill?"


"Are you crazy?" Asked one of the guys.

"We are all crazies."

He called someone with a smile in his face, as if he was proud of this Arson person. I went to the leaning girl and asked her about Arson

"You don't know? He is one of the elites."

I looked at her with curiosity.

She smiled.

"Hades has four elites . One was doc himself another is me, and Arson is one. Not much is known about him."

" And the fourth one?"

"We don't know who he or she is.."

"I see. Are they strong?"

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"You took over Maria right?"


"We are hundred times stronger than her. We have the highest kill records."

"I see. What's your name?"

" Azreal."

"I'm Autumn. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." She shook my hand and stood up.

"Hades ,do you need me in this?"

"Not really. Resume your mission. You didn't have to come in the first place."

" what are you saying. Doc and I were friends with benefits remember?"

" I don't know how you did it with him...He was too stiff." Hades laughed.

"Despite his outer self he did have charisma on bed...I'll give him that...okay then bye kittens."

"Who are you calling a kitten?"asked one of the guys.

"The ones who are not elites of course." She tilted her head and smirked . She started walking away. She patted my shoulders.

"You have the eyes. I heard about your last kill. Good luck." She left. She then went to Hades,"I know what you are thinking but Arson is a gamble."

"Don't worry. I have everything in place."

She smiled,"as expected. Bye. "

She left. The body was buried after this.

"Those hawks are gonna pay."

"Yes . That is quite certain." Said Hades as the others buried him in front of him.

His eyes , it looked like he was contemplating . I haven't seen him like that .

"Let's go to the cellars. Yan get the keys."

"What are the cellars?"

"It's where we keep prisoners."

"Your own torture cells?" My eyes lit up.

He smiled at my reaction and patted my head.


"This place just keeps getting better."

Yan came back and handed over the keys to Hades.

"Go back to your tasks. I'll contact you when I need to . We will avenge him ."

He started walking dragging me along.

" so you are going to have fun with her in the cellar now?" He smirked. Before he could turn away , a gunshot was heard. It smashed the grave beside him. It was close too close to his face. Then a thud was heard. Hades had cornered him against a wall putting his gun under his face," I see daddy's got a rebel son now." He smirked. His eyes were not humane. Yan had this scared expression and honestly I don't wanna be in his situation.

"I raised you. Don't make me feel tired of you , punk. Next time the bullet will hit the bullseye." He tapped his gun against his head . His sadism was from another world . Right then I realised, I had taken support on a very thin layer of ice that can break anytime but I liked it. He still held it against him.

"Come on , tell me punk . What's on your mind?"

"Is she your new project?"

"She is but she is more than that."

"You broke Maria."

"The thing is Maria was already broken. She died to protect you. You see that is weakness. That felt pathetic. As a family head I can't let that weakness infect the others right."

I saw him trembling. Yan was trembling out of fear.

"If you loved her than you should had been the one to kill her. That's the rule of love for people like us. I think already told you that."

Yan looked at me , he laughed out .

" this bitch killed her right? "He leapt at me .

I was ready with my dagger but it wasn't needed. Hades shot his hand , he screamed in pain.

" you see, my dear Yan . One thing I hate the most is insubordination of my family members." He came close and sat on the ground ," should I send you to the cell again?"

"No, please no."

"Why not? You liked it there."

"No anything but that Hades."

"Then ..."

He put the gun against his head.

"I'm really bored Yan."

I saw Yan's panic stricken face and I heard a gunshot.

Hades sighed as he looked at the blood bespattered all over the adjacent demolished grave and on himself.

"Clean this up. Bury him here. Dig another grave."

He looked so raw right now. He motioned me to follow him. The others were so unfazed . They followed his orders . I followed him.

"You are a very loving daddy." I said sarcastically.

He smiled back.

He opened a basement. There were stairs. We went down.

" I am a loving daddy to those who obey me..and those who bore me ....I don't like to keep them alive."

"They seem to follow you blindly."

"Cause I protect them, as long as they don't bore me."

He tilted his head when we reached a door.

"Do you like to play the head ? Another kink?"

"Maybe." He opened the door . He looked lonely at this moment.

We went in . What I saw , made me realise , he was best in the business , it was heaven . The smell of pain, blood and flesh was prominent. There were cells , small ones . From each of them came agonising screams or cries.

"Welcome to the my panic room." Said Hades.

"Very funny." I said.

He smiled," this is where we have fun with others."

"I can see that." My eyes lit up again. The smell of agony and pain was so prominent. We started walking. It was dimly lit. The smell was foul. People behind bars, held in shackles. All of them crawled up to themselves as they saw Hades.

"You see the right one is Apple, the left one is gorilla ", he went on telling me about them, their names as he waved at them with a smile on his face. Those creatures inside were so scared of him. It was amusing. They screamed at his sight .

"I'm not in the mood today . So I can't play. Sorry ." He told them as he passed them. I wanted to do it . I wanted to see how he tortured. I wanted to torture them. I held on to his suit.


"What did you do to them?"

"Nothing much."

"I wanna do it to them too. Show me."

He turned with his baddie smirk.

"Patience. Autumn. You terribly need it. And if you think this cute act is gonna work then you're wrong."

I let his suit go and went back to my normal resting bitch face and sighed.

"That's more I like it. Now follow me."

We went as we enjoyed the faces.

"Are they all gonna die?"

"Who knows? Depends on their contract I received."

"But they have seen your face."

" well we cut off both the hands and their tongue and their eyes even if they are asked to be freed."

"Makes sense." I felt adrenaline. I was in overdrive. I wanted to get in one of those cells and make them scream ,so bad.

"Doesn't the contractor get angry if you do that?"

"That's one of the t&c s of the contract itself. If they go against it , I can just kill them."

We reached an inner door. He opened it with another key.

"Who's in there?"

"Our plan."

I got curious.

There was this small cramped box inside the room. It was a claustrophobic environment, worse than the cellar. Only the box was there and a faint cry came from within.

He opened it . A naked man , all covered in blood , fell down. He smelled like shit.

"You didn't let him go to the bathroom."

"He was a feisty one."

"How diabolical.." I laughed . This was amusing.

"Hey , can you talk ? how long have you been there? Hey ...hello , come on I wanna chat with you."

He just groaned in pain.

"He is your first plaything."

I looked at Hades . I was so happy. Now we are talking.

"Your task is to get information. And then control him both mentally and physically. You have two weeks ."

"You are quite demanding." I crouched down in front of the man, all over his skin , the wounds they weren't deep but they were deep enough to cause pain, a constant pain, a pricking sharp pain.

"You must be in agony . Don't worry. I am not as heartless as him."

" yeah you are worse."

"Shut up Hades."

I stood up . Hades then put him back in the box against his faint screams.

"What info do you need?"

"The Nest file."

"What's in it?"

"You will see." As he smirked .


"Yes I am to you."

"Ugh...when do I start?"

"Tomorrow." He said with a grim face.

"Can I ask you something?"


We went back to the cellar. Locking the inner door.

"I'm new , why are entrusting such a serious matter to me?"

"Cause we have been infected..." he said sadly.

"I can't trust any of them."

"Not even the elites?"

"They are good killers not torturers. They will end up killing him."

"Is this related to the hawks?"

We were at the door of the cellar. He locked it.

"Yes, it is. Don't disappoint me."

"I'll try my best."

"You better do." He said that with such darkness in his voice. I knew that if I didn't do it right, he was gonna get bored with me.

"Did you lock Yan here ?"

"Yeah, when Maria died, he threw a fit. I felt disgusted. So I did it."

"You tortured him?"


"Yet he stayed with you?"

"I was like a father to him. Found him when he was ten and Maria was around fifteen."

"And you just killed him?" I laughed out ," you okay daddy?"

He laughed back," come on . Don't say it like that."

Everyone was gone . We were the only ones in the warehouse.

"Where is everyone?"

"Back to their contracts."

"I see."

He looked at the doc's grave for a few moments.

"Come here Autumn."

I went towards him.


He pulled me in a kiss. It was a desperate kiss. He leaned against a wall while pulling me by my waist.

" you are a kinky fucker."

He kissed again , his tongue went deep , he was in a bad mood , I could tell. We grasped for air. Both of us went back at it . Things were getting heated when we heard a cough.

It was one of his men. He was annoyed , really annoyed.

" sir, Seiran is back."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

" call him in."

He looked at me. Damn he wanted to eat me right here. This perverted bastard.

"Take Autumn to her house. Get her everything she needs."

"Yes sir."

He came closer to my ears," see you after college tomorrow."

I was surprised. He cared about my education. He read my mind.

"I don't like illiterates onboard. For me minimal literacy means graduation. So don't slack on that or I'll discipline you."

I sighed," you kinky bastard. Yeah . I will do my studies."

I tugged him in by his tie," before disciplining me, why don't you discipline yourself about what a proper place is for having sex. It's called a bed. Genius." I whispered in his ears . He laughed out.

"You are amusing"

" I prefer sarcastic."

I waved at him and the man opened the door of the car. Now I go back to mundane life for a bit.

"I wonder who Seiran is."


"Aryan , any news?" A woman asked anxiously.

"I'm afraid I don't have any news."

The woman looked worried and tiered .

"Please, save him." She cried out.

Aryan sighed,"I'll try my best."

"He is missing for over a month now."

"I know."

She left with tears in her eyes.

Aryan looked out of his office while lighting his cigarette ...

"Where are you, chief? Not that it matters...more importantly...where are you hiding this time brother?"

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